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Very first Job taken in this roleplay! "Please find this herb!" Taken by Sasha and Mayt
Rough beginning of Ragged Brotherhood
S class test
Magic Council
Edolas Edolas transport
Grand Magic Games
Beginning of Tenoru Island
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

In the Kingdom of Fiore, there are people who make a living by making good use of magic. People call them mages. Mages belong to various guilds where they do jobs on demand. A lot of guilds exist within the country. And, there is a certain guild in a certain town.. A certain Guild begins to make legends as they grow and learn

That guild's name is…Phoenix Wing!

As the sun rose, lighting the guild hall with its warm radiance, the people of Fiore, in their various towns and settlements, were raising. The Guild Hall was never quite, even in the deepest night. The members came and went at all hours, and it was never calm, whether there was one member or all the members in the hall, it was never quite.

That was what Sasha liked about the guild. It was friendly, loud, and there was a sense of...comradely that she hadn't found in any other place. Since coming to the guild just over a month ago, Sasha had taken many jobs, getting a good amount of savings, and had settled into a room in the guilds boardings.

She was currently sitting at the bar, watching as the Bartender, Jarvis Reynault, posted up some new jobs on the Request board, and as soon as he was done, She asked for a drink, before going over to the request board, looked at the jobs.

Mostly, Sasha stared at the jobs, reading what she could of them, and trying to make it seem like she was contemplating them, rather then trying to figure out what was being asked. Sasha had been eight when her parents had died, and a small, reluctant barrier had been placed around her continual learning, making it difficult for her to read. Her old master hadn't been concerned with reading, but rather with her magic, with the end result that Sasha couldn't read very well.

Still, she managed to recognise enough words to know what job she wanted. It was a choice between two, search for the Miraculous Herb and the mountain Vulcan's one. She stood there wondering which one to chose, and if she should pair up with anyone else.
Master Jamie, Phoenix Wing's master, was mostly trying to stay awake as he attended the meeting of the masters, listening to the old masters rattle on about things, and would be happy to return to the guild
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As the morning sun rose, Wes slowly strolled his way back to the guild after finishing his last job. Though it has been a few weeks since he actually been in the guild, the time away was worth spent. But he usually doesn't stay in the guild hall for too long since he tends to take detours during his jobs to stop by the Magic Library to read some old books that he can find interesting and surveys some towns of his wanted poster to destroy. He knows that his guild members are good people, but if they found out about his dark past then it'll be hard to find jobs for a source of income for necessities.

Wes sighed as he walked and took out a old wanted poster of himself, "Glad the years has been kind enough for me to help, somewhat change my face. Still me, but could take awhile for someone to actually know that it's me, and there is the clothes that I'm wearing to help cover any distinct physical features." He folded and slid the piece of paper back into his pocket and eventually arrived close to the guild, "Remember, just go in, find a job, and leave, don't need to stay too long." as he whispered to himself.

Inside, he noticed that the guild is as busy as it usually seems to be and continued to walk toward the request board.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt would be a tad nervous as he enters the guild for his fourth or fifth time, but he puts on a somewhat nice smile. He had joined only recently, but he did kind of enjoy the place, and he certainly knew he'd pick up some things on how to use his powers when around others that have similar powers. He was dressed in plainclothes, and since he knew where he was was safe, he hadn't bothered bringing anything outside of a pocket knife. He looked about the area he walked through, nodding in greeting to anyone he recognized, even from just seeing them in hallways on his other visits.

Noticing the small forming congregation at the request board, he'd make his way over to it, curious as to what was attracting the interest of his new guildmates. As he gets close enough, he realizes that the request board is just that, and he chuckles quietly to himself. Of course there would be such a thing. "Mercenary work, guess someone with magic has better chance than someone with a couple good weapons." He says this somewhat ironically, and quietly, as if a little afraid of being reprimanded for saying such a thing. He leans closer to read some more of the requests, mostly out of curiosity, but he did need a job, no matter how short term it was. Money was money, and it payed the bills and kept him happily fed.

