Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

There was really no point checking over her stuff. Ailsa may not have been the biggest fan of house elves but she knew they wouldn't mess up with something that big.

She was already there of course, waiting at the station on a platform that really shouldn't have existed. Well, to Muggles it shouldn't have existed and to Ailsa, that really didn't matter. She didn't even know why summer was such a big thing to others - to her, summer was just an extension of school only she didn't have to deal with foul lesser-bloods who drove her practically inane.

Her summer had been spent reading, improving on her abilities and making sure to keep out of the way of her parents. They were rather important, after all, and Ailsa had much better things to do. First of all, her Quidditch needed an improvement if she ever desired to have her brother's nearly flawless track-record in that field. Her charms had recently been a little lacking and if she wanted to deal with that Foxglove Mud-blood then she would need to improve on them. Improving and improving was a basic synopsis of her entire summer. Then there had been that trip to England but nothing of any notoriety came of that.

Fixing her hat again, she clutched her coat and pulled it tighter around herself - it may have only been September but the cold was already beginning to set in and Ailsa had never been known for her great resistance to the elements. Her family were generally dis-pleasured by most Muggles, but they had to admit that in terms of productivity and fashion - the wizarding world didn't particularly compare. Obviously, being from a very well-off family, this clothing was top of the line and suited her rather small frame pretty well.

With a low curse under her breath, she saw the platform in question begin to fill with prospective first-years and their clingy parents. You would be hard-pressed to get the matriarch of the Carrow Clan to come say farewell to her daughter but she really had no care; her brother had escorted her down to the Grand-Central station. After some courteous tips from him on her OWLS, she hushed him and sent him away before making her way down to the platform. It really was quite easy - wizards simply walked through a door that when approached by Muggles, they would instantly have the urge to turn back and away. Failing that mechanism, they would simply be Apparated to an abandoned industrial estate a few miles away from the city.

Her disapproval of these silly little tidings must have been evident after one younger looking girl caught the tail-end of one of her infamous glares and quickly hurried on about her business. Holding back a low moan of annoyance, the bright hum of engines could be heard before the express-liner stopped at the platform in a flurry of steam and a sharp, thrill bell. Really, everything just seemed to be trying to get on her nerves in that very minute. Still though, she accompanied her small cart to the baggage part of the train before heading directly onto it. Finding a compartment for herself was necessary - she didn't want some upstart students stealing them all and forcing her to sit beside regular students.

Thankfully, she found her free carriage due to the fact that little to no one had arrived for the train arriving. Smiling at her own caution, she slid down into a seat and pulled a book from her bag before beginning on it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lacy's mom an dad escort her as they do every year straight to the Zephyr's platform. Her mom a witch walks with a quiet dignity undisturbed by the hustling crowd of parents an children, her father on the other hand walks like a tourist newly arrived pointing out things he finds strange or interesting..

Some kids would be horribly embarrassed by such a dad but to Lacy it makes him all the more adorable because in his muggle profession her is a true scientist.

When the Trio arrive at the edge of the platform where the Zephyr awaits her mom begins straightening Lacy's Uniform while wearing a serious expression.

"Now Lacy before you board the train I want to chat with you about something of the utmost importance." says her mom whilst wearing a serious expression.

Lacy's a bit surprised when her father begins to say something and her mother gives him her "stay out" look. Her dad mumbles something about "you're on your own" then walks over to where a family has just walked up with three identical little boys with black hair who appear to be first years.

Lacy's mom instantly draws her attention back upon her as she says
"Lacy you've just become 15 and a beautiful young woman so I felt it was time....."

Not the talk, I don't need the talk for I learned about procreation when I was 9, I looked it up on the internet"
protests Lacy as her face turns red

Her mom giggles covering her mouth and answers "Not that talk for I'm aware of your dearth of knowledge due to exposure to the internet. I was going to tell you that we love you and trust you, but that we....I don't trust boys. I did so want you to attend Madame's school as I did but your father insisted that you be close and your formative years be in coed."
Her mom sighs and draws her close hugging her as she sobs.

"Mom you're making a scene, people will think I'm a first year the way you're carrying on." says Lacy as she struggles to breath.

Her dad rescues her before brain damage can occur due to loss of oxygen. Her too hugs her an she feels him slip something into her jacket pocket.

"Just look at her Louise, she's as red as a Lobster freshly steamed.
You know your mom is just being protective even if it is draconian extreme."
chuckles her dad

"I will admit that I don't blame her though, look how lovely you are" he adds stepping back an wrapping Lacy's mom in his bear like arms

"Every since your friend from down the lane got.... says her mom only to be stopped short by her father's hand over her mouth

"Mom I'm not wild and bored like Susan Bryant, I promise not to get knocked up" says Lacy which causes her mom's eyes to widen

Lacy taking a lesson from Sun Tzu and retreats rather than enter a pointless and prolonged battle..

