Started in the year 2031, Project Lazarus revolved around an idea by Dr. Reagan and his biological research division stationed in Research Facilities G3 and G4. The goal of Project Lazarus was to give soldiers the ability to take fatal injuries, and get back on their feet. It was intended to protect soldiers of the Western Unity (the alliance organization of Canada, U.S., and South America) from the danger of death, and guarantee them getting back home alive.
In order to test the Lazarus serum, live test subjects were required. Animal testing occurred in the early stages. In 2032, death row prisoners were commissioned to be used. Each were given a shot of the serum, and then mortally wounded. 21 test subjects were unsuccessful in reviving. Subject 22 was able to survive, but suffered cardiac arrest 12 hours after revival.
Test subject 23 was also successful. However, Subject 23 caused an incident that cost the life of several scientists and guards. Project Lazarus’ funding was cut, and the research was scrapped soon afterwards. All the traces of Lazarus serum were ordered to be destroyed at Disposal Facility D7.
Dr. Pierre: This is Pierre, scientific log number forty-two... Subject twenty-three has been injected with the serum, experiment is proceeding into step two. Witnesses are myself, and Harold Fey.
Dr. Fey: Subject twenty-three is secured. Weapon is .357 Revolver-
(muffled shouts) (Metal clanging sounds)
Dr. Fey: Dammit... Keep his table steady! (sigh). Shot to be fired at the heart. One bullet only. Now proceeding with experiment step two...
Dr. Fey: Direct hit
Dr Pierre: Subject’s vital signs have ceased. Starting timer now.
(Silence lasts for 3 minutes)
(Beeping sound)
Dr. Pierre: Subject’s vital signs are returning! Time is 3 minutes, 8 seconds, and 49 milliseconds. Harold, get some responses from the subject once vitals are at a-hundred percent.
Dr Fey: Aye.
Dr. Pierre: Look at that... His body is pushing out the bullet, his flesh is regenerating... This is exactly what the serum was meant to do.
(Beeping sound)
Dr. Fey: He’s awake... Hey, can you hear me? Open your eyes... There we go. Ok, now just nod if you can hear me.
Dr. Fey: Good, good. Do you feel anything strange? Nausea, chest pain, anything? Just nod or shake your head.
Dr. Fey: Dr. Pierre, I’m happy to report that there are no side-effects.
Dr. Pierre: Excellent. Ok, release the subject from his restraints. See if he can move normally.
(Unlatching sounds)
Dr. Fey: Alright, take it easy Stanley, the guards are there to help you up. How do you feel?
Subject 23: Urgh... Strange...
Dr. Fey: What do you mean by strange? What’s wrong?
Subject 23: Insides, feel weird... Can’t explain... (Groans)
Dr. Fey: Pierre, what are his stats?
Dr. Pierre: Vitals at one hundred percent, not reading anything wrong on the monitors.
Dr. Fey: Try to explain. Describe how you’re feeling.
Subject 23: ...
Dr. Fey: Shit, he passed out. Take him back to his cell and keep tabs on his vitals, we need to know if there are any unforeseen side eff-
(Distant pained screams)
Dr Fey: What the Hell?! Restrain him, now!
Guard Jacob: He’s too strong! Get the tranquilizers!
(Breaking glass)
(Distant feral scream quickly getting closer)
Dr. Fey: NO!
(Sound of ripping flesh)
Guard Victor: He tore off the doctor’s neck! We need back up down here ASAP!
Dr. Pierre: Subject 23 is out of control! We need security here now!
Guard Jacob: I’m putting this bastard to sleep! Hey, over here!... URGH!
Guard Victor: Fuck! Jacob is down!
(Door breaking open)
Security Officer Zane: There’s the subject! Neutralize him!
(Firing of tranquilizer guns)
Guard Victor: It’s not working! Use real damn guns already!
(Feral roar)
Guard Reynold: We gotta fall back, sir. We need to get weapons!
(Prolonged roar that becomes continually distant)
(Multiple sounds of distant screaming)
Subject 23 was able to kill Dr. Fey, and over 4 security personnel before being neutralized and put into containment. After 3 minutes, Subject 23 reawakened in good health (despite being shot several times with submachine guns), and made several primitive attempts at escape (such as scratching and biting at his containment cell). Dr. Pierre and 3 other security personnel survived their injuries, but began to exhibit strange symptoms a few hours after recovery.
