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Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Didos
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ekusha, the Vain

Physical Form:
  • 5'4; petite build.
  • Tattoos animate (shift positions, change entirely, etc).
  • Long black hair, nearly reaching waist-level.
  • Pitch-black pupils.
  • Mezzo-soprano voice.

  • Exerts influence upon lesser beings, mimicking hypnosis, through various means:
    • Fear, by preying on insecurities.
    • Lust, through worldly temptations.
    • Anger, with impassioned words.
  • Adapts and evolves external persona to thrive.
  • Leadership skill set, grand advisor:
    • Political strategist.
    • Military tactician.
    • Economic genius.
  • Incarnates at will into any one realm.
  • Can observe and interact without corporeal form.
    • Exists as a single Cartesian point.
  • Shapeshifter in physical being.

  • Externally appealing and persuasive, especially to lesser beings.
  • Knows how to kiss some ass to get her way.
  • Ambitious, but selfish and arrogant about her own success.
  • Vain when successful, and envious otherwise.

Ekusha desires attention in general, whether it be through worship, fame, or influence. Her spirit is immortal, but her power is derived from her more susceptible and impressionable followers (overworld inhabitants, weaker spirits, lesser angels/demons, etc). Her greatest fear is fading into irrelevance, and therefore she is compelled to substantially impose herself on others.

Throughout time, Ekusha has played a variety of roles in various realms: from grand despot, to military commander, to religious icon, to many other minor roles. She has also, in other instances, fooled many into believing her to be a deity or demon, but she is merely a spirit with no true celestial or infernal affiliation. Her allegiance is ultimately towards herself.

She is cunning in her ways, seeking power in any form available to her. She enjoys being idolized, and being able to use her influence to subjugate all beings through speech and slaughter. She has fought countless battles, and fled her own destruction just as many times. She puts herself in constant conflict with the many idols the world has produced, and her power constantly cycles between significance and non-existence.

Now, Ekusha comes to the Dungeon Keeper in hopes of securing power. She wants to conquer for herself an empire that will last until eternity. She wants subjects across all lands, in all realms, that stand before her. She sees the Dungeon Keeper as a messiah, his apocalypse a revolution, and herself an empress in the making.

  • Often found observing from the universal sidelines, when not inhabiting any particular realm.
  • Incalculable amounts of experience in rising to power, over the course of countless lifetimes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Didos
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

(塔嘰) Tǎ Gī Epiphanes

(Whispering Tower)

Age: 27


~ Bowmanship ~
Mostly self-trained, Tagi has spent the better part of his life practicing archery. Finding the practice meditative, he trains his focus into the mechanics, and his Qi into the tips of his arrows. His accuracy and precision hardly waiver through an almost instinctual, yet calculative, mindset as he executes his art.

~ Metalsmithing ~
Tagi makes his living off crafting and dealing fine jewelry, sometimes custom-made and personalized for the buyer. He designs necklaces, bracelets, and the likes, along with statuettes, talismans, amulets, and most other ornaments.
He also enjoys crafting his own arrows, putting extra effort into his arrowheads. Boiling the process and machinations down to a science, he tests their physics along a wide array of variables, such as weight, force, travel path, and impaling pattern.
He imbues his Qi into all his work, believing he leaves traces of whatever his mindset is during construction as a sort of purpose or fortune in the final product.

~ Terrestrial Divining ~
Much like the light of the fire, the flow of water, and the drift of the air, Tagi believes stones and metals to have life of their own. He can feel abnormalities in the earth, particularly that of crystals and metal veins that run beneath it.

~ Geomancy ~
Along the same lines as above, Tagi believes these products of the earth speak to him. He believes the matter of the earth itself is the conduit of the divine itself, manifesting as a medium through which physical beings can communicate. He believes crystals and metals have a type of soul, or intelligence, and that they can relay to him ethereal will.

~ Revelation ~
Often, Tagi receives visions during his sleep and meditations, which he interprets as divine revelation. In odd ways, they correlate to his life and he attributes déjà vu to prophecy fulfilled. Sometimes, they spark new ideas and challenge his thought, but other times he finds himself haunted as he tries to reconcile newly founded internal struggles or piece together seemingly cryptic puzzles.




