Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Azoth had heard enough, the girl was save and getting cared for nicely.
He smiled as he walked away, yet then he noticed a young woman walking and waving to the guard he had spoken to 2 second before.
As she walked past him, Azoth stepped into a shadow, using his talent to break the light and making him disappear mostly.
Also he used his talent to enhance his hearing in order to listen to their conversation, almost breaking out laughing when the guard burned his tong, but almost was not enough, he without the laughter and remaind silent and still in the shadow of a pillar.
The girl suddenly started to wake up, tear marks were visible on her cheeks as she lifted her head and watched the wooden thing.
She heard voices, 1 was the nice man, the other was a female she did not recognize.
But it was not the voices that woke her, no it was a sent, the sent of food and she had not eaten since she had woken up in that strange plant like place (forest)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Rand lifted his eyebrows at his sister "Son probably has something planned unless something else distracted him, and you are more than welcome to visit the girl, so go on in." He said opening the door and sticking his head in and seeing the girl was awake "Ahhh, you're awake, what do you think we should do with her Rose?" He walked into the room and stepped off to the side giving room for his sister.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Rose Thorel~

Rose followed her brother into the girls chambers. Yet again, a strange mysterious feeling filled Rose. What was it? She looked at the girl from head to toe. She short and dark brown hair hair.Tears were welled in her eyes which saddened Rose. This poor girl must have been locked in here afraid, confused and alone. Rose pulled out her handkerchief and walked slowly toward the girl, not wanting to frighten her. Delicately she wiped the tears off the girls face. Rose smiled sincerely at her.

"My name is Rose, I'm going to help you." Rose said "Do you know how to speak? It's alright if you can't. Don't be afraid, I promise I won't hurt you.Do you have a name?" Rose heard a grumbling noise coming from the girls stomach.

"Rand? Do you not feed her? She's probably starving." Rose turned her attention to Rand."I brought two portions, just in case you were wanting more." She pulled out a second helping of potato soup. Rose held the bowl and blew on it, hoping to show the girl that it was hot.

"Blow like me.. " She blew on the soup again and motioned with her hands for the girl to do the same. "It's hot, so please be careful." Rose put the soup on the girls lap. Rose also demonstrated how to use the wooden spoon. It wasn't common knowledge how to train an adult how to live, basically, but Rose would try her hardest to help this girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The girl only looked at the woman, not acting afraid or anything.
The woman felt a bit strange, like she was different, but it did not scare her.
As her face was wiped and the woman smiled at her, she smiled back, this seemed like a nice strange woman.

Most of what the woman was speaking sounded like... well sounds basically, trough it slowly was starting to make some sense to her, beginning to pick up the language would begin from here for her.

She watched with keen interest as the woman was blowing on the wooden thing and showed her how to use it.
The girl carefully grabbed the spoon as she was shown, scooped it into the soup and blew on it.
She then looked up to the woman, wondering of she was doing it all correctly and while not breaking eye contact she brought the spoon full of soup to her mouth and put it into her mouth.
It tasted nice at first, then as she swallowed the soup it began tasting wooden as she had not pulled the spoon out of her mouth and had began shewing on it.
Looking down to the soup and then to the woman with a smile while still chewing on the spoon.
Azoth having seen the 2 enter the room wondered about staying and listening or leaving, eventually he decided to leave the castle grounds and go home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aribelle nodded.

"We'll go to my fathers-...my study, where we can be alone and away from all of the commotion of the celebration" she responded to Alex, getting up from her seat. Nodding respectfully to the surrounding guards, she added, "I won't need any further protection for tonight. You've done your jobs well, so you may retire to your quarters or do whatever else catches your fancy, as there's still some fun to be had outside for the festivities."

She highly doubted that a king would try and assassinate a Queen personally and by himself, which would be far too risky and, quite frankly, wouldn't make any sense to her anyways. Maybe some royalty would always insist for there to be guards around but Aribelle was not one of them. It seemed like a waste of time when they could be doing other things. It was a once in a lifetime event, after all, unless she happened to meet her untimely demise sooner rather than later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 14 days ago

Finn laughed at Serena's request. "Of course. In the forest there are some ruins that would be amazing to explore," the elf said, smiling. "We can meet there in the morning. But before we get to excited, we should discuss your sister. I fear that she doesn't realize the danger she could be in. Some of the peasants seem as if they detest her. I think it would do the kingdom good if you kept close to her. I fear that if she is killed relationships between elves and humans will continue to rot, and even worse, our love will never become known," Finn said, a more serious look on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 14 days ago