Mayt came just short of slapping himself in the forehead when he noticed his immediate company, but spared himself the embarrassment. He somehow had overlooked the young woman he was practically standing next to now. She was somewhat pretty, but he had already spent too long looking at the board, and so he didn't say anything, and returned his eyes to the various requests, no matter how few or many there were, casually sliding his hands into his pockets and standing straight again, yawning slightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Angelo was snoring softly as he was sleeping on a high beam of the guild hall, people in the guild knew that Angelo liked to be in high places as much as possible so he actually had a pillow and a sheet up on the high beam to sleep on. his crow that he named mark sleeps up their with him so he always has an alarm clock that sounds like a crow squawking. He would stay as high up as he could if given the choice, considering how much he hates being in caves so he stayed asleep on the high beam also being considered the alarm if someone that doesn't belong to the guild decides to use the front door or the windows in the upper levels to try and sneak in. Angelo stayed asleep on the high beam with his pet crow relaxing and occasionally looking down to see what everyone was doing
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha looked up as others joined her at the board, and she looked back, hesitating, unsure of what to say. if she should say anything. She recognised them both, having memorised all the members of the guild, and their abilities. it was a way of seeming to know more then she did, and a way of taking any focus away from the fact that she couldn't read well. She glanced up as she saw one of the others look to her, and she blushed, reaching up to grab the herb quest, thinking she could find the client and then ask them more about the job.

She looked back to the guy that had glanced at her, and she seemed to hesitate again, before saying softly, almost so that it couldn't be heard "Hello, Mayt" She swallowed, and cleared her throat, repeating, somewhat louder this time, "Hello, Mayt" She tried to project confidence in her voice. Despite the fact she had been here a month or so, she hadn't made that many friends, mostly, she had just made an effort to talk but hadn't got close to anyone.

She offered Mayt a smile,, and brushed back her hair from her face, clutching the job in one hand, so that she was creasing it. She didn't meant to do so, and didn't appear to notice that she was doing it. "Looking for a job?" She asked, although that was probably pretty obvious, given the fact he was at the Request Board. "What Job were you thinking off doing?" She amended, trying to strike up a conversation
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt would look over at Sasha, a little red-cheeked as well, "Hey, uh, I'm not sure yet, some of these are pretty vague, and others look much too difficult for me to do." He smiles slightly. "And some of them sound like jobs I've done before on the road. They're really less jobs than people not wanting to interrupt their day to bother to do these things, so they offer a little bit of money so they don't have to do it. I've seen it before." He'd unintentionally start to get into the talking rhythm, speaking kinda awkwardly then saying something else to try to mend the awkwardness that only makes it worse. "And sometimes it really is they can't afford to take the time to do it, and it's not a priority thing. And there's the times where it's truly not a thing they can do by themselves. Of course, I never point these out to the person or persons offering the job. I need the money to feed myself right? Better they to be wasting their money so I can get by then them doing it themselves. Right?" He eventually just runs out of things to say, and he kinda just stands there awkwardly for a moment, almost giving her enough time to say something.

"So uh, what's your name? Sorry, but I'm not very good with names, and I'm kinda new here." He shrugs, and offers his hand to shake, trying very hard to rectify the awkwardness that is himself. He gives her a sort of quirky smile, and turning his body to face her some. He obviously is trying to be friendly, as the entire situation is completely unnatural to him, but the way he plays it off, it could be interpreted he's just flustered.

Sahsa may or may not notice that he stands like he's used to something on his hip, his sword of course, and he rotates himself after briefly checking to make sure no one's directly behind him, purely out of habit. "To be honest, I only really came over here because I saw other people coming here. I didn't know it was the request board till I started reading what was on it." He lightly chuckles, hoping she will laugh with him at his ignorance, or, at the very least, understand where's he's coming from.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha let Mayt ramble on, figuring it was just how he talked, and didn't want to embarrass him by interrupting, and she really didn't mind. It was nice for one to have someone ramble on, instead of her, and she smiled kindly, trying to be reassuring, and happy to listen. When he feel silent, she tried to address everything he had said, "You have to look real hard to find a good job, that you can do. Of course, you can also ask others for help, and slipt the money. Sometimes that's the best way to do it" Not that Sasha herself had ever teamed up with anyone yet. "A lot of people advertise because of things like monsters, or yes, being unable to do things for themselves. Some of it would be laziness, but the Wine one? the client often requests people to help him, because he can't carry the merchandise himself. Its an easy job" She said, nodding and smiling "At lot of people just want to have a guild member do them a job, I bet, so they can tell their friends about it"

She blushed when he asked for her name, realising that just because she knew everyone's names, didn't mean that they knew hers. She was kind of a wall flower at times. "Sorry. I'm Sasha. Sasha Shin" She saidtaking his offered hand, and shaking it, returing his smile. She laughed as he said why he had come over to the request board, "Ah, right. Have you had a look around the place? The Guild hall is fabolous"