Tagi has a straight-faced demeanor, while still speaking with a generally welcoming tone. He speaks pretentiously and concisely, but is nonetheless understanding and empathetic with regards to others.

His education has taught him to follow the mantras
"there is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance"
"nature knows no good or evil, only balance and imbalance".

Due to his visions, Tagi has adopted a stoic mentality in believing the universe is absolute, but he often pushes it aside in his active life. He is an avid reader in his conquest for scholarship, and a moderate socialite with hopes of expanding his perceptions. He puts thought and care into his efforts regardless, ultimately hoping to reach higher levels of understanding on his quest for self-discovery.


Born to a master calligrapher in the Dragon's Domain, Tagi was fortunate enough to achieve a high level of literacy at a young age. He learned the virtue of discipline and patience through a strict upbringing, honing his finesse in the process. Being forced to construct and style a corpus of characters for hours on end, he developed an expansive vocabulary and began reading texts his family kept around their household. They were mostly spiritual, consisting of religious critiques and meditation guides.

At the age of 14, Tagi was caught stealing ink in his venture to do some writing of his own. His parents exiled him to the Tortoise's Rest to work for his uncle, a miner. He parsed through their handbooks learning how to identify the various gemstones and metals they expounded their efforts into. Here, he gradually became more attune to tracking deposits of these valuables in the cavernous walls of the mountain, on its surface, and in the ground beneath them.

During their free time at these mining encampments, the laborers would practice archery and hold their own competitions with the locals. Although their equipment was lacking and all their training was amateur, it only kept them on their toes as they quickly became accustomed to whatever they could get their hands on. Tagi was allowed to participate in the games of men, and proved himself folly capable of playing at the same level as the adults.

Maybe it was the awe of the mountains, or being surrounded by the fascinating products of the earth, but Tagi became aware of his subconscious connection to crystals and metals. He had always had dreams, but he grew up being told they were normal. During his time at the Tortoise's Rest, they became more vivid and revealed themselves even in his waking hours. They bring him advice, reflection, and sometimes even prophecy, even in the vaguest ways. He struggled to understand them, but submitted to the process of giving time to tell.

By the age of 18, Tagi held enough seniority that he was allowed to keep a small portion of whatever he found at the expense of his own profits. He began fashioning trinkets for himself, as well as idols and various other ornaments. The art and design process fascinated him. He would hand out these pieces as gifts to his fellow workers, and they believed fortune struck them and the spirits guarded them through Tagi's works. He began selling his creations as custom works and used the proceeds to purchase various philosophical texts and mystical treatises, hoping to understand what continued to run through his head. After a while, he gave himself the epithet "Epiphanes" half-jokingly, considering himself a revelator through his craft.

When he turned 21, Tagi was called to the home of a prominent business family in the Kirin's Realm after one had discovered an intricately designed dragon statuette in a high-end jewelry store. Over the course of 12 months, he was commissioned to construct all the jewelry and ornaments for a particularly grandiose wedding between their son and the daughter of a regionally renowned musician. The wedding went off without absolutely no problems, and both sides attributed such fortune to the powers of Tagi's work.

After this and a handsome payoff, Tagi opened up his own jewelry shop, working relentlessly with a staff not allowed to touch the material between its delivery and completion. In his free time, he continued reading, meditating through archery and traditional means, and orchestrating designs. He is convinced the divine speaks to him in all hours of the day, and that he is able to actively tap into their energy through the crystals and metals he handles regularly. When one comes into his shop, one can expect thorough philosophical preaching, with glimmers of pretentious prophesying.


~ Custom-Woven Tunic ~
Brown, with the interior lined with gold and silver threading.

~ Full-Body Wrappings ~
Protecting his skin and lungs from the gases and harmful particles that permeate his workspace.

~ Custom Axe/Pickaxe ~
Forged during his time in the mines of various alloys he felt to be most ideal and suitable for resistance.

~ Composite Bow ~
Gifted by a benefactor.

~ Large Leather Quiver ~
Gifted by a benefactor.
Capacity for 30 of his hand-made arrows.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Didos
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Child of Sobek

"Rules of taste enforce structures of power."

