Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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1st Era- Chapter 1: The Scream of Adventure

Current date, Year 850 of the Rising Dawn Age, 3rd Cycle, 12th Day. Currently it being 1500 years since the dawn of Galmin civilization, 650 years since the ending of what scholars call the Archaic Age, when Galmin kind was much more primitive back then. Civilization through the past 850 years has been on a very slow rise though, being achieved in a few places in terms of a 'proper' civilization. The land of Ithelia is not without danger though, and it is these dangers that have slowed Galmin rise. Strong beasts, strange mystical creatures, and other mysterious entities roaming and hiding in these lands have made this rise slow, but perhaps that may change soon enough.

At night though, while the three moons of Ithelia were in the sky, the Greater Moon being full this night, and it would remain so for a few days, while the two lesser moons were in the opposite stages of waxing and waning, in a small, somewhat known, but also not really, village of Calgeth located on the upper part of the peninsula known as Gallastre a scream was heard. Like the wind though it was brief and passed as quickly as it came, returning the night to its former silence. This cry did not go unheard though, the small guard of the village was roused. A small house, near the outskirts. A farm house to be exact seemed undisturbed, but was now gathering these guards as if its new emptiness was like flame to wisp moths.

"The fourth one this Cycle sir..." A rookie guard garbed in leather armor had been nearby, spear clenched tightly in his hand, its haft bearing the anger of the rookie guard as the grip around it grew tighter. His somewhat young face displayed both his inexperience and his determination.

"Damn... this has gone on for far too long. I don't care what the chief says, gather all of the coin you can. I am sure that there are many who want to see these people return, and those willing to throw their lives away always come running to the sound of coin." A man, twice the age of the guard, scratched his beard in slight frustration, his rough and calloused hands and face displaying his experience that came with many years of being captain of the village's small guard.
That event took place three nights ago. Perhaps you came on these rumors of coin to be had for finding out the source of these disappearances that came from nearby villages? Or perhaps you are just traveling through, unaware of these events. Still, you have arrived in the small village of Calgeth. Unlike some of the other more barbaric villages, this one seems to have a bit of order to it. A small guard, yet they seemed to have some slightly decent armor, all of them carrying both a spear and some other small weapon or shield. There were a few shops and stores at the village's small market, including the several traveling merchants that have been here for a few days.

Despite the events of the night before, things seemed a little lively. It was most likely due to the Three Moons Festival that is often tradition here that many have been talking about. One of the more popular places to visit though, aside from small and somewhat lively market, the smithy, and the somewhat larger house of the chieftain, was a somewhat decent looking tavern known as The Sleeping Hilk. Taverns were known as a place to find out rumors, some people jokingly calling these innkeepers more well informed than even the most traveled of scalds. Of course, there were other things to do in the small village of Calgeth as well, or maybe you are just passing through, heading to other places?

Still, a few travelers either arrived on this day, or were already staying here. Would the destinies of this few intertwine? Or would their paths remain uncrossed? Only time could tell where their journeys would take them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Fiore, sitting on Odysseus' back, trotted down one of the busy streets of Calgeth, looking around as the villagers got to work while the kids ran around in the village, having fun, making the most out of their time. Fiore was dead set on arriving at the village's tavern, where he would be able to buy a drink and pick up on some jobs, or better yet, rumors on the village.

"So, Odysseus, how do you like the village so far?" Fiore asked as he patted the horse on the head, stroking back its long and unkempt mane. "Seems lovely here, doesn't it?" Odysseus snorted instantly as he heard Fiore saying that, giving no hesitation. "Now now, Odysseus, just because it's not as fancy as the other villages doesn't mean you can just make fun of it. Besides, we've only stopped by two villages so far, and they were spanning quite the miles apart."

Fiore, after arriving at the The Sleeping Hilk, got off of Odysseus and tied him to a hitching post. "Wish me luck, Odysseus," Fiore then walked over to the entrance of the tavern and heaved a heavy sigh before entering. The tavern, lively as ever, didn't take any notice of Fiore as he walked towards one of the rare and empty tables, sitting down as he got there. Fiore stayed silent, trying to listen on to the other people in the tavern, trying to hear some kind of job offer, or some rumors at the very least.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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The tavern was bustling. There was a decent Scald playing on a lute in the corner, eliciting a few cheers and some tossed Talms and even an iL here and there to his feet. The man was no master, but he was a pretty good performer. The mood was jovial. A few tavern wenches moving about, delivering drinks here and there, or even meals of meat or bread to people at tables. As Ryu listened...
Ryu Observation: 10
He wouldn't really hear anything special. The tavern was loud and people were mostly talking about the festival or other various things. No rumors or anything special that Ryu was listening for specifically stuck out to Ryu's ears. As he sat there though, listening on other the other conversations that bustled about the tavern a voice called out to him as one of the tavern wenches, although calling them that probably wasn't a good idea if one didn't want to come across as rude, but everyone has their preferences of what may or may not offend them, had walked up to his table.

