Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

During World War II one man underwent an experiment that would change the course of history. Chosen for his bravery, and pure heart, Steve Rogers became the first and only super soldier. Many have tried to duplicate the success. Johan Schmidt was the first failure, turning in the Red Skull. Doctor Bruce Banner was experimenting with Gamma radiation to see if he can recreate the serum... That turned him in to the Hulk. For years S.H.I.E.L.D. has been working to find a replica of the serum, and after years, they have found something close.

The serum genetically enhances the person's strength, speed, agility, reflexes, and mental capabilities to almost perfect. It isn't like Captain America's serum, but its damn near close. With the serum now approved, Operation: Rebirth is back on, but as tradition to the Cap, we will only choose America's finest heroes. They are average people, who go to extraordinary lengths to make sure other people are safe, and secure.

When chosen, they will undergo S.H.I.E.L.D. training. They won't be military trained, but more espionage. They are S.H.I.E.L.D. agents after all. The chosen few will work as a team called the Sentinels of Liberty, all under the command of Captain Steve Rogers himself. They will travel the world to help all those in need. The members will have a hard time with their new abilities, and working together, but as they learn, they will cooperate more, and under the leadership of Captain America himself. They all want to defend the people of the world.

1) Everyone will have the Super human serum, but it won't be as powerful as Cap's, but don't worry, Cap won't be all mighty and a god haha
2) The combat will involve everyone. Not only two people will always be the heroes, they all have traits that make them vital for the team
3) Be nice to everyone, be creative, and have fun!!!


Codename: most of the time its the city you were born in, for example, Steve Rogers would be Brooklyn
Role on team: Explosives, sharp shooter, infantry, etc. if you can't think of any, just use infantry
Bio: Doesn't have to be long
Weapon/skills: something that defines you! the weapons won't be made of Adamantium like Cap's shield, but it'll still be made of a super strong metal!


Name: Steven Grant Rogers

Codename: Captain America, Cap, or Brooklyn

Role on team: Leader

Age: 92, but appears to be 22


Bio: I was born on July 4, 1920 in Brooklyn. My mom and dad were Irish Immigrants. My dad died when I was a child, and my mom died when I was about 14. I was a weak kid that had about all the diseases you could possibly have. But that didn't stop me from standing up to people.... or get beat to a pulp. During one of these times, a man named James Buchanan Barnes saved my life, and beat up some bullies. We became friends for life that day... We made it through the depression, Bucky and I watching out for each other. Then the war came in. I felt like it was my duty to join, to help fight for our country. I tried many times to enlist, with many names and aliases... None of them worked. Until one day I was confronted by a Doctor Abraham Erskine. He knew I tried many times to enlist, and so he gave me a chance to see if I had what it takes... So, I went to boot camp, where I first met Peggy Carter. She wasn't like many people. She let their actions do the talking, and not their physical appearances... I wasn't the strongest. I wasn't the fastest. but I never gave up the whole time. Even there I was bullied. But I never once thought of giving up.

I showed a pure heart. While others ran for cover when a live grenade was thrown in the base, I jumped on top of it. It was a dud, but it showed Erskine that I was chosen for his experiment. The night before the experiment, I was told to stay who I am. Not a good soldier, but a good man. Operation Rebirth was a go. I was strapped in, and with the help of tony Stark's father, I took in the serum. It was a pain I've never felt before, but I fought it. I came out as the perfect human being, both physically and mentally. a lot of people were impressed, but the celebrations were short lived. An assassin killed Doctor Erskine, and before I could find out why, he killed himself. I was the first and only Super soldier in existence. instead of going out in to the front lines, the government thought I would be more use as propaganda, selling war bonds across the nation.

Everyone loved me. I was the icon of America, but I longed to help actually fight. It wasn't fair that good men and women died for our cause. I toured over to Europe to give a show to a bunch of soldiers, but I got boo'ed off. I felt like I wasn't living to my potential. That I should be out there more than willing to risk my life as well... Then I found out that a group of ally soldiers went missing behind enemy lines. One of those soldiers was Bucky Barnes. Howard Stark and Peggy Carter helped me fly over without government permission to help save them. We would all be in trouble, but I didn't care. I needed to save them. I snuck in with a metal shield, a pistol, and a prop helmet. I successfully saved Bucky and other allies, but not before seeing a man named Johann Shmidt. He was the first test of a super soldier, but it went horribly wrong. He was the leader of Hydra, code named Red Skull. We all escaped, and I became more than a propaganda icon to everyone. I fought with a team of trusted men called the Howling Commandos, and together we took out important enemy bases. I got a new uniform, and my signature shield. I got respect from everyone, and I was America's hunk as well. But the only woman that I was interested in was Peggy.

