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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Siren


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

People avoiding him? It was already a given. However, Son felt something strange... from the corner of his eye, he saw a person... no, not running away from him, rather, he was walking towards him. Imagine that... Someone not running away from him. Son felt this slight obligation to stop and entertain the person... just to see what gave him such courage to interact with a dark adviser. Son stopped, facing the person... waiting for the servant to come closer. All the time, Son was glaring at the man with such evil eyes that Son was quite sure that it would have shaken the man's bladder off.

The servant reached him, and with but a few simple words, Son was informed that King Alex wanted to have an audience with him. How rare. Mostly, these royalties wouldn't even dare have an audience with the adviser... They would just go straight to the Queen. This means that Alex was planning something... he was trying to trap him.

"How lovely." Son smiled coldly as he chuckled. "Tell your majesty that I would be pleased to entertain his request. I shall meet with him personally." Son nodded gently to the servant as he caught a glimpse of Alex, some distances away. Son smiled... If he would have rejected the audience, then suspicions will rise against him... The safest way out of this was to talk to the man personally, and attempt to end the conversation as quickly as possible.

With those thoughts in mind, Son quickly strode over to Alex's side; bowing to the 'king'.

"I heard from one of your servants that you, King Alexander Gildone of Kaer, desired to seek an audience with a lowly official as myself." Son smiled gently as possible as he cleared his throat. "I must say, not many sought an audience with an adviser... most of them would actually wait until the queen herself is available, hence, I am greatly honored at your request." Son continued as he returned Alex's stare back at him. "I must inform you, however, that I may choose to withdraw information if I deem it classified, but rest assured, your majesty, that I will do my best to answer your queries."

Son coughed once more as he sighed. "Now then... How may I help you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Goliath stood up after the Queen had accepted the necklace. He listened to the Queen and followed the her where she went. It was his job to do so and he wasn't told to do anything else. He wasn't sure exactly how to be the guard of a Queen. After all, he had only ever served a dragon. He wasn't sure how much space she would need. She sure was a small woman. Goliath thought she wouldn't need much space. He held that thought when he heard the queen say "cover me". His hand layed on his sword handle and he followed her to check out the commotion. He looked to see a naked girl lying on the floor. Goliath that was the weirdest thing and he immediately looked away. He had no idea why a naked woman was lying there but he knew it wasn't his place to ask. He heard to queen talk about her hunger and so Goliath knew where he would be next. He continued to follow behind her like a giant watchman. His eyes fixed upon everything in the room to ensure nothing would threaten her safety. "Si zklaen troth jacioniv mrith sia tobor." He mumbled to himself. He spoke a different language when he figured others would ease drop.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex smiled and said "I only have one query." Alex then looked Son right in the eyes and said "That you might aid the queen with the deal that we are going to make" Alex then gave a sly smile and said "after all the trade deal between the two kingdoms will aid your kind" Alex then said "I will now let you get back to your business" Alex then walked back over to his men who were standing around a old women. "I hope what you said was true about him" Alex said The old women took a sip of her tea and said "I can tell the difference between them from a mile away, trust me" Alex said "well hopefully the deal goes through, your kind will be a valuable asset to the war with the dwarves."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

After Rand picked the girl up she made her first sound a yelp "Well, you do have a voice then that means your teachable, I think starting tomorrow I will teach you common and how to read and write, maybe even the sword." He smiled "I feel like a scholar now, but I must find the queen to see where she can put you." he said walking off to find the queen and it didn't take long "M'lady I know you entrusted this person in my care but where am I going to put her, she needs to sleep and she needs somewhere to eat and I know this is a minor problem but it's a new experience to me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Rose Thorel~

Rose was serving drinks when her brother came in with the girl before. Rose could feel the same strange feeling again. Why did her brother bring her in the middle of a royal dinner? She shook her head silently. Why did the queen want her brother to take care of the strange girl anyway? She watched carefully as Rand spoke with the queen. Questions about the girl kept popping in her head. Maybe Rose would get a premonition tonight in her sleep, hopefully anyway. Her premonitions seemed to never come when she wanted them to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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"Yes please," Aribelle responded to Son's question. No sense allowing a bunch of random people in the room while she was enjoying her feast. For one thing it could make it all the more likely that someone would poison the food. Even in her naivety she knew that much. She felt like she could trust Alex, though, if he wanted to have the meeting inside.