"Hello there stranger, you don't look like you're from around here. Anything to eat or drink for you today?" She had a somewhat sweet, yet also sultry voice as she spoke to him, the wench seeming somewhat attractive.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Fiore looked up, pausing his small objective of trying to find some valuable piece of information that would give him something to do, and saw a young woman asking Fiore if he would like to eat or drink something. Fiore stared at the woman, she looked lovely, but that wasn't it. Fiore was assessing her to see if she would be a threat to him, something he did for everyone. After a few seconds, Fiore calmed down, realizing that the woman was just trying to take his order.

"Water," Fiore said, hesitating for a few more seconds before confidently nodding. "Water would be nice." Fiore then looked away from the woman and turned his eyes to the tavern.

It's too noisy in here... Fiore thought as he looked around the tavern. Wouldn't be able to find any piece of information here, at least, not until the noise settles down...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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"Sure. Water is free here, ill be right back with it." The woman left, leaving Ryu to his own devices for a bit. The noise of the tavern continued for a little while until the tavern wench returned, brushing a bit of her long brown hair from her face as she came with a single bronze flagon in her hand. She gave Ryu a small smile, placing the flagon upon the table before him, it filled with what Ryu ordered, water. "We don't get too many water drinking types around here, yet you don't seem the water drinking type. What brings you around here traveler?" She seemed to eye the rapier he carried for a moment with curiosity.

There were plenty of people who carried weapons on them. Long swords, clubs, spears, or other such things. Very few carried nice and strange looking weapons like a rapier. "You here for Calgeth's Three Moon Festival, or are you just passing by? Heading to a different village to see their Three Moon Festival or are you just traveling for the sake of traveling?" She was making idle small talk with him, as tavern waitresses usually did with the more fascinating travelers, and this one seemed fascinating enough to her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

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Lyrisa sat on a bench in the more secluded part of town. The time her mentor had found laid open on her lap. It was now her life goal to produce whatever the contents of this book said could be done. "Constructs, huh?" The girl said as she looked through the pages of the tome of ancient knowledge. For now, she needed to find the things apparently necessary. . . But for the moment, she needed food and water a bit more. She didn't want to touch her rations for the trip so she decided to go to someplace with food.

She walked onto one of the more crowded streets and found a tavern. Hopefully it had food. Inside was rambunctious for sure. She found there were no empty tables and decided that of all the idiots in the place, there seemed to be one person who was relatively calm. He also seems to carry around a rapier which seemed to be about as odd a weapon in this place as hers. She took a seat at his table as he talked to the waitress. She didn't hear exactly what the waitress was saying though, "A water for now please." Lyrisa said to the waitress.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Fiore eyed the girl once more. She seemed too nosy, as if she wanted to know every single aspect of what Fiore was doing. Of course, this was not the case, but it was always good to be careful. Fiore then looked down at the flagon of water. It didn't look like weird, didn't look poisoned, in fact, it looked... normal. Fiore picked up the flagon of water by the handle and raised it up, taking in a big, heavy gulp before setting it down.

Idiot! The voice inside FIore's head shouted out.That water could very well be poisoned, do you want us to die? Huh? Fiore stayed quiet through his entire rant, handling it perfectly, in fact, a bit too perfectly. Fiore considered this voice a burden that he had to carry for not being there to save his village from utter annihilation. Ignoring me? You know that simply won't work, I will always be here inside of your head, always. You can't get rid of me, you can't, you know that, do you not?

"I'm just passing by, that's all," Fiore said, cold and distant. Then, as Fiore moved his hand just a few inches, Fiore noticed a girl who was sitting down at the same table as he is.