During a mission, I lost my best friend. He fell off a train heading to the main Hydra base. I was devastated, but had to keep fighting. We then found out that Shmidt was planning on annihilating whole cities around the world with ancient alien technology known as the Cosmic Cube (The Teseract known in Thor's world). Its main target was my hometown, New York. I infiltrated the base with the help of Peggy, and the Commandos, and I followed Red Skull all the way to the air ship. He was sucked in tot eh Cube, and no way to stop the air craft. Leaving my friends behind to stop the weapon, I crashed the airship in the middle of the arctic ocean.

I woke up 70 years later in a modern day New York. Everything I knew changed. We won the war, but I felt bad that I wasn't there to help finish the fight. Morals were different, technology, and a million other things. Although I was a living legend, I was also a man out of time. I had time to recuperate. S.H.I.E.L.D. taking me in. the only reason I was in it was because I knew that Peggy helped found it... Then the world needed us. A man with an iron suit, a rage monster, and a god. We didn't get along at all. I had the most trouble from Howard's son, Tony. But we finally got our act together. It took my master of tactics, tony's technology, Thor's hammer, and Doctor Banner's other self to take out an alien army. I became the undeclared leader that day, and like I did 70 years ago, I proved that I wasn't just an old soldier.

Now I work for S.H.I.E.L.D. whenever they need me. Its the only thing I can think of doing. Fighting the bullies of the world. I got a nice bike, apartment, and the meals are much better these days...

Personality: extremely brave and courageous, always protecting the weak, freedom, and justice. Always tries to see the good in people, but is also very torn on whats good and bad in this time. Fears that he won't live up to people's expectations of the "living legend", and that his ideals and beliefs are outdated. Will do anything for his friends and loved ones, especially the American people.

Weapons/skills: Master martial artist, adamantium shield, photographic memory, peak of physical and mental states, acrobatic, a master tactician. Knows how to speak German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, and some Italian. immune to being drunk, poisoned, and many gases. Very strong willed. Dense bones and muscle, and a fast healing factor

Other: Loves Apple Pie, and a skilled artist
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Work_U_Dumb


Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Jim Boudreaux
Age: 24
Codename: New Orleans, Mr. Voodoo
Role on team: Swordsman
Appearance: Casual: Spiky Blonde hair, White skin, Blue Eyes, Blue Jeans, Air Jordans, A white T-Shirt. Superhero: A red skull mask. a black hoodie and black sweatpants. Black shoes and black gloves.
Bio: Born in New Orleans, he was raised in a small town named Alexandria Louisiana. Here he learned how to fight and when he was 18 he joined shield.
Personality: Nice, Calm, Understanding, Never give up.
Weapon/skills: He has 2 katanas made of a steel and diamond mixture. They have a black hilt and a red blade. The blades have a skull design on them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tempted to make a Buckycap
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Birth Name Luo Xueyou, goes by Johnny Luo.

Age: 21

Codename: Boston

Role on team: Infiltration

Appearance: Johnny has short black hair that sticks out in all directions and bright but just slightly almond-shaped eyes of a more unusual jade green color. He has a frame that's still more wiry than it is bulky even after being augmented by SHIELD and has sharp cheekbones and a mouth that generally tends towards smiling moreso than frowning in a sort of crooked, self amused fashion. He often prefers disguises, stealth gear or combat camouflage but if he has to suit up in costume proper he wears a mask that's part Chinese Opera part Luchadore with a design somewhat based off of [http://www.sz-wholesaler.com/userimg/563/573sw1/chinese-folk-art-peiking-opera-mask--monkey-king-518.jpg]the Monkey King[/url]. The rest is usually a slightly flashier variant of appropriate stealth gear.

Bio: Johnny was born in Boston, Massachusetts to an immigrant Chinese family. His father had been a Peking Opera star and drilled his son in acrobatics and martial arts among other things from an extremely young age in the hope that he would make a name for himself in the entertainment field. He took to the lessons with a passion and became rather physically skilled. It wasn't acting that fired young Johnny Luo up though, but rather the freedom he felt as an acrobat to move however and wherever he pleased.

