Merry Christmas everyone
On the twelfth day of Christmas Mahz gave to me twelve thousand wonderful memories from the guilds to help me through the next year.
On the eleventh day of Christmas Mahz gave to me eleventh 1x1's.
On the tenth day of Christmas Mahz gave me ten buttons to click on
On the ninth day of Christmas Mahz gave to me nine active roleplays (ok so it varies)
On the eighth day of Christmas Mahz gave to me eight interest checks.
On the seventh day of Christmas Mahz gave to me 7 days to roleplay.
On the sixth day of Christmas Mahz gave to me six off topics.
On the fifth day of Christmas Mahz gave to me five helpful links.(yes I know there's more than 5 ;p don't go ruining my theme!) Roleplayer guild, users, chat, view raw, and permanent link
On the fourth day of Christmas Mahz gave to me four more styles of roleplay. Arena,1x1, nation. and tabletop
On the third day of Christmas Mahz gave to me three levels of writing. (free, casual, and advanced.)
On the second day of Christmas Mahz gave to me IC and OOC.
On the first day of Christmas Mahz gave to me one Roleplayers guild.