Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 8 yrs ago





Blood type:

Birth day:






Name: Autumn Bones

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Nationality: Swiss-American

Blood type: B-

Birth day: February 11, 1997

Personality: Before the infection Autumn was having a great life. He loves to get along with everyone, occasionally cracking jokes. It's rare to find someone that Autumn doesn't know or isn't friends with. To him friends just came easily, despite his fathers habits. He forgot important dates and events because he was so caught up with something else that he was working on.
After the infection Autumn had a harder time with the few people he met. He couldn't be his relaxed self that he was before. He was often very closed off. The few people that he let in, though, he protected and treasure. It was hard for him to see anyone of his friends die.

History: Before the outbreak, Autumn lived in a small town up the coast. The town consisted of close to 3000 people, including the ones who lived away from the community. It was a poor community with only one school. Before coming to this place Autumn was in a big city, where he had lived until the age of 10.
It didn't take long for Autumn to fit in. Besides being from a totally different place Autumn seemed to adapt fast and was generally accepted into school. It was such a small place that he new everyone in his school by name after only the first week. Soon he was one of the most popular kids in school. People naturally seemed to enjoy listening to him and he didn't mind the attention at all.
At home Autumn lived with his parents and little sister Chloe. His parents were quiet normal, though when his dad got drunk he was a pain to deal with. Chloe, Autumn absolutely adored. His little sister would have been 5 at the time of the outbreak. Before that Autumn would always take care of her. His parents were often working, and they trusted Autumn so they didn't mind leaving Chloe at home while he was there.
It was prom when everything went wrong. Autumn was out with one of the prettiest girls in school, Winter. He had nervously asked her out for the dance and she had surprisingly said yes. Once there they got nominated as Homecoming Queen and King. The party was great and they both went home feeling great about the night. After a quick kiss on her doorstep, Autumn drove off for home. His window was down and his head was out with a wide grin plastered across it.
That was when he smelled the smoke. Looking into the night sky he swore he could make out the dark-swirling patterns of smoke coming form his house. The grin on his face melted away and he tore off towards his home. He was too late. The fire head spread so fast that the firefighters didn't even bother trying to put out the fire. The were to busy trying to keep the entire thing under control. The house had burned down with his parents and sister inside of it. The firefighter sadly told him how it had probably started from a fried light-bulb or someone leaving the stove on. It didn't matter, they were dead. His whole family was dead, burned until all that was left was their ashes blowing in the wind.

Weapons: Autumn engineered himself a weapon. It is consisting of a steel rake with the head broken off, a clip that he found in the car repair shop, and a survival knife from his uncle. The knife is clipped to the end of the rake staff, so it looks like a spear, The knife can become unattached if needed.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Astrid Bones

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Nationality: American

Blood type: a-

Birth day: April, 17 1997

Personality: Astrid is a bubbly excited person. She loves talking to other people when she is around them. Mostly this is due to her slight ADD. The only time the she can ever completely stop talking to people and focus completely on something is when she is building something or programming. While a few people find her constant talking it is hard for her to find something she doesn't like in someone. One of the reasons that Astrid is so outgoing and talkative is because she is lonely. She has never truly been with someone and feels that she is missing out on her life

History: Astrid was raised in camp. When Astrid was very young she was left in a basket inside the border of Camp Half-Blood. The campers knew that she must have been one of them because she was inside their gates, but they had no idea who she was and how exactly she had gotten there. They named her Astrid.
Growing up in Camp Half-Blood was very different from any other place. She never got to go to school, nor the movies with friends, or even play sports. Throughout her life she spent her time doing online classes and switching between cabins. As she was so young no one could tell exactly which cabin she would fit in, so every year she switched to a new one to see if maybe it would "call to her."
By the time Astrid was 9 she knew that the cabin for her was cabin 9. The glowing forges and dangerously sharp weapons seemed to call to her. The campers living there adopted her and raised her as their own. They taught her all sorts of different skills. She got burnt, scratched, and stabbed under their instruction, but never ceased to be interested.
When everyone else went back to school, Astrid stayed in camp. She worked the forge, and designed countless projects. She quickly became one of the best forger in the camp. Plus all her time on the computer allowed for Astrid to develop a new way of tinkering. A more computer oriented direction. Astrid might have become Cabin Counselor if Nick had not arrived, but she was not really interested in leading.