Over time Johnny took up not just acrobatics and free-running, but the general practice of going places he wasn't supposed to go in new and exciting ways. In his mind, 'do not enter' signs were a personal challenge and security measures of all kinds made for the best kind of game. He continued to sneak into more and more dangerous, inaccessible places for the sheer thrill of it while keeping his activities secret from his parents until he finally found something that was too much for him. At the ripe age of just 17 he got caught trying to sneak into what turned out to be a temporary SHIELD facility and wound up captured.

Rather than getting in trouble, Luo was scouted for his potential and given the opportunity to get on the straight-and-narrow as a future asset to SHIELD once he turned 18. He was trained for years to be a much more professional and effective infiltration expert and full on Agent of SHIELD. After selection as a potential candidate he was chosen to be augmented by a version of the Super Soldier Serum that gave Captain America his abilities and form part of a Taskforce with the famous hero. Now he still does what he loves, but for a much better cause.

Personality:Some spies are grim and serious all-business types but Luo couldn't be more different from them Instead more than anything Luo seems to be defined by 'love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life'. He loves physically sneaking into places, the more difficult to access the better, and doing that for a living means his attitude is usually light-hearted cheeriness and often purposefully bad jokes even in the tensest of operations. If a mission requires him to go in disguise, he'll throw himself into the role with all the enthusiasm and intensity of someone whose fondest childhood memories involved being raised to be a professional actor. Luo believes what he's doing is right, but he also plain likes doing it.

Weapon/skills: Luo is a master of multiple martial arts and incredibly skilled at acrobatics, having trained from childhood in both before being given even more extensive training by SHIELD. He is a very skilled contortionist, lock-picker and general infiltrator as well as a fairly good mimic and actor when it comes to taking on roles and disguises, and combined with the sort of technology SHIELD can provide he insists there's no place he can't get into or out of and no security system he can't beat. As part of his training from SHIELD and his own background he also speaks multiple languages other than English including Mandarin Chinese, Russian, Spanish, French, Japanese and some Korean. His weapon of choice is a staff made of Carbon-nanotube-Reinforced-Polymers, ensuring that it is extremely strong and durable while also being very lightweight, somewhat flexible and importantly given his role, doesn't set off most metal detectors or other anti-weapon security measures.

Other: Johnny is a baritenor and can actually sing and dance quite well, he's also obsessed with Black Liquorice and Ice Cream Sandwiches (though usually not together)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Isam Hajjar
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Codename: He prefers not to be known for where he's from. Is affectionately called Oneshot on the field.

Role on team: Skilled Marksman and sniper

Personality: Isam hasn't had a particularly easy life, and as such, he easily sympathizes with the struggles of others. He values dignity, and as such, has always scolded teammates and coworkers that mock the villains they defeat. Having been on the other side of those bars, he knows very well that even villains have a story. He's a patient, collected, and occasionally stoic man. Calloused by a life of war, he's not afraid to get his hands dirty, but only for reasons he sees as just. His personal flaws would be a lack of faith in himself; he's never forgiven himself for his actions in the past, and they continue to haunt him. He's always afraid that he'll screw up and hurt the people he's come to know as family. Despite what some may see as a stiff and serious personality, he's been known to have a snarky sense of humor now and then.

Weapon/skills: His specialty is firearms, although they're hard to use without killing or seriously injuring his opponents. Isam typically makes non-lethal shots, and he rarely ever misses. Aside from his guns, he carries a combat knife that was given to him by an American soldier. It's nothing special; just a standard military issued knife.
He has extensive military training, along with a few years of SHIELD training under his belt. His skills include combat, tactical and strategic planning, espionage, and, unfortunately, torture methods.
He's multi-lingual, speaking Arbic, Kurdish, Polish, English, German, and Portuguese (in that order) fluently. He can speak some French and Mandarin, can read Russian. He still speaks with a somewhat strong accent.

Other: Isam was experimented on by scientists hired by the Iraqi government with the purpose of creating their own super soldiers. Instead of using a serum, they tried to use technology. Isam's heart was removed and replaced by a machine, the bionic heart. It allowed him a longer stamina, more efficient muscles, shorter recovery time, and durability. Although it was considered a success, he still wasn't quite Steve Rogers. He wasn't super strong, fast, or agile. Not until he was given SHIELD's serum. The heart is still in place, as removing it would kill him.