A quick kiss to both her parents then an escape on board the Zephyr and Lacy is free from parental concerns and finds a compartment
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meanwhile, a short girl of asian descent, with dyed strawberry-blonde hair from around fifth-year strolled across the platform. Her parents are gripping tightly onto her hands, looking mildly singed and a bit bewildered by all of the goings-on around the station. A man, presumably her father, stumbled a little as he leant down and muttered something worriedly to the girl. "Relax, dad." soothed the girl, whilst her mother detached from her child's arm and focused on leading the trolley, "You did very well. I was surprised they let you two in, I guess the Ministry has a register of muggleborn parents to let you through the enchantment."

Tai didn't bother looking up at her father. She kind of knew the look she was getting right now - puzzled, wanting to know more, but isn't that what every university lecturer wants to do? Well, Tai didn't have time for lessons today, she had to get to the train. "They're dressed rather funny, aren't they?" pointedly commented her mother, to which Tai smiled.

"They're meant to disguise themselves in public, but it's difficult when you've only had limited contact with non-wizards." gently explained Tai. She peered down at a few first-years and their equally as nervous parents with a calculating gaze. She started to classify them into blood statuses, gender, ages...until her father nudged her and muttered "You're doing that thing again." and Tai quickly stopped.

"We don't have to squat in the fireplace to go back, d-do we?" trilled her mother, unable to hide the note of panic in her voice. Well, based on the fact they were at the other side of the USA, Tai already knew the answer to that.

"I believe you do. But just ask the witch by the fireplace how to do it, she's really nice. Remember, don't be scared, just say it very clearly." assured Tai, but she felt her stomach sink as she spoke. They could land anywhere...Tai just hoped they'd be careful. It took a few tries this morning to get it right, including (but not restricted to) landing in the log-cabin of a hermit wizard who tried to hex her own mother for being an intruder. Waiting around the door to the platform with her things was the most worrying moment in her entire life; she nearly broke down when her parents came shuffling over, smelling of soot and burnt hair.

Her parents helped her carry her things into the train, mainly because they couldn't resist a quick glance down the compartments in awe. "Who's that girl? She looks nice." asked her mother, pointing to Ailsa. Tai's heart sank again to the vicinity of her stomach as she glared daggers at Ailsa, her hand slipping to her pocket, daring the girl to try something stupid. After a couple of seconds, Tai relaxed and ushered her parents out quickly.

"Be safe, alright? Don't get into any fights, try not to get into too much trouble this year..." started her mother.

"Focus on your schoolwork, darling, keep your inhaler on you at all times..." continued her father.

"And just because you're 16 and legal, it doesn't mean you-" kept on her mother, but stopped after the look she received from Tai. She faltered a little...sometimes her daughter could be the sweetest girl, especially to her dear parents, but there are moments where she just...erases all kind of emotion from her face and looks at a person like a slab of meat. It was to do with her intellect, assured her mother to herself. Her brain runs off and leaves her body behind.

"It's alright, mum. There aren't many boys here I want to make intelligent wizard babies with anyway." replied Tai, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards as her mother flushed a deep scarlet. She waved to her parents, who smiled sadly at her, and went into the train.

"She...doesn't have a lot of friends, you know." commented her mother, watching all of the younger kids rushing up to their friends, talking excitedly to each other.

"I don't think she ever really wanted many friends. It doesn't seem to hurt her that much. She'll be fine, trust me." firmly replied her father, leading his wife out of the way to wave goodbye to their daughter once the train moves.

"Taken, taken, taken, BITCH, taken, taken...ah, here we go!" called Tai, yelling the insult at Ailse as she passed. She never liked that pureblood prissy prat, and preferred instead to make it known. At least she didn't stop this time; not with her folks around. For a flickering moment, Tai imagined what it's look like to her parents if she was slammed against the window by a curse just as the train took off. She went into an empty compartment, one of the few ones that were left, and let her cat Merlin out for a bit of a wander. She also locked the compartment door; she didn't want strangers in her space, and was certain that the people she wanted to see would have the decency to knock.

"Avis," sighed Tai contentedly, as a handful of yellow, twittering birds started flying around the compartment, providing Merlin with plenty of amusement. Tai waved her wand lazily; it became almost a marker of where Tai is, to look for the birds, ever since she found the spell in her textbook on her second year and practised rigorously until she mastered it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by StuartM
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Never again. The two words flying through Marshall's head, as he prepared to leave the house. 'Never again am I staying home for the holidays. Should've stayed at school last time - practised Quidditch, cast spells - the lot of it.' He thought to himself. He decided to do a last minute check for the essentials - his Wand, his books, some other class equipment, his broom - and of course, his Owl. "Cumon already!" His dad shouted down the hall to him, to get a move on. "Just one second." He said back, as he grabbed his two trunks and loaded them in the back of the car. He then grabbed his Owl's cage (with the Owl in it), his broom and his Wand, he walked down the hallway - loading them in to the car also - except his Wand which he kept on him.

