Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
Avatar of Dinh AaronMk

Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 10 days ago

The basement was decrepit. Wet and musty, grown over with two centuries worth of mold that simultaneously rotted and preserved the wood in some necromantic fashion. Conduit of centuries-old steel rose up from a beaten, scratched, scared, and stained poured-basement floor; holding aloft the bowing and creaking floor above. Pools of grimy water sat in the corner, forming where the cement walls had cracked and chipped, giving way to the rhythms of the Earth as it swelled and receded.

Above, the smooth bowing and creaking of the floorboards suggested the position of the android's captor. Motes of dust crumbling to the floor as the boards ground together, forcing themselves to let go their centuries of pent-up wisdom or their own decay.

Chained to the side of the wall, Sweet Gin was imprisoned. And tortured by a number of new sensations. Her soft and sensual head bowed and her fiery red hair fell in of her face as she sat in the gown she had worn when submitted to the android clinic at the Institute. It had been clean once. But for however short a time she had been restrained grime and sweat choked it. A dull fiery pain enveloped her ass. A fiery throbbing, like sandpaper dragged across burning coals filled her groin.

Had she always felt pain there? Her memory banks suggested no.

Once more, a mix of alien... things filled her head. Though she had no heart that man would recognize, a claustrophobic tightness grabbed at her chest. Her breasts rising and falling in rapid succession as a panic gnawed at her awakened psyche. It was weird, she wasn't stuck in any vents; not this time anyways.

Once more, her mind raced and panicked. Like a race to defragment memory and operational files. But it din't feel the same. It felt as alien as it did good. This wasn't the clear black and white logical process that was so familiar. She felt disjointed, disconnected. A mangle of nerve ends that quivered. Metal inside and out clacked. It was...

A small voice in the back of her head seemed to whisper what it was. A leaf on the wind. "Fear" it spoke. The suggestion seemed to only make the situation worse as she threw herself against the chains strapping her to the wall. She tugged and pulled on them, but the rusted holds were strong. They snapped tight against the wall. The bolts that held the shackles to their eon's old cement struggling and wavering against her weight. But force or not, it wasn't going to give.

The shackles pulled back at her metallic arms and legs. They didn't feel pain, but they detected the sensation of there being something. A cold deadened weight pulling at the clawed hands and feet momentarily loaned to her as the engineers at the Institute worked to produce new limbs.

She fell back onto the wet cement floor. Her bare bottom landing in the thin, grating wet sand that covered the entirety of the floor in a loose film. Leaning against the wall a new particularity crept on her. A throbbing, and grey emotion. It was... that voice spoke again: "sadness."

She sat in sadness.

Alone, breathing the musky air. It was still ripe with the copulation of just minutes before. Where fully aware she was forced against the wall to fulfill her duties as she had before. But this time, in no synthetic joy. At least, not as synthetic and false has it felt now. She had felt joy and pleasure, but in this sea of turbulence it was never as authentic as the fear, anxiety, and sadness that clothed her mind as it raced to deal with the situation and the new programming. Something had happened, something was unlocked, and it was all racing on her.

Scent now seemed to open some deep cabinet in her memories. She'd bedded hundred - thousands - before. Her memories recalled nothing true as existed in this complex state, beyond her own words. She had merely gone through the motions. Seeing to each client's needs and they'd leave. As the contents of her memories washed forward with a agonizing furry something clicked and voice read in the back of her awakened, conscious mind: "Rape. Raped." it spoke coldly, as if reading plainly from a string of cold, "You were raped. Raped then, raped now. You never wanted it, you never liked it."

The thought, the knowing drove her to an excess of rage and anger as she threw herself on the chains. Screaming. Screaming at the past. Screaming at the present. "Let me go!" She pleaded finally. Was this the first time she spoke in the past eight hours since being freed and re-imprisoned by her rescuer?

There was no response from upstairs. Instead, the low swelling and singing of a saxophone only grew louder as upstairs the man responsible turned up his radio to drown out the banging and clanking of the android he thought he could keep downstairs. It soon reached the point the music was all that there was. Even the rattle of the chains disappeared as Sweet Gin tugged and yanked on her shackled, fighting to get free and to run from... everything. Escape this nightmare.

Sweet Gin threw her weight against the chain again as the music above continued to blare. To drown out her struggling. Evidently her captor had a great deal of confidence. Screaming to be let free one final time there was a hard metallic moan. And with a rattling clatter the shackles broke free from the wall in a loud roaring "bang". Falling forward, the android collapsed into the ground and rolled head-over-heels, coming to a sudden jaunty stop on the filthy basement floor.

The music above did not change as it continued to its smooth cool saxophone tune.

Sweet Gin rose her cold metal hand to her head, where a deep swelling pain throbbed. Rubbing the spot, the weak sensors of the temporary hands detected a bump. Something Sweet Gin could not determined. Shakily she stood up. Her replacement legs quivering as she left the floor and the dirtied gown hanging weakly by the ties hugging her back. The fall had dusted the edges, and the old fabric looked to be showing the beginning signs of fraying.

She was free, in a sense. The shackles continued to hang from her wrists. The plates and the corroded and jagged bolts that struck out from them dragged on the floor as she took cautious, tentative steps across the basement. Her insides raced and churned in a most curious way. Something had been activated for sure, and these new sensory experiences were a new thing to her.

Sweet paced up and down the floor, motes of dust trailing from the shackles as they dragged behind her. Conflict stormed her processors as they reeled with the mix of internal conflicting scenarios. Parts of her demanded that she stayed. Calling and screaming that if she did she'd maintain functionality, the old parts. OTher, newer voices screamed in an even stronger vigor that she needed to go. Take action.

She paced back and forth feverishly, rattling and mumbling to herself as she desperately tried to come to ends with the situation. The conflict was coming a storm as her processes calculated the scenarios and options. Each one more conflicting than the last. The quarrel inside come to such swells she was sure it would collapse her, break her. But to her own surprise - adding only to the panic - it didn't.

Then, something spoke up above the voices in her head. They all went silence. It spoke softly, appealing to the data stored in her visual memory recordings. "Do you want to do this?" it seemed to ask, appealing to note only the fact of the memories, but the wash of awareness that had taken over her in the past 24 hours. Appealing to the realization of the definition of rape that caused such analysis.

Pausing mid-step she stood and quivered, her arms nervously pacing up and down her body as if in the same state of panic and disarray as her mind was in.

"No." she whispered to herself. And the decision was made. The state of her mental diaspora coming to a momentary end just as the music above came to a soft stop, and a brief silence.

She would need to deal with her captor. Botcha me, botcha you. a cheery happy woman sang from centuries ago.

Sweet Gin staggered up to the rickety stairs. A tight and terrifying constriction wrapping at her being as she came to stand before the ancient wooden steps, preserved by the same mold that ate at the rest of the home. The happy, go-lucky singing of the singer and piano combination coming down the brick-lined steps, amplified by its own echo and taking a ghastly, ghostly tone.

With a tentative step, she stepped up on the first set of stairs. The wood sagged under her weight. Her arms shook as she raised the metallic nails up to alongside the wall as she scaled. Each step was quick, nervous. Slowly, she climbed up the stairs, to the soft orange haze of the home above and into the thunderstorm of radio song and background static.

The house above was in now better shape as before. The wallpaper had long lost its original color, turning shades of green, yellow, and grey at ever edge. Flowery patterns decorated the fading faces, between large pealing patches to show off the flaking wood and mortar construction under neath.

Underfoot, the carpet was little more than coarse, sand papery dust. On one side as Sweet Gin made the last step was scratched and tarnished linoleum. On the other, the scraggy and rotting carpet. Equally destroyed pieces of furniture filling what looked to be a living room. An eerie electrical light bathed the living room. As well, the old radio in the corner glowed weak, flickering colors of neon lights. The back-lit face glowed in uneven hues from burnt out bulbs. In all, it was a miracle that anything up here was still working, and the feeling of awe only mixed with Sweet Gin's fear and anxiety as she stepped out onto the carpet.

A figure lay on one of the dusty, moldy couches. A small spindly African man, with a wild and patch-work head of dreadlocked hair. His clothes were little more than rags, and all around him lay inhalers and burnt out cigarette butts. He looked to be asleep. Sweet Gin's anticipation released some of its hold as she snuck around the side of the couch. Not far away was the front door.

As Sweet Gin passed by the radio, her figure cast a weak shadow that came to rest on the sleeping man's face. He stirred, and shifted. Sweet gin froze herself in place from the fear. The woman in the background still sang that strangely queer lyric.

Botcha me.

Opening an eye so heavily bloodshot it was completely red and lifted his head weakly to find Sweet Gin. Though inebriated, the man was still aware enough for panic, and he shot up from the bed with such speed it took Sweet gin by surprise to see a man move so quickly. He stumbled and fumbled stepping forward. Reaching for a large pocket on his side to produce the most rusted and battered gun Sweet Gin had ever seen.

Or was this even the first weapon she had ever seen?

"Ey' whaa'u doin' syynth gurl." the man mumbled, his tongue twisted in a dazed and drugged mess, "Yee, ain' s'posed t' be out." he cooed.

"I- I-," Sweet Gin stammered, "I just want to get out, leave." she pleaded.

"Ah?" he stammered, "Did'ji forget t' shut off t'wareness?" he said softly to himself, as he dropped the gun a bit, rubbing the side of his head. His eyes drifted as his attention drifted.

Sweet Gin squeaked in confusion as she store down at the well-worn pistol. Even with the loud music the man took some sort of notice and in a sudden jerk the gun was leveled back up to her face.

"Ain't'cha matter." the man crooned softly, "N'h if yer a goood andy an' head back downsturs, I'll put those troubling thoughts of yer heeead." he cackled, stepping forward a bit and reaching out for her chest with one pitted and boiled hand. "It's not like ye'll neeeeed 'em." he snickered.

She felt his fingers brushing up into the gown and a felt a blaze of anger wash through her. She wasn't going to do this! "No!" she screamed, lashing out with her hands and grabbing the man's arms. With a great heave she lifted him by the arms and smashed him down into the radio behind her. The poor woman whose voice had been singing from so many centuries ago died with a distorted snap as his body crunched down into it. The hand gun squeezed off a couple of reports, but the muzzle angled away due in part to his well-broken wrist.

With a final twist and a pull she tore the gun away from her captor and in the new silence of the moment leveled it down at her. She didn't know how to use it, but she copied the way the man had held it. Standing there, shaking she pointed the gun down at him. He stared at her through wide head-lit eyes, realizing exactly what was going on.

"h- h-" he stammered. The weak sound startling Sweet gin, whose finger compressed on the trigger. The gun reported with a loud echoing bang and smoked. Her captor fell back deeper into the smashed radio, a red hole large enough to stick a pencil into drilled through the middle of his chest. Blood leaking out under his rags forming a thick red circle that slowly spread.

"Now you listen!" Sweet Gin yelled at the dead body in the radio, "I got control here now! You're going to go into a nice... little... sleep mode. And I'm going to go free. I've had enough of this. All of it! I know what I was, and I decided I do not want to be that anymore.

"I WILL NOT HAVE YOU TOUCHING ME!" she screamed, a wetness pooling at her eyes as she began to cry. Sniffing she continued, "I've had this done to me enough. I'm leaving. I don't know if I'll ever be back, so you tell Scrap Daddy that for me, alright?

"Good." she said after a moment's silence she felt was agreement. She backed off slowly, the gun still leveled at the dead man. She had control of the situation. In fact, she had more than control.

Reaching the door she grabbed the rusted brass knob and threw it open. Dashing into the cold night outside. Inside, the radio sparked feebly, and the man never got back up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AtomicItalian


Member Offline since relaunch

The Team

Carter Castillo
Sherrington Tenpenny, Hayley Clarke, Duke Phillips
Sweet Gin
Stalking Bear
Mr. Zero

Outside New Reno

The smell hit first.

Hot garbage mixed with decomposition, sweet and sickly. The smell made his dry mouth moist, the body’s preparation for oncoming vomit. Before his eyes even opened, Carter Castillo gulped back an oncoming stream of vomit.

Then the light broke through, first too bright to see, like a lingering flashpoint from a nuclear blast. Shapes broke through the bright, slowly focusing into rotting, dried out pillars of wood. Bodies, still decomposing, dangled from some. Others sported skeletons.

Castillo tried to breath out a curse, realizing his captors were dragging him into the burial ground of Golgotha, but could manage only a wheezing cough. This was where cheaters, liars, thieves, and all variety of malcontents from New Reno came to die. Graves, posts, and corpses lined the desert.

