He slowly opened his eyes as he felt light hit his eyes and looked over to see the sun peeking up over the horizon. He yawned and slowly slithered his way to the exit, making his way toward the village. He didn't want to wake up Akira for fear of what she'd do to him if he did.
He looked around to see a few people out, mostly the older folks as the young ones were either still asleep or getting into trouble. He sighed and made way for Beast's nest, wanting to check in on some of the smaller kids.
"Knock knock..." He said as he made his way onto Beast's nest. Near him were several of Beast's cubs. None of them really his, just adopted in a way. He turned to look for Beast, wanting to know if the old man was up or not. Beast was only a year older than Luke, but still... He just seemed old.
The young Azurill opened her eyes slowly as she heard movement around her. She pulled herself up from sleeping on Beast's tail and smiled up at Luke. Seeing that it was just him, she laid her head back down on Beast's tail, content to stay there for the moment.
She'd have time to play later...
Rin was outside, playing in the mud nearby the village. He'd woken up well before daylight and had already made a run around the village two or three times, making sure to keep away from everyone. He felt it necessary to train himself. Now, he was just having fun, getting dirty as a young pup does. Still, he had to wonder how he'd managed to sneak past Beast so easily this morning. Was the old man that tired?