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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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A woman in a business suit walked down a crowded street blending in perfectly with the other men and women attired in similar clothing. She wouldn't have been any different that anyone else. Until the little things began to pile up. For instance, as she walked through the foot traffic, she didn't have to weave in and out of people. Instead she just walked through them. The other would be that her red hair didn't move in the breeze. No, it stayed artfully placed down her back. Then there was the fact that no one noticed her as they walked. Not one soul. Well, that's not true. One did notice her. And indeed, he was a soul.

He ran through people too, causing them to shiver and look around or walk faster. His grey hair stood on end. His feet were bare, for he had died without them. The redheaded woman was easily able to keep up despite the fact he was running and she was not. For the normal rules did not apply here. He was dead and she was a reaper. And she had no time to spend hunting down souls, there were far too many as it was. She reached out and snagged his arm. He struggled and cried for help, but no one heard him and he couldn't stop her.

"Shut up." The Reaper said as she waved her free hand and a door appeared.

The man she held in her grip stilled. "What, why..." He whimpered. The woman ignored him. She opened the door and shoved him through. Then she pulled out a day planner and marked his name off. She then looked at the next name and sighed. Too many. There was just too many and not enough of them. She watched as another soul spotted her and took off running. She ignored it instead looking for the next on her list. It was not as it always was. Once, Death walked the lands and the humans were more manageable. Now neither of those facts were true. Though one of those would change on the night of the new moon.

The Reaper walked off to continue her job. Once everything was gathered, Death would ride again. As the night approached the woman Reaper and her follow Reapers prepared. It would be she who would do the ritual to raise Death. It needed to be her according to the rules. So on the night of the new moon she stood in the greatest congregation of Death, the Paris underground catacombs. A place where old death and new death touched. She laid out the ritual devices in the oldest corridor and spoke the words of power. Fog rose from the ground obscuring the world. The woman raised her voice and called aloud the last words of the incantation and waited.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Platinum Cobra Gamer4Life

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Death lay in a forced sleep in the catacomb's, he could never wake though on the night of the new moon he was in the lightest of his sleep. Breaking his seal was easy but required patience and timing, words started being whispered into his ear. His sleep grew lighter and lighter; his eyes slowly started to open, the words died away and Death looked around he was on a cold stone slab and magic bond's were holding him in place for his sleep. Without him being asleep he broke them with ease whispering an incantation to them. He was in a sealed room with no way in our out, magic runes were engraved in the wall all to keep his sleeping body with no power's and no way for his spirit to get out.

Death's cold blue eyes scanned the room for an exit, he had been trapped for far to long and needed to get out. Already he could feel all the soul's that were walking around free on the earth. He had a job to do, only one reason could be for someone breaking the Seal on his tomb and waking him, walking over to the wall his hand ran across it and he slowly brought his arm back and then sent it forward punching through the concrete that had imprisoned him for so long, dust cover's his forearm as it exploded through the wall on the other side. Pulling his arm back he grabbed the edges of the whole and ripped it apart wider as he pushed his way through the wall, looking around he saw the reaper's that had surrounded the door to his tomb.

"I have awoken." he said his voice was deep and clear; reaper's gathered closer to him some of whose eyes looked as if they couldn't believe the incantation had actually worked. Other's, Death knew by name as he himself had turned them into a reaper. The torches hanging on the wall's in the catacomb's made it hard to see, the small glow illuminated almost nothing, It was because of this it made it hard for him to see anything in the room, only the reaper's that were around him were illuminated by the small glow of the torches on the wall, it seemed to get darker as you looked down the catacombs.

"Who awoke me from my long and miserable sleep? Which one of you has broken the first seal?" he asked his voice echoing throughout the catacomb's.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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The female Reaper stood as the form of death became apparent through the mist. The book in her pocket burned with the knowledge she was missing souls. However she shoved down the impulse to run off and find said souls. This was more important. She took a step forward as he voice boomed through the small corridor of bones. Even as he fellow Reapers stayed in their place, in awe of the fact that Death rode once again among the living. Not everyone had believed it could work. Even she hadn't hoped, if she could have still felt such a thing.

"I have." She said plainly. Her speech not overly flowery like it once was.

"It was necessary." Another Reaper added.

"It was time." A third said.

"We need you." The fourth summed it all up. For this was all about need. Need in order to do their job better, the thing they were created for. The crowd of Reapers stood and waited to see what would happen next. Would Death be displeased? Or would he grant their wish of a smaller human population? Would he even care? But worry was not something any of them felt. Neither was fear. So they waited to see what would happen. If their plans failed, well, they had more plans. One of them included binding Death to their will. To do his job.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Death's head snapped to the sound of a women's voice his eyes burned as he saw her with blue flames, a memory flashed in his mind of a red headed little girl on a farm.. She seemed so different he had hardly recognized her, she had once been a bright and happy girl though now all emotion seemed to be out of her; her name escaped him mind he knew sooner or later he would remember it.

"I need my scythe, where is it. It was not in the tomb that the angel's bound me in." he said already being able to feel it's power near him; though he couldn't pin point exactly where it was.