Before she could reach the room, and it was so close now too, she was in fact interrupted again, but it was a familiar face. She couldn't turn down his question. After all, she had been the one to assign a random task to him just a moment ago. Of course he might have some questions for her.

"Some of my maids will certainly be willing to help you out in this endeaver to be sure. Hmm...as for where, they can probably find a spare room for you, but actually, my old room is now vacant, as I have moved on to the royal chambers starting tonight. That's convenient because my old room is very close to my new one. You can fulfill your guard duties for both her and me simultaneously! That is, of course, if this new assignment isn't too much for you. I know I shoved it on you out of the blue and all..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

(On my phone
sorry for the short and weak post)

The girl looked around every place the nice man was carrying her trough, taking in all the pretty and impressive stuff.
the final room they entered was large and truly a sight for the young girl.
Then however she heard a voice she had heard before.
Looking to the beautiful girl from before she was once again mesmerized.
Slowly she reached out her arm, not being in reach of the beautiful girl but still trying to touch the girls face as a child trying to touch a shiny object or a face of a loved one.
the beautiful girl had something she liked so much thay she felt like she had to touch her, even if its just a little
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Rand looked at the new queen "No M'lady this assignment is perfect, I'm thinking of training her to be my squire an impressionable mind is likely to be used in politics..." He told the queen flatly carrying the girl off to her new room and setting her down on her new bed "I'll see you in the morning where i will try to teach you how to walk and talk" He told her and walked out of the room closing the door behind him and standing alert like a Terracotta Soldier hand on the hilt of his blade eyes squinted to watch for danger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Geralt swirled his mug around leisurely in his hand and took a swig every so often as he watched the goings on around the room. So far nothing had happened that would cause him to act so he was content to observe. The majority of the castle staff knew him and gave him a wide berth. Of course the royal family knew him as well, he'd been close friends with the late King and they would oft see him in the palace. As far as the Ranger was concerned, the royal siblings held no ill thoughts for him but it hardly mattered. His bow was for the Queen and he answered to non other.

This Goliath character, Geralt noted, seemed to fit well into his body guard roll. His first impression was that the large mans pledge of loyalty was genuine and that he had good intentions... But the road to hells was paved with good intentions and so Geralt would keep an eye on the man as he did everyone in the castle. King Wildred had always told him "Geralt, you're too damned paranoid. There -are- good people in the world y'know" And Geralt would usually shrug the comment away with a slight smile. He wore that smile now as he recalled his dear friend.

The Ranger shook his head as if to shake the nostalgia away and return to the present. He downed the contents of his mug and put it down on the table before making his way to the Queen. He bowed his head in respect. "Your grace. Congratulations on your coronation. Your father was a great man and a great King. I know that you'll follow in his footsteps and become an even greater Queen." Geralt nodded to Goliath in a silent greeting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Rose Thorel~

Rose watched the queen with a genuine smile as she worked. At times like these Rose wished she had a higher status so she could congratulate Aribelle without it being improper. However, being the queen's servant, no one would ever notice her. That was something she desperately needed. Her magic was a secret and she'd like to keep it that way. Protecting the queen from the sidelines was something she just had to do.

Her thoughts kept drifting to the girl from earlier. The girl certainly was interesting. Rose hoped she would be able to talk to her later on. Rand, being in charge of the girl, would hopefully her. They were siblings after all. Maybe Rose could even help the girl. Rand certainly couldn't do everything himself, he was a man. She snapped out of her thoughts and got back to work. It would be entirely embarrassing for her to make a mistake, especially tonight.

