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Roles needed in a pack;
-- Leading Cast --
Alpha: The Alpha leads the pack and makes the laws. It hold the rights to every wolves in it's pack and can decide to exile or banish anyone at any time. It can be challenged, but pretty rarely as it would mean too much changes within the pack
Beta: The Beta is the second in command and enforces the law when the current alpha is not present. If both of the alpha die than the beta(s) take the alpha position and lead the pack, unless the alpha has said otherwise. This position cannot be challenged without the alpha approval.
-- Superior Cast --
Sentinels & Watchers : Normally 2 mated pair, one known as Sentinels and the other as Watchers. However, both are equal despite different names. They have been chose especially by the Alpha and Beta to replace them should anything happen, and are trained to do just such. Messing with them is messing with the Alpha or Beta and a sign of open rebellion against their choice. The title cannot be challenged.
Elders: The most aged, 7 years or more, and sage of the pack's wolves. Alphas often seek them for advice and guidance through difficult moments. They are the only ones Alphas openly submit themselves to.
Shadows: Shadows hold such a name because they serve in the shadow of either the Alpha or Beta. Loyal without a fault to their leader, Shadows are incredibly skilled warriors or hunters hand picked by the Alpha, or Beta, to choose under them directly. If they accept, their new title does not give them the right to give orders, but they cannot be given any by other than their direct master.
-- Middle Cast --
Lead Warrior: The lead warrior takes his/her orders directly from the alpha, and sometimes the beta. They are the main leader, general, or captain of the warriors in the pack. There is only one.
Warrior: The amount of warriors depends on the size of the pack. They are the guardians and protectors of the pack. The warriors will roam the pack lands ensuring it's safety. They are the ones that will keep watch at night. The warriors must be quick to think and remain calm in any given situation.
Lead Scout: The lead scout is the leader of the scouts.
Scouts: The scouts serve as an extension of the warriors. Less able in direct combat, they are more numerous and are often the ones roaming the Pack's land in the most distant parts.
Lead Hunter: The lead hunter is the one who leads the hunts. There is only one lead hunter. Whoever becomes a hunter must be quick to think as well.
Hunters: Like the warriors the amount of hunters depend on the size of the pack. Every member of the pack hunts, but these are considered the best ones.
-- Regular Cast --
Pup Watchers: These are the pup sitters of the pack. They will keep watch over the pups when the others may be out hunting or at battle. Don't be fooled into thinking that they are weak and soft. On the contrary the pup watchers can be the most vicious members of the pack, as long as you don't mess with their pups. They only watch pups up until the age of nine months. The pack does not need any more than 3 to a maximum.
Subordinates: These are the non-ranked members of the pack. They still participate in fighting and hunting, and can sometime help the Pup Watchers.
Pups: Self explanatory.
-- Lower Cast --
Omega: The omegas are the lowest of low in the pack, lower than the subordinates. Don't be surprised if they don't receive much respect if any at all. They are only placed in this position if they've done anything to disrespect the alpha. Sometimes a new member may be placed with this rank if the alpha is a bit mistrustful of them.
Alpha: Bruce
Beta: Styrke ''Strength''
Sentinel & Watchers: Winter
Shadows: Duncan, Aito
Lead warrior:
Lead hunter: Accalia ''Snowflake''
Lead scout: Ghost
Scouts: Grey
Pup watchers: Tufang Bloodsnort
Subordinates: Lars, Kaia
Cubs: Sonya, Azure
Omega: Charles
Name: Accalia ''Snowflake''
Gender: Adult
Age: 6
Power: Wind. Accalia can manipulate the wind around her body, making her able to run incredibly fast, jump incredibly higher than normal and strike with deadly precision.

Personality: Accalia is a calm, soothing wolf. It is very rare to see her get excited about anything, mainly because she has incredible composure. This wolf also has incredible wits when it come to situations needing it and is able to devise a plan in almost any kind of circumstances. Accalia is methodical not just in hunting, but in all aspects of life either it be when choosing a mate, asking something or striking down a prey. Despite the fact that it may make her look like a cold being, Accalia is also very gentle and kind when it comes to interacting with members of the pack, especially those she might appreciate more.
History: Accalia was born with, surprisingly, pure white fur. Her father's fur was a dark brown, and her mother's, close to black. It had been a shock to her parents who thought she was doomed from the start, for with such fur how could one hope to hunt without being spotted let it be in the day or in the night. As Accalia grew up, her parents were quick to discover she was in tune with the wind around her. It was something that happened more often than one could think, to see a pup with special talents, though it may disapear after growing up. In Accalia's case, like with some others, her talent remained and she learned to use it with great effect. Soon, the white wolf was able to jump to greater high than any other regular wolves. She also ran faster than both her parents, who were great hunters. Her mastery of the wind even allowed her to direct her body better, making her sharp fangs or claws hit with deadlier precision and devastating strength. Her parents were relieved that she had such incredible talent, for her future was now safe.