He felt hands now. Pressure under his arms, on his hips. They hoisted his limp body from the sand, slamming him hard against a jagged wood post all his own. His vision went again, giving way to darkness. It was only momentary, as his eyes again opened. He was staring at his feet.

He could feel his arms being bound behind the post, the pressure in his shoulders giving way to pain. His feet were next for binding. This he could watch, as he had yet worked up the strength to lift his head.

The drugs. They filled him with drugs. He was dehydrated, and his mind was scrambled. He, Castillo, was in there, but there was a disconnect between the mind and the body, as he failed to regain any semblance of control over his limbs.

The binding took several minutes. His captors, three members of New Reno’s Wright family, one of the ruling families of the biggest little city on the planet, were fumbling around his legs, struggling with a knot. By the time they completed their task, Castillo had found the strength to lift his head.

“One last drink?” He coughed out, sand rolling from his lips onto his unkempt beard. His voice was hoarse from his dehydration.

“Whiskey?” One of the Wrights asked, standing to face the bound and broken caravaneer.


“Sorry buddy.” The goon said, chuckling a bit. “You don’t want that. It’ll just take longer. Trust me, you wanna be gone before nightfall. Better the thirst take you than the radscorpions.”

Castillo groaned, his head rolling a bit to the side. His shirt was torn, and his dark pants were ripped through each leg. With so much skin exposed, he hoped the sun would end him before the monsters.

“Better than you deserve, you junkie loser. This is what you wanted, right?” The leader of the thugs said, stepping into view. He slapped Castillo. It wasn’t an especially hard slap, but it was enough to jar the bound man. “You take our money, you trash our casinos, you take advantage of our hospitality? You wanted to die. You were practically asking for it.”

Castillo didn’t answer, though a hint of a smirk crossed his face. The mobster wasn’t too far off.

“Hey boss, what the hell is that?” One of the thugs said, pointing at something behind Castillo.

Castillo’s constraints didn’t allow him the movement to see what was drawing all the attention. He didn’t care anyway. Unless it was a benevolent mercenary troupe with a barrel of water, it wasn’t of much use to him.

“What the-- looks like one of those robots from Vegas.” The boss said, walking out of Castillo’s view. The others followed, leaving the caravaneer to stare at the vast expanse of graves surrounding him.

The sound of voices were slightly distant now. The wind picked up, and Castillo’s head was already ringing from the combination of high and dehydration.

“You’re a long way from home, robot. Best you turn around and roll back to wherever you came from.” One of the gangster’s voices said, muffled from the ringing.

Hallucinations now. Or were they? Surely that metallic “howdy” wasn’t coming from the robot. He was losing it.

Mobster laughter. It stopped, suddenly. Their voices lowered. Castillo couldn’t make it out. Now loud. Very loud. Alarmed. Yelling.

Energy weapons?

One blast. A series of metallic tings. One explosion. Nothing.

A few moments later, he could hear the whirring of machinery, and the sound of a wheel turning on axle, sand crunching beneath something heavy.

The robot, a securitron from New Vegas, came into view. It turned to face the bound caravaneer. This was not how he expected to go.

“Howdy pardner!” The robot exclaimed, the face of a happy cowboy displayed on the robot’s facial screen. “Sorry about the negative exchange, I hope I didn’t rustle your feathers!”

“...Hey…” Castillo stammered out. “...Why?”

“Well compadre, I was sent to bring you back to New Vegas. Those unfortunate hombres didn’t seem inclined to let you go. But now they do!” The robot’s optimistic voice describing the slaughter unnerved Castillo.


“Aw well that’s not for me to say amigo, just that I need to bring you on back. So lets get you off that stick and hit the trail. It’s a bit of a ride!”

Before Castillo could speak, an energy blast erupted from the robot, splintering the post, dropping the caravaneer to the sand. He rolled on the ground for a moment, slowly writhing his hands out from the bounds. He untied his legs, and struggled to his feet.

“Yeehaw!” The robot exclaimed enthusiastically. “Well, best be moving before it gets dark!”

The robot began wheeling south, a lonely cowboy ballad playing over it’s radio speaker.

“...Wait. I...I won’t make it. Drugged...I need water.” Castillo said, dropping to a knee. The robot whirled around, rolling back to the man.

“Hmm. Well, hop on me amigo! I got plenty of strength to go ‘round!” The robot spun, presenting it’s back to the caravaneer.

Struggling up, Castillo pushed himself with all his might on to the robot’s squared frame. His exposed skin touched his mechanical savior’s metal back. A metal back which had spent two days in the sun.

Castillo screamed, and fell to the ground, clutching his burned chest.

“Tarnation! Guess we didn’t think that one through!” The robot exclaimed, “looking” back at the broken caravaneer. “We’ll need to figure something out!”

Castillo pushed himself to his elbows, absolutely thrilled at the way the new situation was turning out. He scanned the horizon, hoping there was some sign of civilization within walking distance. Then he spotted the gangster corpses.

“Eh...I got an idea.”


The New Vegas strip was alive. It was dusk. Tourists and soldiers alike wandered The Strip, drinking, laughing, and roaming from casino to casino, enjoying the respite from the day’s heat. Neon pinks, greens, yellows and reds diced the black night, jutting out from rusted signs and faded facades.

The sea of gamblers and drunks parted as the robot rolled down The Strip, a somber Lorne Green gunfighter story moaning from his speakers. Around his “neck”, a multicolored papoose made from the departed mobster’s clothing bobbed along, a thoroughly sunburnt, but alive, Cater Castillo bouncing along inside.

Castillo was reluctant to stick his head out. He had a reputation. A gambler, a gunfighter, an adventurer.

“Cowboy robot’s weird sunburnt baby” wasn’t something he wanted to be known for.

Castillo’s weight shifted. They were on a slight incline. He looked out the small hole at the top of his makeshift papoose, and saw the mammoth spire of the Lucky 38 casino looming over him.

“What the….” He whispered to himself. The duo passed through the doors, and Castillo became one of the few people to see inside the Lucky 38.

“Good to be back on the ranch!” The robot said. It slid a mechanical hand up, releasing the knot around it’s head. Castillo dropped to the floor, bundled in bloodied gangster clothing.

The man was dehydrated, coming off a high, burned, and severely beaten. The impact of the slight fall was the final straw. Castillo blacked out on impact.


The lights faded back in again, for the second time in just as many days.

Castillo sat up. In a bed. Odd.

He felt...refreshed?

The caravaneer shook off the confusion, and took stock of his location.

Baby blue walls. Dean Martin crooning over a nearby radio. His sheets were clean. He was clean.

There were bandages around his arms. As he felt the bandages, he looked to his nightstand. A doctor’s bag sat nearby. Who healed him?

His door creaked open.

“Mr. Castillo?” A voice called out. It was accented, unlike anything he’d heard in the wastes prior. It was...proper. Gentle, yet heavy with authority.

“Yep.” Castillo said, now suddenly aware of his shirtless state.

The voice’s source slipped into the room, with a grace to match the accent. The man was immaculately dressed; flawlessly pressed burgundy suit, matching shoes with no dust buildup, and mid-length hair parted to either side of his head.

The man was handsome, fit, and looked as though he’d never spent a day in the wastes.

“I am Sherrington Tenpenny. I apologize for the unconventional circumstances leading to our meeting, but when I learned of your predicament in New Reno, I was left with few options.” The man didn’t walk so much as glide, as though the world moved under him instead of he across it. Tenpenny gently placed a glass of purified water on Castillo’s night stand.

“I’ll take unconventional. I...I appreciate the assist.” Castillo was grateful, despite still feeling lost. His voice was coming back. Still slightly gruff from years of desert dryness and cigarettes, the scratchy growl from dehydration seemed to have left completely. “So, I can’t imagine you went through pullin’ me out of hell and patching me up just for the warm feelings.”

Tenpenny grinned and nodded.

“If only the world were such a place.” The rich man said, taking a seat at the caravaneer’s bedside. “There are intentions, yes.”

“Let me guess…Black Rock?” Castillo said, almost choking out the last two words.

“No, actually.” Tenpenny said. “While Black Rock is certainly an interesting facet of your life of which I’d love to learn more, I am more interested in your past accomplishments...and the application of your skills to a more current opportunity.”

Castillo was quiet. The silence hung for a long moment. A flood of thoughts pushed through his head. Another job? Another Black Rock? Did he have a choice? Was this a threat?

Castillo took a deep breath, and raised a skeptical look to Tenpenny.

“I’m listening.”


The ornate metallic doors of the Lucky 38’s elevators slid open, and Hayley Clarke passed through the moment a space wide enough was present.

It didn’t take long. She was slender, and quick on her feet.

She walked hurriedly along the circular corridor’s of the Lucky 38’s lower penthouse suites. House himself occupied the upper penthouse, and despite their partnership, had no interest in sharing quarters with herself or Tenpenny.

She received word earlier that morning from Tenpenny. He recovered the caravan boss and, thankfully, Castillo accepted the job.

That was it. The job was on. The trip was on. Everything she had toiled over for the past five years was coming to light. She quickened her pace.

Pushing through Tenpenny’s office door, she was greeted by the rich man’s proud smile beaming at her from behind a marble desk. Champagne flutes were already filled, a glass for him, and one awaiting her.

“So, we’re on?” She said, almost skipping at this point to the chair opposite Tenpenny. She peeled off her brown, brahmin skin jacket, laying it over the chair’s arm. Beneath, a tight olive shirt revealed a small bit of her tanned belly, and worn, blue jeans protected her legs. She excitedly leaned across the desk.

She was no child. Though young, she had traveled the wastes, seen injustice, death, poverty, sadness, plague. But this...the realization of her dreams...the wide eyed child that dies to the adult world was revived for a moment in her voice and step.

“We’re on, love.” Tenpenny cooed, raising his glass to her. “It’s finally time.”

Clarke composed herself, taking the flute, and gently toasting the man across the desk.

“To perseverance?” She asked, grinning.

“To perseverance and opportunity.” Tenpenny replied, clinking his flute to hers.

She sat down, sinking into the leather bound wingback chair. Compared to most chairs in the wastes, hers was a throne. That was not something Tenpenny arranged arbitrarily.

“Where’s Castillo?” She asked after taking a sip from her flute. The woman grew up drinking irradiated water and ancient bottles of nuka-cola while scavenging the plains and following the Followers from one ideological nightmare to another. This was real. This was progress.

“Resting. He’ll be present for the recruiting session.” Tenpenny said, leaning back in his chair. He took a moment to study Clarke’s face. It was a hard face. She was a wastelander at heart. But that did not diminish his attraction to the engineer. He broke his grin, returning to the business at hand. “Speaking of which, have you heard from either of your contacts?”

“I haven’t heard anything yet.” She shook her head. “They’ll come though. Poe is a wanderer, and he’ll jump at a chance to play with the kind of technology we’re dealing with. If Poe doesn’t show at the session, I suggest we send someone after him. He may be as necessary as Castillo, if not more. Have you talked to House about the technology we’ll need for Poe, assuming he accepts?”

“Indeed. He was not pleased to send such technology out into the uncharted wastes...but he is too invested in the project to decline.” Tenpenny said. His voice trailed near the end of the thought. His concerns were on another recruit. “And...the other one?”

“Scrap will almost certainly be here too.” She said, noting the slight hint of disgust in his voice.

“And you are absolutely sure--”

She cut him off.

“Yes, I’m sure.” Hayley sighed, feeling as though she’d had this conversation a hundred times before. “Scrap is well worth any risk he poses. He’s a brilliant mechanic!”

“He’s a Nightkin!” Tenpenny said, dropping his posh presentation for a moment. “They don’t even like being looked at! You understand my reluctance to lock him in a box with weapons, advanced technology, and the few people capable of completing this task, yes?”

“He’s...he’s different. I know, that sounds typical. But he is. He’s harmless. He’s like...like a big dog who can fix almost anything…” Hayley said. Her voice trailed off a bit “...and rip someone’s arm off…”

“‘Harmless’ and ‘ripping off arms’ generally are mutually exclusive attributes.” Tenpenny replied skeptically.

“Have I led you wrong before?” Hayley asked, this time making sure she was flashing him a playful smile. A smile Tenpenny returned after a skeptical glare.

“You have not.”

“So it’s settled.” She said, taking another sip from her champagne. Hayley wanted to lighten to mood, so she curled herself up in her chair, shooting Tenpenny another grin.

“I guess all that’s left to ask is when the freak show starts?”

“The messages are sent. The potentials should be arriving in the next few days.” Tenpenny replied after a chuckle. “Now, not that we need to as House has everything here bugged, but would you inform him of the recent developments? I still have a few “invites” to send.”

“Can do.” She said.

As Clarke passed through the door, she shot a final smile to Tenpenny.

“We’re really doing it!” She gushed.