Finn laughed at Serena's request. "Of course. In the forest there are some ruins that would be amazing to explore," the elf said, smiling. "We can meet there in the morning. But before we get to excited, we should discuss your sister. I fear that she doesn't realize the danger she could be in. Some of the peasants seem as if they detest her. I think it would do the kingdom good if you kept close to her. I fear that if she is killed relationships between elves and humans will continue to rot, and even worse, our love will never become known," Finn said, a more serious look on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex nodded and then he got up and told his men "stay here and if they need help, help them." Alex then followed Aribelle to the study.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Goliath stood and watched over everything that was happening. He was to do his best to protect the queen. He noticed one man getting close and Goliath stood ready without ever showing it. He heard the man congratulate the queen and gave a nod to him. Goliath nodded back unsure of what the gesture truly meant. He figured it was a silent greeting of some sort. Goliath thought things were going well until he heard the queen say she no longer needed protection for the night. He watched as she and some other man left the room. At this point, Goliath had never been more lost than he felt now. He walked out the room and looked around. It was his first day in the castle and he had to have guards escort him to the queen to begin with. He didn't even know if he had a room of any sort or simply a place to sleep. Goliath walked to a window a leaned close to it. He took off his helmet letting his long silver hair free to flow. He looked out the window and just starred. He figured it was better than standing out in the middle of the hall looking like an idiot. "Goliath." He said to himself. "You can serve a dragon with no problem but put me in a place I've never been in before and everything goes bad."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

It seemed like everyone was fairly occupied by their own dealings. The scene with the girl caused quite a stir and Geralt noticed that more than a few people had saw fit to help her. The Queen herself was quite busy, as she had answered him with a simple thanks. He'd hoped for a more detailed conversation but alas, he was merely a Ranger. The big man in tow of Her Majesty looked quite confused after the Queen had dismissed the guards to go about their business. Geralt noted that the visiting King Alex had gone with the Queen to her study, likely to conduct royal business. Normally there would be advisors and other officials present for such dealings but if she desired privacy, privacy is what she got.

He made his way to the window near Goliath. The man as huge to say the least and walked with an air of confidence. He was a warrior, Geralt could see. One not to cross blades with. "So, Goliath is it?" said the Ranger as he leaned on the wall. "My name is Geralt, Queens Ranger."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Rose Thorel~

Rose giggled at the girl.

“You have to fill it up with the soup when it’s all gone, like this.” She gently moved her hand back to the soup. She repeated the process and watched as she ate.

“Do you like it?” She asked. Watching her brought a joy to Rose’s face. Rose could tell she would be close with this girl. She would enjoy teaching her about things she needed to know. Questions were popping in her head. Where did she come from? Did she suffer from memory loss? Rose couldn’t help but think it was more than that. As she was thinking, she realized this girl didn’t have a name. Calling her girl would get tiresome and it was a little rude. Did Rose have a right to name her?

“Can you try and tell me your name? Or what people called you?” Rose hopefully asked. She knew she wouldn’t answer, but Rose was a bit afraid to give her a name.

Princess Serena~

Sounds wonderful Finn!” Serena said with excitement. She could hardly wait. Going places with Finn always made her day, it made her feel alive again. Plus she didn’t have to wear those beautiful dresses and have perfect manners. She could just be herself.

Serena’s face turned serious as Finn talked about her sister. He knew she hated politics but if her sister was in danger. He was right too, their relationship didn’t stand a chance if Aribelle wasn’t queen. Serena had a lot at stake. She took Finn’s hand and looked up at him with her deep blue eyes.

“I’ll talk to her, I promise. Why do the peasants hate her?And who would try to kill Aribelle? You don’t know something, do you Finn?” She moaned and muttered “I hate politics..”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Guardan rode up to the castle just as the peasants were going home his snow white ram standing out as people formed around either side of him like a wave shooting the dwarf looks of hate, one even looked like he was about to stab Guardan with his hunting knife on his belt but the dwarf continued on ignoring the man heading for the gate, when he got there the guards stopped him but all he showed was sealed paper with the dwarf kings seal on it and they let him pass, when cleared through Guardan dismounted and gave the reigns of his ram to a guard and he walked into the castle main hall.