Princess Serena~

Serena ate her dinner quietly. Her eyes watched everything that was happening but her lips stayed sealed. This was her sister's job now and Serena didn't want to ruin it. She played with her food for awhile. Every now and then she made eye contact with Finn, the Elf prince. Events like these seemed to last forever. A never ending circle. She sighed. Why did things have to be so complicated? She shook her head slightly and took a sip of her glass. At least the food was delicious, she thought to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Member Seen 14 days ago

Finn ate his dinner and conversed with some of the other royals that were around him. He kept stealing glances at Princess Serena, hopefully no one noticed. He wasn't too positive what had happened outside of the dining hall but it seemed as if the Queen had handled it well. He knew that she would be in danger. How much he wasn't sure but he would have to keep a close eye on her. If she died, her successor might not be so keen on accepting the Elves help, which would bring his people and Serena's closer. Maybe he could talk to Serena about it after the dinner if they got the chance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex was eating food at the table with the other royals. Alex noticed the Elf King sitting across the table from him. Alex noticed that the King kept looking up at someone. Alex kept trying to follow the King's eyes and then finally Alex saw that the Elf King was looking at Princess Serena. Alex was surprised and just smiled to himself as he kept eating.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The girl had once again kept on looking around while she was being carried, then the man brought her to some large, but smaller space then all she had seen till now.
Suddenly she was placed on a large soft fluffy thing (a bed).
The nice man started to walk away and closed the door.
All the while she looked the man with a sad face, not wanting him to leave.
As the door closed she wanted to crawl towards the wooden thing that closed the space off, but did not dare to get of the fluffy thing, fearing she would fall flat on her face.
From this point on, feeling locked up like a caged animal and abandoned she started to sob softly while digging her face into a white fluffy thing that was on the large fluffy thing (a pillow) until she fell asleep...
Azoth, being bored of the dull party, had started wandering trough the castle, either those inside, including the guests, had gotten permission to roam the halls freely, or there was some kind of security break, since the girl had entered the building somehow and he was walking trough the halls freely with no guards stopping him.
Eventually he came into a hallway where there really was a guard standing between 2 doors.
He recognized the man from before where he helped the poor girl.
As he had seen girls in similar misery he wanted to know what they had done to her.
"What happened with the girl?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Aribelle was about to pull back as the girl went out to stroke her face, but she decided not to, sensing no malicious intent in her actions. The guards appeared to be on edge at this interaction, but did nothing other than grip their weapons more tightly and watch with nervous apprehension. The girl was then taken to her quarters and Aribelle was able to at last make it into the dinning hall. She'd want to see more of that girl later on, but for right now all she wanted to see was those delicious sweat rolls.

"Thank you," she said to the ranger, sitting down in her seat at the front of the table. Without further adieu she dug into her meal with great gusto, not caring how she was viewed by others. She was used to good meals so this wasn't overly special other than the fact that it was so long awaited and a part of a special ceremony. As the meal was drawing to a close, some were beginning to leave to carry out whatever plans they had in store for the rest of the day, leaving the table more and more bare both of people and the large quantities of food that was slowly dwindling down to table scraps. Aribelle made sure to help eat a lot of the leftovers, snatching hold of anything that caught her interest.

At this point she would normally have preferred to go to her room and relax, but now she had work to do. She turned to Alex, making sure to chew whatever was in her mouth before speaking.

"So, it seems like you'd like to extend your hand in an alliance between our two kingdoms in order to combat the dwarven forces?" She questioned, which was more just to bring up the subject.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Rand looked at the strange man "I had her bathed, clothed and put her to bed." He said looking at the man and feeling uneasy he gripped the hilt of his blade even tighter but showed absolutely no emotion "That's as much as i can tell you." He told the man flatly and peeked down both ends of the hallway before resuming his statue like stance his face blank like a mask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Princess Serena~
Serena rose from her seat and curtsied, dismissing herself from dinner. She made her way to her bedroom but sidetracked to the castle's garden, hoping Finn would soon follow. The garden was one of Serena's favorite places in the whole caslte. A lovely fountain sat in the middle with thousands of beautiful flowers surrounding it. Her eyes closed as she smelled the delicious scent of the flowers. Her favorite flower was the white rose, and at her request the garden had several in a small area filled with them nearby the bench. She sat down and leaned her head back, enjoying the garden and waiting for her special Elf prince.

