Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ziogen


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ziogen


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Alright here's what I have for the OOC so far. I'd like some input whether you guys would want a more concrete Faith system, as shown here, or just have a general one where it's either invested into your city or your gods and there's no complicated systems.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Work_U_Dumb


Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

So far it is great. Just adding some more to my pantheon.

Name: Martum
Pantheon: Neckianan
Pantheon Head: Ieyar
Nation: Neckian
City Landscape: Shares the city with Ieyar
Personality: Cold, Narcissist, Opportunistic, Smart.
Legend: After being born from Ophy Martum started training. He killed all he could. When he was older he challenged Ieyar for the title of Head. Ieyar won and casted him to the underworld where he is stuck to control the moon.
Title: God of the Moon, God of the underworld
Entitled Powers: Makes the moon orbit, drags people into the underworld
Gained Powers: None

Name: Olivian
Pantheon: Neckianan
Pantheon Head: Ieyar
Nation: Neckianan
City Landscape: Shares with Ieyar.
Personality: Crazy, Selfish, Athletic, Likes to hold grudges
Legend: Born from the god Ophy. Olivian has been supplying wisdom to humans from the beginning of time. She also supplies humans with hate.
Title: God of Wisdom, God of Hate
Entitled Powers: Can make anyone hate anyone. Can make people smarter.
Gained Powers: None.
Misc: Anti Ophy

Name: Jorortis
Pantheon: Neckianan
Pantheon Head: Ieyar
Nation: Neckian
City Landscape: Same as Ieyar
Personality: Smart, Shy, Likes to hide
Legend: Born from a battle between two empires Jorotis decided the outcome. Since then he has been creating human weapons and controlling the wars.
Title: God of Strategy, God of War, God of Weapons.
Entitled Powers: Can make any ancient weapon. Can make great strategies. Can make anyone want to go to war.
Gained Powers: None

Name: Maritae
Pantheon: Neckianan
Pantheon Head: Ieyar
Nation: Neckian
City Landscape: Same as Ieyar
Personality: Brave, Likes to fight
Legend: Born in the same battle as Jorotis, Maritae made the warriors brave. She lives with Jorotis
Title: God of Bravery
Entitled Powers: Makes people brave.

Name: Ne-mict
Appearance: A human with a bird head, Looks like an aztec and wears aztec warrior clothing
Pantheon: Neckianan
Pantheon Head: Ieyar
Nation: Neckian
City Landscape: Same as Ieyar
Personality: Cool, Calm, Collected, Likes to Kill things
Legend: An eagle was accidentally shot down by Ophy. To make sure Ieyar did not get mad she made the eagle a god. This God was made the Heavenly judger and he controls the sun
Title: God of the sun, God of Life
Entitled Powers: Make people back to life. Controls the sun.

Name: Tripada
Appearance: A buff human with a bird head, Has four arms and 2 large wings.
Pantheon: Neckianan
Pantheon Head: Ieyar
Nation: Neckian
City Landscape: Same as Ieyar
Personality: Insane, Power Hungry, Violent,
Legend: A Hawk was shot down by Ophy. Ieyar was very mad that Ophy did not make the Hawk a god as she made an Eagle a god. Ophy went back and gave the Hawk divine powers. This hawk is the Guard of Heaven and make sure only dead things enter.
Title: God of Gladiators, God of Royalty
Entitled Powers: Makes people want to fight, Gives people power.

Name: Obamia
Appearance: A Human-Bird crossover. It has the shape of a child and it has feathers all of its body. It has a raven head and large raven wings.
Pantheon: Neckianan
Pantheon Head: Ieyar
Nation: Neckian
City Landscape: Same as Ieyar
Personality: Deceitful, Corrupt, Tricky
Legend: While Ophy mad the hawk a god this Raven flew into the blast. This Raven is a god who is not supposed to be a god. He hides from Ieyar in other cities around the empire.
Title: God of Deceit, God of Corruption, God of Politicians.
Entitled Powers: Makes people lie, Makes people crazy, Makes people Corrupt.

Name: Chewy
Pantheon: Neckianan
Pantheon Head: Ieyar
Nation: Neckian
City Landscape: Shares the city with Ieyar
Personality: Hungry, Fat, Crazy, Looks like a goat that stands like a human
Legend: A Goat who walked into a portal into the underworld. It was given powers and made the Underworld guard
Title: God of Eating, God of Goats, Devil Goat
Entitled Powers: Makes people hungry, Makes people food, Can make anything edible, Turns things into goats.
Misc: Is the Devil Goat, It likes to eat.