Oh, she looks nice, Fiore was surprised at this statement, normally the voice inside of his head would be insulting him, yelling at him, but this was a compliment. Are you going to kill her? You know, just like the time you killed that poor bastard?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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"Ah, well I hope you have safe travels kind sir, especially with all that's been going on as of late." She gave a smile, then saw the other girl come and sit at the table that Fiore was at, hearing her request for a water, which she paid attention to as she was about to speak about something else, but was going to do her job. "Of course, i'll be right back." The wench left, and then returned about a couple of minutes later with a flagon of water, looking at the younger patron at the table, handing her the flagon. "So are you traveling with your parents, you don't look to be from around these parts and are too young to be traveling alone. You here for the Three Moon Festival or are you just passing through?"

She was indeed correct, a girl as young looking as Lyrisa, even if she was around her late teens, traveling alone was incredibly unheard of. She didn't seem to recognize the robes that Lyrisa was wearing either, robes that didn't make her seem the traveling alone type.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

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"I'll have you know, I'm perfectly capable of traveling by myself." Lyrisa said to the wench. Her age was a delicate issue for her. If it wasn't one thing, it was another about her age. A frown outlined her mouth as her eyes held a hint of anger in them before it was seemingly doused and she continued. "My parents are dead anyway. I don't think I'd have much luck or love traveling with them." She took a drink of the water in front of her and put it back down. When she revealed her parents current status there was little emotion in her voice. She didn't really care for them. Not after leaving her so early in life. "I'm just running a task for someone now. Is that enough, little miss nosy?" Lyrisa asked the wench curtly. "Or do you want to hear my entire life story?" The sound of sarcasm hang heavily in her voice.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Fiore eyed the girl from across the table, staring at her, trying to assess her, trying to find out if she would be a threat. There was no emotion in her voice that indicated sadness, all there was was anger, but Fiore couldn't tell who that anger was directed too. Was it towards her parents? Or perhaps towards the tavern "wench," which was just a nice woman doing her job, albeit being nosy. Fiore continued to eye the girl, even while taking a sip from his flagon.

Staring at her, huh? Fiore's other consciousness asked. She's just a little girl, I'm guessing around the ages of... Thirteen? Fourteen? This is taboo, you know... of course, you are the man who failed to save his village, failed to find out about his parents, and the one who "accidentally" killed a man, it's like you have no boundaries!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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The tavern wench was a bit taken aback when the girl suddenly began to say some very rude, and if not sad, things, the sound of apathy towards her own dead parents also a bit surprising. The story sounded completely unbelievable. Traveling the wilds of Ithelia at that age? Unplausible, not with all of the strange monsters or bandits wandering about. Still, the wench wasn't going to get angry. It wasn't dignified to get angry at patrons or people younger than her, her tone taking on a slight bit of a scolding nature. "Now now, no need to go making up stories, no matter what you may be feelin' about your parents at this age, its a bit wrong to say things like that. Also with everything that has been going on around these parts what with the..."

Her tone dropped for a few moments, growing much more quieter as her eyes averted to the side a few moments, as if she didn't really want to say this. "Missing people... as of late, I doubt a young one like yourself could survive out there all alone. Anyway, you should get back to your parents soon, I bet they must be worried about you." After that the wench left the table, leaving her and Fiore to their own devices as she had other patrons to go serve and other duties to take care of, as the tavern was very busy after all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

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Lyrisa attempted to hold in her anger, but it burst out slightly as the waitress left, "Damnit! What's so unimaginable about a seventeen year old traveling on her own huh!?" Her fists slammed into the table rather hard. Enough to make her wince and lay her head down on the table, wrapping her hands up in her robe in an attempt to stop the pain. It passed relatively quickly. "That smarts. . ." At this point she was aware of the stares of all the idiots in the tavern. "Idiots. . ." She mumbled as she had her head on the table. After recovering she looked up at the man she shared the table with. She couldn't help but notice that he's staring at her. . . Still. "You got a problem with me, pal?" She added extra emphasis on the last word. She didn't have a single sarcastic bone in her body. . . More like seven or eight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

What an adorable little kid... Fiore's consciousness said in a likewise adorable tone. Fiore raised his eyebrow, as if he was saying, "Really now?" Of course, this was directed towards Fiore's consciousness, not towards the angry girl, but this couldn't be helped. I can't wait to crush her, just like how you crushed that poor and innocent man! Fiore, after finishing his assessment of the girl, he finally came up to a conclusion: "this child is of no harm too me."