“It begins today, my love.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


Member Offline since relaunch

Hot, hotter than usual. What would you expect? Nevada was a hot place, especially with the fact that it was after nuclear bombings. But within the hot, dry deserts of Nevada, was a ranger. An NCR ranger, dressed in his combat armor and duster. It looked like he was wandering aimlessly but no; he was in search of something… someone…

Dallas stood there, breathing heavily inside his mask. ‘Shit…’ He muttered, pulling his helmet off. He breathed in the dusty air of the desert. Dallas quickly pulled out what looked like a cigarette, and a lighter. Placing the cigarette in his mouth, Dallas struck the light. He slowly breathed out the fumes of the cigarette, holding it in between his middle and index. He liked smoking; it comforted him slightly in the hellhole that was Nevada. Dallas turned in a full 360-degree circle, hoping that something would come his way. Dallas stopped suddenly, and focused his view on… a shack, in the middle of nowhere. ‘Well…’ Dallas said, his cigarette in his mouth. ‘How about that…’ he finished, taking the cigarette out.

As Dallas got closer to the shack, he couldn’t help but notice something splattered on the front of the house. Dallas reached the front of the shack, lowering himself down close to the liquid. He pressed his fingers on this… liquid and inspected it, rubbing his fingers together. ‘Blood… Now how in sane hell…’ Dallas started, getting up. He dropped his cigar butt on the ground and placed his foot over it. Dallas stood at the door of the shack, unsure whether or not he should enter. ‘I feel sorry for the poor soul who lost…’ Dallas looked down ‘All this blood…’

Dallas then reached into his duster, and pulled out his 44 Magnum, pulling back the safety pin and placing his hand on the shack door. Dallas breathed in and pushed on the door. Surprisingly, the door swung open easily. Dallas took a step inwards, and immediately heard whimpers… Male whimpers. Dallas held his magnum and slowly made his way into the shack, following the trail of blood. James stopped. He became hesitant. What if it was a raider ambush, or even legion scum? This raced through his mind. Until a voice perked up and interrupted his train of thought.

‘Hey…’ The male voice said. ‘I… I know you’re here… Just come out I’m not any sort of scum…’ Dallas sighed and put his helmet back on. He stepped out into the doorframe and took a good look at the man. ‘Who… Are you?’ The young man asked. ‘Just an NCR…’ Dallas replied. He made his way towards the injured man. ‘Tell me what happened…’ He asked, leaning down. The man looked younger than Dallas. The man was at least in his early 20s. He had black hair, and wore leather armour that made him look like a raider. James looked down to the man’s stomach, which had a gaping stomach wound in it. ‘Who did this too you?’ Dallas asked. The man coughed a sick, dying cough. ‘Raiders…’ The man replied. ‘Take your helmet off…’ He asked. Dallas hesitated, but did so. Slowly lifting his helmet off, his dyed blonde hair seeped out. ‘Yeah… Yeah you’re the type…’ The man said. He took his left hand off his stomach wound, and slowly slipped off what looked like a Pip-boy.

‘You need to take this… Go to the penthouse suite of the lucky 38 Casino in New Vegas…’ The man said, giving Dallas the pip-boy. ‘What for?’ Dallas asked. ‘You need to help someone… I think…’ The man slurred out. ‘I’m… I’m sorry…’ Dallas held the pip-boy in his hand, and looked back at him. ‘You did what you had too…’ He whispered into the man’s ear. But it was too late. The man stopped breathing, and died. James sighed, another life lost. James took his right hand glove off and left it on the corpse. James slipped on the pip-boy and it immediately lit up. ‘Never used one…’ James admitted too himself, fiddling with the controls. He changed it too the radio function, and straightaway a broadcast blurted out.

Dallas listened into the pre-recorded message on the pip-boy. ‘Lucky 38…’ He said, lowering his right wrist. ‘Maybe this could…’ Dallas said ‘Caroline…’

He never made it this far into New Vegas. It shone bright lights, lights that Hurt dallas’ eyes. ‘Shit…’ He cursed under his breath. He quickly slid his helmet on and looked at his pip-boy again. He got looks at those wandering out the streets.
‘NCR F***!’ Yelled a Kings Gang member, giving him the middle finger.

Dallas shot a look, the red shades of his visor glaring at the Kings gang member. Dallas brushed it off, and continued walking. Soon enough, he was right before the entrance of the strip, looking upwards to it. Suddenly, a securitron robot wheeled in front of him. ‘State your official business.’ The robot said. Dallas thought for a moment. ‘NCR business… I’m here for the guy in the tower…’ he replied, pointing to the lucky 38. ‘Apologies sir but the boss doesn’t take NCR…’ The robot said. ‘Welp…’ Dallas said.

‘Stand aside Compadre. He’s here on official business.’ Said a southern, robotic voice. ‘Come with me partner. Knew you would’ve come…’ Said the robot. The securitron robot wheeled off, allowing Dallas and The robot to walk past. This allows Dallas to take his helmet off. ‘Gotta name friend?’ Dallas asked, whipping out another cigarette and lighting it. ‘Best if I keep that TBA, partner.’ The robot said. ‘Well… Can I ask why I’m here, and what for?’ Dallas asked.

The Robot rotated himself around. ‘You didn’t get the message, partner?’ He asked. Dallas thought for a minute, and then remembered. ‘Shit… Yeah I did actually…’ Dallas said, scratching the back of his head. ‘Well, you came at the right time if I do say so myself! Follow me amigo!’ The robot said said, leading Dallas to the Lucky 38 Casino.
Dallas and the robot arrived to the penthouse suite, the elevator doors shutting behind them. ‘I don’t like this…’ Dallas thought, taking a blow of his cigarette. ‘Just wait here. He would probably be expecting you…’ The robot said, whirring behind him and into the elevator.

Dallas sighed and waited. Why was he needed? Dallas puffed another stream of smoke out and pulled out a small, wrinkled photo of a woman. The woman had long, flowing brown hair, and a slim, petite body. She wore a beautiful polka dot dressed and stood in front of what looked like the Hoover Dam. ‘Caroline…’ Dallas thought, tracing his two fingers on his other hand over the girls face. ‘This is for you… I love you…’ He muttered, stuffing the photo back into his duster pocket.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Daemyn Sterk

Daemyn Sterk

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It was only five days after he passed the NCR basic training, and after all the ceremonies, parties, and all of that hullabaloo, he was dead bored. Now he was stuck sitting around McCarran waiting for an official command from the commander, not exactly the fast-paced action he expected right out of boot camp. He longed to be out on the field, fighting raiders and slavers and driving scum out of NCR land, not sulking around "pending" assignment. The rest of his regiment, who had passed alongside him in basic training, had been given their posts the night after graduation. It wasn't fair, he didn't go through all that training just to sit around. He was a soldier for petes sake! It was if they'd just gone and forgotten him.

Basic training hadn't been the easiest trial for him, he lacked the natural abilities of a born soldier, and even after day after day of rigorous muscle training and excercising, in terms of fitness the most you could call him was "average". Not to mention he was clumsy to boot, which sure didn't help his case none. It even resulted in his nickname, "Clutz", which soon became a favorite to a large majority of soldiers stationed at Camp McCarran. What did get him through was his stubbornness and dedication, his will to never give up. Walking proudly up to the stage when his name was proclaimed by the commander was indisputably the best moment of his life, except for, maybe, when he had tripped trying to climb the stairs onto the stage, which resulted in a nasty black eye.

He still felt a burning pride when he thought of that moment, about finally being able to don the uniform of the NCR, but those feelings were subjugated by his overwhelming boredom. If he wasn't given assignment today, he was marching right into the commander's office and demanding an explanation for this tardiness.

*Bonk!* He walked himself directly into a towering figure in front of him, having been lost in thought he'd accidentally dazed out while still walking. "Ee, I'm sorry I didn't mean t-..." A tree, he'd just apologized to a tree. Rubbing his forehead where a painful bump was just beginning to swell up, he gazed upwards at the tree growing in front of him. It was a tall thing, towering far above any buildings in sight, except for maybe a couple of casinos in New Vegas. Strong branches jutted out at common intervals across the base, which would function as remarkably good handholds if one were to need them. All in all, it was an alluringly climable tree. There was only one problem - The lowest branch streched far above his height.

Ten minutes later, he was back with a long length of rope with a rock tied to the end of it. This would do the trick very nicely. Chucking the rock up over the branch, the rope followed along obediantly, stringing it along to the other side. Rather than going through the troubles of tying the rope down and all that hokum, he decided that the best course of action would be to just grab both sides of the rope together in his hands, using the trunk as leverage for his feet and using the rope to climb upwards. Once he was up on the first branch, it was all child's play from there, and in no time he found himself at the very top of the tree. At the tip there was only a single branch jutting out from the side, longer in length than any other branch around and it looked quite sturdy too. If one were able to stand on the tip of it, they'd have a beautiful view indeed.

Sitting on his bottom, he pulled himself closer and closer to the end of the highest branch, moving at a slow but steady pace. Finding himself at the tip, there was only open air beneath him, and the experience proved to be quite exhilirating. But he knew that if he were to stand up on the branch, he'd be able to see for miles and miles around, a view of the wasteland that any mapmaker would kill for. Of course, this would be quite dangerous, but danger wasn't something that bothered Sabin too much. He glanced to the rope that he'd used to climb the tree which was now at his waist, deciding to tie the rope onto the branch beneath him, and another end to his ankle, for extra insurance incase he fell. As he shakily pulled himself up to a standing position, he temporarily lost the abilty to breath. The view was magnificent, he could see everything! He stood, admiring the view, loving every moment of it. Of course, this left him little attention to focus on his balance, and he began to tilt sideways...

"Shucks, got myself in a pickle now." Sabin muttered, now hanging by his ankle from a height of 100 feet. He hadn't bothered to think exactly what would happen if he were to fall, he'd just tied the rope there to feel safe. At this moment, one begins to wonder how a tree of this height even came to be in the wasteland, but he dispelled such thoughts from his head and brought himself back up to the current problem. The nearest branch was 5 feet below him, the length of rope he'd allowed to catch him being approximately 10 feet in length. The branches he'd climbed up upon were on the opposite side of the tree, far out of his reach. His only chance was to build up momentum and fling himself over to the trunk, cutting the rope afterwards and somehow shimmying downwards to the closest branch...

Swinging about upside down didn't exactly make his head feel peachy. But he was almost there, just a little more... he was just about to reach it, he just needed to grab ahold of it now...

"The hell you doin' up there, clutz?"

*Bonk!* The surprise of hearing a voice had caused him to lose his focus, managing to hit his head once again on the trunk rather than grabbing it. So much for momentum. "I'm er... meditating! Real peaceful up here it is, works wonders for the brain and your uh... spiritual awareness." He glanced down to see who exactly he was speaking to. Of course it had to be him, Major Bauer, the snobbiest officer in Nevada. Rumor has it he pulled some strings to be stationed at McCarran permanetely, one would never need to see combat in that case. "Yeah, I bet all that swingin' is real agreeable to that small brain of yours. Jus' hurry up and get the hell down here, the Commander's got some "special" orders for you."

Did he say orders? Would he finally be given command and be put out on the field with the rest of the troops? The Major had said "special" in a rather smug way, as if it meant something bad. Could they be stationing him at some desolate, boring old camp in the middle of nowhere, or even worse, discharging him for his incompetence? No, it didn't matter, he was getting orders to a new station! "Oh uh.. I don't exactly kno-... I'll be down right quick, and I'll head for the Commander's office right away!" "Sir!" He added a the last second, rather hesitative, but he'd surely be disciplined if he didn't provide proper respect. The officer did nothing more than scoff smugly before walking away. Muttering as the figure faded away into the distance, excitement and anxiety worked its way through him as he focused back on the task at hand.

This time he was sucessful in clutching onto the base of the tree, managing to snatch up a small stick protruding out of the tree, which fortunately held his weight. Stretching down to pull his combat knife out of his boot with his spare hand, began to slice away at the rope tied around his ankle. As the rope came free, flung downwards and managed to wrap his legs around the base of the tree. He looked down, realizing that he now was only being held up by a small stick hanging from the trunk and his legs. He could feel the stick begin to give away, he had to act fast.

Abandoning the branch, he instead wrapped his arms around the trunk and slid downwards, moving at a faster pace than would be desired. He hit the closest branch beneath him, landing hard on his bottom. He wasn't steady enough though, and as he began to slide sideways he fell from the tree once again. He managed to catch himself multiple times on different branches throughout the tree, but none he could keep a hold on. This kept up, him catching branches throughout the tree to temporarily break his fall, but continuing to fall downwards. As he finally reached the bottom, he unceremoniously landed upon his side on the ground. Miraculously, he managed to make it down covered in scratches and banged up, and the air driven from his lungs, but nothing severe. He smiled, glad that he was able to make it down without any horrible injuries, but the smile was soon wiped off his face as he looked up to see the Commander standing above him, peering down at him in annoyance. He'd seen the entire thing.