Name: Wishgic
Appearance: IT'S A PONY
Pantheon: Neckianan
Pantheon Head: Ieyar
Nation: Neckian
City Landscape: Shares the city with Ieyar
Personality: Stupid, Laughable,
Legend: After Ieyar got drunk and watched a stupid play about a pony named twilight sparkle he made this god.
Title: God of Ponies
Entitled Powers: Turns things into a pony

Name: Nikomedes
Appearance: It is a very large tortoise.
Pantheon: Neckianan
Pantheon Head: Ieyar
Nation: Neckian
City Landscape: Shares the city with Ieyar
Personality: Fun, Slow, Lovable, Nice, Calm, Not Shy, Outgoing, Sweet
Legend: When the Pony god got created the world went out of balance. It was turning everything into ponies. Ieyar saved us by making this little guy. He is the Anti Pony. He turns ponies back to humans
Title: Pony Destroyer, God of Killing Ponies
Entitled Powers: Can Kill Ponies how he wants to. Turns Ponies into human. Can spin in his shell to fly.

Name: Titanioa
Pantheon: Neckianan
Appearance: Giant Sea snake
Pantheon Head: Ieyar
Nation: Neckian
City Landscape: Shares the city with Ieyar
Personality: Decietful, evil, smart,
Legend: Ieyar saw the huge floods happening in his kingdom. To make this stop he created Titanioa, the god of water to control it.
Title: God of Water
Entitled Powers: Controls water

Name: Servduilius
Pantheon: Neckianan
Pantheon Head: Ieyar
Nation: Neckian
City Landscape: Shares the city with Ieyar
Personality: Serious, Nervous and Vain
Legend: The bastard child of Cymus and Olivian, he was officially granted Divine status after he saved a baby from a lion. Since then he has been protecting humans
Title: The Protecter, God of Defence
Entitled Powers: Can create a force field around him, Can create a shield around him, Knows when people are in trouble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Dragon High Lord Of Serene Waters
Pantheon: Nashuumal
Pantheon Head: Sarukhahn
Nation: Lordagh
City Landscape: ???
Personality: Nashuumal is The Dragon High Lord of Serenity (Water). . . Water, in it's state as water, steam and also ice.
He is a kind, compassionate, playful, wise, contemplative and poetic. Nashuumal is associated with diamonds and saphires. He is peaceful, loves to teach lower mortals, learn and think deeply in philosophy. He is forgiving and teaches strength in gentleness.
Legend: Nashuumal was revered as one of the wisest gods in the entire world many Eon Cycles ago. Nashuumal taught peace and serenity, courage in the face of adversity and disciplining the wise, punishing the wicked, and meditation on the good things of life. Beauty, food, simple pleasures, marriage, children, etcetera. Nashuumal was challenged by the God of War, Ha'Re, to a duel. . . Hashuumal refused no matter how many times Ha'Re asked or demanded. Finally Ha'Re attempted to murder Nashuumal, and the Dragon Lord had him imprisoned in a sealed glacier of ice not even the god of War could break out of.
Ha'Re exists as a man imprisoned in a mountain glacier. It is predicted that he will serve Nashuumal in mystical ways until he is finally freed, in which he will ally with Nashuumal for all he has been taught by him.
Title: Nashuumatis (God of Serene Waters. (Serenity, water, cleansing and refreshment)
Entitled Powers: Nashuumal grants refreshment, rest, peace, sleep, dreams, restoration of broken relationships, purification (Both literally and to some extent literally). He also curses evil with lethargy, lack of rest, nightmares, freezing cold, the loss of friendships and the state of isolation. He is forgiving, and if his "victims" turn away from evil deeds, he will enchant with a positive spell.
Gained Powers: None.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Dragon High Lord Of Strength
Pantheon: Dakkoar
Pantheon Head: Sarukhahn
Nation: Lordagh
City Landscape:???
Personality and Legend: Daggoar/Dakkoar is a strong, mighty, but gentle protector. He is a protective warrior who wishes to strengthen and preserve warriors, protectors and guardians. He, along with Sarukhahn represent fathers, and elderly siblings in the Dragon/Lordagh culture. He is sometimes seen as the god of teachers in martial arts, and teachers of war. He wishes to defend those who cannot defend themselves. He once fought two enemy deities at once. The forgotten gods now only known as Hunger and Pain. Two brothers who were mighty dragons. One had been cursed with a horrifying hunger and had began to eat everyone and all animals that exist. Pain was cursed with horrifying arthritic limbs, that made him insane. . . Daggoar came across a city of Humans that were at war with their neighbors. All that was left was the women, the old men, the children and guards. There was no way they could survive an assault from two mighty cursed dragons. Daggoar killed Hunger and Pain, and bound their souls to Nashuumal as an act of mercy, putting them to a good rest.

Title: High Dragon Lord : The Lord Of Defenders
Entitled Powers: He is enormously strong and can bestow arms and armors at will, can bless those with talent in metallurgy, or engineering skills for both shelters and the ability to sharpen and work their weapons and armors. He could also make people strong, or bestow any enchantment that can make them able to defend themselves and others, even by transforming an ordinary person into a legendary Martial Arts Master instantaneously.
Gained Powers: None.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Work_U_Dumb


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ziogen


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I'll just keep it simple with Faith invested in city and Faith invested in each God.