She bit her lip, and looked down at the job in her hand, wondering if it would be dangerous, and wondering if she should ask for help. Te reward seemed a lot, for just finding a herb, so that told her there might be something dangerous added to it, and she looked back up, gathering her courage, "Do you want to help me with this job?" She asked, noticing his stance, and wondering, brielfy, why he acted that way, but decided not to ask
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Angelo yawned loudly and groaned a little when his crow pecked at his face to wake him up, Angelo gave his crow a piece of bread as reward and he looked down to see sasha and the new guy at the request board so Angelo went for broke "hey sasha! any high paying jobs down their!?" Angelo called out as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes knowing he had to yell since he was practically on the roof and otherwise nobody would notice he was their in the first place, which is why he loved being up so often nobody noticed him and he could sleep peacefully unlike how he was when hew as with his father where he had to sleep with one eye open. since he slept on the roof he didn't even need to pay to sleep up their just act as a security measure for the guild master
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt gives Sasha a half-smile, his hand-shake firm. "Well met Sasha, and I'd be happy to help you with the job, we just have to swing by my place so I can grab something. Shouldn't be too much of a trouble, right?" He releases her hand, letting it fall to his side. His left hand almost gropes at his side, as if something's missing. "Just hope there's not too much walking involved, I've been traveling for a while and I think my legs are starting to get a tad tired of it." He jokes lightly, hoping to get a smile. He likes it when people smile, even for just a little bit.

"Well, even if it's a tad out of our way, I still need to get it. I'm kinda new to the whole magic thing, and it helps out focusing." He shrugs, and lets out a long breath, letting his cheeks puff out. He smiles slightly, and crosses his arms for a second, before disliking the position and putting his arms back by his sides. He seems a tad uncomfortable in this setting. He shifts back and forth a little. "And, what's the job?"

He'd look up when someone calls down at Sasha, and he'd naturally take a step back, allowing her plenty time to reply to the person and handle any other conversation with them. "Who's that?" He'd ask afterwards, curious to know who the person up above is. He slides his right hand into his pocket again, relaxing some. He enjoyed talking to Sasha, she was easy to talk to, and she didn't seem to be a very judgey person, which he liked. He didn't trust her yet though, she hadn't really done anything trustworthy, how could she? They'd only been speaking for a few minutes now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha nodded as he said about swinging by to his place, to get something. She didn't think it would be too much trouble, it would also give her a chance to finish trying to read the job request. Sasha hadn't told anyone in the guild about her illiteracy problems, not trusting anyone enough to do so. She smiled when he joked about walking, and she smiled. One thing Sasha was free with was her smile, even if it was slightly shy or crooked at times.

Sasha watched as he seemed to try and find a way to stand that was comfortable. It was evident to her that he had had a way of standing, but now couldn't do so, and she said, "That's okay, we can stop off at your place. We can also take a horse or something, if you don't want to walk" She said, looking down at the job when he asked about it, about to state what she knew of it, or what sshe could read of it in any case, when Angelo yelled down to her.

She looked up at him sitting on the beam near the roof, and yelled back, "There's a few 100,000 and over. Most seem easy. Get your butt down here and check for yourself, cause I'm not yelling them up to you!" One thing Sasha had learned in her first few days here, was that if you wanted to be heard, you had to be loud. Something she was still learning to do.

She looked back to Mayt, and smiled "That's Angelo. Harmless, although his lightening's tough. I think he sleeps up there. He's always here it seems" She looked back down to the job, "Well, it seems like the city without sound, which is like three hours from here, has this illness, generrally resulting in death. The doctor there thinks this herb could help"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Angelo smiled at her yawning a little one more time before he started to jump down against the beams and jumping against them before he landed on the floor cracking his back loudly and sighing once he relaxed "thanks for the tip sasha" Angelo said before he walked over to the request board to check out which ones had over 100,00 pasted on them, although Angelo lived here that didn't mean he didn't want to earn spending money and being able to help some of his friends if they got into some financial trouble as he looked at the board he wondering if sasha would be nice enough to just tell him which job was the best one considering Angelo's powers and his deep fear of going into caves she always knew him best that way
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oni_
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Oni_ Moment In Flux

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Rilr sat in the towns local tavern. It wasn't the nicest place to stay but with his budget and the fact that he wasn't in a guild it was good enough. The room was only lightly decorated. A bare wooden floor and whitewashed walls with a few cracks in places. The window was smashed - no doubt some rowdy patrons who had a little too much to drink - so there was a constant draught coming through it , luckily the night had been warm.