While it is unknown how it originally became contracted by the citizens of the city, the current infection is passed on by the fluids of an infected person being put into the bloodstream of an uninfected one. Bites and scratches from sweaty/bleeding hands are usually enough. However, there is a transitory phase in between normalcy and Phase 1. Meaning if the person is killed/mutilated before the bacteria takes full effect, then they will remain dead instead of recovering. The transition is approximately 5 minutes
- Infected show signs of weakness and tiredness. Despite being well rested
- Will fall unconscious at random intervals
- Unexplainable feeling of being “unwell”
- Will recover from fatal injuries after a dormant state of approximately 15 minutes. 20 minutes in a case of dismemberment
- Signs of extreme anger and aggression
- Will lash out at others even without rational reason
- Displays a craving for undercooked meat
- Will recover from fatal injuries after a dormant state of approximately 10 minutes. 15 minutes in a case of dismemberment
- Skin begins to turn rough, hard, and fleshy red
- Loss of all mental stability
- Will attack and kill those who are not infected (Displays no form of interaction with other infected)
- Appears to have heightened senses of smell, sight, and hearing. They appear to use these to effectively hunt down prey
- Will attempt to eat the meat of anyone they kill.
- Will recover from fatal injuries after a dormant state of approximately 5 minutes. 10 minutes in a case of dismemberment
The time period from Phase 1 to Phase 3 varies from person to person. Some people go from Phase 1 to Phase 3 in less than an hour, while others can take an entire week to reach Phase 3. Because there is a lack of clear similarities between the infected, it is currently unknown as to why or how this happens.
NOTE: The only known way to kill someone after they enter Phase 1 is the removal of their spine (as that is the center of regeneration. Without the spine, they cannot regenerate). If this cannot be done, then the only alternative is to make sure that the bodies are constantly damaged to inhibit recovery, such as setting them on fire while they are in their dormant state. Dr. Reagan and his division have been re-tasked with finding a poison to counter-act the Lazarus serum.
November 30, 2032: Subject 23 incident
December 1, 2032: Research Facility G4 is put under quarantine
December 3, 2032: Lazarus serum side-effects are confirmed. Report sent Western Unity Council
December 10, 2032: Funding for Project Lazarus is reduced
December 20, 2032: Surviving victims of Subject 23 Incident escape quarantine
December 21, 2032: Escaped victims are re-captured and exhibiting symptoms. Attempts are made to terminate them and Subject 23.
December 23, 2032: All attempts to terminate them thus far have failed. Finally neutralized by removal of their spine.
December 25, 2032: All funding for Project Lazarus is cut.
December 30, 2032: Project Lazarus officially scrapped. Remaining serum is ordered to be destroyed.
December 31, 2032: Remaining Lazarus serum is sent to Disposal Facility D7 via cargo plane.
January 1, 2033: Cargo plane is attacked by unknown terrorists. 2 crates of Lazarus serum lost in the fight.
January 3, 2033: Citizens of Valhalla City begin exhibiting Phase 1 symptoms.
January 5, 2033: Traces of Lazarus serum found in meat products and water supply. Military perimeter is set up around the affected zone.
January 7, 2033: Phase 2 symptoms observed in affected zone, and Phase 1 symptoms found outside the zone. Valhalla City is put under total quarantine. Riots begin breaking out. Escape attempts are made.
January 10, 2033: Barriers are constructed around the city. No entry and no escape. Infected attacks escalate. United Nations take notice of the incident.
January 14, 2033: All contact with the people of the city is lost.
January 15, 2033: Multiple W.U. Spec Ops teams are sent in via helicopter to ascertain the situation. Contact lost after 6 hours.
January 16, 2033: All operations into Valhalla City have been cancelled until further orders

Once a normal urban hub in central America, Valhalla city has become an isolated zone, with automated defenses and security cameras monitoring the walls and barriers around it. It is no longer possible to trace the location where the 2 crates of serum fell into. All that is known is that it somehow spread among the population. When the quarantine was initiated, all trade and labor in the city was put on hold. The situation only became worse. Infected attacks caused the death of many citizens, and those who survived their wounds became infected as well.
It was only a matter of time until all traces of authority began disappearing. Angry and confused, the population began starting riots and making numerous escape attempts (all of which failed). The situation had devolved into total anarchy. In a span of one week, the violence died down as their numbers thinned out from the infected attacks.
The city has since fallen apart, and there is no way to confirm if there are still any uninfected survivors inside. Spec Ops teams were sent in, but none reported back. They are assumed KIA. All operations regarding the city have been ceased until further orders issued.
