Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ziogen


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Essentially, you'll play the role of a god/gods in a ye olde setting where it's a bunch of city-states. The Gods will follow more of the mythological route where they were down to Earth and more humanlike. They will just be a super-powered being with a bunch of normals worshipping them. It is that way that they earn Faith, which can be used to upgrade the city, gods, or even some items. The city/land system will include both armies and technlogy. You will be able to have Multiple Characters, but they all share the same pooled Faith. Additionally, the stronger a Diety gets, the harder it is to make them stronger, so you can either go with the route of multiple dieties or a single powerful one. When multiple gods share the same Faith, that is called a Pantheon.

You will be able to invade other peoples lands, and if you win, take it over. Gods that lose, in either attacking or defending, will have three choices:
***Banishment: Just high-tail it out of there.
***Reincarnation: Your god dies and 90% [tentative] of your used faith is returned
***Join Pantheon: Join another person's Pantheon. They WILL be in charge of distributing Faith to you

You will, of course, be able to join the Pantheon of any other god, even from the beginning, at will. (They will still control your Faith distribution.) If you have multiple dieties in multiple Pantheons, you will be able to transfer faith at a 50% rate. Faith can be gained overtime based on your city, from events, or from waging war. If a resident Diety is kicked out of their land, they will steal 20% of the next favor income. Additionally, based on actions, one city may end up hating another pantheon despite what the dieties say. All citizens will grow to dislike other Nation/Dieties over time, and will eventually end up going to war.

***Powers will naturally come from your title. (E.G. Zhoul, god of Necromancy can raise the dead and curse other city's crops to reduce their favor gain.) It's up to you whether to make it helpful for war or your city, or even detriment other's cities.

***As for plot, in addition to player interactions, an overseas Empire will send frequent invasions of their own. However, because they are so far in between, there is no pressure for Pantehons to band together until the actual attack. Wouldn't hurt though. You will be able to join this NPC Empire as if it was any other player, however returning to an empire is not an option. Other than that, you play a god. Go host parties on Mt. Super Awesome, send a beautiful temptress to marry another kingdom's King, or tell your inhabitants that the sky is blue because one time you sneezed all over it.

***For setting, I was thinking more mundane Fantasy, where magic exists but is rare, and any non-human species are just as hard to find. If you guys want, we can go more high-fantasy. As for technology, that will advance depending on each separate city.

***As for Faith income intervals, I was thinking an OOC week, maybe every Friday.

***General population Rules:
---You can make non-diety characters, but any with substantial positions (Such as King or Army General) or power will cost faith.
---Humans can be NPC'd if it only affects a single Pantheon. The Pantheon leader has the final say.
---If it affects multiple pantheons, such as a battle, they will be NPC'd by a GM if an agreement does not occur between all parties.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Very interested. Can we make character sheets now?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ziogen


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Ah, sure. I was making sure there was interest before developing everything, but here's a basic skeleton

Name: Name of the god
Pantheon: What the Pantheon is
Pantheon Head: The head of the Pantheon you chose. You don't need permission to join another person's but... they'll be in charge of your faith so...
Nation: What your nation is called. Will primairily be based on one city unless you take over another.
City Landscape: The layout of your city. Is it in forest land? Surrounded by mountains?
Personality: Not much needed.
Legend: What your city will tell everyone else. DOES NOT HAVE TO BE TRUE. Were you born from a volcano? From a lightning bolt?
Title: God of the Sun, God of Warfare, God of the Apocalyptic Zombie Invasion
Entitled Powers: Any powers gifted naturally. Needs some sort of connection to godhood or your Title.
Gained Powers: Any powers or special items you gain in the course of the RP.
Misc: Anything else you want us to know.

Does it look like anything's missing?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sathanas Rex
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Sathanas Rex

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

if you are capable of preventing godmod and abuse of divine power etc (which I think that given the competitive nature of this role-play will be a serious issue), this could potentially be one of the most interesting concepts I've seen in quite a while.

edit: I also think maybe an additional city profile would be a good thing? at least resource wise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

He's the head of my pantheon, but his legend is the last one that was written, so I'm going to lay the rest of the legend out too so it makes sense. Also there are many gods in the Pantheon already, I hope that's alright.