The furniture was of an equal value to the walls and floor. A single bed with a straw mattress and a simple burlap ticking covering it was sat in the corner on its side. Rilr had fallen out of it during the night and taken it with him. The chair he was sat on was some cheap wood and looked like it was about to lose a leg. The table accompanying it was wonky and had an chunk missing from the side. It wasn't pleasant to use for any form of work either due to its rough surface. The only other furniture was the candle on the table the only thing that would light the room during the night.

Rilr sighed to himself as he counted the merchandise on the table. Three useless amulets that lost their power, one with some form of charm he couldn't make out on it - maybe the guild had a charms master? He didn't know one in the town. Otherwise he had nothing. He could make what? 15,000 jewels from the useless amulets? Probably less. The one with a charm on it he didn't know.

He stood and placed his findings in his pocket. That ruin wasn't worth his time. None of the ones he'd been delving into recently were. He put on his jacket and left the inn - time to sell these amulets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt smiled again. "Alright, so long as I'm not in danger of catching that illness I'm fine with helping them out, especially if the herb ends up not working. Getting sick is no fun. Even if it's curable." He stretches. "Alright, so, let's go, if your ready. We'll have to walk though, I can't really afford a horse or anything of the like at the moment." He admits, shrugging, and crossing and uncrossing his arms again. He looked over Angelo and gave him a slight wave, whether he was looking or not, before turning back to Sasha.

"And gives you a bit of a chance to explain this whole... Guild thing to me better. I don't think my town had access to one, so none of my parents knew to tell me anything about them, and this one certainly seems... Lively." He starts to idly look around, Noting some people that seemed to have people gathering around them to listen to stories and such, should any such thing exist, as well as the servers. He had had the unfortunate mistake of mistaking a waitress for a patron in a different place and didn't want to repeat that scene in the least.

"To be honest, this place looks like it could fit half my town, easily. It's a tad unsettling, but, I'll adjust. It shouldn't be too hard, seeing as how friendly people are." He looks at her at the last part, giving her a little bit of a smile. His hands continually fidget, constantly checking his pockets, crossing and uncrossing his arms, his left hand sometimes tries to rest on something that's not there, likely the thing he said he had to go and retrieve from his home. "So, anyway, shall we go?" He says, finally giving her a chance to actually answer this time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The request board suddenly got clustered with people quickly when Wes got close, but it just took a few push and shoves to finally reach, read through the list of jobs and thought to himself. "Hmm, a temporary librarian doesn't sound to bad. A nice break from the Magic Library would be nice and the reward doesn't seem that bad, a bit high for a temp librarian, but I could always ask the client why such a price."

He grabbed the job and left the crowd of people around the request board, "However, the job say librariansss, so I don't know if they'll take just me. Perhaps I should just have the job out, see if anyone comes interested in it and decides to join. Just remember, can't risk anyone knowing my real identity on the job." He said thinking himself again. About a minute later he overheard some people talking near by and noticed some guy that looked as if he was sleeping on one of the beams in the ceiling. From what he could over hear, they were discussing some job. Could they could be takers, but let's see if anyone else looks interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha gave Angelo a smile, knowing that he'd want help choosing a job, but she Spoke to Mayt first, "I don't think we'd be endanger, unless we stay there too long" She said, looking down to the request again. She folded it up, and put it in the satchel she wore on one shoulder, across her body, resting on the opposite hip.

"Sure, I can explain the guild to you, although I'm not sure about other guilds.But Phoenix Wing is...unique." She said, glancing to the Request Board again, thinking about what would be good for Angelo. She could always ask if he wanted to come along with them, but she had a feeling that finding the herb might not be easy, and it might not be in the open. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable, by going into a cave.

Sasha looked back to Mayt and smiled, nodding, "The guild is quite large. At the back, there's dorm rooms that you can rent, and inside here we have the common hall, there's a library too, and the kitchens, its a large place. I don't even think even the Master knows all the knocks and Crannies. Phoenix wing...its more then just a guild" She said softly, grabbing another job off the board, and handing it to Angelo, "Here, this one, Worm Hunting, might be good-especially if your crow can help you, as long as they're alive. Or the Vulcan's one might be good, but I'd be wanting someone else to help with that one too, just because there might be a lot of them, if they want them exterminated" She said, giving him a smile.