I should leave, best not to cause a racket... Fiore thought in his head. Fiore moved his eye from one corner of his socket to the other, realizing that the people nearest to them focused their attention on them. Fiore pulled out two iL coins from his pocket and placed it on the table.

"For the nice woman who took my order," Fiore said as he stood up. Before walking away and out of the tavern, however, Fiore glared once more at the small girl, giving one final assessment, just to truly make sure she was of no harm.

She's small, Fiore thought as he looked up and down at the girl. Doesn't look older than say fourteen, looks like she wouldn't be able to harm a flea, although that's difficult to say due to her attitude... it's likely she's of no harm, I think she just wants some attention.

Seriously, I would call the guards on your stupid ass if they knew you were fantasizing over some little girl, hell, I'm amazed you were allowed to live after killing that poor and innocent man!

Fiore, finishing his assessment, heaved one heavy sigh before raising out his hand towards the girl... and promptly putting it on her head, rubbing her head back and forth, patting her on the head as if she was a mere harmless animal. "There, there, all you wanted was some attention, I understand," Fiore said. Fiore then retracted his hand and calmly walked outside the tavern, oblivious to the fact that he did was very wrong.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

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Lyrisa was quaking at this point. Attention? Who wanted attention? IF she wanted attention, she would have done something completely different with her life. . . Like being a dancer. The robes she wore were seemingly useless in this backwards town and for the most part didn't seem to give her the respect she deserves. Especially not this bullshit that just happened ending with her head being petted like some. . . Some pet. Before she even had time to respond the man was out the door. There wasn't much to do then. No point in getting angry and yelling at him, when he isn't even there. "Now I've lost my appetite." She said as she stood up herself and walked out. The waitress from earlier insulted her enough anyway and there was no need to stay at a place like this where it would happen again.

Outside she found, was a bit nicer than the tavern. At least it had the sun out. There was also the man with the rapier amongst the crowd. Irritated still, she moved towards him and said, "Hey, you bastard, what makes you think you can touch me so freely?" Her arms were crossed and her face didn't look exactly friendly. . . So nothing really new. "I'm not some little animal you can just fawn over you know. Oh, and for your information, if I WANTED attention, I'd have a very different way of going about it."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oh, how so?" Fiore asked as he stopped, standing completely still, not moving a muscle, not even bothering to turn around to address the child.

Go ahead, Fiore's consciousness said with a firm and angry tone.

"Go ahead" what? What do you expect me to do? Punt her? She is a child, a noisy child, but a child nonetheless, Fiore retaliated with sharp words, a thing he has rarely done ever since he was a child.

It's because she's a child that I want you to kill her, mercilessly, Fiore's consciousness, while cruel and brutal, was right in his own sense. The girl was nothing more than an attention grabbing girl who would likely do nothing more than to follow and harass Fiore, something that Fiore's other consciousness already did - and Odysseus at times.

And than it him him like a slab of hard and dry dirt speeding towards his face, which happened to Fiore once as a child, but that's a flashback for another day.

"I forgot Odysseus..." Fiore silently mumbled under his own breath.

... You forgot Odysseus... Fiore's consciouness repeated. It was at that exact time that Fiore's mind went into a state of mass chaos and panic. Fiore spun around on his heel and faced the girl, and then he realized something else: in his near five minutes of staying silent, he also forgot about the little girl.

"Listen kid, you want attention?" Fiore said, shivering and panicking, thinking of Odysseus, worrying about Odysseus. "Okay, here goes, you are prettier than that wench, okay? Happy now? What else do you want, a pat on the head? Okay, fine, I have to run now, bye!" Fiore then patted the girl on the head once more and took off running towards the tavern, meanwhile yelling out, "OOOOODYSSSSSSEEEEUUUSSSS!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Fiore Concentration: 14 + 2 = 16
People just ignored the arguing pair. There was alot of festival preparation going on, so people just ignored the pair. Some may have assumed them to be an arguing father and daughter, others maybe a brother and sister. Either way, no one really cared. Things were busy and bustling, despite how small the village was, it was still a busy one. Odysseus was there beside the tavern where Firoe had left him tied, as there was a spot for people to tie up their hoses beside the tavern if they were just stopping in for a spell instead of staying for the night, that was what stables were for.

