Oh good! You too! I'm so glad I'm not alone in the making up of things. :)
So Amel is taking over, we'll meet him. He's more wall than man, so it'll be a good space for our detective to find what he needs to. Then Harper will take over. I've a few notes for myself, but nothing story centric. We've only been a "day" into this, and not even that, so if we get to a place where things will not shift much, we can always skip forward some as well. Once characters are in place. :)
So I owe you a post! I have to go into the cold (my friend would laugh - it is above zero, she'd say. that's not COLD... that's just chilly - but there's a wind, so nyah to her) and care for animals before the evening is fully on. That way, they go to bed with warm food in their tummies... will be back in an hour or so and then will set to work on your post, m'dear!