Appearance: Isam stands at 5'11" and has a decent muscle build. He has medium brown skin, brown eyes, curly black hair that's shoulder length (often kept up in a ponytail), and facial hair that is subject to change, depending on his mood.

History: Isam was born and raised in Iraq, if one could call his upbringing 'raising'. He lived in a small village with his mother, his father having been killed in war. After Operation Desert Fox in 1998, the military began to beef up for what they felt was the beginning of a long war. Isam was one among many child soldiers stolen away in the night and forced to enlist. He was seven years old at the time.

Isam was taught that America was an evil place, and that its soldiers didn't deserve mercy. He was required to watch 3 hours of propaganda films a day, after the 14 hours of training his was subjected to. Come 2003, The Iraq War began. Isam was deployed in the battlefield. It seemed that the American soldiers hadn't been ready to fight twelve year olds, and Isam was taught to take advantage of this. He never liked war, but he was good at it. It wasn't long before he was being used to teach other children how to fight, how to kill.

When he wasn't blowing up camps and shooting down enemy soldiers, Isam was used to gather intel from prisoners. There was something about being tortured by a child that made full grown men crack quicker. He never enjoyed his job, nor did he take pride in it, but he was taught that what he was doing was right. He was told that this was justice.

At age seventeen, Isam was chosen to become the first super solider fighting for Iraq. He didn't volunteer; he wasn't given that option. He was taken away from his bunk in the middle of the night and driven through the desert to a secret facility. There, he was drugged, strapped down to a table, and subjected to the brutal surgery that implanted the bionic heart in his chest. When he awoke, he wasn't too happy about it.

To prevent him from fighting and destroying their lab, Isam was taken down to the lower level of the facility and locked up until he could be brainwashed by more war propaganda. While down there, he met several American soldiers who had been captured. They were being experimented on; they were injured, starved, and scared. Yet still, they didn't see him as an enemy. They saw him as a misguided kid, betrayed by his own people. They took him under their wing, treated him like a comrade. Since his enlistment, Isam had never experienced such kind treatment. He began to see that all the things he'd been taught over the years were lies. He slowly realized the monster his military had forced him to become.

A few months after being locked up under the lab, American forces stormed in to save their men. The captured soldiers insisted that Isam be taken with them. He was taken back to an American camp, the very kind he used to set fire to, and was treated for wounds, fed, and taken care of. Of course, they tried to coax information out of him, but he didn't have much to give them. He spent a few weeks at the camp until word of the kid with a super heart implant reached SHIELD back in the States. It wasn't long before they came to collect him.

At eighteen, Isam was taken in by SHIELD for research purposes. He wasn't keen on the idea of being someone else's lab rat, but at least these people were kinder. They asked him for his opinion, and actually cared when he gave it to them. He became more willing to help them. After another year of therapy, adjusting to his new surroundings, and officially becoming an American citizen, Isam was recruited into SHIELD. At nineteen, he was one of the youngest trainees there; youngest, but also one of the most qualified. With his military training under his belt, he only needed a few more years to hone his skills, and to decide just what kind of person he wanted to be. No longer forced to put on a stony face and ignore his conscience, Isam became what many saw as a good man. He was gentle when he needed to be, strong when he had to be, and was always firm in what he saw as right. Because of this, he was chosen as a candidate for the new Project: Rebirth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightwing95
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Nightwing95 The Augus

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Cooper Jessica Ambrose
Age: 27
Codename: California, Steel fist

Role on team: CQC Specialist and Recon

Appearance: Short chestnut colored hair that is feathered and slightly layered, reaching just to the base of her neck. Pixie-like face shape; soft angles. Her eyes are a bright ice blue. She has a healthy pale skin she inherited from her mother. There is a scar going from her waist up to the back of her shoulder, healed perfectly but leaving a very white line to mark it.

She is slender and well-muscled without appearing so. She has צור לחימה tattooed around left wrist. Eagle, Globe and Anchor on right bicep. 'Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum' over her heart.

Bio: The adopted daughter of a Veteran SHIELD agent, Cooper was trained from an early age to serve her country. She mastered Krav Maga at the age of 13, became a skilled rock climber and started getting better scores than her father at the shooting range. She also saw the movie District B13, inspiring her to learn Parkour. Enlisting in the Marine Corps, she passed through no problem, graduating top of her class, receiving E-3 Lance Corporal rank. She served mostly in Asia, fighting local warlords. She eventually became a member of Force Recon, becoming a Captain and leading several missions to high risk areas. Her cspabilities and masterful han-to-hand combat earned her a position in the counter-terrorism S.T.R.I K.E unit and later one amongst the new generation of Super Soldiers of Project:Rebirth....