Cpt. Thorne (Radio): This is Echo Squad, we’re getting close to the manhole. We’ll keep you updated on our status, Bravo squad
Sgt. Williams: God... why do WE have to wade in this stink-hole? I think I’ve stepped in diarrhea shit three times already! This nightvision isn’t helping avoid that at all...
Sgt. Miles: Be thankful we’re at least wearing gas-masks so we don’t have to smell whatever’s in here.
Sgt. Williams: Well our uniforms are still gonna smell like horse-ass by the time we get back to the F.O.B.
Cpt. Thorne: Will you two put a lid on it? Do you want every single infected in this sewer system hearing you?
Sgt. Williams: What infected? We haven’t seen so much as a trace of them ever since we came in here. Haven’t heard anything either.
Lt. Enriquez: Will you please shut up when the Captain tells you to?
Sgt. Williams: What, are you getting scared Enriquez?
Sgt. Miles: Shut up!
Sgt Williams: Alright! Jeez...
Sgt. Miles (whisper): No! I mean shut up, I thought I heard something...
Cpt. Thorne (whisper): What is it?
Sgt. Miles: Shhh!
Sgt. Miles (whisper): It’s gone... But I swear I heard something clos- AAAARGH!
Lt. Enriquez: No! Miles!
Cpt. Thorne: Above us! Open fire, OPEN FIRE!
Sgt. Williams: What the Hell are these things?! They’re crawling on the walls like fucking insects!
Cpt. Thorne: Run for the manhole now! Go! Go! Go!
Cpt. Thorne (Radio): Bravo! Come in Bravo! We are under attack from multiple contacts. They are not normal infected. Repeat they are NOT normal infected. We have a man down and are currently fleeing to the manhole!
Radio: This is Bravo! We’re *BZZZT* Under attack by some kind of [STATIC] [GUNFIRE] jumped off from the buildings we’re- GAHRARGH!
Cpt. Thorne (Radio): Bravo? Bravo come in! Shit...
Cpt. Thorne: We’re not getting support from Bravo, we have to keep mov-
Lt. Enriquez: (SCREAMS)
Sgt. Williams: No! (GUNFIRE) Get off him you acid-drooling freaks!
Cpt. Thorne: It’s too late! We have to keep going. That’s an order, soldier!
Cpt. Thorne: Oh damn... Another one coming behind us, watch ou-
Sgt Williams: (PAINED SCREAM)
Cpt. Thorne: Sergeant!
Sgt. Williams: Fine! Burn my leg if you freaks want! I don’t need it to pull the trigger!
Sgt. Williams: Get out of here, cap!
Sgt. Williams (distant): Frag out!
Cpt. Thorne (Radio): ... This is Captain Thorne of Echo Squad (RAPID BREATHING)... I’m proceeding topside and heading back to the FOB. If any survivors from the squads can read me, rendezvous at the storage warehouse near Treble Plaza.
NOTE The Analysts found this recovered transmission to be of more interest than the rest because of the implications of a possible “4th Phase” of infection. Without any later recordings to find any further information on this, we are mostly blind on the subject until more teams can create observations on these new creatures.
After working day and night trying to find something to kill the Lazarus Serum’s organisms, my team and I are proud to say that we have managed to create something that can permanently kill them off; an “Anti-Serum”, so to speak. However, there are certain... effects by this Anti-Serum which make it ill-advised to use immediately, especially with the whole world watching Valhalla City.
I would like to speak with you all personally to demonstrate these effects, and also so that we may all agree upon a proper course of action for the use of this weapon. Please meet with me and my team at our facility as soon as possible. Time is of the essence. The wall will not hold those monsters in the city forever. And the effects of having to use this weapon on a continental, or even global scale would be... to be completely honest... catastrophic
Boateng, DominiqueChen, LianReed, CaseyDali, TitusPayne, MorganCarroway, Ian (Pending investigation of possible relation to unknown individual)Volkov, Aleksander
NAME: (Last name, First name)
AGE: (Be specific)
SEX: (Biological)
PERSONALITY: (How they behave)
OCCUPATION: (Put in N/A if underage and not working a part-time contract)
BACKGROUND: (Be as long or short as necessary to display the needed information)
SKILLS: (Anything this person is capable of doing or doing better in comparison to others)
LIKES: (Things this person is known to display a like for)
DISLIKES: (Things this person is known to display dislike for)
In the light of recent developments made by Dr. Reagan and his scientific team (reports of which have been sent to the Unity Council), the United Nations and Western Unity have formulated an operation codenamed: RAGNAROK
The operation consists of two stages. The first stage is the deployment of teams created by the U.N. into the quarantine zone. They have the following objectives:
1. Secure a “Safe-Zone” within the city. This area will serve as both their base of operations, and the place where they will gather any survivors they find. If a place becomes un-defendable, they must locate a new area to set up a Safe-Zone and transfer all personnel and supplies there.