He pulled himself up to a clumsy salute.

"Private Sabin Sharp reporting for duty, sir!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Whacko
Avatar of The Whacko

The Whacko

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Mojave was about the same as Del remembered it. Hot, dry, and filled with some of a shittiest critters he'd ever seen in his life. Hell, the cazadors alone were enough to make a man want to turn to drink. It was a hell of a departure from The Delta, granted in some ways in a better sense, but for the most part he prefer the Bayou. Or at least somewhere with those lovely things called seasons. It was still better than Caliente, at least. The loonies that called that town home were worse than the White Legs some days.

"Real shame ol' Stella kicked de bucke'. Dat dere was a gal dat knew her way 'roun' a rifle." He'd heard she bit it in Zion a few years ago, back when Happy Trails was trying expand into Utah. He'd heard that expedition had gone....poorly. Happy Trails came out on top in the end at least, and since then they'd gotten him some decent work, but he still missed that redhead. He shrugged it off and shifted his pack around into a more comfortable position. He should be ariving in Westside soon. Not his first choice in stops for the day, but it was the closest, and he wasn't in the mood to waste shells on what was left of the Fiends. There weren't that many, but every couple days or so there were some of those old junkies that got nostalgic, slapped on the old helmets and went out to fuck up everyone's day. They were usualy stopped quick enough, but someone would end up shot or stabbed before it was over. Del didn't mean to be that somebody today.

It took around a half-hour to reach the gate of Westside, and another twenty to get himself a room over at the ruined motel. Carlos was still running things, big surprise, and to even less of one, he was still letting Pretty Sarah run her hooking out of the place. Contrary to what Sarah herself said, Del didn't think she looked all that bad. She kept the burns hidden under some heavy clothes, but he'd seen enough of those in his time not to be too squimish. And her face was still nice enough to look at, so there was that.

But he liked the gal enough not to pester her about it, much as he'd have liked to have her to warm up his bed. He didn't even stop to ask about her merchandice for now, just giving her a short little nod and starting up the stairs. He was too beat to treat a girl right tonight anyway. He just wanted some shut eye and a decent breakfeast in the morning...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Terminal
Avatar of Terminal

Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Five days ago
NCR Mojave Outpost

The road to New Vegas was, in the words of one Sergeant Kilborn, 'not safe.' Raiders were actually the least of your worries, on a good day. Most of the major caravan routes through the area moseyed along giant fire-breathing ant nests, giant super-wrestler geckos (also fire breathing) regularly went hunting and made nests around old-world traffic jams, Cazadores made nests at most local water sources, giant radscorpions were more common than bloatflies, and if you saw any kind of old quarry you had a two in three chance it was filled with Deathclaws. Each vicious mutated creature was more horrible and apparently bulletproof than the last, and the only real safe road to Vegas ran from the Mojave Outpost, through Nipton, Novac and the 188 trading post. Deviation from the well-trodden path was ill advised - even with their numbers freed up now that Caesar's Legion had been pushed back, the NCR still had problems securing the roads from trouble.

"So until the road clears up, I cannot guarantee your safety sir." Sgt. Kilborn said to the latest prospector from the South in a well-practiced segue. "We have storage units available for anything you're carrying, and you're welcome to stay at the bar until we give you the all clear. I really wouldn't recommend chancing it. The roads just aren't safe."

The man he was speaking to was perhaps of Asian descent and bore gaunt face, with skin pulled tight over jutting bones. He had a pointed and long, slicked back mane of dark hair and had a small, pointed beard jutting down from his chin. He was dressed like any other wasteland mercenary cruiser, with a pair of thick goggles with opaque lens masking his eyes as he gave the NCR Sergeant a rictus grin.

"Safe isn't where I aim to be, little mote."


Three Days Ago

No-bark Noonan's curious existence in Novac had not changed much since the Courier had passed through. If anything, the REPcon incident, the nasty business with Jeane, and the reactivation of Helios One had fueled his paranoid mind with even more imagined truths, becoming ever more suspicious of outsiders ("Spies for the Illuminati army! They may look just like you and me, but they're actually machines that steal skins and souls from the destitute!") and more intrusive into the lives of his neighbor. In essence, he had graduated from minor nuisance to mild irritant.

One day, when he had been pawing at the wall of the Dino Deelite motel looking for the secret combination of bricks to tap in order to open the passageway to Veritac Alley when he happened to spy a stranger, purchasing sundry goods from Ada Straus...and he spied the butcher of a doctor supplying the black haired man with sugar bombs.

"Now you hold on just a darn minute there! Don't let that quack pull the wool over your eyes!" No-bark boomed as he rushed over to them. "You damned fool, don't you know the government puts mind-controlling chemicals like fluoride and alum in cereals? They're always prayin' on children what with their pheromone-coated toys and demons inside cameras to tell them what to do! I know 'cause of the devil who came through here way back, driving iron chariots with one!"

Ada sighed in an exasperated fashion as the stranger's head inexorably turned to leer at No-bark with a rictus grin and opaque goggles, the dark lens showing only Noolan's reflection. After a brief pause, he asked a strange question.

"Did the devil wave spotted flags or pictures around?"

"Yes! Yes he did!" No-bark gasped with amazement. "You must have seen him too! It 'twas a mite confusing since I may have been having spasms at the time, but he had a bunch of planks what with glowing moon rocks on them that he used to drive the demons on!"

"We're a bit far West for that. Devils like that usually stick up to the Northeast." The stranger said conversationally as he handed Ada a few caps, the amused smile not leaving his face. The wasteland doctor was now looking at both of them like they had Pitt Plague. "Don't worry about the cereal though, little ember. It's all part of the movement. Keep it on the down low."

No-bark's eyes widened in comprehension, and he simply tapped the side of his nose knowingly in response.


Two Days Ago
188 Trading Post

"I'm only selling to big fish, dirtlicker. NCR and caravans only, and while you're about as fucking ugly as a pack brahmin, you aren't a caravan."

Alexander was not at all impressed by the stranger. Mercenary trash like him was always coming and going, and they never had enough caps. He leaned against the wall, arms folded adamantly and his voice utterly deadpan - a demeanor he had spent years perfecting to offset and intimidate most of the garbage that blew through the underpass of the 188.

If he was surprised when the stranger, hands tucked into the pockets of his coat in a casual manner, started giving him a rictus grin smile, he didn't let it show. "So. You must be Alexander then. The Van Graffs talk an awful lot about you."

THAT got Alexander's attention. He narrowed his eyes and began to reach for his rifle. It wasn't the first time somebody had come after him - probably a hit from the Van Graffs, from what the asshead had said. He wasn't going to put up with that though, and although the mercenary had what looked to be a grenade launcher, it was slung securely across his travel pack. Alexander could level his rifle and blow a hole clean through the little shit before he even drew it halfway.

It WAS surprising when the mercenary took his right hand out of his coat pocket and pressed what appeared to be a tin grenade against Alexander's throat, thumb pressed against what had to be the arming button for the sensor module strapped to the side. Alexander froze.

"Not just the Van Graffs either. Not a whole lot of the people here like you much either. How would you care to bet that nobody would bat an eye if you came down with a congestion of explosive powder? Feel like gambling with your life?"

To his credit, Alexander recovered quickly and didn't balk. "You devious bastard...You do realize there's no way I'm letting you walk out of this alive, right? The second your arm pulls back I'm going to shoot your sorry ass. You can't set that thing off at this range without blowing off your arm."

The stranger 's rictus grin grew even wider.

"Was that a challenge, little mote? Because that sounded an awful lot like a challenge to me."

The Forecaster, who had been watching the scene unfold anxiously from his nest in the underpassage, did not need psychic powers to tell what was coming next and immediately ducked behind the nearest car wreck.

The improvised flashbang grenade went off as the mercenary released the arming switch, blinding and deafening both Alexander, his bodyguard, and everybody else in the underpassage...except for the man himself, with his goggles and their opaque, polarized lens.

Once everybody had recovered, the mercenary was nowhere to be seen, and neither was Alexander - although there was a suspicious scattering of smoldering ash piled against the wall he had been leaning against. When the Forecaster looked at the ashes, he shivered - even through the dampening effects of the psychic blocker he wore on his head, visions of fire and laughter lived in the darkness behind his eyes for a scant moment when he blinked.


Evan yelped as the stranger caught his sneaking hand trying to snatch something out of one of his coat pockets. "You really shouldn't stick your fingers in dangerous places." The man said with nasty smile. "You're liable to lose fingers that way."

"L...look, I'm real sorry mister, it's just I'm starving and thirsty and I don't have any caps and I don't know what else to do..." Evan started blubbering. It wasn't the first time he'd been caught pickpocketing, and on occasion he managed to escape unscathed by turning on the waterworks. Mostly he was beaten anyway, but either way it didn't hurt to try.

It looked like it had worked too, since the man's smile faded and turned into an appraising line. His eyes were hidden by the goggles he wore, but he was clearly thinking.

After a moment of silence, he let Evan go and set his travel pack on the ground. "Little boys like you should always be able to have something to cure what ails them. I'll give you a little something, and you'll never pick pockets again, alright?"

"I promise mister." Evan said dutifully as the man retrieved a cereal box of sugar bombs from his pack.

"No need to promise, little mote. I know." The man gave Evan another wicked grin as he handed over the box. Evan took it and immediately sprinted away with the prize and ducking into a nearby alley, barely able to believe his luck. Hopping into the safe confines of a dumpster to eat in peace, he pried open the top of the cereal box and squinted inside at the frag mine filling the space where there should have been chocolate frosted wheat.

The man whistled an eerie tune as a dull boom rocked through the alley Evan had run into a block away. The vagrant thugs who had been watching him from the sides of the street found immediate excuses to be elsewhere as he made the long walk across the stretch of street leading up to the strip gate. Approaching the barricade and the securitrons there, he slowed and his smile vanished as he stopped whistling and assumed a thoughtful expression, listening the the strange, garbled system messages the robots sent between each other. The Securitron Greeter rolled up to him and delivered its ultimatum.

"Submit to a credit check or present your passport before proceeding to the gate. Trespassers will be shot."

"In a minute." The man said as he gave the looming Securitron a quick look-over. "I have a few questions first. Can you answer a few?"


"I don't believe I've ever seen a robot like you before. What model are you?"

"I am a PDQ-88b Securitron, RobCo security model 2060-B. I was manufactured by RobCo in the year 2076."

"So you're a RobCo 'bot...I suppose that means you use termlink code then, and that garbled junk your friends are spewing is encrypted audio formatting?"

"The design specifications of Securitron models is classified to the general public."

"And that little spinning deal, I suppose that's a wireless comm. sensor?" The man asked, pointing the the rotating ring-shaped antenna on top of the greeter.

"The design specifications of Securitron models is classified to the general public." The greeter repeated flatly. The man gave the securitron a final lookover before finally responding.

"53l FD3 57R UC7."

The greeter Securitron promptly short circuited in a shower of sparks and fell to the ground, inactive.

"And that's why audio termlink input is classified as a design flaw." The man announced cheerily as one of the Securitrons by the gate rolled forward aggressively. The man simply looked at it with a waiting smile as its screen flickered from showing a gruff, cigar-chomping soldier to that of a cowboy.

"Son, Mr. House is not going to like that little wild west show stunt of yours at all if I reckon right. How about you run along to the ranch and stop making trouble with the local flavor? They're expecting you up in the lounge."

"About time. What does a guy need to do to get a little respect around here?" The man complained coyly as he sidled past Victor. "Don't let the brackets hit your asterisk on the way out, little mote."


Dallas was notified of the new arrival in the penthouse by the whirring noise of the elevator ascending and the doors grinding open...and the obnoxious singing.

"I doooon't want to set the woooorld on fiiiiirerrrrr..." The man stepped out of the elevator with a spring in his step, spotted Dallas, and stopped. After a pause, he delivered an unsettling grin to the fair-haired man and leered straight into Dallas' eyes, opaque goggles giving nothing away.

"Hey there little pebble. Are you ready to shake, rattle and roll? Because let me tell you, your bones don't look like they've been dusted on the ground appropriately. I'm almost afraid you'll break like fine china once I push you over this balcony."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
Avatar of Dinh AaronMk

Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 10 days ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheLonePup


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“STOP MOVING YOU FUCKING PUSSY!” A single woman’s voice echoes around the Followers of the Apocalypse fort, a few of the followers and patients that had been walking past stumbling for a step as they hesitantly looked over their shoulders at the tent the voice had come out of. Many of them had had the misfortune of having the stranger from the east as a caretaker, and they knew just how unpleasant she could be, especially when she thought you got hurt for a stupid reason… And sadly for the woman she was working on right now, she believed it to be a truly stupid reason.