I'll have the OOC up by tommorow for sure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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Name: Jonathan
Pantheon: None
Pantheon Head: N/A
Nation: Scanvalia
City landscape: It's a land that is just as beautiful as it is confusing. It's heavily wooded area with trees that go up to the clouds and valleys that go down beyond sight. It doesn't have many shrubs or hills it very flat other than the deep valleys. The trees there are hundreds of years old and have a natural beauty to them. People come from all around to see the beautiful forest and the even more beautiful city in the middle which is half suspend in the canopy of the trees going all the way down into the deep dark valleys. It is very easy to get lost in Scanvalia which makes it a natural defence.
Personality: Jonathan is very light hearted and not very hardened due to his lack of war. He prefers to be a neutral party in wars and help both sides out of kindness. He is very calm most of the time but is also pretty happy and energetic when he's enjoy his time off.
Legend: Jonathan was born in Scanvalia before it was civilized. Back then all that was there were warring tribes of primal acting humans. Jonathan was born to average human parents who raised him to be like anyone else. But he wasn't like everyone else. He wasn't good at the hunt and preferred to play with animals and plants rather kill them. One fateful day he was outside playing with the animals when a member of a warring tribe impaired him with a spear which would have killed him. If it hadn't been for the anomaly. Rather than die Jonathan was given life from a higher entity to have ever existed on this plane of existence and was given the power of nature. After getting up from the ground Jonathan could hear voices below him. It was the grass and the trees spoke to him. Suddenly animal growls and snarls were words and sentences he could now communicate with animals and plants. He then used his new powers that he gained to bring about the entire land that would be Scanvalia under his compassionate rule. Now with no more wars between the tribes they began to prosper together in the trees and deep in valleys. Now the boy once known as Jonathan was now still known as Jonathan.
Title: King of Nature
Entitled Powers:
-Able to talk to animals and plants
-can empower plants to allow themselves to move (example: empowering a tree so it can move its branches)
-He can give his followers or anyone really a vial of his blood which is now a neon turquoise colour which when drank will turn the drinker into part plant like creature giving the drinker bark like skin and enhanced agility.
-he can enter a ghost like state where he becomes barley visible and can run very fast and is near weightless.
Gained Powers: None
He is the size of an average human and has a fairly muscular build. He wears a living plant robe that's also adorned with the fur of animals that died of natural causes. He has a helmet made from a bear skull.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Dragon High Lord Of Strength
Pantheon: The Dragon High Lords
Pantheon Head: Sarukahn
Nation: Lordagh
City Landscape:???
Personality and Legend: Daggoar/Dakkoar is a strong, mighty, but gentle protector. He is a protective warrior who wishes to strengthen and preserve warriors, protectors and guardians. He, along with Sarukhahn represent fathers, and elderly siblings in the Dragon/Lordagh culture. He is sometimes seen as the god of teachers in martial arts, and teachers of war. He wishes to defend those who cannot defend themselves. He once fought two enemy deities at once. The forgotten gods now only known as Hunger and Pain. Two brothers who were mighty dragons. One had been cursed with a horrifying hunger and had began to eat everyone and all animals that exist. Pain was cursed with horrifying arthritic limbs, that made him insane. . . Daggoar came across a city of Humans that were at war with their neighbors. All that was left was the women, the old men, the children and guards. There was no way they could survive an assault from two mighty cursed dragons. Daggoar killed Hunger and Pain, and bound their souls to Nashuumal as an act of mercy, putting them to a good rest.

Title: High Dragon Lord : The Dragon High Lord Of War
Entitled Powers: He is the Dragon god of War. . . direct confrontation, conquest, warfare, and Fire. He lacks some of the physical strength of Dakkoar, but he makes up for that with sheer aggresion, testosterone, adrenaline and hardened scales, etcetera. His followers may breathe hot flames, develop mighty claws, scales, and develop weapons out of unusual materials with supernaturally given knowledge. The ability to somehow create a sword with animal/human bones stronger than steel, how to make ordinary locks of hair into arrows, daggers/knives, etcetera. While Daggoar can instill someone the ability to create protective arms and armor, Torath can do the same, although his armors are less effective, and his weapons are more effective. Torath can be both a boon and a catastrophe, by instilling someone with courage to fight, or bringing defeat on an enemy's armies.
Gained Powers: None.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ziogen


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Might not have that many people... Oh well, I'll post the OOC Tommorow and we'll see what happens.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Work_U_Dumb


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kalas
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I've got a few Gods that would be great for this :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ziogen


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Deity Kingdoms OOC

And there's the OOC

Hope everything looks fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

I...would have joined this if I wasn't already hosting something remarkably similar. It has my eye, may pop in if I'm not too busy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ziogen


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The RP starts today so if anyone else is interested, check out the link in my above post.
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