2. Search and rescue and survivors within the city and bring them to the Safe-Zone where they will be screened for infection and await evacuation
3. Maintain contact with Mission Command, and continue performing objectives 1 and 2 until further orders are given, or until they are to be extracted from the quarantine zone.
The second stage of RAGNAROK is the usage of the new “Anti-Serum” weapon into the city. The specifics of the Anti-Serum have not been made clear by the Unity Council. But they assure the U.N. that it will end the threat once and for all.
Sgt. Andrew Smalls (U.S. Army Aviation)Lt. Inna Pasternack (Ground Forces of the Russian Federation)Lt. Commander Vincent Richoux (Royal Canadian Navy)Col. Lionel Castor (W.U. Anti-Terrorism Division)
NAME: (Last name, First name)
AGE: (Be specific)
SEX: (Biological)
PERSONALITY: (How they behave)
NATIONALITY: (Their current citizenship)
MILITARY BRANCH: (The military branch they were recruited from)
RANK: (Current rank within their country’s military)
SPECIALIZATION: (Only fill out if they are a specialist in any field)
BACKGROUND: (Be as long or short as necessary to display the needed information)
SKILLS: (Notable skills displayed by this individual)
LIKES: (Things this person is known to display a like for)
DISLIKES: (Things this person is known to display dislike for)
REASON FOR VOLUNTEERING: (Please put in a quote, or audio transcript from this individual during their screening which explains why they want to be part of this operation)
OOC Stuff:
Here are some rules we'll be following in the course of the RP. If there is something you feel should be added, let me know and I'll consider it.
1. Standard Guild rules apply
2. As GM, my word is law. I'll be open to suggestions and ideas, but I'll have the final say on whatever happens
3. For your first IC post, make sure you detail what kind of equipment your character is carrying, as well as some things they have been doing to survive to ever since the outbreak. You are allowed the freedom the select what sort of starting equipment your character will have, but keep it within the scope of realism. Soldiers will obviously go in with a lot of equipment and will be better suited for surviving and diving into the Quarantine Zone, while citizens will start with a more scarce supply. This is fair because while citizens will be focused on surviving and escaping danger, the soldiers must willingly go into the danger-zones for their job.
3. No Godmodding without my permission. Only I have the power to make large-scale events happen. However, if there's something you want to do which will affect other players, give me the details either through PM or the OOC thread first, and if I agree with it, I'll give you permission to do it.
4. No invincible/unkillable characters. Characters are flesh and blood humans just as susceptible to death as the next guy. So act like it! Have your character preserve their life the best they can, but if they get themselves into a really bad situation, they should not be getting out of there unscathed. And if they do something stupid, they better suffer the consequences.
5. Following the above rule, no Mary Sues and Gary Stus allowed in here. Make your characters unique with various strengths and weaknesses
6. No overpowering characters during PvP. If you get into a fight with another Player-Character, both of you should have an equal chance of victory and defeat, a chance to strike and defend, and the result of the fight must be agreed upon by both players involved. Do not automatically make yourself the victor without even giving the other player a chance to respond.
7. No player-character killing without the permission of the Player controlling them. You CANNOT just fire a gun and kill a PC. Only if the Player who owns them agrees to their death will it be acceptable.
8. Romance between characters is allowed, but keep it appropriate. Considering they're in the middle of an unkillable zombie outbreak, they probably have bigger concerns

. Though if you really must... Then take all Rated-18 IC to the PM's
9. IC swearing is fine (considering the horror and gory nature of this RP, it's pretty obvious this isn't for a young audience XD). But don't overuse it and cuss every few sentences. Use only when appropriate or fitting.
10. Have fun and play nice. Basically just do what you feel will be enjoyable for you in the course of this RP =). But use your common sense to avoid annoying or hurting anyone else. IC hating and fighting is fine (as that may end up being inevitable for characters), but I will not stand for fights in the OOC. So don't start anything in here. Or I will start swinging the banhammer
11. If you're going to disappear or be inactive for sometime (for any reason), please let us know in the OOC. This way we'll know who we're waiting for and if we should slow down for anyone who may be getting left behind.