So luckily for Fiore, before his mind could further... descend into panic and madness, the panic and madness were staved off. Maybe it was thanks to Fiore seeing his horse. Whatever the reason was, Fiore's mind would quickly ascend from panic just as quickly as it had begun to descend into it, his... loud shouting... also attracting little to no attention except maybe a stare or two from either a passing villager or guard. And speaking of guards, there was one that seemed to be waiting near Fiore's horse, leaning on the wall nearby.

"Its not every day you see a man with a weapon as strange looking as that one." The guard was referencing the Rapier on Fiore's hip. "You don't look like you're around from these parts either, nor do you act like it. Given those qualities, how would you like the chance to... earn some coin using that sword". The guard stood up straight now, looking at Fiore, awaiting a response now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Kill him, Fiore's other consciousness said in Fiore's head without any sort of hesitation what so ever in such a blunt tone that you wouldn't even believe he was talking to you. Of course, Fiore's consciousness was like this every single day, so this was common practice for Fiore to hear this, and the fact that no one else could hear it except for Fiore himself was all the better. Fiore stared at the guard, scanning him with his eyes, moving his eyes up and down from his head to toe.

Normal guard, Fiore thought, but hesitated to continue on. I think... not sure, he doesn't look particularly trained, nor is he likely a master at any sorts of thing... and he's offering iL, something I'm a bit low on, wouldn't you agree?

No, screw you, I say you kill him and take all the coins, bronze, silver, gold, whatever! Just kill him and take it, you'll be making a lot more than what he would be paying you, Fiore looked troubled, was this really a normal guard? Or was this guard crafty and dangerous? That was something Fiore could not answer for himself, an assessment from an image wouldn't reveal a whole lot.

Alright, Fiore finally thought after a few seconds, finishing his assessment. He is of not trouble, and I can easily rid of him if I needed too.

Oh? What makes you say that? Guards may not be particularly skilled, but in numbers, they'll easily beat you, you know that, right? Or are you still the stupid idiot I remember just a few minutes ago? Perhaps the latter... no, I'm kidding myself, honestly. It's the latter.

"How much coin are we talking about?" Fiore said without any hesitation, sounding interesting, even though he was really just trying to draw out more details from the guard through his reaction.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

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After all his quick talking, the man patted her on the head again and ran off. "You insufferable piece of. . ." Lyrisa started before tripping over her own robes. She moved her leg a little too high and fell when it came down and caught her robes. Upon her recovery she lost sight of him and decided not to chase anymore. "That bastard isn't even worth it anyway." She said as she stood up. Her appetite now gone, she decided that she might as well walk through town. She had yet to figure out what it was she needed exactly, or where to find it. When she left Ulrich he was too sick to tell her exactly where he found the tome or anything else.

She found herself in the back alley she started in. It was lit with the sun but hardly anyone used it probably of the preparing for the festivities. Lyrisa took her seat back and pulled out the tome again in attempt to see if she could discern any one thing she was looking for or more importantly where to find or make it. "Alright, lets see if this book feels like talking to me."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Keia Vewyx
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Keia Vewyx

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No response.

“Hmm, what about Tora?”

No response.

“You must want something strong and dependable. I see. Then, how about... Magnhildr!”

A dismissive snort.

“Oh, then-”


Leifr broke from his thoughts about naming his warhorse. While this village of Calgeth was quite busy in preparation for the oncoming festival, Leifr didn't think that someone would be so troubled in broad daylight. And it wasn't a shout of warning or joy for this Odysseus person, but a cry for help! It sounded like either the man shouting or this Odysseus person were in trouble, or maybe they were trying to start trouble! Leifr was just about to snap the reigns and charge ahead when the bright, large, curious eyes of a little boy directly in front of his steed reminded Leifr that he was currently in the middle of a town that was busy preparing for festivals. A war horse charging full speed through the streets was probably more dangerous than any barfight or daylight trouble that Odysseus and his company were most likely having.

Pray, forgive me Sir Odysseus! Leifr thought in disappointment as he maneuvered his steed around the child and and headed (albeit slowly) towards the origin of the cry: the tavern. Though I am in the same village during your time of need, his thoughts continued, I am unable to reach you with my full determination. I pray for you: hold out until the guards arrive, Sir Odysseus!

Leifr clasped his hands together and closed his eyes tightly, mentally begging this “Sir Odysseus” for forgiveness. Right now, Leifr had another thing on his mind: the curious and suspicious stares of the townsfolk and especially the curious children that who were fascinated by such a well-trained and dignified steed such as his. He would probably be faster just walking on foot and leading the horse than trying to maneuver it around the rushing townsfolk in the streets from horseback.