Death had no power's without his mystical weapon forged for him, only a few knew that the weapon's held the key to all the horseman's power's except for their strength. He wouldn't even be able to call his horse without his mystical blade in his hand. All the soul's voice's could be heard in his head again and he tried to cover his ear's not wanting to hear all the voices,

"You have all done your job's poorly, million's of soul's are walking around the earth with no one guiding them to the light." he said looking around at each and every reaper, "even now more soul's are starting to wander without guidance." he said feeling more and more soul's. A few of the reaper's in the crowd he saw vanish by his words to go claim more soul's on their list's. "Now instead of freeing my brother's and sister's, I must put it on hold to make the spirit population smaller. First, I must find my scythe." he said not liking feeling so vulnerable without his scythe. Though only another horseman's weapon could kill him it was still not a pleasant feeling to be without his great weapon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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The woman Reaper stood there as Death questioned the group. None of them knew where the scythe was. It really didn't even matter to them, for their goal hadn't been the weapon. Of course if they knew Death was powerless without they might have cared. But as it stood they neither knew nor cared. The woman instead waited for what she needed to happen, Death to start the beginning of the end for the humans. What she did not expect was the chastisement. The job tugged at her but she resisted.

No. Not yet. She thought even as other dissipated.Leaving now would be like trying to contain a hurricane in a teacup. Impossible. There was no stopping the inevitable. There were too many. And all Death Cared about was the souls and his scythe. Was this a good thing? Would he restore balance, or get swept under?

"Can you truly do it?" The woman asked. The few Reapers still attending leaned in, waiting the answer. "Can you make the population smaller?" The closet emotion on her face was need. She needed to be able to do her job. More than she needed anything else.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Platinum Cobra Gamer4Life

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Death chuckled deep an loud at the women's question's, "Who are you to question me, if you all recall I made you reaper's in the first place. How dare you question what I can do, though yes I can. But do I want to.......no." he said looking around the room at the rest of the reaper's. "I have more important thing's to do like finding my scythe first off, second I must now free my brother's and sister's which won't be as easy as it was to free me. They are all trapped by more powerful seal's, some requiring the slaying of a certain demon other's of an angel, though one not even I know. That one will be the hardest, then we still have there rest of the 11 seal's to break, this is what happen's when you start something without realizing it.

"All you reaper's, you most of all since you brought me back." he said and pointed at the female reaper, "have just brought about the beginning of the apocalypse. Their won't be any population once I finish what you have begun." he said and saw some more of the reaper's vanish. "Now, since I am assuming none of you know or have my scythe, I must go look for it. Already I can feel it's power near, though I will need someone to grab it for me. A horseman's weapon must alway's be given to them when it is lost, stupid spell that was put on it to weaken us when we were trapped forever in our sacred tomb's."

The reaper's fire in his eyes slowly died down till his eyes were just glowing light blue, more reaper's disappeared non wanting to go with him till only 3 were left. "One of you step forward if you wish to aid me, otherwise I will take one by force. Either way my will; will be done and my scythe returned." he said looking at each reaper's face in turn and waiting to see any of them would step forward.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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No human population? The female reaper had to take a moment to process this new information. All humans dead? She watched Death as he swaggered, burdened with unnecessary emotions. All he cared about was his scythe, a weakness that caring. It also exposed a more fatal weakness. The scythe itself. It was something to remember when Death himself out grew his own britches. By the time Death was finished monologuing, wasn't there a saying about that, she knew what she wanted to do.

"I will obey your will." The woman said as she stepped forwards without Death's pretentiousness. The ego on him was outstanding and quite in her favor. After all if he was to bring about the extension of the human race she wanted it to go as she would plan. Not on his whims.

"Command me, I'm yours." The woman said. The book of names in per pocket burned for her attention but she had a new goal in sight. No more names. What would a shepherd of the dead do when there were no souls? She had no idea but it must be better than her current existence. Wasn't this why they raised Death in the first place? But apparently she was the only one that felt that way since everyone else had left. That or they didn't want to stay with the narcissist any longer than they had to. If it was the latter, she would blame them at all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Platinum Cobra Gamer4Life

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Death paced back and forth knowing he needed his scythe before he could do anything and not being able to tell anyone or they could use the knowledge against him, then again even if he could tell anyone he wouldn't really want to just because it was none of their business. Busy in thought he snapped back to reality and looked at the woman as she stepped forward and the other 2 reaper's left with what seemed like a sigh of relief, "Least one of you is smart enough." he said his voice echoing against the now empty room.

"Come on let's go find my scythe and then my brother pestilence." he said knowing he would be the easier of the other 3 horseman to unleash though he would have to break a few seal's before he could even try and break pestilence's the one's he had to break wouldn't be an issue, they were all sacrifices or raising a certain evil being from the dead. All of which were death's specialty. He took a step forward looking at his companion now and kept thinking about what her name was but it kept on alluding him. "I know you?" he said pointing at her and walking towards her knowing he toward over her by at least a foot. "What is your name?"

He was curious and it was infuriating him that he couldn't remember, all he could remember was a woman on a farm and the image he could picture of her every now and then though the name alway's alluded him. "Doesn't matter, we have more important thing's to attend to." he said and started to walk out knowing she would have to keep up since this was all going to have to be fast before the angel's realized what they were trying to do and stop them, without his scythe he wouldn't be able to defeat even the weakest angel if they had their mystic weapon. "I can sense it is near though the exact location eludes me, so tell me what building's or any sort of structure are around this place." he said looking around.
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