The scientist have found a way to blend human and animal DNA. The government has agreed to fund this experiment. The question was where to get volunteers. After much discussion it is agreed to offer the option to young criminals as away to avoid jail and turn their lives around. As one of these young criminals you will have to learn to control your animal instincts and learn to change at will. If you survive the training you will became a solider defending the United States.
The teens are kept an apartment complex that was build under ground. The idea was to give them enough space not to kill each other. It was understood that the teens would do exactly what they were told or they would be destroyed. They would be tested and educated. It was hoped that they would be the soldiers of the future saving others.

1. This is my RP. What I say goes. If you disagree with something we can discuss it.
2. Do not attack other characters without approval
3. Do not attack NPC without clearing it with me. I don't want random destruction.
4. DO NOT control other peoples character without permission
5. If you are unsure about something ask I will answer to the best of my ability.
6. If you are going to be gone more then a day let me know. If you don't you might lose your character. I don't mind waiting but I need to know who to wait for.
7. Discussions are welcome but lets try to keep the fight to a minimum
8. If you have an idea let me know I am always open to suggestions.
10. I have several RPs. Be patient. I will get to you.

skill development.

Name: Roxy Black
Gender: female

Personality: sarcastic and opinionated
Animal: black panther
Bio: Roxy doesn't talk much about her past. She spent a few years on the streets. Roxy is an excellent knife thrower. She has a collection of knives.

Slade Darkholme, goes by S
Slade has a very thin and lanky frame, weighting 110 pounds and standing about 6'3 feet tall though he slouches most of the time. He has pale skin and messy black hair. His eyes are coal black and have dark bags under them from a lack of sleep. He normally wears baggy clothes to big for him and under no circumstances does he wear shoes.
Erratic, cold, robotic, distant, emotionless were all words used to describe Slade through out his life. He doesn't seem to be able to understand normal emotions, or he just doesn't care to try. He doesn't yell, laugh, cry, smile, or frown. He walks around with a constant blank face and speaks with a monotone voice. He is a full scale genius, his IQ measuring off the charts. The only times he tends to talk is to correct people. He is an insomniac, spending most of his nights reading or on the internet.
Slade was born to one of the world's most renowned scientists Raven Darkholme, he had no true father as his mother was artificially inseminated. He was raised to be a child prodigy, having some of the best tutors money could buy. He was constantly tested in his mental faculties, everything from schooling to playing classical music, he was never aloud to socialize with others of his own age as his mother thought they would be a distraction. Though it all did pay off as he became a bright young mind with few equal, unfortunately it left him with very little sympathy for others and a rather dark out look on life. He believed his intelligence entitled him to whatever he wanted so he began using it to become a one man criminal empire, dealing in things such as hacking and bio terrorism. His crimes became so harsh that he landed on a America's and most of Europe's most wanted lists under the name S, which had used as his calling card. But he was eventually caught in a large scale sting operation, he only escaped the death sentence by being offered a spot in a experiment.

Aiden Holmes
Aiden is 6'3 with a fit body build, not too much muscle tone but not too little either. He has pale skin and messy pitch black hair that is cut short on the left side of his head. His hair also has blood red strikes in it, as does the small goatee he has. He normally wears black jean jacket over a deep red button up shirt with a black tank top under that, a pair of slightly ripped black jeans which he stuffs into his black steel toed combat boots. Along with that he wears a spiked choker collar. He has piercings in his left ear and a tongue stud. He use to have emerald eyes but ever since being injected with animal DNA his eyes have turned into a bright amber color and his pupils have become serpent like slits. He has scars around his mouth from what looks like being cut.
The term cold blooded would be a understatement when used to describe Aiden, immoral sadist would be a better one. On the surface he seems like your usual pain in the ass, sarcastic nineteen year old, but the second you peel back that layer you find a twisted individual. He has no human empathy or sympathy and would not hesitate to take a life. He enjoys when others are in pain, even more if he was the cause of it. All these horrid traits though does not mean he is insane though, on the contrary he is quite the sharp minded person, he knows what he does is wrong he just doesn't care.
Aiden was given up for adoption the day he was born, though he prefers to use the word abandon, and was sent to a overly religious orphanage Ireland. Growing up there it was drilled into him that he and the rest of the kids there were abominations because they were "bastard" children. This only caused him to resent and grow a strong hatred for the nuns and priests that owned the orphanage luckily he found a kindred spirit in another orphan there, a girl by the name of Samantha. The two confided in each other about their dark urges and hatred for their "caretakers". Their friendship grew and they became nearly inseparable, but things took a dark turn when one of the priests took a less than holy liking to Aiden. When Aiden told Samantha about what the father was doing to him she came up with a plan that would put a end to both the priest and the orphanage both she and Aiden hated. To spar the more gruesome details when Aiden and Samantha were done with the priest there was a big red mess in his room. They also burnt down the orphanage to help cover it up and went on the run. The years they were on the run they began to murder people, having taken a liking to it after what they did to the priest. They ended up as two of the most wanted serial killers in Europe, known as the Smiling Slashers for the smiles they cut into their victims faces. They ended up in the U.S after awhile where they continued their killing spree until a few years Samantha ended up turning on Aiden when the cops were catching onto their trail. She tried to kill him, she even thought she did, and carved their trade mark smile into his face before disappearing. Luckily Aiden survived the attack, though with some nasty scars and being caught by the cops. He was on his way to death row when he was given the chance to join an experiment.
url=]Any time he talks just remember this song.[/url]