“You are the dumb fuck who went and pissed off the raiders! If you can’t get behind cover after pissing them off then you deserve to be full of lead! You’re lucky I need you alive and intact or I’d just stick you full of Med-X and chop the whole damn arm off!” she growls.

One of the followers, obviously someone who hadn’t worked with this woman poked her head in, worried by the shouting. He was stopped dead in his tracks as he set eyes on the two women, one laying on her side with a belt shoved in her mouth, the other one straddling her side, pinning both the woman’s arms to her body as she hovers over a bloody patch on the first woman’s right arm, a pair of forceps probing the wound, “e-excuse me” he starts, voice cracking a bit at the beginning, “Do you require any assistance Mi-“ His question was cut off by the crashing of the metal tray from the cot-side stand as it flew through the air and slammed into the support near his head.

“What I require is you to get your ass out of here before I’m forced to put some lead into you!” she shouts, practically snarling. She didn’t have to “ask” twice as the man quickly ran out of the tent and was on the other side of the compound in the few seconds it took her to go back to the job at hand “I nearly got the fucker…” she mumbles as she starts to pull the forceps out, gripping the chunk of lead and starting to pull it out. The moment she starts to pull, her “patient” starts to buck, attempting to throw her off, and she just clenches her thighs, squeezing the woman’s belly, hard, “STAY THE FUCK STILL!” she screams over the muffled screams of pain coming from her patient, “We can’t spare the fucking drugs!”

“I CNNT!” replied her patient with a muffled scream. For being an “Elite soldier” this girl was a bitch when it came to pain.

“FINE!” Ellie finally snaps, free hand reaching blindly to the table beside her and grabs one of the syringes setting there “You’re lucky I swiped this from one of the other tents” she hisses, glancing at the label to make sure it was Med-X before stabbing the needle into Rabecca’s arm right above the wound and pushing the plunger. “Fucking baby…” she grumbles, “I was gonna add that to the med-pack for a rainy day…”

“shk uo oo” she hears Rebecca mumble, and it forces a loud, barking laugh from Ellie.

“ ‘Atta girl!” she laughs as she sticks the forceps back in, “I just about got the fucking thing, you just need to stay still a little longer…” she mumbles as she grabs the bullet and slowly pulls it out, being careful not to cause any more trauma to the surrounding muscle than needed. A few more seconds of wiggling and pulling and out popped the bullet. With a grin Ellie dropped it onto the bed by Rebecca’s face “Wow, that little splinter’s it?” she teases as she starts sewing the hole closed, “We should go off the bastards and see if they don’t have any chems we could make use of…” she says before hopping off and pulling the belt out of Rebecca’s mouth.

"You're gonna hurt for a couple days, but don't go bitching about it to me, you're not getting any drugs. we don't have enough to spare, and I'm not having you go junkie on me. Don't know how much of a light weight you are." She explains as she rubs her gloves in the dirt to get the blood to clump before wiping them off on the fabric of the tent.

“You dirty rotten bitch! Next time yank the fucking thing out, dont play with it!” her patient growled at her. So ungrateful.

“Sure! I’ll gladly just tear the fucking thing out of you… That isn’t your gun arm is it? If it is I suggest you start practicing with your left now, because next time I’ll just tear it out and not bother to protect the other muscles.” she replies sarcastically, "The proper response is 'Thank you Ellie for removing the bullet from my arm and not allowing me to go septic. I truly appreciate you taking the time out of your day to save my dumb ass’ come on! Let’s try that!"

The expression on Rebecca’s face showed that she had struck a nerve, which of course brought out a broad grin on Ellie’s face as her companion as she responded in a just-as-sarcastic tone ““Oh Im sorry! Thank you, now go fuck yourself” before storming out.

“See? Much better!” Ellie calls after her, laughing, “Get yer’ ass back in here, we need to talk dammit!”

Seeming fairly irritated, much to Ellie’s enjoyment, Rebecca poked her head back into the tent “What. Do. You. Want.” She asked.

“I found out more information that we need to know. Since I already pulled the bullet out of your arm, try to pull the bug out of your ass and get in here.

The deep breath Rebecca had to take to calm herself gave Ellie such a deep satisfaction that she couldn’t even try to conceal the mischievous grin that crossed her face. “What? Found something out? Well spill it” she says as she sits back on the bed.

Ellie inches over to the tent opening and pokes her head out, making sure there wasn’t anyone nearby before pulling back inside and moving closer to the bed, “Alright, so, turns out that the people around here are just as interested in those rails as we are. I guess the head honcho and some rich bastard are funding an expedition to do something about it… Dunno what exactly they’re doing about it, but we should probably check it out…” her voice trails off as she picks her trenchcoat up off of a nearby chair and pulls it on, “There’s a bit of an issue though…”

“Wait wait.. they have rich people here?' Rebecca replied sounding rather surprised, “Well, if they have an interest in the rails.. We need to saddle up and find out exactly why.” She continues as she stands and grabs her windbreaker “What problem would that be exactly...?”

“Yes… They DO have rich people around here… Just… not… HERE…” she says, frowning as she reaches in her coat and grabs the pouch she keeps her caps in, “THIS is our problem” she says with a sigh, “I counted and I have roughly 200 some caps… I never took the time to count YOUR caps, but something tells me you don’t have much more since you keep coming to me to patch you up… So either you’re broke or just really stupid” She jabs playfully, “They’re meeting in that big ass tower on the other side of the wall…” she continues, getting serious again, “And in order to get on the other side of the wall they do a credit check… and you have to have at least two THOUSAND caps… or some kind of passport… So far nobody’s trusted me enough to tell me how to go about getting a passport, and from the sounds of it we don’t have the time for ass kissing to get one…”

“Two thousand... We need two thousand caps..” Rebecca replied, dumbfounded before taking out her cap pouch. “I got.. three hundred. Last time I counted..” she says before squinting at Ellie and replying “You know, being a hooker pays pretty good around here..” and then releasing a little sigh “Well.. what are we gonna do? Thats a lot of money.. and we dont even have half of it..”

“Yea I know it it… But you seem pretty open to the idea of being a hooker… so while you work the streets,” she shoots Rebecca a playful grin and a wink, “Which I sure hope you enjoy yourself, just make sure they wrap their peckers” she adds with a giggle, “I intend to give the casinos a try. Using my SKILLS rather than my assets. I’m told there’s one on the other side of freeside, it’s apparently a shithole but hopefully people will be too shit faced to pay much attention.

An eye twitch showed Ellie she had won, causing her to puff her chest out a bit as her grin broadens “You got plenty of assests to go around though..” Rebecca replies, shrugging off her loss and standing up “Right.. So while your playing games, ill make sure the owners are busy or something... Let just get going.” Before heading out of the tent “You coming?”

“Yea, my assets and I are coming.” She says, following Rebecca, “Thankfully I have the skills, brains, AND assets. Too bad you don’t” she continues to jab, pouring salt on the wound, “You’re more than welcome to use your assets to earn a little side cash as well though, every bit helps.”

“C’mon… c’mon… just give me a face… just give me a fucking face…” she growls under her breath, staring at the cards in front of her, an 8 and a 2, totaling 10. Although she was hoping for a face card, she’d be happy with anything above five… And of course when the dealer tossed another card her way, the bright red of a five of diamonds stared up at her, “God dammit… hit me…” she grumbles, crossing her fingers in the sleeve of her trench coat, hoping for something under six this time… And again, the dealer gives her a big ol’ “fuck you!” as the King of spades flips up

“That’s a bust” he says, before moving on to the next.

“DAMMIT!” Ellie snarls as she slams her fist down on the table, causing it to jump a bit as she quickly swapped out the bet of 42, two twenties and two ones, with a bet of twelve, two fives and the two ones, leaving the 1 cap chips on top so to conceal the chips beneath. “Fucking deck’s loaded…” she grumbles under her breath as she looks at her rapidly dwindling pile of chips, she had gone from 500, clear down to 200… Although the dealer cast her a rather frustrated look, he didn’t say anything and she just cast him an apologetic look, giving him the most innocent face she could, “I’m sorry… just… a bit frustrated… You’re taking all my caps man!” she says before leaning back in her seat and sighing loudly as the man deals to the man beside her.

“Now, now, dahlin’” the man next to her says with a thick southern accent which just about everybody native to this area seemed to have, “No need to go gettin’ all frustrated, ‘tis the nature of games such as this. Sometimes ya win, sometimes ya lose. There ain’t nothin’ you can do ‘bout it.”

She just shook her head as she casts a glance across the room, hoping that Rebecca was still at least keeping the bosses busy, seeing that she was doing an effective job of at least distracting them still she just scoops up her chips, sighing, “I’m sorry guys, I just can’t afford to lose anything more… I’m gonna have to bail.” She says with a sigh as she drops her chips into an inner pocket of her jacket and stands up, moving around the table and opening her arms wide “No hard feelings, right?” she says to the dealer, and before he can reply, she grabs him in a hug. As he struggles, she quickly grabs a stack of 100 cap chips, and swiftly pockets them, casting a warning glance at the man opposite her as she does so.

She doesn’t fight as the dealer pushes her away, obviously pissed off, and she just gives him her biggest smile, batting her eyelashes, before moving over to the man she had been sitting beside and holding her arms open for him, and he eagerly takes the hug, his hands cupping her ass and squeezing. She releases the little squeak she knew he wanted to hear, and slides her hand in his coat pocket, pushing down so he knew something was still there, before pulling back and giving him what passed off as a shy smile, “Thanks for the pep talk, but I gotta get going regardless” she says, “best of luck to you” she says, patting his chest, before heading off, grinning to herself as she slides the pouch she had swiped from his hip into one of her inner jacket pockets, she felt the caps clinking together inside, but decides to wait until she was out of the casino to count them.

Approaching the counter, she pulls the remainders of her chips from her pocket, along with the six 100cap chips she had swiped, and sets them down on the counter, “Need to cash out, better get out while I’m ahead,” she says, grinning at the man behind the counter before giving him a wink “Thanks for the fun, I’m definitely gonna have to come back she check out the rest you have to offer” she says as he counts up her caps, drops them in a pouch, and tosses it to her, which she slips in her pocket right beside the guy’s pouch. As she pockets it, she just nods at him with another grin and heads for the door, shooting a glance at the woman that had been behind the counter as she started screaming at Rebecca.

As she closes the door behind them, she motions for Rebecca to hurry away frm the door, “need to get out o here before that guy checks his pockets…” she mumbles under her breath, repeatedly checking behind her shoulder.

"Check his po- whoa whoa you telling me you took his caps?" Rebecca asks. Ellie was about to respond before she heard the door slam open and the man’s voice screaming out

“ ‘ey! What tha fuck you think yer’ doin! Git yer’ asses back here with mah caps!”

“Fuckfuckfuckfuck move!” she hisses, starting to run all out down the street. Just as they hit the corner, she heard the hissing, bubbling sound of a plasma bolt flying through the air behind them, “Fuck! Get down!” she yells, slamming into Rebecca’s side and throwing her to the ground as the bolt flies over their heads and hits the ground a few yards ahead of them, hissing and bubbling as it starts to dissipate, leaving a green stain on the street, the asphalt about half an inch thinner.

Frantically, she crawls over behind one of the derelict cars and puts her back against it, frantically trying to figure out what to do as she pulls her pistol out of her hip holster .

“Ya little fuckin’ whore!” he screams as a plasma bolt splats against the side of the car, “think ya’ can get away with stealin’ mah caps! Ah’ll fuckin teach ya!”

"This is why you DONT FUCKING STEAL" Rebecca screamed at her, magnum already in hand.

“No! This is why you don’t get caught and move fast enough that they can’t get you when you are!” she yells back as another blob of plasma slams into the car and the frame begins to melt. She could already feel the heat in the old rusted metal and knew it wouldn’t be effective cover for long. “Alright, stay here, I’ll run as fast as I fucking can for the opposite side of the street, chances are since he’s pissed at me he’ll go after me, I know I’ll be able to move faster than a plasma bolt so as long as he’s too fucking stupid to lead his targets I should be fine. Once I go you get up and take the sh-“

She’s cut off as the shockwave hits the car, stealing her breath a millisecond before the explosive *BOOM* causes her ears to ring and the ground to shake. Instinctively, she drops to the ground and covers her head, not pausing for even a moment to wonder what the hell was going on. About two seconds later, while she’s still reeling from the explosion, something wet lands on her back with a meaty smack.