Susan Sontag


Arwireza Sastra Widjaja
Nicknames : Reza, Ari, Sassy, Dub
Aliases : The Molly Fairy, Medic



Reza has always shown interest in men in some position of power, but not any who may feel any power over her. Whether it be the varsity jock, or the chill frat bro, or the aspiring start-up venturer, she enjoyed the company of anyone that could really validate her. Her few short-lived relationships were power struggles, but she refused to let anyone feels dominance over her.

Regardless, she still daydreams of men worthy of more than just a one-night stand. She's weary of keeping her distance, letting men down easy before an obsession can really develop. She doesn't want a partner who's life came to revolve around her. She simply desires someone she can coexist with: someone who could challenge her and strengthen her without feeling burdening.

Standing with extreme dignity at 5'7 on a thin, slightly athletic frame and lightly tanned skin. When she walks, she does with grace, and all her movements seem fluid and deliberate. She's always enjoyed keeping her hair fairly long, seeing it complement her deep black eyes.

She sees herself as fashionable and versatile in her styles, with what could be the only common trait as tight. Her attitude can be seen in her outfits, which she calls her "costumes". Her persona in that moment reflects her outfit and whatever vibe she feels is appropriate to give off. She is a huge fan of makeup and jewelry, too, pouring over online vlogs over ideas on how to subtly tweak her looks.

She regularly speaks with some Bay Area slang parallel to ironic and sarcastic tones, thinking it gives interesting character to her East Coast persona. When she has to, she straightens out her native accent for a more professionally acceptable one. She walks around with a friendly, polite smile, and is polite in most social environments.

She views all aesthetic, from her demeanor to her voice, as a science. She's calculative in her clothing pairings, and even manages to look good in some intentionally mismatched outfit. Her style leans towards a subtle uniqueness that has gradually come to define her.



Reza's father is Sobek, apotropaic god of the Nile, pharaonic power, the military, fertility, and crocodiles.

Hater Repellant : Throughout her life, Reza has somehow come out unscathed. Robbers, attackers, predators in general have all seemed to neglect her as a target. Never once did she get into a fight she could not absolutely win. No incident has ever been serious enough to leave a scar on her body or psyche. Misfortune avoids her, clearing about the safe path she treads with only achieving success to worry about. Even her most hated enemies fail to confidently grasp the thought of concretely bringing harm to her. Her existence seems passive to those around her when directed negativity arises in their thoughts.

This dumb luck could be attributed, at least partially, to the divine. Her chameleon-esque effect comes as a social power, depending on her own mood and mentality. If she wants to, she can become neglectable, heightened as the environment offers more distractions. Until she becomes the actualized object of someone's attention, she can slip by without drawing any.

Trendsetter : It feels like everything Reza touches turns into gold, or at least that's how people seem to treat everything she shows even the slightest amount of interest in. One lunch hour during grade school, she sat with the class nerd and come the next day he was chatting it up with his bullies. For a week in high school, she wore neon running shoes to class, and as the academic year progressed, even the teachers seemed to be getting into it. During her semester pledging her sorority, every fraternity house on the row was blasting the Bay Area rap anthems she'd play in her dorm room. In the classroom, she could spark discussion in an otherwise shy and reserved crowd. Everything she does feels acceptable.

Her interests manifest into a social pressure, preying on the malleable and momentarily vulnerable. She can print her biases into the minds of the not-entirely-aware. The unsure find inclination through her example, and the indifferent find themselves drawing opinions. The cognizant stand fast, with their own defined convictions, but in the overstimulated days of mass information and multi-tasking, many opportunities arise to leave an impression.

Reza's greatest weakness is her ego. She's extremely intelligent, and can speak to many things, but her insecurities scream inside her mind whenever she finds herself facing them. She struggles with feelings of inadequacy, forcefully forgetting everything she's accomplished. She worries of others thinking ill of her and damaging her fruitful social constructions. She fears loneliness, constantly keeping those around her at arms-length so she will never have to experience the loss. She is selfish, but only because she feels it's necessary.


Reza is prideful and pretentious, although she still manages to display deep understanding and empathy for others. She's disciplined and ambitious, although the object of her desire constantly fluctuates. She has constant internal contradictions, with sporadic change of opinions, but she believes it all just a continuous learning process. She somehow enjoys literally everything (music, movies, books, etc.) believing that all genres of all art-forms have meaning. She acknowledges virtues in all systems of thought, including policy and religion, believing any could run perfectly in an unrealistically perfect environment. She personally holds the notion that life is just a game, and her emotions and perceptions don't have any intrinsic value.