"Do - do good again this year. But don't start fights! Just focus on your school work and your Quidditch." His mother said, trying to reassure him things won't be as bad as last year. "How many times? I didn't start them. Good-bye mom." He said, as he hugged her, and then left for the front door. His dad, waiting, began to speak. "I'll be back as soon as possible, darling. Just need to get this to the station in New York." His father stated.

And so - they left for the journey - from Louisiana to New York. "Dad - aren't you gonna', y'know - fly?" Marshall enquired as to why they were still driving. "Of course I am. How dare you imply such an insult!" His father replied, shouting at him. "I'm not implying anything I'm sorry." Marshall said, looking out the window he saw the nice countryside of the state. And soon after, in to the sky they went. The one thing Marshall liked about the family was their flying car, but was terrified of his father.

On the outskirts of New York, the family had a family who they were freinds with. 'Michael' was the other families father. They landed at his house, using the active camouflage of course to stop others from seeing. They stopped here to use their fireplace to get to the station. After they greeted everyone, Marshall took his things in to the house, to the living room where his father and Michael were sitting. "Really should get one of these installed." Marshall's father stated, talking to Michael. "Saves you a fortune!" Michael replied.

Shortly after, it was time for Marshall to go. "Same as last time then? Just throw the floo powder down and say where you want to go, right?" Marshall asked Micahel. "Yes it's as simple as that." Michael replied. "Good-bye Michael - Dad." Marshall spoke, as he put his things with himself in to the fireplace. "You better do good." His father spoke. Marshall took the floo powder - throwing it on the ground as he spoke:

"Grand Central Station!"

It worked! And Marshall successfully got to the station. He put his trunks and stuff on a trolley, wheeling it in the direction of his destination - the entrance to the Salem Academy train platform. Shortly after, he made it to said platform. Looking around him he saw first years getting chased off their parents, all excited to go back. He saw others in his year but made no contact with them. A few confused second years, and just other students going around their business. He went up to the person who was loading everyone's stuff - and after waiting for him to get round to Marshall, his bags were loaded, and he walked to the train entrance with only his Wand, a copy of Quidditch through the Ages and a change of clothes in to his school uniform.

Entering the train, as usual, he was one of the first on. He walked very fast, and got a carriage to himself. "Phew." He said, as he put his stuff down on the seat, and then sat down on the one opposite, opening his copy of Quidditch Through the Ages!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by May
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May Just Damn Cute

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The flight had been fantastic. Sylvia had been up in Maine visiting family for the last few weeks of summer break. It had been rather nice getting away from her siblings and work for a little while. But Lucius had shown up to take her to school since she'd been staying with muggle family there was no one there to go with her. She was a little disappointed that her mother hadn't come, but she had people to care for. One of the old ladies who frequented their shop had suddenly taken up with a fever and her mother refused to leave her. And her father couldn't fly. So it was just her big brother then that could take her.

Thankfully she liked Lucius. He let her fly on her broom to New York the night before. And it was fantastic to be able to fly again after the weeks without any magic around. They'd spent the night in a fancy muggle hotel downtown and made a night of it. And this was why, despite all the years he'd picked on her and teased her, that she loved her brother. He really did care about her. He'd just been a stupid child. That's what her mother had always said when she'd come crying to her about something he'd done.

So now she was following along after Lucius who was pushing the cart with her charmed trunk, made both bigger on the inside and lighter. It was something that she could carry on her own, but muggles had been about outside the platform. She had her broom over one shoulder, resting opposite the strap of her messenger bag that was currently full of sweets that her aunt had made for her trip. And she couldn't wait to dig into relatively fresh baked cookies. Sylvia was so distracted thinking about her aunt's cookies that she walked right into her brother who had stopped walking in front of her.

"Oooff," she huffed, backing up from him. "Break lights there, Luce."

He simply rolled his eyes at her, trying to hide his smirk. "I'll talk to Flo about having them installed while you're away. For Christmas, for you."

Sylvia smiled at him, giving his shoulder a nudge that barely moved him. "You're too kind. But what will you get me for my birthday a few days before?"

"Glasses, so you can see where you're going." And with that he gave her a half hug around her broom free shoulder and pulled her trunk off the trolley for her. "Love you, sis. See you at Christmas." He departed, waving.

