A dark mark on her skin can be seen spreading from her collarbone down her left arm and breast.
Name: Casey Reed
Age: 19
Gender/Sex: Female
Height: 5'11"
Race: Human
Soldier: Casey was a soldier in the Valmead army and was trained with a sword, spear, buckler, and bow. Casey is currently equipped with all four weapons and is dressed in the heavy armor typical of the Valmead. She is well seasoned, having fought in several skirmishes Valmead had with the nearby city of Ashwick. Of the three siblings, she is the only one who has killed a man, and she has little problem doing it again.
Sharp Sword: In her down time, Casey is busy sharpening her sword, as well as preparing her other weapons. Being on the road means danger at any moment and she would not be caught with a dull blade. However, her sword in particular she keeps the sharpest, as her skill with this weapon is better than that of the rest. She has named current sword Mournblade.

The more lively of the three, Evelyn is known for her lithe body.
Name: Evelyn Reed
Age: 17
Gender/Sex: Female
Height: 5'9"
Race: Human
Thieving: Eve has always been a scoundrel, looking to get into mischief whenever she could. Stealing was a way of entertainment for her, which eventually became a way of living when times were rough. Her brother and sister look down on her for it but they're silent when they haven't eaten in days and she brings back bread and fruit for them.
Knives: Eve practices fancy tricks with her knives, making them appear and disappear, sending them hurling through the air before you knew she even had any. However, she's only practiced. She's never had to use them on anyone.
Sharp Eye: Being a thief is more than just walking up to something and taking it. Its about knowing your surroundings. Keeping one on on the object you're about to snatch, one on the shop owner, one eye on the man looking at the fruit at the stand across from you, and one eye on the cat who is meant to keep people from stealing, can be difficult with only two eyes that usually work as one... Thus, Eve has grown to be well aware of her surroundings. As an added bonus, Eve also has an eye for valuable items (though she's not very good at telling fakes of valuable items).

Matrim is known for his constant pallid complexion accompanied with dark rings under his bright blue eyes. He is the smallest of the three siblings with a small, meek frame.
Name: Matrim Reed
Age: 15
Gender/Sex: Male
Height: 5'9"
Race: Human
Time Control: Mat can reverse, slow, or speed up time in a specific area around him, usually his hands. This area forms in a sphere, invisible to spectators. Mat can't see this sphere, however he describes it as knowing its exact shape and location, even without seeing it, just as one knows the exact shape and location of their foot without being able to see it. Furthermore, if a person comes into contact with this sphere, they seem to 'feel' its location as well. Having this ability, however, comes with a price. The more Mat uses his power the more energy he loses. Furthermore, increasing the size of the controllable sphere or extending the sphere further from his body weakens him even more. The more energy Mat loses, the sicker he becomes. First he simply feels weaker and begins to sweat while feeling cold. Soon his head will begin to hurt and he will begin to feel dizzy. If he continues to push his powers for longer, he will feel nauseous and be unable to stand. Any longer and Mat may vomit or lose consciousness. Furthermore, these effects linger for days, getting worse if he uses his power in a prolonged manner.
Knife: Mat keeps a small knife with him at all times. He's usually too sick to wield anything else. The only thing it's ever cut was fruit.
Sharp Mind: Constantly sick, Mat was never able to practice with a sword. However, being unable to train his body left him plenty of time to train his mind. The countless days he spent trapped in a bed, he kept his nose in a book. As he got older, he grew particularly interested in battle tactics. He began spending his time reading about battles and sieges, wars and death. Tactic games began to fill much of his time and he was, not surprisingly, exceptionally good at them.
Background: The Reed siblings hail from the city of Valmead, located in the northeastern most part of Furus. There, they lived with their mother and father, Morgan and Camryn. The city wasn't particularly militant, however, they often had skirmishes with their nearby southern neighbors hailing from the small city of Ashwick. Militia often requires various supplies, and thus the city had plenty of soldiers as well as skilled workers. Their father was one of the best blacksmiths in the city while their mother was a priestess in the local temple. Casey joined the military when she was 17, and although her parents worried for her well being, they were proud of her. Evelyn was a fiery little brat who often got in trouble. And Mat, their youngest boy, was often sickly, though they never knew why. Yet, they were all fairly happy.