Name: Maraketh
Pantheon: Skipping in lieu of information
Pantheon Head: Maraketh
Nation: Arelia
Personality: I honestly don't know yet, give me time on this one

Title: God of Life, Death, and Knowledge
Entitled Powers: Maraketh can create Artificial Life (Golems) to do his bidding, and can also imbue those golems with Artificial Souls (or if there's reason, real souls from the recently deceased.) Artificial Souls can give the Golems a personality of their own, instead of just being mindless cattle, but he can only hold so many at a time.
Gained Powers:
He currently holds 5 different Artificial Souls. The Knight, the Scout, the Scholar, the Behemoth, and the Archer. Each has it's own personality and unique skill set.
He carries a leather bound tome on a strap around his shoulders, which he can sometimes be seen reading from. Nobody else has seen inside the book.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This is relevant to my interests!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Name: Sarakhahn
Pantheon: The Dragon High Lords
Head: Sarakhahn..
Nation: Lordagh
Personality: He's extremely patient, and bides his time for his plans to come to pass. He is compassionate to those who honor him and instills courage in those who fight for him. His goals are to preserve the honor of the innocent and uphold the glory of heroes and wise men.
Legend: Sarakhahn was born from way before the world began. Every unknown number of millenia or eons that pass, the world ends and starts again. Very few survive the end of the world and continue through for another transition. Sarakhahn has surpassed all other beings by surviving through ten transitions. But in the beginning, he was born as a hatchling to a Dragon Clan that wiped out all other intelligent beings in the world. His Clan ruled the world and were extremely advanced. His father ruled as a tyrant and although Sarakhahn loved his father, in the end, he was forced to kill him before he destroyed the entire Dragon race, after Tyranus (His father's name), destroyed the world's deities. He ruled for thousands of years before the world came to an end, and the next cycle began.
Title: The All-Dragon High Lord, Dragon God Of Breath (Lord of all clans)
Entitled Powers: Any power dragons possess. Immortality, breath of fire, breath of wind and thunder, water, etcetera. He can even breath healing and life, form dragon scales on his followers that are superior in durability to steel, give them dragon's flesh and dragon's bones, etcetera.
Gained Powers:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Work_U_Dumb


Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Ieyar
Pantheon: Neckianan
Pantheon Head: Ieyar
Nation: Neckian
Personality: Nice, strong willed, powerful
Legend: There was nothing except 4 teens floating through space (Ieyar, Ophy, Evdite, and Cymus). Ieyar who was one of the 2 boys took control and created the earth. Him and the goddess Ophy made the babies and the other gods where created. Together they created all the empires. (Not true, just making them seem OP)
Title: The God of Animals. (He can control any animal and has the power of all of them)
City Layout: The city of megli̱poli̱gemmezó̱a is filled with animals. The animals in this city are not mean to humans and they all live in harmony. This city is filled with trees and lakes. The Large temple to Ophy and Ieyar is in the middle of town where it is surrounded by trees. There is a natural moat around the city as a lake surrounds it with trees on the inside. All the buildings are on the island that the lake has made. This city is nicknamed the city of love as Ieyar and Ophy share it. When you enter you are destined to leave with atleast 5 kisses on the lips.
Entitled Powers: He can control any animal. Has the power of all of them. Can transform into any animal.
Gained Powers: None so far.
Misc: Husband of Ophy

Name: Ophy
Pantheon: Neckianan
Pantheon Head: Ieyar
Nation: Neckian
Personality: Loving, Nice, Good, Sweet
City Layout: The city of megli̱poli̱gemmezó̱a is filled with animals. The animals in this city are not mean to humans and they all live in harmony. This city is filled with trees and lakes. The Large temple to Ophy and Ieyar is in the middle of town where it is surrounded by trees. There is a natural moat around the city as a lake surrounds it with trees on the inside. All the buildings are on the island that the lake has made. This city is nicknamed the city of love as Ieyar and Ophy share it. When you enter you are destined to leave with atleast 5 kisses on the lips.
Legend: There was nothing except 4 teens floating through space (Ieyar, Ophy, Evdite, and Cymus). Ieyar who was one of the 2 boys took control and created the earth. After he did this Ophy asked to marry him so they could create more gods. Ieyar said yes and they got it on, they created 2 other gods.
Title: Goddess of Married Women
Entitled Powers: Making people in Love, Making people beautiful.
Gained Powers: None so far
Misc: When marriages happen they pray in her name

