Name: Penny Stone
Age: 675 (Born 1368)
Gender: Female
Race: Reaper

Physical Description: She is taller than most back in her own time, reaching five foot six. However now she's just average height for a woman. She has long red hair and pale skin. Physically she looks like she is twenty five years old.
Personality: Before Dying- Penny was a lively and energetic young woman. She loved to smile and laugh even though her life wasn't the best. She was quick to anger but she was also quick to forgive. She loved Death with a passion. But then again she was a passionate woman. Most people thought it was just a passing fancy. Penny always wanted to see the world but since she was nothing but a simple farmer's girl, she was bound to be wed when she turned of age.
After Dying- Penny became a Reaper and all Reapers have limited emotions. She's now a calm and cool woman. She doesn't love anything nor does she have any compassion. She just wants to do her job and do it well. Though she does get annoyed, mainly because of the over abundance of souls and the fact that there's not enough Reapers to keep the souls in check.
History: Penny was the youngest child. Her moth died after child birth. Her father was a stern man and never had much love in him. Penny seemed to have to make up for it. Her older brothers were always protective of her because of their father's apathy. She meet Death as a young girl and quickly became infatuated in only a way a child can. She wanted to marry him, for he carried the promise of a life off a farm. However she was married off to an older man by her fifteenth birthday. He died shortly after to the plague. She was a widow by fifteen. She was passed back over to her husband's brother to take care of. His name was Jacob and his wife Faith. They had two children her age and she lived happily on their farm for a while. She was married off again by the age of seventeen and he too died. He fell of his horse working his field and broke his neck. After that no one wanted to marry her calling her cursed. They tossed her out of the village. By that time she was nineteen. By the age twenty she had her own farm and house and was quite content.
By the age twenty four, her health was failing. By the time the next year rolled around she had died. Death however made her a Reaper to keep her in the world. After Death was sealed away with the other Horsemen Penny slowly forgot her own name and just focused solely on her job.
Skills: Doing her job well. Increased control over the spirit world. Some supernatural abilities.
Age: 675 (Born 1368)
Gender: Female
Race: Reaper

Physical Description: She is taller than most back in her own time, reaching five foot six. However now she's just average height for a woman. She has long red hair and pale skin. Physically she looks like she is twenty five years old.
Personality: Before Dying- Penny was a lively and energetic young woman. She loved to smile and laugh even though her life wasn't the best. She was quick to anger but she was also quick to forgive. She loved Death with a passion. But then again she was a passionate woman. Most people thought it was just a passing fancy. Penny always wanted to see the world but since she was nothing but a simple farmer's girl, she was bound to be wed when she turned of age.
After Dying- Penny became a Reaper and all Reapers have limited emotions. She's now a calm and cool woman. She doesn't love anything nor does she have any compassion. She just wants to do her job and do it well. Though she does get annoyed, mainly because of the over abundance of souls and the fact that there's not enough Reapers to keep the souls in check.
History: Penny was the youngest child. Her moth died after child birth. Her father was a stern man and never had much love in him. Penny seemed to have to make up for it. Her older brothers were always protective of her because of their father's apathy. She meet Death as a young girl and quickly became infatuated in only a way a child can. She wanted to marry him, for he carried the promise of a life off a farm. However she was married off to an older man by her fifteenth birthday. He died shortly after to the plague. She was a widow by fifteen. She was passed back over to her husband's brother to take care of. His name was Jacob and his wife Faith. They had two children her age and she lived happily on their farm for a while. She was married off again by the age of seventeen and he too died. He fell of his horse working his field and broke his neck. After that no one wanted to marry her calling her cursed. They tossed her out of the village. By that time she was nineteen. By the age twenty she had her own farm and house and was quite content.
By the age twenty four, her health was failing. By the time the next year rolled around she had died. Death however made her a Reaper to keep her in the world. After Death was sealed away with the other Horsemen Penny slowly forgot her own name and just focused solely on her job.
Skills: Doing her job well. Increased control over the spirit world. Some supernatural abilities.