Just as her parents foretold, Accalia became a great hunter among the pack. Her powers allowed the wolf to be noticed by senpai by the pack and she soon was promoted to Lead Huntress. With her composure and wits she was able to devise great tactics for hunting down any kind of preys, and her powers allowed her to lead the hunt with great effectiveness.
Father: Hanta
Mother: Luna
Rank/Position: Lead Huntress
Pack: Dark Woods pack
-- --- -- --
Name: Styrke, literally ''Strength''
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Power: Styrke is incredibly physically strong, but it is nothing supernatural. He grew up to be larger than most males and his restless training was what gave him such power.

Personality: Stoic. This word is enough to describe pretty much anything one need to know about Styrke. He endured any possible kind of pain, physical or emotional, life threw at him without showing any kind of weakness to others. Styrke speaks of strength, under all it's forms, as the single most important thing in life...and live his own accordingly. Styrke always push others to train hard and train himself even harder. Surprisingly, he does not enjoy the thrill of the hunt as much as many would think, but he rather enjoy the feel of battling a strong prey or even a fellow wolf gone rogue, as it happened before.
History: When Styrke came into this world, his mother was already dead from giving birth. His father, Strio, was a great warrior himself. Styrke was in the care of the Pup watchers, like all pups, but his father was bent on raising his progeny to be as fierce as himself and follow in his footstep after his death. Styrke was trained hard, and restlessly, to become the wolf he is now.
Eventually, Styrke's father perished during a hunt gone wrong where a rampaging bear tried to steal the fallen prey of the pack. Welcoming the challenge, Strio intervened and fought the animal, and won, but also received fatal wounds. The warrior was brought back to the den in hope of being saved, but it was too late. Styrke could, however, listen to his father's final words and these were what always pushed him forward ever since that day. He not only followed in his father footsteps, but did better. NOw the Beta of the pack, Styrke intend to use his position to better protect the pack from all threat by pushing the young to trust in their strength, so that the whole pack become one unstoppable force.
Father: Strio
Mother: ?
Rank/Position: Beta
Pack: Dark Wood Pack
Roles needed in a pack;
-- Leading Cast --
Alpha: The Alpha leads the pack and makes the laws. It hold the rights to every wolves in it's pack and can decide to exile or banish anyone at any time. It can be challenged, but pretty rarely as it would mean too much changes within the pack
Beta: The Beta is the second in command and enforces the law when the current alpha is not present. If both of the alpha die than the beta(s) take the alpha position and lead the pack, unless the alpha has said otherwise. This position cannot be challenged without the alpha approval.
-- Superior Cast --
Sentinels & Watchers : Normally 2 mated pair, one known as Sentinels and the other as Watchers. However, both are equal despite different names. They have been chose especially by the Alpha and Beta to replace them should anything happen, and are trained to do just such. Messing with them is messing with the Alpha or Beta and a sign of open rebellion against their choice. The title cannot be challenged.
Elders: The most aged, 7 years or more, and sage of the pack's wolves. Alphas often seek them for advice and guidance through difficult moments. They are the only ones Alphas openly submit themselves to.
Shadows: Shadows hold such a name because they serve in the shadow of either the Alpha or Beta. Loyal without a fault to their leader, Shadows are incredibly skilled warriors or hunters hand picked by the Alpha, or Beta, to choose under them directly. If they accept, their new title does not give them the right to give orders, but they cannot be given any by other than their direct master.
-- Middle Cast --
Lead Warrior: The lead warrior takes his/her orders directly from the alpha, and sometimes the beta. They are the main leader, general, or captain of the warriors in the pack. There is only one.
Warrior: The amount of warriors depends on the size of the pack. They are the guardians and protectors of the pack. The warriors will roam the pack lands ensuring it's safety. They are the ones that will keep watch at night. The warriors must be quick to think and remain calm in any given situation.
Lead Scout: The lead scout is the leader of the scouts.
Scouts: The scouts serve as an extension of the warriors. Less able in direct combat, they are more numerous and are often the ones roaming the Pack's land in the most distant parts.
Lead Hunter: The lead hunter is the one who leads the hunts. There is only one lead hunter. Whoever becomes a hunter must be quick to think as well.
Hunters: Like the warriors the amount of hunters depend on the size of the pack. Every member of the pack hunts, but these are considered the best ones.
