I want to also jump in but not know how to swim and while you guys have a moment I just sort of have a freak out
Lien said
Does your character swim? Please tell me no! I want a saving moment to happen so bad XD
VKAllen said
VKAllen said
It's not THAT deep dude. Lol.
manapool1 said
the truth is neil
manapool1 said
I like him.... maybe to much
VKAllen said
Alright guys, I'd like you guys to not post any further after the reply count on the IC is 40, understood? Wait until more people are here.
Nuttynad said
Haha nope she doesnt swim. Can I request that she likes to bring in whatever she bakes to class? :D Oh and also my timezone have a huge gap from you guys cause im from Singapore and its UTC+08:00 . I went to read the whole OOC chat, damn it was long XD oh and my japanese name is this: 中村 Nakamura (center of the village) 弓美 Yumi (beautiful bow, as in bow and arrow)
Shadowcatcher said
am i allowed to post?