It is through developing this mindset that she's created a number of personas to accommodate the many facets of her social life. She has always managed to be at least somewhat sociable in any circle she's inserted herself in, which she has frequently attributed to her looks. She can be petty, holding grudges for anything she feels is a direct attack on her, although she's pretty indifferent to things most others find offensive. She rationalizes that it's just all part of the game, while telling herself that she's in control of her emotions. Everything she does is just meant to empower herself, or at least give the feeling thereof.

Reza was born in Oakland, CA to Indonesian immigrants. Both worked long hours, and the relationship between the parents and the Widjaja children seemed disjoint, apart from the few family dinners that ever transpired in that household. Nonetheless, she proved to be a dutiful student, always placing at the top of her class at her parents' behest. After school, she would keep herself occupied with soccer and volleyball at the local youth leagues. On the weekends, her father sent her and her siblings to a small Asian community gym, training in a variety of Southeast Asian martial arts. Still, the Widjaja children found themselves feeling neglected in their little time spent at home.

During the time Reza's older sister, Jamal, was in high school, she picked up selling weed. A few years later, Reza would follow in her footsteps, and soon enough did their younger brother, Zach. They all grew apart in their similar, yet separate, endeavors, and Reza dove into a world of partying with the popular kids and youthful experimentation. Still, she graduated Summa Cum Laude and lettered in varsity volleyball.

After graduation, Reza flew out to a university in Washington, D.C. on full scholarship, majoring in Religion with a minor in Computer Science. Most of her research was spent on the Ancient Near East and Indian mythology. On the side, she developed an interest in computer theory and logical systems. She left sports, lending more focus to her social life. She joined a sorority and resumed selling weed off packages she had shipped from back home. Her srat sisters dubbed her "Medic" after a time, and she expanded her business through her new network. Still, she managed to make the Dean's List every semester.

She soon began including MDMA and LSD in her stock due to the high demand and lack of reliable dealers. Her wholesaler persona turned into a ghost, called only by "The Molly Fairy" around campus. Her professors believed she had a promising future in archaeology after graduation, but Reza enjoyed her life too much. She chose to stick around D.C. once she got her diploma, continuing living off her drug money and rising through the ranks as a public relations consultant for clubs and bars in the city.

Leanne Perwira Widjaja, Mother : Reza has always been caring towards her mother, a nurse working long, sporadic shifts. She sees Leanne as the only real parent in the household, acknowledging her efforts and often feeling remorse about the burden she may be putting on her.

Jerome Widjaja, Father (Assumed) : Although Reza sees Jerome with a sort of reverence for what he's accomplished throughout his life, mostly as a naval engineer, she feels contempt towards him for coming off emotionally indifferent towards her and her siblings.

Aijamal Tamara Widjaja, Older Half-Sister : The two sisters were very close growing up. Reza saw Jamal as her mentor, and probably even a parental figure considering the lack of presence of their own. They drifted apart when Jamal graduated high school, and the rift deepened when Reza left for college.

Zachary Gunnar Widjaja, Younger Half-Brother : Ever since Zach strengthened his gang affiliations after Reza went off to college, their relationship has been extremely strained. They were close and protective of each other growing up, but Reza couldn't stop Zach's descent into their childhood ghetto.


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49 Mason Magus (C)

Inside Linebacker

6'5 || 267 lbs


Forestville, MD

High School

Suitland High School

Major / Minor

Indo-European History




Mason Magus was born to a middle class family in suburban Maryland. As an only child, his parents were cautious about his after school activities. Mason wanted to join the peewee football league, but his parents opted for youth basketball. Soon enough, he found himself making his middle school's team, partially attributable to a growth spurt, showing early promise as a shooting guard.

In high school, Mason's parents had relented and allowed him to try out for football. He and his friends had thought it would be cool for the crew to join together. They found themselves among the popular kids, climbing the social ladder and collecting praise near the end of every week. His reputation only soared when he made varsity basketball in his first year.

