KatherinWinter said
He is welcome to try but I don't think he can cripple someone easily.
Not asking. Just saying.
KatherinWinter said
He is welcome to try but I don't think he can cripple someone easily.
Boboclown89 said
I do believe it's dead, there's barely three people active, and it's not fun to be in :/
Bluebe123 said
...S/he's right, you know.
KatherinWinter said
Neither of you are helping. I'll restart.
Boboclown89 said
oh, and please link to the restart. I would like to join that. Like I siad, this RP was fun, but with dropouts and inactivitys, it became dull and unfun
KatherinWinter said
It could have been fun if you two interacted. We might have gotten more people if you had interacted.
KatherinWinter said
Ummm... No. I have had RPs with three members work. I have no memory of Robert, Zean, and Adam interacting
KatherinWinter said
I will try again when this one sinks to the bottom. You know birdom can be cured if you bother making suggestions.