Guardan thought the main hall in the dwarven palace was huge this one had it beat it made the dwarf feel smaller than a mouse, Guardan was confused on where to go but asked a guard where the queen was he didn't say much of anything but "Study." And pointed down the hall towards the study Guardan nodded at the man "You have my thanks." He said walking down the hall to the large wooden door of the study he studied the door for a moment before knocking three times on the door hoping he wasn't interrupting anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It wasn't too far into the discussion at all when an interruption came by way of tapping on the fancy oaken door leading outside, oddly enough coming from a lower height on the door then what the normal person would knock at. A child, perhaps? Would all of these interruptions be what she had to look forward too during her entire life as queen? She had a newfound respect for those who had beared this burden before her.

"Pardon me," she said kindly to Alex, not allowing any irritation to show on her face. What did show was utter bewilderment when she opened the door and came face to face with a dwarf. She froze in place, unsure what exactly was going on here. However, if he was a bad guy then he had excellent manners to have knocked first. Plus he wasn't in any sort of aggressive stance. Perhaps it was wrong to stereotype him for being a dwarf and she should just act naturally; see what he was here for.

"Ah, sir dwarf, I'm Queen Aribelle. And you are?" She questioned him, barely containing her stuttering. This was the first male adult she had come into contact with where she didn't have to look upwards to see eye to eye. Now she was able to look down, so to speak, but only by a little.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Goliath continued to stare out the window stuck in his own thoughts about being lost until he heard his name being said. He turned to see a man who addressed himself as Geralt. Goliath smirked. "You must not know much about us if your approaching me with the profession of ranger. Dragons aren't to found of them." Goliath said. His voice sounded surprisingly smooth and calming for someone his size. "I'm new the queens guard. I'm pretty sure that was made obvious in the other room." He said nudging to the room. "I've never had to protect a human before. I'm use to protecting creatures much bigger than her....or the hallway." Goliath let out a sigh as if he was already running out of things to say. "Dragons aren't the nicest kind of 'royalty' but they treated me like family. I guess it was because it was the only family I really had. I didn't get to spend time with my really family." Goliath then looked at Geralt. "What about you? Your a ranger so I would assume you have quite a bit of stories to tell."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Guardan looked up at the queen and studied her face she looked like a child who was barely off the teet but Guardan digressed, "I am Guardan your majesty 5th child of Thormar Ironhill former king of the dwarves and brother of Lokir Ironhill king of the dwarves i was sent on the behalf of my brother to act as an ambassador between our two peoples." He said giving a deep bow after the greeting.

looking inside he saw the queen was with a guest someone else who was young a prince or a suitor perhaps Guardan stroked his long red beard "Seems i have interrupted you and your guest my apologizes i will take my leave, after i give you this." He handed the queen the sealed message and stood there waiting for her to dismiss him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex nodded. Alex then saw the dwarf and was shocked. Alex then said "oh no our conversation can wait, what do you wish to talk to the queen about."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The girl watched as the woman showed her more on how to eat and began digging into the soup right away afterwards.
She did not reply when she was asked if she liked it, one reason, she did not understand what was asked, an other was that she was busy eating the soup.
When the woman asked her about something called a 'name' she looked the woman in her eyes and tilted her head wondering what the woman was talking about.
While she tilted her head she made a small sound "eh" trough it was muffled as she had the spoon still in her mouth after her last bite
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Rose giggled again, this girl certainly was cute.

"It's all gone, I'm sorry but that's all I have." Rose gently pulled the spoon out of her mouth and picked up the bowl. She put the bowl upside down, indicating it was empty. After putting the bowl and spoon back into her bag, she found a lily, the flower. She had completely forgot that she had picked it earlier this morning. It's scent was wonderful. A thought suddenly occurred to her. She glanced back at the girl. What if..? Rose grabbed the flower and gave it to the girl.

"Lily.. Do you like that? Rose and Lily." Rose giggled and smiled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Rand watched his sister and the girl with a smirk on his face when his sister grabbed a lilly from the bunch of flowers nearby trying to find a name for the girl, "Lilly is a great name, I think." He chuckled.


The dwarf watched the queens expression closely so he could see if he could keep his head or not when her companion gave him permission to speak to the queen the dwarf told her why he was here "My brother wishes to insure peace he is willing to offer some of your land back as long as you pay him i was sent as a broker and a diplomat for the dwarves but you'll pretty much find all of this in the letter." He said to the queen taking a long breath.

"But it's really up to you if you take his deal or not it's pretty outrageous, if you ask me you shouldn't charge someone to give back what you took."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The girl grabbed the flower, looking at it and smiling to the woman before putting it in her mouth, thinking it was food.
"Lily" she said out of nowhere with the flower still in her mouth.
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