Name: Hakanji Saru
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Angry demeanor, Somewhat quiet, Keeps to himself, Doesn't look people in the eye.
Animal: Skunk
Bio: Hakanji has always been a quiet person, He volunteered for some sort of experiment, as he was promised money for his involvement, and he was quickly experimented on and turned into a hideous monster, well, a skunk half breed really, He was injected with DNA and other things, and his breath, if he wanted, could be toxic, not necessarily kill, but knock out predators, but, to keep such in check, he is permitted to keep a gasmask on him. And concerning his eye, He was born with a strange infection in it, causing it to be underdeveloped, so, they replaced it with a bionic eye. This enraged Hakanji, and one day as two scientists began escorting him to the chamber, he pulled away from their grip, tearing off his mask and letting his toxic breath fill the corridor, he then began to kick their faces inward, and beat them, thus the bandaging.
Name: Adam Cark
Age: 23
Gender: Male

Personality: Obedient to authroity. Trains himself. When not taking orders or training, he tries to make allies, but is prepared to hurt alies is ordered by authority.
Animal: Chimera
Bio: Born in America, he lived a normal life when he was young, but he was more obedient to his parents and teachers and other authority figures. When he turned 18, he joined the military. While in the miltary, he became even more obedient, throwing away most emotions when being ordered to do something. He became strong, smart, and obedient. And when he left the Military at age 22, he was noticed by the Mafia, and joined it. he devoted himself to servering them, and served well. he got large paychecks, and then eventually sometime when he was 13, he was sent on a mission, involving a bank heist. He robbed them clean, and ended up killing a few civilians and workers. The police found and arrested him, and he was given the choice; jail or the lab. He obviously chose the lab, seeing that he'd be able to work and reclaim himself for the military once more.
Name: Robert "Bobby" Franklinson
Age: 15
Appearance: He is underweight, at about 90 pounds. He is 6 1/2 feet tall and has a barrel chest. His skin is pink (Human pink, not candy) and slimy. He is bald and is always smiling. Because of his seemingly random actions, he is in a straight jacket at all times he is left alone (In his nice, soft, cloudy room). At other times there must be a guard at least in ten feet of him. He is, however, quite bright. But he's no genius, more of a smartass. His long legs are dangerous, but are not muscular.
Personality: He is absolutely insane, cackling wildly at random. He does not seek love or friendship and is exceptionally greedy. The only thing keeping him from lashing out is the fact that he cannot move his arms. He is paranoid during night. Sometimes he goes into self-destructive fits, clawing at himself. This is why he needs either a straight jacket or to be watched.
Animal: Dolphin.
Bio: He was born to a drug addict mother, which explains a lot. He was imprisoned at the age of 13 for unprovokedly attacking a man passing by him, crippling him. There, he was taken in by the program. His dolphin genes did not help with his insanity. He now cackles during his sleep, although he is technically always and never asleep. Due to his mutations, he is incredibly agile and his leg muscles are exceptionally strong.