Weapons: Weapon Name: Cinder
Weapon Type: Spear
Weapon Appearance: Cinder
Attributes: Forged completely of Stygian Iron, Cinder is a weapon of swift destruction. It is light weight and perfectly balanced at the grip. Beneath the head of the spear are small vents that can emit a certain amount of fire for a period of time. This can be used as a sort of defense, lighter, or even a torch.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Jack Hallows

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Nationality: American

Blood type: B+

Birth day: October, 6 1997

Personality: Jack was always known for doing things his own way. He never wanted to listen to others. He would always do things his own way. He is also incredibly stubborn when he sets his mind to something. Besides being a free spirit Jack is much like his half-sister Astrid in being a bit people-oriented and fun-loving. Can often be found as the center of attention in social situations. Great people skills. Has been called a freedom-loving individual who enjoys pushing the limits and exploring the unknown.

History: Jack grew up with his single mom. Together they had a great time, the perfect mother son relationship. They spent tons of time together and she helped encourage him to start to play sports. They did not have tough conversations where they sat down and talked, instead she would take him out to do something fun. The bond that they had between each other was truly something to be matched with. She had encouraged him to listen to his own heart instead of worrying about what other people might expect of him. For this Jack could never thank her enough. It made him into the person he was.

That was until the day came when he started smoking. Not the way you might think though. He was enjoying a perfectly normal fun conversation with several of his friends, in which he was the center of attention of course, and his body started turning red. Skin on his hands lit up first before making it's way to his face. Rushing home without thinking, Jack went home to the only person he knew could help him.

By the time Jack got home, smoke was billowing off of his body. Breaking into the door he rushed into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. In horror he watched as the smoke turned to flame. Trying to pat it out, the fire spread to his hands. Not realizing that the sensation didn't hurt Jack began to scream, like most normal people would do when you spontaneously combust. The fire ate away at his skin and hair, leaving bone showing. Strangely enough the fire avoided burning the clothes he was wearing.

Stumbling out of the bathroom, the skeleton of 14 year old Jack fell into his mothers arms. Through tears and terror he learned his mothers one dirty secret. As a young girl she had fallen in love with Hades. Of course she hadn't know who he was until later. While still in love with Hades, she had met Jack's father Hephaestus. Hades, cursing Hephaestus promised that their child would be a terror of his own creation. The god of fire's child would be cursed to burn into the undead. A constant reminder of his father and Hades.

Somehow Jack and his mother managed to pull through this moment. Together they worked through his "rattling moment," and he turned to Camp Half-Blood. There he could learn to control his power and understand more about himself. Maybe he would even meet someone that he trusted enough to let know his own little dirty secret.

Weapon Name: N/A
Weapon Type: His hands
Weapon Appearance: Imagine skeleton hands only covered in fire
Attributes: ^^^

Appearance: Jack Hallows
Has a small cut through his right eyebrow that prevents any hair growth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Full name:


Nickname(s) or Alias:








City or town of birth:

Currently lives:

Languages spoken:

Native language:

Relationship Status:





Hair colour:


Facial Hairstyle:

Eye colour:

Skin/fur/etc colour:



Scars/distinguishing marks:

Preferred style of clothing:

Frequently worn jewellery/accessories:




Recreational Drug User? Which?



Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities:

Any medication regularly taken:






Favourite colour:


Taste in music:



Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles?


Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore (Vegetarian):

Favourite food(s):

Favourite drink(s):

Disliked food(s):

Disliked drink(s):


Describe the character's house/home:

Do they share their home with anyone? Who?

Significant/special belongings:


Level of education:


Current job title and description:

Name of employer:


Peaceful or aggressive attitude?

Fighting skills/techniques:

Special skills/magical powers/etc:

Weapon of choice (if any):

Weaknesses in combat:

Strengths in combat:


Parents names:

Are parents alive or dead?

Is the character still in contact with their parents?

Siblings? Relationship with siblings?

Other Important Relatives:



Best Friend:

Other Important Friends:



Enemies? Why are they enemies?


Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10):

Describe their teenage years (11 - 19):

Describe their adult years (20+):
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Personal Information
Name: Skylar Cain
Alias/ Nickname (If Any): Sky(Goes by this most of the time), Storm,
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Cabin: Cabin 1
Appearance (Prefer Picture):

Godly Parent: Zeus
Human Parent: Deceased/Unknown
Legacy: N/A

General Information
Personality: Skylar seems like a very distant and cold person. Around people she seems to snap quickly, ready to jump on anything that they say. She is always expecting someone to be attacking her, causing her to constantly become stressed around people. Despite seeming to be permanently angry with people Skylar is a born leader. Maybe it came from her heritage, but when she steps up to take control people seem to follow. That is when she hasn't created discomfort between the two of them.
Likes: Cleo
Dislikes: people, hot days, cold days, flowers, arts and crafts, the gods, monsters, Minotaur, music, being forced into a situation, lack of control, feelings, happy people, parents, coffee, clubs, crying
Talents: fighting with a variety of weapons, getting people to dislike her (unfortunate truth), limited flight
For a long time Skylar and her little sister Cleo had to survive on their own, out in the big world. Their mother was dead, or missing, or had just abandoned them, whatever way it was irrelevant. She was gone and the two girls had to take care of each other. Cleo was the only thing that made it bearable for Skylar. Cleo wasn't actually Skylar's true sister, more her half-sister, but it didn't matter because the two of them were just so close.

One day Skylar was walking home on her way home from her second job. Due to not having a supportive parent she had to work several jobs in order to make sure they had a place to live in. Otherwise they would be out living on the street and Skylar couldn't bear the thought of seeing her tiny sister's cute face on the sidewalk. It was late at night, but she still stopped in the drugstore for the goldfish. They were Cleo's favorite snack. Already the thought of her glowing face was brightening Skylar's mood, though she was thoroughly exhausted.

Quietly opening the door, so as not to wake her sister, Skylar peeked in. It was late enough that Cleo should have been in- Crash! A small ball of blonde hair and bright colored socks slammed into her belly. Cleo's arms were wrapped around her waist and she looked up into her big sisters face with adoration and happiness. "I was up waiting for you. You took for eeeeeeeever!" Pulling back she grabbed Skylar's arm and pulled her into their small apartment to where they both slept side by side. Pointing Cleo said, "Look I painted a picture for you. It's us, forever, because your the bestest best big sister."

Tiredly smiling Skylar looked down at the cute little face and picked her sister up. "Guess what I got you, nut ball?" Pulling out the goldfish she braced herself. Squealing excitedly Cleo ripped open the bag and poured the tiny snacks into her mouth. Giggling her mouth full of half chewed food she pushed one into Astrid's mouth. They both started giggling until they were lying on the floor laughing. "Nut ball."

With a sudden explosion of splinters and wood the front door of the tiny apartment shot out. It was a strange sensation to go from full joy to complete horror. That was the only thought Skylar could get out before half the door landed on her. Her head slammed into the floor and in a daze she stared with fuzzy eyes as a monster entered. The entire thing was fuzzy from head to toe. It had long sharp horns like a bulls poking out of the top of it's head and when it roared Skylar thought her ears were going to burst.

Unable to push the piece of door off of herself, Skylar was forced to watch in horror and the beast strode towards her little sister. Cleo screamed loudly and tried to push herself away from the approaching monstrosity. It clambered forward towards her with a hunger. Tears streaking down her face Skylar yelled out in attempt to grab the monsters attention, but it was stuck on Cleo. Looking at Skylar with fear in her eyes Cleo cried out, "Skylar-" before the monster was on her. It was her last plea for help.

Endless screams and shrieks later the monster finally left. Skylar's eyes never left her sister the entire time she was being ripped to shreds. Finally managing to wiggle her way out from the door she scrambled over to the bloody body of her sister and cradled her in her arms.Tears dripped down her face and she sobbed head buried in the bright, stained coat of Cloe's. Her sister was dead and it was entirely her fault.

The next days, weeks, months, were all a blur to Skylar. She was so torn up and blaming herself about her sisters death that she was completely ignorant to everything around her. She eventually made her way to Camp Half-Blood, where she finally found out who she was. It was there she also found out who or rather what was the killer of her baby sister. It was the Minotaur. Training herself in this camp so that she would never be in the same situation again, Skylar became surprisingly good at many different aspects of fighting. She would never let go of her anger. She would avenge Cleo if it was the last thing she did.

Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2AC41dglnM

Weapon Information
Weapon Name: vrontí̱ - Thunder
Weapon Type: Hand and half sword
Weapon Appearance:Thunder
Attributes: The sword is constantly charged with electricity. Anyone that touches it would be electrocuted. Only people like Skylar who have a natural resistance to electricity can pick up the sword. Or if they wrap their hands in rubber.

Other: Have fun with Erin.
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