Name: Evdite
Pantheon: Neckianan
Pantheon Head: Ieyar
Nation: Neckian
Personality: Not very nice, likes to farm, hates children.
On the outside of the city are all the farmers. Evdite made that area. It is filled with plains. The plains have flowers on flowers on flowers.
Legend: When the others where born she flew down to earth. She created all of the farm land and watched over the animals Ieyar created.
Title: The god of Farming
Entitled Powers: Can create food. Can make farm land
Gained Powers: None
Misc: No children

Name: Cymus
Pantheon: Neckianan
Pantheon Head: Ieyar
Nation: Neckian
Personality: Extreme, likes action, kinda insane
City Layout: On the other side of the city are the mountains. These mountains are called disaster mountains. On each of them an earthquake happens every 2 days. Some large some small.
Legend: After Ieyar created the earth Cymus created the mountains so he could run down them. He also created all the hills and he controls natural disasters.
Title: God of Extreme, God of Natural Disaters
Entitled Powers: Can make earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, and tsunamis. Also makes people want to do stupid things
Gained Powers: None
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ziogen


Member Offline since relaunch

Alright, since there's interest I'll work on everything tommorow so it's ready for the weekend. All the sheets look fine so far, but I'll save approvals for the thread in case anyone wants to tweak things when they read it.

Sathanas Rex said
if you are capable of preventing godmod and abuse of divine power etc (which I think that given the competitive nature of this role-play will be a serious issue), this could potentially be one of the most interesting concepts I've seen in quite a while.edit: I also think maybe an additional city profile would be a good thing? at least resource wise.

Well, I can enforce things but it's up to the players to get along. Also city landscapes, got it.

chukklehed said
He's the head of my pantheon, but his legend is the last one that was written, so I'm going to lay the rest of the legend out too so it makes sense. Also there are many gods in the Pantheon already, I hope that's alright.

It should be fine. Just keep the abilities reasonably moderate like the golems creation. Your city follows the Pantheon leader's words, so as an alternate method you could also introduce them later and act as if they've been there all along, hiding on Mount Maraketh-lympus.

ActRaiserTheReturned said
Any power dragons possess. Immortality, breath of fire, breath of wind and thunder, water, etcetera. He can even breath healing and life, form dragon scales on his followers that are superior in durability to steel, give them dragon's flesh and dragon's bones, etcetera.:

As long as you don't misinterpret immortality as indestructability, it should be fine. =O
I'm interested to see a Pantheon full of dragons.

Work_U_Dumb said

Animal transformations will be limited to real & non-extinct ones to start off.
Cymus's enviornment control will get weaker the farther away he is from your city. Also I like that other ability. 'By Cymus's Will boy, you're daft!'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Work_U_Dumb


Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

Ziogen said
.Animal transformations will be limited to real & non-extinct ones to start off. Cymus's enviornment control will get weaker the farther away he is from your city. Also I like that other ability. 'By Cymus's Will boy, you're daft!'

I am fine with those changes. But with the whole 2 children thing is it ok if I make more gods later on as I have more ideas. I just thought 4 in one post was enough.
The reason I put Cymus's together is so if someone insults him he can just make a mini tornado and make the guy want to jump in it. By Cymus's will I must jump in that.
Edit: Just saw that city thing. Is it ok if Cymus and Edvite get there own city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Immortality is fun, especially if you're talking like the Olympians, who could "die" and would kinda just respawn back on Olympus (At least that's how I understood it).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Work_U_Dumb


Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

Hades is like oh no just got hit with a lightning bolt better be reborn as a grown man back in the underwold.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ziogen


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Work_U_Dumb said
I am fine with those changes. But with the whole 2 children thing is it ok if I make more gods later on as I have more ideas. I just thought 4 in one post was enough.The reason I put Cymus's together is so if someone insults him he can just make a mini tornado and make the guy want to jump in it. By Cymus's will I must jump in that.Edit: Just saw that city thing. Is it ok if Cymus and Edvite get there own city.