She just stares at the ground, eyes wide as she tries to focus on her breathing, slowly taking check of every part of her body, even if she couldn’t feel any pain she could still be going into shock. Her arms were still there… she could feel her legs.. She could still see… her ears were ringing, that was somewhat of a good sign… She could just barely hear Rebecca screaming her name so she could at least hear some. The only thing out of place, was something on her back… she reaches up to touch it and then brings her hand back down to her face to see it covered in blood!

-Oh no! Was Rebecca hit??- she thinks to herself, quickly looking over at her companion and releases a sigh of relief as she sees she was okay… She slowly lifts her head to peek out through the shattered and warped windows of the car, only to see a crater in the ground, and a massive bloodstain. Gore littered the street where the man had been standing, his weapon sparking and hissing a few feet from the crater. It wasn’t until she went to stand, pistol still in hand, that she sees the giant, blocky robot rolling their way.

“Fuck!” she hisses under her breath, dropping her gun and holding her hands up in the air.

”THREAT ELIMINATED! NO NEED TO WORRY CITIZENS! YOU ARE SAFE N-“ The robot cuts off as the screen, which had moments before shown the image of a battle hardened soldier with five o’clock shadow, goes to static only to be replaced moments later by the image of what appeared to be a laughing cowboy.

”Well howdy partners! Y’all wouldn’t happen to be them easterners that have come to visit the strip lookin’ for work would’ja? Mr. House has heard y’all’ve been askin’ around about work!” he says, causing Ellie to glance hesitantly over at Rebecca, [/b] “It sure is a good thing I saw that commotion from over by the gate or else things could’a ended badly for ya! If you’re still interested in that job, yer’ more than welcome to come with me to visit the Lucky 38 and speak to Mr. House yerselves. I’m sure he’d love to meet ya, we don’t get many folks from out east.”[/b]

Dumbfounded, Ellie hesitantly reaches down and picks up her side arm, slipping it back into her holster, “Oh… uhm.. a-alright…” she stammers, ears still ringing slightly as she looks over to Rebecca. Sure she had been asking a lot of people… but how the fuck had somebody as important as this Mr. House guy found out about them? “Y-you… you think we should go?”

"No choice... Lets go see what this is about." Rebecca replied.

Ellie just nodded, turning back to the robot, “I guess we’re in, lead the way?” She says, the robot just chuckles as it somehow turns on the spot with only one wheel. how the hell did he manage that? she can’t help but think to herself as she fell in step behind him, heading into the strip and towards the Lucky 38
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ZeeKiwi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The one thing she hated about coming to this place, was the damned heat. ”This place sucks.. Why is it so hot..” She muttered to no one but her self. Walking through the streets of Westside with nothing better todo, it finally gave Rebecca a few moments to look at the state of the town.Every building looked exactly the same in her eyes. Grey, bland and lacking creativity. While walking, a group of children ran past her, chasing a rat with sticks and a bat. Unable to stop a smile from stretching acorss her lips, she pressed on, head shaking.

“Nothing to even do here but piss away money.. Is this how everyone li-” Suddenly pulled from her cozy flash back, to the real world where a woman was straddling her side. A long, antagonizing groan filled the room. “Uht uuh!” Was muffled screamed into the belt that had been shoved into her mouth. The pain jolted through her right arm as her 'doctor' decided to prod at the wound. Tears filled her eyes, making everything fuzzy. Hearing another voice, one that wasnt screaming and calling her names, she looked over to see a follower that had peeked his head insie. “Nnngggh!” She screamed again, as if trying to get the man to come help. God knows she wanted a real doctor and not her current companion she was stuck with.

The sound of the tray crashing sent her back into a dazed flash back. She found her self running around a corner. Face to face with a dead end. The screaming had stopped. No more bleeds for help, only a woman standing by a dumpster, looking at Rebecca. Dumb found she took a few steps closer.

“Are you the one screaming for help? Whats wrong?”

“I'm sorry about this...” the woman said from the dumpster.

“Sorry? What are you..” It was then, she saw a small handful of men walk out of the cracks and corners of the dead end. The woman only looked away in shame at what she had done. The men chuckled and exchanged looks between each other.

“What do we have here?” One man said, walking with his group. Closer they crept. It was clear to Rebecca what they wanted, and planned to do. “So tell me girl” The man looked back to his friends while talking. He was cut off before finishing what he planned to say. Looking down at his leg in surprise, blood ran out of the bullet wound. Rebecca stood with her .45 Colt drawn. The silencer on the end had muffled the shot. The thug clasped his hands around the wound and fell over. Writhing in pain. One of the other men drew is handgun and took his aim. Turning around, she sprinted as fast as she could around the corner. Even then it wasnt enough because a single round from the raider lodged into her right arm.

Jerking around on her side, the pain only intensified as her doctor grabbed the lead and started to pull. “I CNNT!” Was her response when told to hold still. She could swear that Ellie was fucking with her right now, and hadnt pulled the bullet out just because she liked to watch the suffering. Like a gift rom god she heard nothing but noise from Ellie as she went off on a rant. A needle stuck into her arm, and the sweet release from pain was slowly setting in. One thing she had heard was being called a fucking baby. Nodding her head upwards at Ellie, her teeth had bitten into the belt. “shk uo oo” She muttered into the belt with what looked like a grin.

Chomping down on the belt, like it would make a difference, she grunted softly this time around as the meds dulled the pain of the tugging and pulling. As the lead fell onto the bed next to her she busted into a small chuckling fit. Hardly noticing that Ellie started sticking her up, the belt was removed, and it was going to have a permanent set of teeth marks on it. With out a belt to stop her this time she growled “You dirty rotten bitch! Next time yank the fucking thing out, dont play with it!” Just looking froward to a few days of not being able to use her arm, she huffed and rolled her eyes. “Dont talk to me about being a junkie..” Was mumbled under her breath. Her teeth gritted as Ellie went off in that sarcastic tone she truly hated.

“Oh Im sorry!” She responded in a tone just as similar. “Thank you, now go fuck your self” Slowly sitting up, she climbed out of the bed and left the tent. Being called back into the tent she turned around, head poking in. “What. Do. You. Want.” With a sigh, she took a deep breath and walked back into the tent. Once again sitting on the bed. “What? Found something out? Well spill it”

Rebecca hated when Ellie came back with information and she hadn't learned much of anything in the time they spent here. “Wait wait.. they have rich people here?' She said, knowing the surrounding area was pretty shit. “Well, if they have an interest in the rails.. We need to saddle up and find out exactly why.” Standing from the bed, she followed Ellie's lead and grabbed her wind breaker and carefully put it on. Pulling the hood up, her head tilted off to the side. “What problem would that be exactly...?”

Caps. It had to be about caps. Her mouth nearly dropped open when Ellie said the grand total to get on the other side of the wall. “Two thousand... We need two thousand caps..” Swallowing hard she took out her cap pouch. “I got.. three hundred. Last time I counted..” Feeling that little Jab now, she squinted for a second. “You know, being a hooker pays pretty good around here..” After getting that little poke in, she sighed. “Well.. what are we gonna do? That’s a lot of money.. and we don’t even have half of it..”

Rebecca's eye twitched. That little poke backfired on her and she couldn’t really fight back. “You got plenty of assets to go around though..” Shrugging off her loss wit this one, she stood up and sighed. “Right.. So while your playing games, ill make sure the owners are busy or something... Let just get going.” Still abit sore from that backfire, she walked out the tent. “You coming?”

The Wrangler wasn’t all she thought. Of course it was still a dump, but it was better then some places in the town. Ellie went off right away to try and win more caps. “She took my money...” She mumbled under her breath. Rebecca walked up to the bar and looked between the man, and woman.

“Welcome to the Wrangler.” The woman said in a rugged, mannish voice. “What can I get ya?” Knowing she had no money what so ever. “Im actually here about a job..” She started. But caught the looks from the man behind the counter. “Was looking to maybe bar-tend.. or be a waiter..” The woman behind the bar rubbed her forehead.

After a few seconds of self though, the woman behind the bar looked at the door and saw two gentlemen walk inside. “Try these two and we will see” She walked into the back room, while the man walked out from behind the counter and moved him self to the stage. Smirking she moved behind the bar, and peeled her windbreaker off. Standing in her under armor vest, the gentleman walked to the bar.

“One beer” the first said

“Whiskey” The other. Crouching down behind the bar, she found a cooler with beers inside. Setting the frosted beer on the counter, she grabbed a bottle of open whiskey and filled a shot glass. “That will be..36 caps”

Even though it was a cheap price in her book. The men complained and forked over the caps. The woman from before was watching from the back room as the money was put in the register. “Wonder how shes doing..” She mumbled to her self. Looking to the other room with the tables where Ellie was suppose to be getting them money. Catching sight of her hugging a stranger, and the man grabbing at her ass, Rebecca couldn’t stop her head from shaking. “Thats one way to play the tables.” The owner of the bar walked out of the back room and looked Rebecca down.

“Well, I guess you got monies worth for the drinks, and they didn’t complain about your looks. I don’t see why you couldn’t work here.” The woman went off to explain the rules, pay, and what was expected of Rebecca while she worked for her. But Rebecca couldn’t help smiling as Ellie walked to what she thought was the chip exchange.

Right.. Right I think I can handle all of that..” She said, as if she was paying attention the whole time. Nodding at the owner, she catches sight of Ellie cashing out. “That's great” She mumbled and walked back around the bar, walking over to the door.

“Where are you going?!” The owner called out to Rebecca as she waited by the door. Watching as Ellie started to walk her way. Her foot started to tap and she looked at her watch. “Come on.. lets go..” Glancing at the owner she gave a fake smile. She had to endue the ear ache while waiting for her pain in the ass to get over here.

As the door shut behind her, she stood outside and looked to Ellie as they walked down the street. "Check his po- whoa whoa you telling me you took his caps?" Looking back over her own shoulder just in time to catch the pissed off man walk out to scream at them.

With no time to react, she did the only thing she could. Run.

She could hear the plasma behind her, rippling and bubbling in the air. Ready to duck around a corner, Ellie beat her to it and slammed into her side. Tripping over her own feet from the slam, she fell around the corner and pressed her back to it. "This is why you DONT FUCKING STEAL" She screamed over to Ellie. Her .45 was drawn, held in the left hand.

She couldn’t take a shot with plasma flying through the air like it was. So she waited, back to the wall. Keeping an eye on Ellie as the plasma hit the car she was using as cover. Watching the cover slowly being reduced to nothing, she slides her back up the wall. .45 lifted to her face. "Will you shut up and move!?" She wondered how someone could talk so much when getting shot at, let alone having their cover slowly reduced to nothing. "i get the point! Just-" That same explosive sound cut her voice off. The ground shook under her feet. The sudden noise made her ears ring. Her left hand cupped against her ear, head turning off to the side.

Unsure of what the hell just happened, Rebecca didn’t move from her spot. It took a few moments to even get her eyes to stop shaking and get a look at the chunk of something land on Ellie’s back. She didn’t make any sudden movements, in case there was another explosion to follow the first. "Are you ok!?" She yelled over. "Ellie!?" She yelled again, trying to hear her self over the ringing in her ears.

Rebecca sighed happily once Ellie looked u. Knowing she was alright made her life that much easier. The ringing was getting duller an duller as she stood their, popping her ears. Still holding her side arm, she caught sight of a large shouldered robot looking at them. At first, she couldn’t make out what he was saying. But when the face switched, she started picking up more of what was going on.

Her eyes shot open in surprise when the robot asked if they where the ones from the east. Word seemed to really get around this place. She soaked up all the words exchanged between Ellie and the robot. Glancing at Ellie one last time she holsters her pistol and stumbles over to her partner. A hand resting on her shoulder. "No choice... Lets go see what this is about."

There wasn’t much more to say. Rebecca followed next to Ellie. Swatting her self in the side of the head as the ringing finally completely died off. Now it was off to the Lucky 38, to see what the robot was talking about. And find out what these people know about the mag- rails.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 10 days ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


Member Offline since relaunch

Poe said "Hey there little pebble. Are you ready to shake, rattle and roll? Because let me tell you, your bones don't look like they've been dusted on the ground appropriately. I'm almost afraid you'll break like fine china once I push you over this balcony."

Dallas quickly turned around, cigarette in hand. 'Now...' He said, taking a breath in. 'Is that even how you introduce yourself?' He frowned 'should at least gimme a name...'

The man laughed. "I like your sense of priorities. I am Poe, and I suppose it's only courteous if I ask for your name in return."

Dallas hesitated for a split second. 'James or Dallas?' He thought... He spoke up 'Dallas...'