Rose Thorel~

Rose finished her job and left for home. She wondered if her brother was still on duty. Knowing how dedicated he was, Rand was probably still watching the girl. Rose sighed but her lips smiled. Rand's dedication made Rose proud to be his sister. Rose wondered if Rand had dinner yet. She began making dinner for him. Their house wasn't exactly big, but it wasn't small either. It had everything they needed and was cozy too. After finishing cooking potato soup, she wrapped it up and started back toward the castle. She waved at a few friends returning from their own feast as she walked. Rose guessed that the girl would be placed in a room at the castle and headed toward them. Quickly she found her brother and waved.

"Hi Rand, how is work? I brought you something." She smiled and handed him the dinner she had prepared. "How is the girl?" she asked curiously "Umm.. Do you need any help with her?" Rose had to admit, she didn't just come here to feed her brother. She wanted to know about this girl and who she was. Hopefully her brother would help her, even if he didn't realize what she was up to. Well, Rose didn't even know herself why she was so curious about this girl. It was just whenever she saw her, this cold feeling filled her up. This was something Rose just needed to figure out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Rand looked at his sister and for the first time all day relaxed he lowered his hands to his side and smiled "Well yes, I could use some help with her shes like a babe doesn't know anything about the world, i plan on taking her in as my squire though and teaching her as much as i can about honor, before that adviser sees an opportunity." Rand told his sister "Ooo is that food?" He asked taking a massive spoonful of the soup "Hot,hot,hot." He laughed and looked at his sister still grinning like a fool.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex turned to the Queen and said "well a alliance would benefit both our kingdoms greatly, not just in the war but in trade as well." Alex then smiled and said "After all your kingdom is between us and the biggest port village in the land" Alex's smile then disappeared as he said "though there is another matter that I wish to speak to you about when we have some privacy." Alex had the plan in the back of his head, he needed to get those magic users out of that small village and into the kingdom to help in the war, the only problem, they are in the Queens Kingdom but they swear loyalty to Kaer, which makes them traitors to the Queen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Member Seen 14 days ago

Finn noticed Serena leave the dining hall and he quickly excused himself. He followed her to the garden where he saw her admire the white roses that she adored. When she took a seat on the stone bench he ran up and picked her up, tossing her in the air before catching her again. He smiled a roguish smile before kissing her hand. Seeing Serena always brought a smile to his face and oftentimes he would lose track of time with her. "It's nice to see you again. Did you enjoy the feast my love?" Finn asked, smiling at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Princess Serena~

Serena broke into bits of giggles as Finn tossed her into the air. Her cheeks blushed when the elf prince kissed her hand. Spending time with Finn was wonderful, she thought smiling.

"It would of been better if I was able to spend it with you." She wrapped her arms around his neck "Can we go out tomorrow? Just the two of us. Somewhere adventurous." She pushed herself out of his arms and let out a giggle. Serena started skipping playfully through the garden.

Rose Thorel~

Rose was a little troubled by what Rand said. "What does that adviser have to do with her? The queen put you in charge of her." After getting a creepy premonition about the adviser, she never trusted him. The vision didn't tell her really anything about him though. It was Son laughing maliciously, everything around him was dark. It gave her the chills just thinking about it. Rose has made sure to keep eye on him ever since.

"Anyway, the girl, don't you think she just needs some love? I mean she is a girl after all. She needs to learn how to dress herself of course, her manners, and much more. I don't mean to insult you, but I believe that it's more important for to learn how to be a girl before even thinking about armor. I would be glad to help. Is she sleeping? Can I see her?" Rose asked with a concern look. She was really worried about the girl. Anything Rose could do to help, she would.
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