"Never helps me carry it on, does he," she grumbled to herself. Pulling out her wand she murmured a simple first year "Wingardium Leviosa," and directed her trunk easily with one hand while waving to a friend with her other, broom filled hand. Climbing up the stairs after the floating luggage she searched the cars for either an empty spot or a friend. Quickly enough she caught sight of dancing yellow birds and knew her search had ended. Putting the trunk down she knocked on the door of Tai's little sanctuary and stood waving at her quite energetically, smiling brightly until the other girl noticed her. "Tai let me in!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After two minutes, the cynical young girl came to the realisation that trying to read and focus on the words was simply improbable with all this noise around her. Whether it be arguably stupider witches and wizards simply being late or the bustling youngsters beginning to fill her train, she simply couldn't keep her mind at heel.

It also didn't help that that mud-blood Tai decided to be rather unsavoury. That's what she had come to, after she realised that facing Ailsa head-on in a duel would turn unfortunate for her. So, she seemed to relent in swarming herself with other various mongrel hooligans and Ailsa had no choice but to seek them out individually and deal with them. And as fun as that sounds, Ailsa didn't always escape completely unscathed.

With a sigh, she raised her eyes from her book to notice someone coming in. Someone. Coming. Into. Her. Cart? This was intolerable, unforgivable and completely annoying but she couldn't help but eye him up. Not in that manner of course, even if he wasn't particularly hard on the eyes. He looked tough, Quidditch jock, maybe? She would know him if that was the case but it didn't seem to be and it only served to entice her more. Who was he?

Well, the book probably confirmed her feelings about the Quidditch jock. Quidditch through the ages? Ugh, she knew seven-year-olds who read that. Still though, he looked mildly useful - he was pretty tall and had a bit of a dark look about him. Well, at least she would have a Rottweiler if Tai came a knocking anytime on the train.

Dropping her book down onto the chair beside her, she looked out the window for a minute or two before her gaze turned and focused on him. "House?" She inquired with a raised eyebrow as she wheeled around to look at him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Antagonist


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Robert walked along the platform with his mother and father. Both were tall, light skinned, brooding pure-bloods. He pushed along his trolley which had a trunk that housed his school uniform and other essentials. Perched on that was his Quidditch broom and a cage where his owl, Henrik, sat. The platform was already bustling with other students from the academy, ranging from nervous-looking first years to intimidating seventh years. Robert was somewhere in between, a fifth year. As he passed a student from Gladium, he remembered that not many students from the school liked him. He was only popular amongst those from Viserious house. Robert grinned at the Gladium student before his mother spoke. "Remember Bobby, try to be nice this year. We can't deal with complaints from other parents. Got it?"

"Yes, mom." Robert smiled at her and planted a kiss on her cheek.

He hugged both of his parents before boarding the Zephyr with his belongings. Robert pushed the trolley along, eyeing the carriages in the train, of which seemed to be all full. He finally spotted two students from his house and caught up with them. They talked about the summer and school and everything in between. They all continued along the row of carriages, but they all seemed to be full. Robert sighed before they finally saw an empty carriage at the end of the row and they called it. Robert stashed his stuff in one of the overhead compartments before sitting down and putting his feet up on the seat opposite.

"Wake me up when we get there." Robert said before folding his arms and closing his eyes as the train began to move out of the station.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tai glanced up, peering at Sylvia blankly for a moment, her expression falling into a frown. This look of dislike wasn't to do with herself, it was just one of the eccentric quirks that needed time and patience to figure out. In Sylvia's case, she's clearly be able to understand that this expression wasn't dislike towards her, it was just a dislike towards everyone else who could try to enter if she unlocked the carriage door for her.


The door clicked, and Tai flicked her wand a little; the carriage door slid open smoothly to allow Sylvia entrance into Tai's little sanctum. Merlin, Tai's cat, hesitated and turned bright blue eyes to peer at Sylvia; again, another little sign that Tai prefers her own privacy, if her pet seems stunned by her owner allowing entrance to somebody else. Merlin relaxed after he noticed it was just Syliva, however, and went back to playing with the bright yellow birds.

"I suppose you had an alright holiday? Got all your homework done?" asked Tai, not keeping her eyes off the yellow birds. "Lock the door after you, I might have irritated Ailsa already." she added as an afterthought. The corners of her mouth twitched.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thanatosDefiant
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dean stood on the platform on his own, his parents had never gone to see him off, so it wasn't as if he had any reason to believe they would do so, now. They were probably discussing something with their cult at the moment, it was a wonder that they still weren't prosecuted for their crimes against muggles!

All he had on him was an enormous traveling bag and a case where 'his' broom was. He hadn't found it necessary to pack much stuff in. Just a bit of clothing--one combination for when he was up and another for when he slept--and a large, black, pointed hat that he thought made him look much taller, even if it was a bit anachronistic. And made him look like a dork. He had also brought a toothbrush, his school-books, and a bottle of shampoo (he had to make some effort to make it seem as if he was going to stop being such a slob). He, naturally, also had his wand with him, which was holstered in his pocket.

