NameIris Holloway
PersonalityIris is a tough cookie. Used to living rough, she believes that you have to work for everything decent and thus has cultivated a hatred towards the Capitol and their inhabitants, who merely enjoy parties every night and reap the benefits of the other districts' hard labour. She abhors laziness in any form and finds it impossible to relax - if ever she gets the rare opportunity to. As the youngest of five, she was often considered the baby of the family - forcing her more and more, to prove her worth as a worker and fighter - and when she won the Hunger Games at fourteen years old, her family couldn't believe it. She went from being the overlooked youngster to family hero overnight.
The arena, naturally, hardened her even more than her poor upbringing. She finds it hard to show emotion these days and her suspicion of the Capitol has turned her bitter and angry at the world. She rarely goes out and has isolated herself from many of her previous friends, in a bid to protect and preserve herself, as she has developed a form of paranoia. This is not completely irrational however; after killing six - including the male tribute from her own district - there are those that are not best pleased with her, even within her own town. She has a strong - if a little too harsh - sense of justice.
BioComing from the poorest district in Panem, Iris is no stranger to an empty stomach. Her father oversaw after their small collection of cattle, whilst her mother brought up her, her older sister and three older brothers. Food was sparse but somehow, they all managed to survive. As the youngest of all her siblings, she grew up in the shadow of her elder brother and sister, and worked extra hard in perfecting her physical strength and stamina to make herself stand out. She developed speed and a killer aim. Quite literally.
She was selected as a tribute when she was just fourteen years old. Her family were devastated - certain she would be dead by the second day - but all those years of building her fitness had paid off. Before she went in, the male tribute, Uri (a dreamer and a musician, who couldn't throw a knife to save his life) begged her to kill him humanely in the initial bloodbath. She agreed and was thus then on seen as the ruthless one when she swiftly beheaded Uri at cornucopia within the first sixty seconds - a nickname that she was then able to maintain. It helped that the other tributes - thinking she was mad - tended to avoid her.
In her stint in the arena, she ended up killing four, including Uri, and though her district was happy, there was the obvious apprehension as she had murdered one of their own. She has never talked about it since. When she was reaped again, she showed no emotion. She just took her place quietly as one of the 75th annual hunger game tributes.
NameArturo Kabe
PersonalityArturo isn't exactly famous for his extroverted personality and instead, prefers his own company. He lives very much in his head and for this reason, people often label him as a dreamer - though he has no illusions of just exactly how harsh life can be. He thinks things through thoroughly before putting them into motion, but his ideas are often ingenious and so ridiculously detailed that people would struggle to thwart them. He likes to listen, rather than talk. He has a strong hatred of 'careers', as he feels that they rely only on their strength - the exact opposite of himself. He believes that intelligence is key.
BioArturo's father is a major engineer and designed the majority of District 5's infrastructure and power houses. His mother died during childbirth and it has been him, and his father, ever since. They aren't exactly poor but nor are they rich, living on the outskirts of District 5 and each as reclusive as the other. Arturo, himself, showed a great interest in science and his father's work, excelling academically but maintaining average fitness - not exactly unfit but not top of the class.
He was reaped when eighteen years old. Though naturally the Hunger Games are always distressing, nobody was particularly close to their small family so it wasn't deemed a district tragedy. He was the tribute that they always missed or forgot about, as despite his age, he wasn't very large, instead appearing leaner - earning a mediocre score - and wasn't really considered a threat. However, inside the arena, his engineering proficiency showed in the whole manner of elaborate traps he carefully constructed from whatever was available and laid across the entire arena. He never directly killed a single person - though his traps led indirectly to the tributes' death, such as the one that couldn't escape the bushfire, stuck in one of Arturo's tight nets. Arturo won the respect and admiration of his district and returned a hero.
When he was reaped again, his father broke down in tears - having struggled to survive watching his son nearly die the first time round - and Arturo, himself, was seen crying for his only parent's sake.