-- Regular Cast --
Pup Watchers: These are the pup sitters of the pack. They will keep watch over the pups when the others may be out hunting or at battle. Don't be fooled into thinking that they are weak and soft. On the contrary the pup watchers can be the most vicious members of the pack, as long as you don't mess with their pups. They only watch pups up until the age of nine months. The pack does not need any more than 3 to a maximum.
Subordinates: These are the non-ranked members of the pack. They still participate in fighting and hunting, and can sometime help the Pup Watchers.
Pups: Self explanatory.
-- Lower Cast --
Omega: The omegas are the lowest of low in the pack, lower than the subordinates. Don't be surprised if they don't receive much respect if any at all. They are only placed in this position if they've done anything to disrespect the alpha. Sometimes a new member may be placed with this rank if the alpha is a bit mistrustful of them.
Alpha: Bruce
Beta: Styrke ''Strength''
Sentinel & Watchers: Winter
Shadows: Duncan, Aito
Lead warrior:
Lead hunter: Accalia ''Snowflake''
Lead scout: Ghost
Scouts: Grey
Pup watchers: Tufang Bloodsnort
Subordinates: Lars, Kaia
Cubs: Sonya, Azure
Omega: Charles
Name: Accalia ''Snowflake''
Gender: Adult
Age: 6
Power: Wind. Accalia can manipulate the wind around her body, making her able to run incredibly fast, jump incredibly higher than normal and strike with deadly precision.

Personality: Accalia is a calm, soothing wolf. It is very rare to see her get excited about anything, mainly because she has incredible composure. This wolf also has incredible wits when it come to situations needing it and is able to devise a plan in almost any kind of circumstances. Accalia is methodical not just in hunting, but in all aspects of life either it be when choosing a mate, asking something or striking down a prey. Despite the fact that it may make her look like a cold being, Accalia is also very gentle and kind when it comes to interacting with members of the pack, especially those she might appreciate more.
History: Accalia was born with, surprisingly, pure white fur. Her father's fur was a dark brown, and her mother's, close to black. It had been a shock to her parents who thought she was doomed from the start, for with such fur how could one hope to hunt without being spotted let it be in the day or in the night. As Accalia grew up, her parents were quick to discover she was in tune with the wind around her. It was something that happened more often than one could think, to see a pup with special talents, though it may disapear after growing up. In Accalia's case, like with some others, her talent remained and she learned to use it with great effect. Soon, the white wolf was able to jump to greater high than any other regular wolves. She also ran faster than both her parents, who were great hunters. Her mastery of the wind even allowed her to direct her body better, making her sharp fangs or claws hit with deadlier precision and devastating strength. Her parents were relieved that she had such incredible talent, for her future was now safe.
Just as her parents foretold, Accalia became a great hunter among the pack. Her powers allowed the wolf to be noticed by senpai by the pack and she soon was promoted to Lead Huntress. With her composure and wits she was able to devise great tactics for hunting down any kind of preys, and her powers allowed her to lead the hunt with great effectiveness.
Father: Hanta
Mother: Luna
Rank/Position: Lead Huntress
Pack: Dark Woods pack
-- --- -- --
Name: Styrke, literally ''Strength''
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Power: Styrke is incredibly physically strong, but it is nothing supernatural. He grew up to be larger than most males and his restless training was what gave him such power.

Personality: Stoic. This word is enough to describe pretty much anything one need to know about Styrke. He endured any possible kind of pain, physical or emotional, life threw at him without showing any kind of weakness to others. Styrke speaks of strength, under all it's forms, as the single most important thing in life...and live his own accordingly. Styrke always push others to train hard and train himself even harder. Surprisingly, he does not enjoy the thrill of the hunt as much as many would think, but he rather enjoy the feel of battling a strong prey or even a fellow wolf gone rogue, as it happened before.
History: When Styrke came into this world, his mother was already dead from giving birth. His father, Strio, was a great warrior himself. Styrke was in the care of the Pup watchers, like all pups, but his father was bent on raising his progeny to be as fierce as himself and follow in his footstep after his death. Styrke was trained hard, and restlessly, to become the wolf he is now.
Eventually, Styrke's father perished during a hunt gone wrong where a rampaging bear tried to steal the fallen prey of the pack. Welcoming the challenge, Strio intervened and fought the animal, and won, but also received fatal wounds. The warrior was brought back to the den in hope of being saved, but it was too late. Styrke could, however, listen to his father's final words and these were what always pushed him forward ever since that day. He not only followed in his father footsteps, but did better. NOw the Beta of the pack, Styrke intend to use his position to better protect the pack from all threat by pushing the young to trust in their strength, so that the whole pack become one unstoppable force.
Father: Strio
Mother: ?
Rank/Position: Beta
Pack: Dark Wood Pack