He had spent a large portion of his summer practicing his quidditch skills, the other bit was spent reading a large chunk of his new Defense Against the Dark Arts book. He had also been reading an old cookbook he had found, the dishes he saw there looked wonderful! He had practically memorized the content of the pages he had read from both books, now if only his other classes were as interesting...

Although, his poor preparation had come to bit him in the ass! He was shivering because of the cold he was enduring, his nose had already become noticeably red, and he was slightly struggling to breathe through his stuffy nose. For the four years that he attended the school, he had never once bothered to properly preparing himself, he blamed it on his 'chronic laziness disorder'.

He had been receiving some pretty weird looks from some of the people around him, most likely due to his incredibly sloppy appearance. He had already grown accustomed to these looks so there wasn't an ounce of shame in him. Although, he was sure that his older brother had been given very different looks.

His brother was a tall man, about 6'3 in height, and incredibly handsome, not to mention very popular and charismatic. Dean had always thought that he was a bit of an idiot, but he had actually been treated better by his parents than Dean himself was. Mostly because he was planned, while Dean was an accident, not to mention credited to the loss of his mother's figure. Luckily, he was already long gone from the school, he worked somewhere in the government, but Dean didn't really care to find out his position.

Dean had finally entered the train, however, he was struggling to find a seat, and when he did, it was generally with a group of people that he'd rather not speak to. Finally, he had managed to find a carriage that had a fair amount of seats left. He saw two people in there. Ailsa, and Marshall. He didn't know the slightest thing about any of them, but he didn't care, he was getting sore from carrying this stuff. He took his seat in the carriage, mucus now slightly visible from his nose.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Knitting Needles an Sailing Ships

Lacey sat down in the empty compartment and once she was settled opened her newest tome "Art of the Artificer" by Miss Melody Claire Hawkmoon. An advanced study book it contained the various secrets of creating magical items.
865 pages it was merely an Introductory course in Artificing which had become her passion over the holidays.
Her mother had introduced her to Miss Hawkmoon when the witch had dropped by the family dock and performed some improvements on the Maria the family sailboat.
Miss Hawkmoon had allowed Lacey to assist he as she worked on the boat carefully explaining every procedure and facet. But that was not all that they talked about for during their association Melody revealed that she was from one of New England's oldest wizarding families.
Miss Hawkmoon was a pure blood and was thrilled to find that Lacey came from no magical blood at all. Melody explained that children like her were proof that no matter what others might think Magic was still a powerful force in the world and showed no hint of fading away.
When the Maria was finished Lacey and her family went sailing to Greenland and back. While in the waters around Greenland Lacey met merfolk of the Deepwaters clan and even swam with a great Gredon which was a harmless sea serpent that fed on plankton.
When Lacey and her family returned home to Mystic bay she had to admit that it was too soon.
She had three weeks before she began school and her mother ever the stickler for planing took her school shopping in NYCs King's Circle Square.
The Circle as it was called by those of the wizarding world was one of Lacey's favorite places to go. It was a place of constant activity always busy 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Like the city in which it rested. The Circle was huge, intimidating, Cosmopolitan and International, they say if it can't be found in the circle then it either doesn't exist or isn't worth having.
While shopping for school books Lacey had spotted an the begged for Melody's books on Artificing of which there were 10. Her mother at first tried to dissuade Lacey from them saying they were too complex for a girl who hadn't passed her N.E.W.T.S. But gave in when Lacey went into an explanation on how it was better to seek knowledge beyond one's ability than accepting mediocrity.
Now here she was aboard the Zephyr nearly 300 pages already an positively riveted by the deep arcane process of creating knitting needles that could knit any type of knitting known.
She could hardly wait to return to Salem Academy and spend time with her friends in Gladium. But until she arrived she was just as happy engaged in her book.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by May
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May Just Damn Cute

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia beamed when Tai opened the door for her. She glanced down at the other girl's cat, giving Merlin a friendly little wave even if the cat looked about as pleased as its owner did about her being there. But she knew Tai, and Merlin by extension, and she knew that it wasn't a truly deep displeasure about sharing the compartment with her. She tossed her broom in onto the free bench across from her friend and then easily lifted her trunk up and shoved it into the space above before adding her broom to it.

Once all that was settled, she waved her wand at the door, murmuring the needed spells to close and lock the door behind her as Tai had asked. She flopped down onto the bench, stretching out her legs, but keeping them against the back so there was room for kitty jumping. "That girl exists in a constant state of annoyance. Her aura's all sorts of muddled displeasure." Sylvia proceed to dig into her bag for the cookies her aunt had made her. "But what do you expect from a Carrow?" she asked as if just her surname should carry enough meaning on its own.