Mason's ego grew over the next 4 years. By sophomore year, he made varsity football as a linebacker, and by junior year, he secured a starting spot. He suffered through practices and thrived on the pressure of game day. He embraced the jock-douchebag persona, but still somehow managed to get along with most everyone he interacted with. His grades slumped, but at his parents' insistence he always managed to score decently. He made All-American his senior year, and ranked among the top prospects for college recruiters.

By the time they began making their rounds at his school, Mason had the difficult choice between playing college basketball or college football. Three seasons of Blue Mountain State later, he decided on football. Another couple hours of researching party schools, he knew he wanted to go to Sentinel State. When their scouts came, he gave them the performance of a lifetime. When their letter hit his mailbox, he immediately called their front office to make his pledge.

When university life started, Mason got everything he wanted, and more. Schoolwork was ten times harder, and practices were more brutal with domineering coaches, but it seemed to make the whole experience more worthwhile. For the first time, Mason had felt a true appreciation for the sport. Fighting like a gladiator in the eyes of thousands of fans, Mason saw what he did as an art form. The exhilaration of being on the field was more profound than anything a pill or a one-night stand could bring out of him.

He's been a started since last season, and this year he's been named a team captain. He's had his moments of fame in the segments of ESPN commentators, and now he carries hope that this season will secure his spot in the NFL.


UA HeatGear Armour Twist Compression Tank

UA Fierce VI Football Gloves

UA Highlight MC Football Cleats
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

2 Jericho Powers

Wide Receiver

6'3 || 205 lbs


Baton Rouge, LA

High School

McKinley Senior High School

Major / Minor

Classical Studies




Between an unknown father and a mother who prioritized her speedballs over eating, Jericho Powers went through most of his life on his own. He lived in a one-bedroom apartment in the ghettoes of Louisiana, but slept on the couch so he wouldn't disrupt his mom's highs. He spent most of his childhood outside of his home, taking part in gang activity and running drugs for the older kids to make some extra pocket money.

Jericho was a persistent straight-A student, finding homework and basic study easily done during school hours. He was seen with promise by his teachers, except for his aggressive attitude towards everyone around him and his continued involvement with petty crime. In 8th grade, Jericho was caught hot-wiring a car in a museum parking lot. Rather than being cast off to a juvenile detention center, the owner asked for leniency, and Jericho was forced to intern at an exhibit for ancient Greek and Roman art for a short time. He developed a hidden passion for the Classics, but subsequently returned to running along the streets with his cohorts.

In high school, Jericho's counselor suggested he pick up an extracurricular activity to keep him out of trouble. His exceptional height had made him a prospect for the basketball team, but he leaned more towards football. Playing tight end and linebacker his freshman year, Jericho recorded 8 touchdowns and 3 sacks. His school was not the most impressive for athletics, but local sports buffs quickly took notice his sophomore year, when Jericho's coaches bumped him up to Varsity and groomed him as a wide receiver.

By his junior year, Jericho became known throughout his division for his exceptional speed for a guy of his height. He was deadly, outperforming his defenders and keeping a body orientation that was tough to take down. In his senior year, he ended the regular season dubbed the top high school receiver in the South.

Jericho never saw any recruiters at practice or his games, but Sentinel State had apparently taken notice. Their front office paid a visit to his home, and without much negotiation given a full ride already on the table, Jericho was quick to accept their offer. He found the team to be a slightly more mature version of his social groups back home, with less crime and more positivity, and school to be far more interesting than anything the inner city had to offer for him. He landed a starting position his junior year and looks to be a league leader this season, but when asked about his plans after college, all he's responded with is "Archaeology".


Oakley Visor

UA HeatGear Armour Twist Compression Tank

UA Fierce Spotlight Gloves

UA Nitro Low MC Football Cleats
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- J A N U S - E P I P H A N E S -

- O R I G I N -

State of Tin Mona, Moonlands

- R E S I D E N C E -

(Skyline) Galea, Sopor

- E D U C A T I O N -

Masters of Economics : Montes Rook International University
B.A. in Religion : Tin Mona University

- O C C U P A T I O N -

Chairman : Epiphanes Financial Zome
Private Owner : Galea Maejor Resort
At-Large Member : State of Galea, Department of Culture & Arts
Archeological Contractor : State of Tin Mona
Sergeant : Tin Mona Army, 1st Column

- B I O G R A P H Y -

Epiphanes served as Sergeant for Tin Mona during the Sin-Mona War. Upon his return, he attended Tin Mona University, where he received his Bachelor of Arts in Religion and was promptly contracted by his government as an archeologist inspecting recently conquered lands. After a time, Epiphanes began negotiating inter-planetary contracts between Tin Mona and several Sopori Skylines, with respect to galleries and more lucrative pieces of art. As a stipulation of his contract, his government paid for him to attend Montes Rook International University for his Master's of Economics.