As he dismounted, in an attempt to pacify the onlookers he made a slight bow towards the townfolks and apologized for any trouble he caused, and though his attempt was met with giggles and confusion it seemed to work for the most part. As for the children, well, he just smiled at them and waved. The effect was opposite of what he wanted, because apparently that meant he gave his consent to have the children flock towards him and start petting and touching the warhorse and pulling at his clothes. The laughing wives at the side of the rode saved him after a few minutes of this treatment and bid him a good day.

Leifr thought that they were all acting strange because they knew he was a noble, but a dirty young boy wandered over to him and shattered his mental image with a single question:

“Mister, are you rich?”

The mother hurried over with a beet red face and dragged the child off, but Leifr was thankful for the kid for making him realize the situation. It wasn't his nobility or noble outfit that earned him this attention. It wasn't his kindness or even his cursed blade. It was his money. It made sense when Leifr imagined himself from the view of a commoner: instead of enjoying himself at a lavish festival in a place like Gallas Tildein, a wealthy outsider in expensive armor riding an expensive horse for some unexplained reason is here in a usually quiet town. Usually. In fact it was a certain rumor about this town that lured Leifr here in the first place.

Though now that he was here, Leifr didn't really know what to do. Should he talk to the guards? Go to the tavern? And since it was only a rumor, was it even real? Speaking of which, where did that rumor come from? Leifr was definitely still inexperienced when it came to adventuring, but he decided to head for the tavern first. Lots of travelers passed through taverns so there should be a clue there.

...Leifr couldn't help but think he was forgetting about something, though. Something about... someone being in danger? Nah. On a bright and busy day like this, who could possibly be in danger?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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A small smile formed on the guard's face. "Ah, knew you'd be interested, and getting to the point quickly as well. Both admirable traits." The guard gestured for the duelist, not that the guard knew who he was, to follow. "Your horse will be fine here, we can come back for it after we discuss the nature of this endeavor as we will need to see the guard captain." The guard, assuming that Fiore would follow, began to walk with Fiore towards the street to the guard's barracks, the likes of which were quite small, which Fiore would see once they got there.
In the meantime, Lyrisa began to study the strange tome she received, hoping to find out more about what she needed for her... secret project.
Lyrisa Knowledge: 10 + 15 (Talent) = 25

Lyrisa Alchemy: 9 + 14 (Talent) = 23

Lyrisa Arcane Craft: 1 + 16 (Talent) = 17 - 5 = 12 (Not a Fumble)
According to what Lyrisa remembers and understands from the tome, for the creation of a construct, something known as a 'Mana Crystal' was needed according to some of the translation notes in the text, most likely written by Ulrich, as it was written in a different language then somewhat roughly translated to the Galmin Tongue. Alchemically, Lyrisa would also know that certain special metals like steel were needed, but so were a few other strange metals and components, the likes of which were hard for Lyrisa's alchemical knowledge to comprehend. Still, according to other clues in the text, the 'crystal', as it seemed to be called, the likes of which Lyrisa had never heard of before, could be mined and was usually found deep underground, but where would be the hard part. Not only that, but the symbols and magics needed to power this creation were also a bit too complicated for Lyrisa to understand at the moment.

Still, before the process itself could be worried about, gathering the necessary materials was needed, but more knowledge would also probably have to be acquired as well. From Lyrisa's knowledge of geography though she would still have a long way to go if she wanted to get to an adequate 'underground' area, probably such an area being a more mountainous one, but again, this that was just a long shot.
When Leifr entered the tavern it would be quite bustling. There was a decently skilled skald playing in one area, gathering the admiration, and occasionally tossed Talm or iL, of some patrons. Tavern wenches were walking about, serving up drinks and meals to patrons as there was the occassional arm wresting or dice match being had here and there. If it was information Leifr wanted though, even he would know that talking to the tavern keep was probably the best idea, and he was most likely the man behind the bar counter who seemed to be quite large, but not fat.

No he was an incredibly muscular looking man with a somewhat rugged face and a black cloth tied over one eye, a few scars here and there on his arms or face, his white, somewhat dingy tunic being of a shorter sleeve variety, his laughter quite loud and his voice sounding like it could command a room as he talked with a few other patrons at the bar.

All in all, it seemed like everyone was having a good time, and with the festival coming up, it was easy to see why.
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