A year after Casey joined the military, a strange disease swept through Ashwick and was slowly creeping into Valmead. First it appears as a dark mark on your skin. However, as that mark spread, the older parts begin to deteriorate. Similar to Leprosy, the skin begins to form lesions, becoming contagious as well as leaving the afflicted person vulnerable to secondary infections. The Valmead soldiers were the first to be infected, being that they had the most contact with the people from Ashwick. Casey was no exception and was infected along with many of the other soldiers. With no treatment available, the disease began to spread quickly through the city. Desperate, Casey's mother would pray over Casey's body placing her hand on the dark mark. Unbeknownst to her, she was using magic to stop the spread of infection.
Word quickly began circulating that Casey was infected but the disease was not progressing. When people came to investigate, they discovered that their mother was the reason she was remaining healthy. The word magic was mentioned. People began blaming their family for the entire infection, claiming that Casey's mother must have cast some kind of spell to do all of this. The family tried to defend themselves, but with every word that they spoke the crowd grew angrier. Somehow they turned everything the Reeds said into incriminating evidence. Finally, the crowd had grown large enough and angry enough to attack the Reeds. Hiding in their home, Morgan and Camryn instructed Casey to take her two siblings and flee the town. When the children protested they promised that they would be right behind them.
Casey took her little brother and sister and fled the city, hiding in the nearby forest. For three days they waited for their parents to come but with no avail. On the fourth morning Casey woke up to Evelyn shaking her. Her eyes were red and her dirty face was streaked with tears. When Casey asked what happened Eve told her that in the night she snuck her way back to the edges of the forest, just enough to see Valmead. She continued to tell Casey that what was once their home was now a pile of black rubble and ash. In the midst of the pile was a single beam of wood... and tied to it was their mother and father. Casey and Evelyn held each other and cried until Mat woke up. The two silently agreed that they wouldn't tell him what Eve saw that morning. When Casey told him that they were going to move on to the next city Mat asked about their parents. Her only words were, "I don't think they're coming Mat." Mat still forces himself to believe that they're still alive somewhere. That they ran away and couldn't find them. Maybe they were looking for them. Or maybe they were imprisoned. He couldn't bring himself to believe that they had been murdered.
And so the trio traveled the northern parts of Furus looking for any kind of information about a cure for the disease that Casey still had. After a month of travel it had spread up to her collar bone, as well as down her arm and chest. During that month Mat revealed his secret to Casey. Eve had disappeared somewhere that evening, probably stealing herself some food, when he told her. He had never told anyone before but the reason he was constantly sick was due to the fact that he had... a special ability. Confused, Casey asked him to explain himself. He told her the only way he could explain was to show her. He raised his hand and placed it on her shoulder. She could feel something happening, though she didn't know what. It was as though she could feel this tingling sensation that encircling her mark. Her eyes widened as she knew what Mat was doing. It felt the exact same as what her mother was doing to her.
Shocked, she began asking him all sorts of questions about what he could do. Mat only explained that he would become ill the more he used his power. Though, despite the illness that came with his skill, he promised to use his power on her every night until they found a cure. When Casey agreed Mat also made her promise not to tell Evelyn. She promised.
Several months passed and the group was still searching. Matt, using his power daily, was becoming more and more ill. However, they recently found two very useful pieces of information. In a library, they found documents recording a very similar disease in Thialea. It was noted that a cure for the disease was found but the book did not mention what it was exactly. However, it did mention a particular city that would have more information about it, a place called Westacre. And so the three decided to make for that destination. The second piece of information was about a wagon that would pay for people to protect it as it made its way to Novan, a country in Thialea. The three siblings rejoiced. It seemed that things were finally coming together for them.
Reason for Joining: To get to Thialea and find the place called Westacre in order to find a cure for the disease inflicted upon Casey