Yeah, more gods is fine. As for multiple cities, that isn't (so as not to complicate things.) But you can split the city you have. Like Cymus and Edvite get the west side while the other two get the east. And who's to say a river doesn't separate the sides. Or Cymus and Edvite get the farmers and outliers while the main two gods are in charge of the main city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Name: Tyranus
Pantheon: The Dragon High Lords : The Lord Of The Dead
Head: Sarahk..
Nation: Lordagh
Personality: He's incredibly cunning, insightful, resourceful and perceptive. He was once the Emperor of the world many eons ago, but he began a cleansing purge of those he thought were disloyal or who disagreed with him, and he began to indiscriminately murder whomever looked at him funny, both figuratively and literally. He nearly wiped out all life on his world, including Dragon's life, for purposes of his amusement, and to amass enough power to create a dimension of pure Dictatorship where he could extend his rule from one world to all worlds. Tyranus is no longer evil. He's been in the Bone Worlds for eons, and has changed dramatically, even for someone who's been alive longer than entire planet's can live. These days, he's rigid, efficient, logical, cold and calculating, but kind. Even evil dragons can eventually make it to an extremely good after life under the right circumstances. You never know if he's going to be nice, or if he's going to be a Rule's Dick.
Legend: Tyranus began in the world eons ago. . . eon cycles ago he committed mass genocide against many races in the world until only dragons were left. He almost harvested the souls of all dragons in order to ascend beyond godhood and create an entire dimension where all worlds everywhere would come underneath his Dictatorship.
Title: The All-Slayer Lord Of Bones
Entitled Powers: He is the All-Slayer, Judge of the Dead. He is capable of death magic, necromancy, and very powerful magic dealing with wars. The dead obey his every command, and he can destroy armies with a word, breath or glare from his eyes. He can even steal souls from living bodies, or transport the living into the world of the dead.
Gained Powers: He cut off Justin Bieber's head and displays on his on his office door.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sathanas Rex
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Sathanas Rex

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Entitled Powers: He is the All-Slayer, Judge of the Dead. He is capable of death magic, necromancy, and very powerful magic dealing with wars. The dead obey his every command, and he can destroy armies with a word, breath or glare from his eyes. He can even steal souls from living bodies, or transport the living into the world of the dead.

not over-powered in the slightest!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ziogen


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ActRaiserTheReturned said
Personality: He's incredibly cunning, insightful, resourceful and perceptive. He was once the Emperor of the world many eons ago, but he began a cleansing purge of those he thought were disloyal or who disagreed with him, and he began to indiscriminately murder whomever looked at him funny, both figuratively and literally. He nearly wiped out all life on his world, including Dragon's life, for purposes of his amusement, and to amass enough power to create a dimension of pure Dictatorship where he could extend his rule from one world to all worlds. Tyranus is no longer evil. He's been in the Bone Worlds for eons, and has changed dramatically, even for someone who's been alive longer than entire planet's can live. These days, he's rigid, efficient, logical, cold and calculating, but kind. Even evil dragons can eventually make it to an extremely good after life under the right circumstances. You never know if he's going to be nice, or if he's going to be a Rule's Dick.

Legend: Tyranus began in the world eons ago. . . eon cycles ago he committed mass genocide against many races in the world until only dragons were left. He almost harested the souls of all dragons in order to ascend beyond godhood and create an entire dimension where all worlds everywhere would come underneath his Dictatorship.

Powers: He is the All-Slayer, Judge of the Dead. He is capable of death magic, necromancy, and very powerful magic dealing with wars. The dead obey his every command, and he can destroy armies with a word, breath or glare from his eyes. He can even steal souls from living bodies, or transport the living into the world of the dead. Gained Powers: He cut off Justin Bieber's head and displays on his on his office door.

If you're going to put backstory into personality, just merge the legend and personality sections together. I want any big backstory to be indeterminable of its truthfulness, so if multiple characters conflict it doesn't matter much. As for the powers, most of them deal with humans only. Naturually he won't be able to destroy any army on a whim in an instant repeatedly without effort. Nothing too large-scale from the start.

Anyways, getting started on the OOC now. Should have it up by tonight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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