She nearly stuffed a whole cookie into her mouth while she offered the bag to Tai. "Amd only mished 'bout 'alf the oomework," she mumbled around a mouthful of snicker doodle, shrugging her free shoulder. She had better things to spend her summer doing then reading school books. Once she'd swallowed, she smiled again. "Summer was alright though. But it is nice to be getting away from family for a few months. How was your break?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The ride to the train station with her mother had been a long and tense one. Louisa wasn't even sure that she wanted to go to the Salem Academy in the first place. She didn't want to get trapped in some school full of stupid rules and teachers and know it all students. Louisa wasn't going down without a fight. She occasionally stole glances at her mother, trying to figure out what she was thinking. But as always her mother was an unreadable book. As her mother drove closer to their destination Louisa leaned her head against the car window and grumbled something about this being a waste of time. Her mother either didn't care or didn't hear her comment. As they pulled into the parking lot Louisa's mother let out a long sigh, as if she had been holding her breath the entire journey. She looked over at her daughter with a smile, one full of longing. Louisa couldn't help but return the gesture, her mother was far too important to her.

The two women got out of the car, Louisa unloading her luggage while her mother went to find a cart to move it with. Once she returned and Louisa had all her stuff, the two began to move towards the platform. Louisa's mother spoke with a wistful voice. "I remember this platform from when I attended school." She affectionately ruffled Louisa's hair as the stopped on the platform. "I want you to remember to be safe Louisa and no matter how much you think this is a bad idea I know you will love Salem." Louisa had a puzzled look on her face. "How did you know I was objecting to leaving home?" Her mother chuckled softly, bending over to give Louisa a kiss on the crown of her head. "I'm a Seer, honey, remember?" The two of them then took a few minutes to go over a checklist of stuff Louisa needed, her mother reassuring her that if she forgot anything she would send it.

After their exchange Louisa was off. She gave her mother a final hug along with being reminded for the hundredth time not to get in trouble.” Louisa promised she would try her hardest. She wasn't sure if she had said that and meant it or if she just wanted to give peace of mind to her mother. Louisa was soon desperately trying to find an empty cabin to sit in. Most of them were filling fast with kids and their friends. Louisa began to feel very alone and small as she shuffled along into an almost empty cabin. There were a few people inside chatting quietly and seemed to be no bother to Louisa as she sat down in an empty booth, staring out the window. She wasn't one to read on a train, or even read for her own enjoyment either. Hopefully the ride to the school wouldn't seem too long.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Serinaty


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Cammy's trip to the station was a calm one. Her brother having offered to pick her up and drive her there. They shared little talking, simply sitting in comfortable silence. Cammy absentmindedly pet her small barn owl, Diana, through its cage, and it ruffled its feathers. "Good Girl..." she coo'ed before the car stopped. "I don't need any help unloading, but thank you for the offer." She said to her brother before he could speak. He just shrugged instead as his little sister grabbed her things and made it just onto the platform in time to hop on. After walking through the hallway peering in to each compartment she saw Tai, smiling a little she knocked softly on the window pane, Noticing Silvia was also inside she gave a nod, before it was opened. She quickly put her things down and sat next to Tai, "Hope your holiday went alright." She said looking at Tai, then nodding again to Silvia, "Yours as well." She rested her head back and pulled out a book on Arithmancy, it was her favorite subject after all, and she wanted to get ahead of the other students.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Tai snatched the bag of cookies without looking at Sylvia. A lack of eye contact was uncommon in most of these conversations anyways, but it's clear that Tai's thinking really hard on something that's bothering her, judging by the way she continues to shut her eyes and frown in thought. "My break was-....hm." started Tai, interrupted by knocking. She peered at Cammy for a moment, arching a brow, and opening the door. Cammy took the seat beside her and asked the same question Sylvia did. For just a moment, Tai's mouth twitched upwards in a smirk; it was amusing to see her friends think the same way.

"Summer was unpleasant." stated Tai briefly. "I don't understand why everyone in my street seems obsessed with strutting around in swimming costumes, but it was...evident that they were trying to impress each other. We also had a break-in by a couple of drunken men, but Merlin and I handled that fairly well. And I finished my homework too quickly, which meant I was bored." finished Tai. Despite living in California, Tai was never fond of beaches and swimming pools and parties and lots of alcohol since she never found out what the point of it was.

"I'm -not- finishing your homework in the carriage this time, by the way. I know I keep saying that, but I mean it now." warned Tai, peering at Sylvia. Her eyes flicked to the window, where she spotted her parents talking animatedly with a wizard couple, and she smiled a little. "See those two over there? My parents came along to say goodbye to me this year." announced Tai; she sounded faintly pleased.

