KindledBeast said
"Hello I don't believe we've met?" Dante said walking up go Katherin.
"I don't believe so. Which is odd. Aren't you in the Savant faction?" Katherin asked. "My name is Katherin."
KindledBeast said
"Hello I don't believe we've met?" Dante said walking up go Katherin.
KatherinWinter said
"I don't believe so. Which is odd. Aren't you in the Savant faction?" Katherin asked. "My name is Katherin."
KindledBeast said
"Yes I am. Aren't you the leader of my fiction? Also my new Dante." Dante said looking at Katherin.
KatherinWinter said
"Yes I am the leader if the Savant. More or less by default. I was the first one here so they put me in charge." Katherin told him.
KindledBeast said
"Hmm, So do you carry weapons just like Roxy?" He said leaning agenist the wall.
KatherinWinter said
Katherin shook her head. "No. She is the only one on campus with weapons."
KindledBeast said
"Can you explain to me why a girl that's trying to escape this facility, Has wepons?" He asked curiously.
KatherinWinter said
"Roxy hasn't tried to escape. She would want to risk..." Katherin caught herself just in time. "She wouldn't risk trying. She is probably one of the few who won't consider it."
KatherinWinter said
Katherin bite her lip cursing herself for her near slip. Now Dante know that there was a reason that that Roxy wouldn't try to escape. "Let's just say that if she could Roxy would be leading the revolt. She'll do everything she can to encourage it but she wont be leading it. The administration as made sure of that." She headed out of the classroom to the gym.
KatherinWinter said
Katherin bite her lip cursing herself for her near slip. Now Dante know that there was a reason that that Roxy wouldn't try to escape. "Let's just say that if she could Roxy would be leading the revolt. She'll do everything she can to encourage it but she wont be leading it. The administration as made sure of that." She headed out of the classroom to the gym.
KatherinWinter said
"I've been instructed to test you. Everyone will lift weights. You start with 1 pound and go up to 100." She pointed to the weights. "Then you will use theis marvelous device to lift the same amount with your feet." She explained pointing to a leg lifting machine. Then you will run as far as you can."