Personality: Cooper is happiest when the mission objective it completed and her teammates are safe on the transport, heading home. She also enjoys the periods of rest just as much as deploying for missions, watching the stars, or simply observing other Supersoldiers. She is capable of psychological torture if necessary but detests physical torture. Though hard to irritate or annoy, excessive bragging, disregard for orders, and the killing of children can rile her after a long duration of it. Despite that, she has an extremely high level of patience due to her profession. She is confident of her abilities and knowledge in the areas required for the missions, does not care for physical beauty and thinks of herself as average in that respect. (She is simply pretty, not gorgeous.) Overall, she is a calm, patient, observant, and kind, yet can be brutally severe while remaining calm, woman with a slight protective streak to her teammates even if they dislike her.

Weapon/skills: CQC, Urban Warfare. Skilled knife fighter. Recon Ops. Fluent in Cantonese, the 'southern' version of Chinese, French, Russian and Greek. Her signature weapon is a pair of specialised spiked gauntlets.

Other: Never touches alcohol. Despite this, she does have a bartenders license and knows how to mix drinks. Collect various knives, including: Daggers, Dirks, Balisongs, Karambits, Bolos, Machetes, Trench Knives and throwing knives. Her collection rivals the NRA's firearms collection. Amateur tinkerer. She also fused a pair of Rothco goggles with thermal googles.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SniperWolfv
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Name: Kurt Wells
Age: 25
Codename: The Arrow
Role on team: Scout/Intel

Bio: Kurt was born and raised in Brooklyn. When he was young his parents were addicts and his father abused him and his mother. Both of his parents pass from an over dose when he was 13 and he was sent to live with his uncle. Kurt felt that he was to weak to protect his mother when he was little and wanted to become stronger. Kurt looked up to Captain America and wanted to be a hero like him so after he graduated he joined the Marines to become a black ops specialist. He became know in his regiment for his stealth, agility, and accuracy skills. He was drafted by shield after 5 years of being a marine.
Personality: Kurt has a big heart and fights for the ones he loves. He loves the ladies and is very outgoing. He jokes around a lot and can be quite sarcastic.
Weapon/skills: Bow and arrow. Accuracy and great vision.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Ulfr (Pronounced Ulfer) Coldurn
Age: 25
Codename: Viking
Role on team: Vehicle specialist, infantry, and artillery.

Bio: Raised by his father, a drunken gunsmith, he grew up around vodka and firearms and developed a natural kinship with the two. At the age of 16 he forged his fathers signature and joined the Swedish Army, he became a specialist by the age of 19 running under a Pseudo name Tourn Staffan. He enjoyed working on vehicles and things of the like, he especially loved driving tanks. After 6 years he had become an excellent soldier and held the position of OR-8 Förvaltare. He was inducted into Shield under a program centered around a WWII project to create a super soldier, he knew what is was about, the same used on the brightly colored star spangled soldier.
Personality: He is a very comical person in battle, he doesnt take his own life to seriously which makes him a perfect soldier when asked to make sacrifices. He enjoys explosives.

He is gifted as a heavy weapons expert and can be stealthy when needed. The MG4 is his primary weapon of choice, alongside a M32 MGL, and a set of twin Desert Eagles, fitted with SHIELD special suppressors.

Other: He speaks Swedish, Russian, German, and English.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Alison Greer.
Age: Twenty-One (21).
Gender: Female.
Codename: Nashville.
Role on team: Covert/Subtlety and Infantry.

Alison is your average Country girl, despite her grungy appearance. She loves her country and has always been one to stand up for people who can't stand up for themselves. She lived an active life on cheer, soccer and volleyball during her high school career. Upon completing her last year of college she joined the Navy and eventually the Marines. She was always determined and strong will and never gave anything less then 100% effort. Because of her small frame and unintimidating features she was often utilized in more covert missions, or flirting out information from a target and getting his guards lowered. The people who underestimate Alison for her size were often in for a wooping if she caught wind of it. Even before the serum Alison was tough and skilled in combat, having grown up with a few older brothers she learned from a young age how to handle herself.