For a while, Tai sat in silence, eating one of the cookies Sylvia gave her and offering the bag to Cammy. Merlin grabbed one of the yellow birds and it disappeared in his mouth, along with the rest of the birds, as Tai dismissed the spell, staring at the other end of the carriage, face sinking into a mixture of thought and concern. "Actually, give me your work, I'll do it. I need something to distract me."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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The Lonely Vigil

After reading about 40 pages Lacey sits the huge tome "Art of the Artificer" down. She rings for the porter elf and when he appears she requests that he fetch her a frosted mug of Blueberry juice and a Cream cheese danish. The little elf tips his hat and disappears only to return a short time later with her order. Tipping him Lacey thanks the sweet little creature then takes a sip of her juice as he disappears while tipping his hat once more.

Having seen the Porter Elf Lacey thinks of the horrid plight many of his kind suffer across the Atlantic. They are it seems stuck in a form of Barbaric serfdom, virtually slaves. It isn't that way here in America due to the Abolitionist movement of the 1820s which granted all magical the same rights of any sentient being so long as they acknowledged the law of the land.

She looked around her empty compartment in which she sat and sighed. Lacey didn't know why it seemed so hard for her to make friends among her fellow students at Salem and in Gladium but she did seem unable to.

Perhaps it was her personality or her grades which were top tier among those of her year but try as she might she often sat alone.

As she sat puzzling such thoughts Lacey thought back to her summer and how delightful it had been. She'd met Miss Hawkmoon, traveled to Greenland and once she'd returned home enjoyed the company of muggle children who lived near her families house or were the children of colleagues of her dad.

Lacey had to keep silent when the question of her school came up because she couldn't say she attended a school of wizards an witches. No she had to say she attended a boarding school in France where her mom had gone to school.

Sighing she sat down her empty cup an jumped a bit as the Porter reappeared and took the expended plate an cup.

Giggling softly she picked up her tome once more and began reading the chapter on why woods of certain types and quality when creating artifacts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by May
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May Just Damn Cute

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"Because the beach, or the pool, is fun Tai," Sylvia chuckled to herself mostly, rolling her eyes at her friend. "There are boys there and everything." She waved at Cammy as she settled in, pulling out the big text book. She listened to Tai go on about being bored in the summer because she'd finished her homework early. And of course she wasn't going to finish Sylvia's homework for her, why ever would she think that?

But when she pointed out her parents, the other girl pushed to her knees and leaned, looking out the window to the couple that she'd indicated. "They look so out of place," she said with a little laugh. "But it's good they came, yeah? You being a witch isn't going to change when you get out of school and all that..." But she knew that Tai was at least a little happy about it, she could hear it in her tone.

She sat back in her seat, settling down to maybe nap while they waited before Tai finally offered to do her homework for her. "You're the best, you know," she said as she sat up and pulled her stuff out of her trunk above her head. "I really mean it."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dean loved his parents, he really did but there was only so much he could take before giving up on ever having them accompany him to the train-station. After four times of them coming along to see him off, he had turned them down this time on the basis of his now limiting knowledge. As time went on, his parents seemed to get more and more intrigued (their scientific curiosity, probably), beginning to ask questions that Dean really didn't have the answer to. Whether it be how such things are all hid from muggles, or the exact science behind a wand, he was completely clueless.

So, that is precisely the reason why Dean Lightfoot was trekking, alone through the magic part of Grand Central Station with his cart wheeled in front of him. Well, that and the fact that his few decent friends were horrible at timing and even more horrible at finding him. However, that did not seem to bother him one single bit as he pushed his cart back along the platform, down towards the baggage carts.

Dean didn't trust those guys with his owl but the cage was a tad bit big so carrying it through the train wouldn't exactly be easy. So, he relented with watching them carefully load the cage onto the cart before he seemed satisfied and ready to leave. Moving back down along the platform, he cast a quick glance around to find a few friends but once again came up inconclusive.

Finding a seat was easy - finding a seat with someone who wouldn't just give you the dark stares the entire journey, seemed to be the harder bit. He didn't even know what caught his eye in the first place; probably the damn fine hair she was rocking that looked way too original to not be out of a Hipster magazine. Hipster magazines? Did such things even exist? Probably, hipsters were multiplying like wild-fire after all. Thankfully though, she wasn't the type of girl that looked to be a complete bitch, so, arming himself with a cheesy grin, he walked forward.

"Hey, um... do you mind if I sit here?" He questioned with enough confidence that even surprised him. Realising this person would probably want a little more than that, he offered out his hand. "Dean Lightfoot, Gladium."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

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Louisa had been daydreaming. She wasn't sure why, she was normally not one to take her eyes off of reality. It must have been a trait she picked up from her mother, she was always staring off into space. But Louisa mused that was because she was a Seer, she actually saw thing when she wasn't looking at what was in front of her eyes. So when Dean suddenly spoke to her, Louisa jumped slightly, a bit startled. Louisa found herself clearing her throat for a moment before making room for him to sit down. “Yeah of course you can sure.” Louisa spoke much softer, and with much less confidence, then Dean did. She hadn't expected anyone to sit with her.