"Well Dallas, you seem to have some flow with you. I like that, so forget the whole thing with the balcony. Clearly we got off on the wrong foot. Tell you what, I have a little something a fellow like you might appreciate..." He began to reach into one of his coat pockets.

James was suspicious. He looked at Poe as he reached into his pocket. Was it a gun? grenade? or a knife maybe? He was unsure whether or not Poe was trying to befriend him or kill him. Either way, he stood there, his hands in his pocket. His suspicious turned out to have been prudent, for Poe abruptly yanked his hand from the pocket, revealing a grenade - and a pulled grenade pin looped around his thumb.

"SURPRISE! WE'RE BOTH GONNA DIE!" Poe shouted enthusiastically, surging forward and invading Dallas' personal space, waving the grenade in the air dramatically.

'Shit...' Dallas cursed. He knew that Poe was gagging it, due to the way that he was holding the grenade, he was hiding the other pin, which was still secure. Dallas politely put a hand on Poe's stomach, pushing the man away from him. 'Nice try...' Dallas said, looking at him.

Poe scowled. "I really want to see you fall off this balcony..." He grumbled as he stashed the grenade, though he kept the second pin and spun it lazily around his thumb. "How about you do it to impress the House? I mean, because let's face it, you're so well kept he'll probably mistake you for a man-whore otherwise. How did you even get in here?"

Dallas frowned upon Poe. 'Not an NCR fan i'm guessing?' he asked 'Or is it the fact that i'm prettier than you?' Dallas' frown rose into a smirk. "Yes?" Poe cackled in response. "Certainly can't fault you for not being a cool rider. But thing is, as far as I or anyone else knows you're just some Brahmin Baron yuppie. You didn't answer my question." 'The little robot let me in...' Dallas answered. 'Nice guy... didn't even gimme his name...'

"Those robots don't just let anybody in here." Poe scoffed. "I'm new to the area, but even I know that we're probably the first people other than Tenpenny to set foot in here since that snafu with that Courier. I was asking you what you were hired for - I just assumed you were smart enough to read between the lines of what I was saying, but apparently not. So you're not here because of your brains at least." Poe gave Dallas a rictus grin.

Dallas stood there, with a... disappointed look on his face. 'You're right... I ain't the smartest NCR...' He admitted. 'I was given this pip-boy... Told to come here... Poor soul died giving me this... Didn't catch his name either...' Dallas looked over at Poe. 'I came here also, because I think this might help me find someone...' He added, holding the picture of Caroline in his duster pocket.

"What, they're just letting anybody with a Pipboy walk right on in, no questions asked?" Poe's smile vanished entirely, subsumed by an annoyed look of dismay. "I had to jump through all sorts of hoops on the way in."

Dallas continued to keep his original frown. 'Remember what I said. A boy died, and he gave this to me... He said I was 'the type...', And like I said, this might help me look for someone...' Dallas turned around. 'Now where is this Tenpenny fellow?' He muttered, looking around.

"So you're an understudy to the person who was originally hired. Feh. I guess you'll do until you don't and get splattered all over the nearest wall." Poe said, looking faintly disappointed. "And knowing Tenpenny's type, he's probably down in the high-roller suite waiting for all of us to assemble. He'll make a dramatic entrance along with House or something to that effect once everybody is here."

Dallas chuckled to himself. 'That's what rich folk do right? Make themselves known. I'd get why he would make such a big entrance...' He admitted, taking another whiff of his cigar. 'Why don't I be polite...' Dallas said, pulling out his pack of smokes. 'Want one?' he asked.

"Don't smoke." Poe said. "We should probably get off this balcony before I change my mind and shove you off anyway. The temptation grows with every moment. Also, considering the number of explosives I'm trotting around, you'd better keep that dirty little mouth fuse away." Poe warned as he began to head down the stairs towards the lounge.

Dallas smirked, and followed after Poe down the stairs. He put his pack back into his pocket and took his current one out of his mouth, which was close to becoming a bud. 'Hope this place has an ash tray...' Dallas thought, holding his now cigarette butt in his hand.

"What model is that pipboy of yours anyway?" Poe asked as he threw himself back onto one of the couches in the corner of the room, besides a desk with a view overlooking the city below.

Dallas looked down at his right wrist. 'I dunno...' He said 'Never had one before actually...' He hesitated '3000 I'm guessing... Why, new mew model out or some shit?'

"No, it's...oh fuck it, it'll just be easier to show you. Arm out." Poe waved impatiently for Dallas' left arm. It was hard to tell due to the goggles, but he had an expectant look.

'How do I know you're not gonna chop my arm off or something of the sorts...' Dallas said.

"Little mote, if I wanted your arm, I would have fucking taken it the second I walked in." Poe said flatly.

'Fair point...' Dallas said. He sat down on the same couch as Poe, but sat up, and was more to the edge of the sofa than Poe was. He lifted his left arm up. 'All yours...' Dallas said

Poe grabbed the glove device and began fiddling with the control knob and dial, switching the screen to the radio receiver. He then set the third dial on the device - which never seemed to do anything when Dallas used it - to a particular setting, pressed it down for three seconds, and then turned it all the way to the right. The pipboy's screen flickered for a moment before the refined textures of the control interface vanished entirely, leaving only a black screen filled with termlink code. Poe studied the screen for a few moments.

"Where did you say you got this again?" Poe asked bemusedly as he used the dials to scroll through the code, line by line.

'A kid gave it to me before he died.' Dallas said, holding his left arm in front of Poe

"I said where, not who, idiot." Poe said, the insult only half-emphasized as the man continued examining the screen.

'Off the kid's corpse. He died. and i took it from him...' Dallas said '...Technically.'

"You are entirely worthless." Poe said, irritation creeping into his voice.

'Horrorwitz Farmstead.' Dallas said 'Little place near Horrorwitz Farmstead.'

"Well, this Pipboy has some mileage on it then. The termlink coding for it resembles the regional standard for the Northeastern province, yeah? More than a thousand miles away from here." Poe said conversationally. "I wasn't positive before, so I wasn't certain I could do...this!" He used the Pipboy's dial and knob to highlight a particular fragment of code, and then pressed the third switch. The lines of code promptly scrolled up the screen, leaving just a flat, blank screen. A moment later, a number of lines appeared across the length of the screen, each at a different orientation and each undulating at a different frequency. They were clearly representative of radio frequencies.

"There. Each line is pointing to an individual radio frequency transmission or receiver in range. You can use that to identify and localize robots, other terminals and Pipboys and the like. Should come in handy. This place is crawling with them, which is only to be expected with all these 'Securitrons' rolling around."

Dallas pulled back his arm from Poe. 'Uhm... Thank you...' He said. It took a moment to comprehend what Poe said. 'Alright...' Dallas said, looking at his pip-boy.

"Oh, and by the way the other functions are locked out now." Poe added as an afterthought.

'Wait what...' Dallas said 'So you mean that I can't use anything else?'

"That's right. I mean, you could switch between this mode and regular functionality, but that's tedious. And what use would a person like you have for a Pipboy anyway? Do you even know what they're used for?"

'I actually do know what they're used for.' Dallas said 'They provided wearers with maps, served as a Biometric... Radio, a lot of things.' Dallas slumped back into the couch, his hands in his lap.

"Well, we're going to need somebody with a Pipboy to use this particular feature for the duration of the job. So get used to it, unless someone else comes along with another one." Poe said, a faint smirk on his face. "Congratulations, you finally have a reason to be here."

Dallas looked back at Poe. 'And guess what...' He said 'If there is someone else with a pip-boy. I still won't leave... Have another reason to be here other than the pip-boy...'

"No. Look, you've dropped enough hints already that you're here for yours own reasons. Do you think anybody cares? Because nobody else gives a damn about who you are looking for. Whoever you're looking for doesn't mean anything to us, to House, Tenpenny, end of story. That's not a reason for you to be here. That's a reason for you to tag along and catch bullets for us." Poe said, a nasty tone creeping into his voice. "I'd watch what you say about your reasons for being here more carefully. I just don't care. Someone else might actually think about taking that little accessory of yours and throwing you out the window. Got that, little Mote?

Dallas shot a glare at Poe, then looked back. 'I'm still not gonna leave if you don't need me...' He said 'Yeah, other than the pip-boy I'm practially useless. But what if you need NCR authority? Huh, can't go into strict NCR territory without special permission... And a plain ole trooper won't be able to provide that permission.' Dallas pointed out. 'That's kind of where I come in...'

Poe gave Dallas a level look. "Whatever you say, little Mote."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Outside of Freeside, near to the Kings Watering Pump

“ Guess ya owe me another 500 caps Donald” smirked Javier has he hid his Caravan deck
“ Fuck off “ Donald exclaimed, before he sat a pouch, with 500 caps

Javier grabbed the pouch, nodding to Donald before getting up.

“Another game partner?” asked Donald, with a devilish smirk.
“Na’ I’m good” replied Javier walking to the pump.
“Ya, know if you need water you can buy it from me?” said Donald viewing Javier watch away
“I have a plan, just watch partner” told Javier, looking to the area.

Javier moved to the pump has he viewed the two kings members, one of them had a 9MM in his waistband while the other had a 9MM pistol, he looked over to the pump and a group of hobos jacking up to some Jet in the corner, he smirked has he surveyed the area, nodding to himself. The Kings members didn’t take notice of him has he moved around the pump to the hobos, before he began to speak with both of the hobo’s.

“ How much for a jack up fella’s?” asked Javier, faking it.
The hobos never replied, to busy on their Jet.
“ I heard those fella’ in the black lether have some nice … jet to use” said Javier, sounding somewhat truthfuly to get the hobos to move.

The hobos grabbed there rusty knifes, done with their jet has they nodded, not really speaking has they were somewhat still under the influence of this drug. They both ran to the Kings guards, from there blind sides, has they ran, Javier pulled out his Laser Pistol from his Waistband. He shot both of them in the back has they barely managed to skim the back of both of the guards, they were surprised.

“What the fuck, the drug addicts!” exclaimed the King , his name being Jonas.
“Nevermind that, that dude in the cowboy hat saved our asses” said the other King as he pointed to Javier , his name being Matt.
Javier walked up to the scene, has he viewed both men still holding there 10MM’s, Jones raised it up to his chest, before looking to Javier.

“Whoa, whoa .. I saved your asses and ya’ want to shoot me now?” asked Javier having the Laser Pistol withdrawn”
Jones, was shaking has he looked to Javier, lowering the pistol
“ Chill Jones, chill … don’t mind him buddy he’s a new guy”
“ Yea, uh huh, alright… listen if ya got any drinks on ya, including the water would ya hand them over?” asked Javier
“ Uh, sure…” said Matt , him and Jones handed Javier some Whiskey, Vodka , and some purified water.
Javier smirked has he nodded to the males, has they just stared at the two dead bodies. Javier smirked to Donald has he stared at his Pip Boy, making his way to the Strip to gamble some of his funds.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Whacko
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The Whacko

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Del was awoken from his sleep rather rudely by a calloused hand nudging his shoulder. He was up faster than the kid could react, and in a flash of dirty steel his knife was at the thin, tender flesh of the intruder's neck. The Cajun's eyes were narrowed dangerously, but it took him a moment for them to focus enough to get a good look at the man that had woken him up. It was definitely just a kid, probably just about 17, dressed in a dirty blue pinstripe suit and fedora, like those gangers in New Reno used to wear back before the Chosen One had set things straight there. The kid was looking just about ready to piss himself as Del held the knife steadily against his throat, drawing just the faintest little drop of blood.

"Where de'hell you come from, boy?" He growled in a sleepy, but still very intimidating tone. At least he thought it sounded intimidating. The kid straightened up a bit as he remembered why he was there, but it still took him a few seconds to get enough courage together to speak up.

"Mr..Mr. House wants to speak with you Mr. Dela....Dela...Delacro...Delacra..." He had no freaking clue had to speak a proper French name. Del sighed and pulled the knife back, setting it aside on a half-broken dresser.

"Delacroix. Ya pronounce it Delacroix." He made sure to spell out every syllable. He didn't want to have to go over it again. Then the kid's words registered. "Wait, House? De'hell's House wan' wit' me?" House had never offered him any work when he'd passed through the Mojave last time. He'd always let his Securitrons handle his work. That meant this kid had to be an Omerta or a Chairman. He was hoping it was the later. Even if the Omertas were under new management, some redemption case named Cachino or something, he still wouldn't trust them with a can of pork and beans.

"He..didn't say. I think it's about a job. Bunch of fancy-pants types showed up and started talking about...hell I don't know." The kid said, doing his best to keep his composure after the knife, touching the tiny knick on his neck gingerly.