After another time, Epiphanes was caught by Tin Mona for smuggling undocumented pieces from the domain. He fled to Galea, where much of his money resided. He purchased a 5-star resort and quickly acclimated to the Galean high class. He invested much of his money in several other major operations in Galea and surrounding regions.
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Isinu the Resilient

- Friend and Patron of Savages -

General Description


Cursed Undead


~200 years


6'3 x 400 lbs




N / A


Although Isinu acknowledges all the religions of the land and recognizes the reality of mythos, he does not worship any deity.


- Enforcer -

In a task force alongside other Knights of Evil, Isinu is assigned to monitor the loyalty of the land to Lancelot. He acts as a personal spy, as well as a reminder to comrades of their dark lord's authority.


The thread of life that runs through Isinu has been woven into countless past lifetimes. In his current incarnation, Isinu sees himself as an agent, by some absolute or universal mandate, brought forth to enforce order upon the civilizations sprawled across this land.

The defining aspect of Isinu's career has been his strong-arm diplomacy. He's aggressive in his negotiation, heavily favoring one-sided deals and frequently utilizing intimidation tactics to push his power. He is also a common purveyor of violence, seeing life as consumable and death as its consequence.

The most common theme of Isinu's practice is his pragmatism He does not hold sentient life in any higher regard than the rest of existence, but he sees living as a sort of art form that demands participation. He is a competent communicator and governor, acknowledging the value of the demands that come with the very nature of being, whether it be necessities or luxuries or moral codes.

He has an understanding bordering on empathy, displayed whenever he feels it suits him. His experiences in his current incarnation has given him a sense of humanity and civility. In presentation, Isinu is generally dignified and respectful when dealing with social equals and superiors.


In the waste of a barbarian battlefield, Isinu rose from atop a mass funeral pyre. The multi-racial force of savages present acknowledged him as their leader and deified him in their own mythos. They forged the armor of the dead onto his exposed body, thick enough so no blade could penetrate it and dense enough to withstand the strongest of blows. He has lived this entire life in this suit since, having modifications done directly upon his form and even throwing his entire self in the forge when necessary.

Isinu had realized his mission to promote order upon his incarnation. His early ventures consisted mostly of guerrilla-style attacks on lands he believed incompetent and undeservingly powerful. His ever-changing band of what were essentially mercenaries were drawn from fringe cultures and outlying communities. Upon his enemies, he trimmed borders, plundered treasuries, and emboldened the disenfranchised to rise up against their authorities.

As Isinu saw the growth of his allies in the political and civil realm, he acknowledged the necessity of diplomacy when carrying out his mission. Over the course of countless dealings, he became proficient in statecraft and trade. Although he rejected formal training in favor of experiential learning, it only made Isinu more popular among his intended audience who approvingly viewed him as a populist and revolutionary.

With his rising influence among the general public, Isinu saw his following show more loyalty to his ideology than their lords who were supposed to embody them. Seeing none of his once-allies as fit to approach any form of absolute rule, Isinu sought to Balkanize the land with the intention of keeping the possessions of power in delicate uncertainty. He played these leaders against one-another, and was often known to rally his own loyalists and engage in personal military and political campaigns in the midst of these conflicts.

Now, with Lancelot's invitation, Isinu humbles himself before the new dark lord. He believes Lancelot to be a competent sovereign and places favor in his rule. In what could be considered evil, Isinu sees the tools for order and control and potential for worldly balance, even if it defies traditional moral standards.

Traits and Equipment


N / A
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago



Sculptor of the Thousand Idols


"Much of my work is merely etching words onto stone. For dozens of lords, I have done this hundreds of times over. Somehow, massive lettering on cyclopian structures manages to inspire the illiterate. Admittedly, I cannot read many of the languages I'm commissioned, so I can sympathize. There really is something about it that inspires awe, even if those messages end up looking like nothing more than pictures."

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