When Mayt asked if she was ready to go, she started to nod, then said, "Wait, one minute" She said, moving past and jogging to the library. Sasha loved books, despite her issues. She looked for any book that said plants, and grabbed one, before heading back out to Mayt, "I think this might help us Identify the herb, if its in here" She said, slipping the book into her satchel as well, then nodded, "Ready to go"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Thank you my dearest sasha!" Angelo said half hugging her to be playful with her then Angelo looked to Wes and he held up his request paper and asked "Wes would you like to join me with some vulcan hunting since the librarian is meant to be for women I could use another guy out their with me in case theirs more then I can handle." Angelo said holding out his hand for a shake to see if he wanted to join Angelo
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Good." Mayt would say, once Sasha says there shouldn't be any danger. He'd listen politely as she talks, not interrupting her. When she headed off to the library, Mayt would follow, mostly so he'd know where the library is, but he'd let her find the book unperturbed, leaning against the wall by the door. Once she reports she is ready, he nods. "Alright, off to my house then." He gives her a wry smile and starts to walk out of the Guild, looking behind to make sure she's keeping up.

The place he's staying at is only a few blocks away, and when they get there, it's nothing special. "Okay, I'll be back in ten minutes, tops." He quickly jogs in, eager to find out what this job entails. He'd be back out in just under ten minutes, Katana on his hip. He nods to her. "Alright, I've got everything I need." He smiles slightly, his left hand resting naturally on the scabbard, though it still fidgets up and down its length, adjusting and playing with loose anything. The blade is absolutely ordinary, and completely unadorned with anything beyond some simple designs. He is obviously used to it on his side, and part of the handle is actually blackened.

He also changed his shirt to something slightly heavier, and put on a jacket that she can see through the open front that has warm fur inside, but he doesn't look hot or like he minds wearing these clothes at all. He doesn't immediately offer an answer as to why he was wearing this. "None of my parents taught me any kind of geography, and I didn't exactly do well in school, so you show the way." He says this as if he had more than two, which, of course, he did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

About to leave, Wes suddenly heard a voice call behind and noticed it was a guy telling him that libraries were for women. Feeling a bit offended, Wes gave a cold look at the guy. "Libraries can offer more than just want women needs. For example, magic, it used to be plentiful years before our generations, yet not much carried over during those years and magic was really prosperous back then. But if we ever need to remember what was from the past we learn from books that was either researched or written during that time. And we can't ever forget those mistakes or accomplishes made before because we can learn from such things." Wes stopped a bit wondering if Angelo was still listening.

"Anyways, I probably should come with you. Can't risk you going by yourself and getting killed without anyone knowing can we now." Wes walked back over the request board and returned the Librarian job. "By the way, how do you know my name because I don't usually stay in the guild hall too long. And since you already know my name, what's yours?" Wes asked while walking back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha laughed, and returnned the half-hug to Angelo, , smiling, then jogging to catch up with Mayt, following behind him, before catching up to walk beside him. She had to walk quickly, her short build forcing her to do so, but Sasha didn't mind. As they arrived, she stayed aside, not wanting to intrude, and it gave her time to take out a map she had drawn herself. Despite the fact that she had difficulty reading, she could read a map well, especially since she had drawn this one, and short-handed the names of towns and places to things she knew, and could read well. She mapped out a path for them to take to the city without sound as Mayt went inside his place, getting what he needed.

As she waited, she took out a ribbon from her satchel as well, returning the map into a pocket, and she tied her hair up, keeping it out of her face, not wanting to have her vision obscured. She looked up and smiled as Mayt came back out, a sword by his side, and she nodded in understanding, realising that he had been missing his blade. He seemed more comfortable with it on, and she listened as he talked, nodding.

"I have a map, and I know the way" She said, wondering what he meant by none of y parents, did he have more then one set? She wondered, then shook her head, deciding it didn't matter. "You should wear the sword, even in the guild hall. You seem more...comfortable and confident with it on" She slammed her mouth shut, sometimes it seemed to have a mind of its own, and spoke without her thinking about it.

She blushed, glanced away, "Um. We should start off" She said, "maybe stop and get a couple of sandwiches and such for the trip" She tried hard to get passed the awkwardness she felt, and squirmed slightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

My name is Angelo, I mean no offense about the librarian thing our about books I'm just saying that they were probably looking for a woman." Angelo said smiling a little patting him on the back as an apology "by the way just cause you stay here a lot didn't mean you live here" Angelo said hinting to him how he knows as he rolled up the request sheet and he put it in his pocket leading the way back outside with to do the job wondering if he wanted to talk and know each other or to just do the job get paid and come back seeing as how they both spent plenty of time in the guild hall they should know each other by now at least that was angelo's train of thought
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