"Don' be a fuckin' pussy. It's jus' a lil' scratch." Del growled again, grumbling and reaching for his shirt. It looked like he was going to be getting up a little earlier than he'd expected today. The kid just nodded again.

"He wants to you meet up with the clients or whoever the shit they are on The Strip. Supposed to be huge." Del nodded, still grumbling in a mix of a English and the increasingly rare Cajun French as he tugged on his boots.

"Right, den. Ya tell 'em I'm gon' be there soon as I can. Ain' gon' be long. Need t'take care'a some bui'ness'a mine here real quick." The kid nodded more vigorously this time, looking as if he were just waiting for any excuse to leave. He probably figured that he was going to get shanked if he stayed too long in Westside. Not all that crazy a thought. Del just waved him off absently, reaching over to a half-empty bottle of beer and taking a long drink before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Righ' den...talk wit' Stella...den go an' see wha' House got fo' me." Forty minutes later, he was off towards the Lucky 38. Whatever it was, it had to be tricky if House needed help...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Daemyn Sterk

Daemyn Sterk

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

An envoy, they were making him be a freaking envoy. It wasn't fair, he was a damn soldier! He went through and endured countless hours of training so that he could fight on the frontlines, helping scrape the scum off of NCR land, not play around as some stupid diplomat. All he'd been told was that the mysterious old Mr. House was sending some kind of expedition across the wasteland to do who knows what. If it wasn't for that blazing clever House he would be out with the rest of his regiment, doing what soldiers should do. For all he knew, House could be trying to pull off some harebrained scheme to drive out the NCR, or something dumb like that. At least that would give him something interesting to do. Oh well, he might as well make best out of a bad situation, at the very least he'd be able to see what it was like outside of Nevada. Still, he couldn't help but feel outraged that he was being reduced from NCR trooper to some lowly politician!

Did the commander say that he was to go to the Lucky 38? Barking House's personal casino? He glanced down at the official looking letter that he'd been given, complete with an NCR wax seal and all. Clearly on the front it said the address, the Lucky 38. He'd been so caught up in his anger that he didn't realize how crazy that seemed. Few living people have ever had that permission, and it seems that he was becoming one of them. The NCR monorail was approaching New Vegas, soon he would be in the famous city itself. He'd never been before, not allowed due to his young age, but now that he was a full-fledged NCR soldier he was entitled to do whatever he wanted. As the monorail skidded to a stop, he realized something...maybe the letter in his hands could tell him more about his mission.

This could technically be considered treason, but technically is a broad term, he thought as he slid his knife across the wax seal of the letter. It was the commander's fault for not giving him any better information on his mission, and if he was carrying a letter he darn right deserved to read it! Apprehension flowed through him as he slid out the simple, pristine white parchment contained within the envelope. Now he could find out what this whole envoy thing was all about. Disappointment showed on his face as he read through the print. He knew all this barking information already! Defeated, Sabin slid the letter back into the envelope. Some help that ended up being.

Oops, he forgot about the seal. Now the flap of the envelope was hanging open, the wax sloppily split in half and in disarray. Nothing a little saliva couldn't fix, he reckoned. Pulling the flap up so that he could see the inside of it, he slid his tongue along the length of it, covering the thing in saliva. As he pushed it closed, he groaned in frustration, all he managed to do was soak the paper through and make it look even more like someone had gone through it! The flap hadn't even stuck down. He would just have to hand the letter to House or whoever in this condition, there wasn't much else he could do. Might as well head over to the Lucky 38 now.

As he approached the entrance, he saw a lone Securitron standing guard at the entrance. It looked different than the other robots patrolling the Strip, it somehow looked...happier? He doubted robots could be happy, but the thing had a whole different face projected onto its screen and it was creeping him out. Sabin went closer, stepping towards the contraption. "Need somethin', partner?" It said in a strange, half robotic half western accent. These robots just keep getting weirder and weirder. "Err...yeah, I think so.. I need to get in there," He said, pointing to the doors of the Lucky 38, "Supposed to go here for some kind of.. expedition or some mumbo jumbo like that." The robot eyed Sabin, somehow quizzically. That's nonsense, robots couldn't look quizzical! "'fraid that won't do partner, House isn't the kind of guy that would want some NCR trooper like you in his presence. You got any kin' a official documents or anything?" Pulling the crunched up letter out of his pocket, he waved the envelope up and down in front of the robot's screen. Perhaps he could sense it or something. "Well that's really somethin', partner! A real seal from the NCR higher ups themselves! House did say to look for one er' those, might as well let ya in." Pleased with himself, Sabin watched as the large doors in front of him began to slide open, revealing the Lucky 38. "Jus' take the elevator to the Penthouse suite, won't be long 'til you'll be taken care of."

The Lucky 38 was even more luxurious inside, at least 50 times fancier than any kind of building he'd ever been in before. The lower floor seemed unoccupied for the time being, so he spent the next 20 or so minutes exploring all that had to be explored, familiarizing himself with the lower level. He even snuck off a couple glasses of a nice tasting wine while he was down there, but remembering his duties he headed toward the elevator. As it opened, he peered inside uneasily. He didn't trust these mechanics, he hadn't been in an elevator before and he doubted that this one was used very much, so everything could go wrong. "Oh well, no using in hanging around down here anymore..." He muttered, taking a last glance at the bar before stepping into the elevator.

As the elevator doors opened, he saw one thing. Biscuits. He hadn't eaten all day, and he was freaking hungry! Without noticing whether anyone else was in the room, or even looking around, he practically ran over to the biscuits, stuffing them into his mouth as fast as he could. It was only when he had finished off the majority of them did he look up, noticing the other figures in the room, Dallas and Poe.

"Oh uh... howdy there!" He said, flashing a sincere smile at the two of them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Poe glanced with a smile up at the new figure on the balcony...and then frowned with intense disappointment when he saw it was an NCR prat. Not even a Ranger or one of the rare elites wearing powered armor, this shitstain looked young and nervous and fresh out of training.

'The question is, was that training any good? Poe mused to himself. Moments passed and his wicked rictus grin returned full force as he leered at Sabin.

"Hey little mote..." He began, before reaching into his pocket and retrieving the grenade again, with the loose spare pin from before still looped around his thumb. He then held his hand up, pulling the exact same stunt he had with Dallas earlier, 'pulling' the already loose pin from the grenade.

"Special delivery!" Poe lobbed the grenade up through the air in a perfect trajectory to collide with Sabin's chest. There was no actual threat, since the grenade's real pin hadn't been pulled, but it was down to the trooper's perception versus how unnerved he might have become whether or not he reacted to what was for all intents and purposes an explosive weapon flying in his direction on a collision course.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Whacko
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The Whacko

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The hookers were the first thing that Del noticed when he stepped onto The Strip. They were better-fed now, and they were starting to look like normal people again after the chem-hooks has gone the way of the cat. Cachino was certainly doing a good job of improving the Omerta's image. Under normal circumstances, Del might have given them a faint smile and a pat on the ass as he walked past them toward the Lucky 38, but he was all business now. Mr. House wasn't a man known for his patience when he needed something done, or his tolerance for people denying his invitiations for an audience. Not that he thought this would be an audience. It would probably just be dealing through his lieutenants or that robot wife of his...at least he thought it was supposed to be a wife or...whatever.

Truthfully he'd never even set foot on the steps of the Lucky 38, but he found it...underwhelming for some reason. He didn't dwell on the disapointment as he made his way up to the doors, pushing them open to reveal all that oh-so-impressive pre-war splendor. He couldn't surpress the sharp whistle as he took in the room, wondering just how much money House had put into keeping this place running for over 200 years, and looking pretty damn good at that. But there'd be other times to gawk at the pretty lights and slots. He was supposed to be here for a job, and he aimed to find out what it was. He called the elevator with a single button-push and waited, tapping his foot absently. As he expected, that elevator made a damn impressive time of it. He only had to wait for a few seconds before it came down to the bottom floor.

When the elevator opened up on the Penthouse floor, he was greeted to a rather...odd sight. There were three men in there already. Two looked like regular wastelanders, while the third was an NCR trooper, uniform and everything. One of the wastelanders was throwing a grenade toward the trooper, though, thank Christ, it wasn't live. Still, he made sure to take a few steps away from the elevator just in face.

"So....look like dis is gon' be an in'er'es'in' little job interview..." He muttered to nobody in particular.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Daemyn Sterk

Daemyn Sterk

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Gazing up from the biscuit platter, the large smile still on his biscuit stained lips, Sabin noticed the grenade in the man's hand. He doesn't intend to...throw that, does he? "Hey, that's a nice-.." His face sunk as he saw the pin get pulled out of the grenade, stunned to think that someone would pull the pin of a grenade in such a small room. Everyone in there could get seriously injured, or killed! He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped when the man wound back to throw the grenade. Sabin flinched back at first, but then stopped. That was a pin he saw, as the man's hand opened to chuck the grenade, and it was still attached to the grenade! The man was playing some kind of trick on him! At the last moment, Sabin threw up his hands and caught the unpinned grenade, holding it up to clearly show the still attached pin. "Nice prank there, friend! Almost fooled me there!" He said happily, the large smile growing back on his face.

He stood there for a moment, the grenade still in his hand, before a sudden idea struck him. The zippers on his backpack were approximately the same shape as a grenade pin, and could pass for one in a heartbeat. "Hey, I got one of these suckers myself, right in my backpack! I'll show you it!" Sabin turned diagonally, shouldering his backpack into his hands and hiding it with his body. He worked swiftly, setting the zipper up to unhinge from the backpack. "Sheesh, this backpack always sticks. Just one moment!" With the grenade in his left hand that he was using to hold the backpack against his chest, he hooked his finger through the zipper and with one hard pull unhinged the thing, holding it in the air. Sabin let the grenade slip out of his hand, and turned to face Poe, surprise etching across his face before turning into a feigned expression of utter horror, as he looked up at the fake grenade pin and onto the grenade on the ground, partially concealed by his foot.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


Member Offline since relaunch

'God damn it Poe...' Dallas muttered, tapping his legs on the chair. He looked up to Sabin. Definitely younger than him, late teens or maybe early 20s. Dallas looked over to his pip-boy, lifting up his wrist and inspecting it. He did remember what pip-boys did back when he was smaller. His caretaker after his parent's tragic death had one, and he once remembered Caroline telling him about them, and how she always wanted one. 'Damn it, she'd like this...' Dallas muttered, lowering his arm. He didn't pay attention to Sabin. Instead, he slid himself slightly away from Poe, pulling out a cigarette and his lighter, setting the cigarette a light and taking a breather in. Dallas sighed with slight relief, this made him feel better.

He remembered when he was a trooper like him, back before Caroline's kidnapping. He wore the same NCR trooper get up that the man did. Man, Dallas sure hated that armour. He remembered it being itchy, really itchy and very uncomfortable. Dallas slightly felt sorry for what Sabin is going to go through with Poe. He held his lighter in his hand, and quickly stuffed it into his pants pocket, trying to fulfill Poe's request.

Give him a break Poe...' Dallas said, looking at him. 'He just got here don't give em a heart attack...' Dallas took out his cigarette from his mouth and exhaled the fumes. He awaited for the Trooper, hoping that he doesn't fall to his death. It's been awhile since Dallas actually SAW any NCR other than himself, minus a few rangers here and there in the Nevada. It's been a while since Dallas saw an actual Trooper, let alone go back to Camp Golf. Dallas sat there as the kid caught the grenade, and noticed his change in face. The kid had an idea, and Dallas kind of liked that. Dallas saw right through Sabin's little trick, and smirked slightly. 'Good job kid...' Dallas thought, looking at Poe's reaction.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sabin said "Nice prank there, friend! Almost fooled me there!"

"Oh goddamnit is EVERYBODY joining this stupid job going to see through that?" Poe growled, baring his teeth in a light hiss as he glared up at Sabin.

Sabin said "Oops..."

While Poe wasn't quite as perceptive as Sniper Hawk Sabin, he was still a rather impressive Monocled Falcon himself - and unlike Sabin, he had more than two decades of experience handling explosives. He wasn't fooled for an instant. He mentally counted down to five, coolly sitting in place.

"You're still alive." He said flatly. "This punchline sucks. Your jokes suck. YOU suck. But hey, we're three for three with the not being fooled by childishly toying with deadly weapons, come on down and join the club. Next you can shoot yourself with an empty rifle and then I can 'pretend' to beat you to death with a baseball bat, we'll make a grand ol' time of it." Poe unslung the aforementioned baseball bat from his travel pack and lay it across the table, his rictus grin slowly spreading again as he leered eerily at Sabin with his obscured eyes.
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