He was introducing himself. Louisa looked over at him, only to see him offering his hand in greeting. She took it, shaking his hand. “Louisa Wicker.” She said with a smile, finding this whole 'meeting people' thing a lot easier then her mother put it out to be. Louisa also noticed he gave her his house name. Louisa frowned slightly as she retracted her hand.

“Wisteria.” Louisa said with a small amount of unhappiness showing in her face, turning to face Dean more. “I'll admit I wasn't a huge fan of my house when I was first assigned, but it's grown on me.” She looked Dean up and down, he looked like a guy who knew what he was doing. No matter how many years Louisa attended the academy, she always felt unprepared. “I actually didn't like the school all that much either.” Louisa frowned. “But it beats being at a normal school.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by May
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May Just Damn Cute

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They had left from home late. Which felt all sorts of strange to Lamont. His mother was compulsively early to everything. Always. But she'd not been feeling well the last few weeks or so, and she'd refused to go see a healer while he was still home. She wanted to spend all the time with him that she could before he left for school. His father, good with potions, had done what he could to keep her comfortable, but he couldn't do much to cure her aliment. So she had decided she'd finally go get seen to after Lamont was on the train to school.

So they'd left late and it left the boy feeling awkward about himself.

The trip through the fire places on the floo network had been as thrilling for him as it always was, even if he found himself ducking as awkwardly out of the exist fireplace as his father who stood almost a foot taller than him. Being very tall had its disadvantages, and if he was going to get closer to his father's height, he knew it would only get worse. Lamont helped his mother stand safely out of the way as she came after him, making sure she wouldn't get knocked over by her own husband as he came through with her things.

She smiled gratefully up at her soon, just half a dozen inches taller than her. "Remind me to send you new pants soon," she said offhandedly after looking down again. "I have a feeling you'll be needing them soon."

"Yes, momma," he smiled, shifting his shoulders some to dislodge his near twenty pound tom cat from his shoulders where he'd ridden along. His claws had gone through Lamont's shirt and he was starting to feel them in his skin now. The cat obliged at last, seeing they were safe and ponced a few feet away after something no one else could see. "C'mon Mister," he called as he started walking along with his mother, carrying his trunk in his arms. The cat brought up the rear, following along behind his father's long legs.

The little family made their way along to the station, chatting animatedly in French. People looked at them less strangely when they thought they were foreigners. They made it to the platform in just enough time, the doors starting to close as cars filled up with students. Lamont cursed in French and earned himself a cuff to his ear from him mother. "Sorry," he mumbled while giving her a tight hug.

"We love you, boy," she murmured with a hint of tears in her voice as he embraced his father briefly.

"I love you both," he said giving his mother a kiss on her cheek before picking his trunk back up and hefting it along with him onto the train. He wandered along the compartments for a moment before finding one with a few fourth year Gladium boys who he decided to join for the short ride to school.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

By Chance A Chance Encounter

Lacey leaned back in her seat a gazed out of her compartment window watching the Wizarding people mingling on the platform.
This was always the worst part of waiting to get to school, watching the clock.
As she stared almost vacantly out of the window she was stunned to see Aella. Arcane a customer of her mom's.

Surrounding the young witch were a gaggle of students, young witches and wizards were clamoring for her to sign something or anything. Aella looked around herself desperately and locked eyes with Lacey then suddenly disappeared. This made the crowd frantic to find her as they spread out an began casting spells to trace her.

"Lacey please be a dear and close the blinds so it'll block any traces" said a disembodied voice from the seat across from her.

Lacey complied if a bit slowly and as soon as she latched the blind closed Aella appeared and locked the compartment door

Aella spun and hugged Lacey with a sigh then released he saying
"So sorry for the intrusion dear but I was feeling smothered and you're the only person I saw that I knew would help"

"Sure Aella but I don't know what I can do" says a confused Lacey

"Dear you already have
I love my fans but sometimes they can be a bit too aggressive.
You are safe because we know each other and you don't go gaga simply because you see me."
giggles the lead singer of Mystic Puppet

Lacey turns red at the compliment and struggles for something to say.

Aella pats her hand an says
"Please let me hide here till the Zephyr arrives at Salem, that's all I ask and I'll give you anything you want"

Lacey blinks as Aella makes such a large promise because as long as she's known the young witch she's never known her not to mean every word she says.
"Y...y...yyou don't need to go that far Aella, I did it not for reward but to help one of my mom's friends

Aella laughs softly then hugs Lacey once more saying in her sweet soft voice
"That's why I like you Lacey, you're selfless. Not many in this world are.
And I meant it when I said anything because I know you'd never abuse the boon"
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