~Welcome to Saitou Academy~
This is a newly built school, and your parents have enrolled you here. You will start out as a new student. Now it is up to you to make friends (maybe more), get good grades, and excel in your clubs. Have fun in your stay!Uniforms:Places:
Note: There will be two sections. You will find out which class you are assigned to on the first day of school
Clubs you can join:

Manager: Mr. Naoaki Hata

Instructors: Miss Asami Nakata and Mr. Yoshihito Mayed
Teacher: Miss Nariaki Hora
Note:Want to join a club that's not written here? Right it in the special request option in your CS,List of Classes:
Teacher: Miss Tomoe Terada
Teacher: Mr. Tadashi Mochizuki
Teacher: Miss Konomi Yoshioka

Teacher: Mr. Soh Kagawa
How to's:
The more you study, the higher the chances for you to get high grades. If your character doesn't study at all, he will most likely fail his classes.
If you are always punctual in club practices, participate in club activities, you can get assigned as a coach.
The president of the student council is an NPC. However, you can become the vice president, secretary, etc. How? That depends on your grades, reputation, and how responsible you are (Doing homeworks, etc.)
-Do homework
-Be punctual
-Participate in clubs
-Respect the teachers
Note: You can get sent to detention. You can get suspended. You can get expelled.
Seatmates: Will be announced.
Dorm-mates: Will be announced.
Sections:Will be announced.
Rules:-Be friendly in the OOC
-Your character can get suspended and such, so it's up to you how you want them to act in the IC
-No one liners. Please write at least one paragraph with 5 sentences minimum.
-Wait for 2 more people to post before posting again so that no one gets left out. If it hinders the interaction, then post an hour later at the least,
-Keep romance to PG-13. Take the rest to PMs or fade it to black.
-Have fun! Want to be a delinquent? Go break the school rules! Bwahaha
Appearance:(Anime picture is preferred)
Age: (17-19)
Short Biography:
Birthdate: (Only month and day)
Star sign: (Must match with birthdate)
Others: (Quirks? Anything else?)
Special requests: (Want a cooking club? A tennis club? Any suggestions?)
Note:I won't be making a character. I will be controlling the NPCs, and I will be the one announcing events and such. For example, if one of you gets promoted as a coach, I will be the one to announce that in the IC.