Two years of the Marines and Alison was enlisted in the Super Soldier Program. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s attempt at recreating the serum Captain America was given all that time ago. Alison was hesitant at first but as the realization of becoming something great sank in she couldn't find a reason to say no. She gave her answer and shortly she was off to the facility.

In general Alison is a rather sweet girl. Almost motherly attitude to people she has grown close to even though she is the youngest in most occasions. Despite this Alison isn't afraid to speak her mind nor swat you in the back of the head when your acting dumb in an inappropriate time. During missions Alison is very serious, hardly distracted and strong willed to complete the mission at hand. Given her covert/under cover background she is an incredibly good actress and would give Hollywood a run for their money.

Alison is an incredibly well rounded operative with an above average skill with most things. A practitioner of all but master of known sort of girl. What keeps her most safe is her adaptability to changing situations and able to employ one of her many skills during any given situation. Some of her prominent practices are Krav Maga, Wing Chun, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, along with Mixed Martial Arts. Her weapon specializations are primarily Pistols and assault rifles.

During covert missions she carries a .22 Walther though her preferred weapons are a 9mm Beretta and Barrett REC7

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I wonder if Jones forgot about us :/
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SniperWolfv
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

maybe Jones is busy. lol I hope he didn't forget. hahaha
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

no, I didn't hahaha, sorry!

I've been starting to read all of them, and then yesterday got a bit rough for me personally, I'll finish reading them, and get back to you guys hahaha

again, sorry for the disappearance!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GoyaVive
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

So, is there still space?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

haha yeah

and i'd like to remind you guys that "Only America's finest will be chosen" for this operation hahaha

having them become American citizens when born from another country is good! but in tradition for Operation: Rebirth, S.H.I.E.L.D. will choose people from the United States
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightwing95
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Nightwing95 The Augus

Member Seen 1 day ago

Well I believe my character won't have a problem.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GoyaVive
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ok, cool. I'll start working on my CS now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wait why cant my viking become Seargent Sweden?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GoyaVive
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

This is what I have so far, tell me if you want anything changed:

Name: Reynaldo "Rey" Gomez

Age: 37

Codename: Manhattan

Role on team: "Diplomat"


Having served for over 15 years as a mole, Rey knew it was against the rules to get involved in such a direct way. But he just couldn't see himself just sitting down and watching everything unfold. He had to act, even if it meant being taken out of the undercover division, or worse, the NYPD. The time was 5:27 P.M., and the kid's party was about to start. Not doing anything would mean over 30 kids, their mothers and scumbag fathers would die. It had taken him about three years to gain trust from Manhattan Project, a bunch of heroin and crack pushing gangsters who claimed to have a nuclear weapon (although he hadn't gotten any concrete evidence of this); and he was about to throw it all out to save a bunch of snot-nosed, future gangbangers.

Rey had already tried convincing the "crew" he was hanging out with that this was a bad idea but, for the first time in a long time, no one listened to him. He had tried speaking to the big dogs. They just laughed. He tried talking to his contacts on the force. It was too early to act, or so they claimed. So with little time left, he took matters on his own hands armed with only a .38 special and his own hands. The rest is a blur, not even the official reports make more sense, and most contradict each other. What is clear, however, is that if it hadn't been for SHIELD and their Rebirth Initiative, Rey wouldn't be alive. And that is something he is grateful for.


Although it can be difficult to tell if he is being sincere or just opportunistic, Rey is a charismatic man who can make most people feel instantly comfortable in his presence. With just a couple of minutes he could make a cartographer doubt the roundness of earth, something he has probably done on several occasions.


A pair of tonfas, made out of vibranium.


Although not as physically imposing as the rest of the team, Rey's charms and brains allows him to get the team an early upper hand on many situations. Need to take down a corrupt dictator? BAM! Rey can get the locals to revolt against him. Not sure of what are the intentions of a multi-national technology developer? POW! Rey will infiltrate it, find out who they are working for and make love to the biggest investor's wife (you know, to start some internal conflict). Always using his brain and tongue before any other muscle, Rey is also a firm believer in dedicating a heavy amount of time preparing for a mission, disliking those that need to be rushed.


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Only one problem Gova, Vibranium (which is what he meant by adamantium) if off limits.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GoyaVive
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

HellHoundWoof said
Only one problem Gova, Vibranium (which is what he meant by adamantium) if off limits.

Oh, ok. So what about something like secondary adamantium? I'm trying to use something that's part of the Marvel canon.
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