Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha π™«π™žπ™‘π™‘π™–π™žπ™£

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Welcome to the one and only Smile Asylum, home of the mentally, and magically, insane! We know that we will enjoy your stay here, and we hope you will too!


In the year 2016, a wonderful and magical discovery was made. A man named Pete McVries was checked into the looney bin (to be specific Abraham Stebben's Center for the Clinically Insane). The poor sod Pete had suffered a brutal plane crash. The plane crashed in the middle of nowhere, and when it crash landed everyone was either dead or bleeding out. Except ol' Pete McVries. He was alive and well, but there was a catch. He was stuck under a hulk scrap of metal that had once made up the skeleton of the air plane. He could not move, couldn't shift position, he was helplessly trapped. This also meant, he couldn't go get food or water. There was a food cart, filled to the brim with food and drink, just out of his reach. If he had arms just a few inches longer, he could have reached it. When help finally arrived, five days later, poor Pete was found insane with grief that he was just out of reach of the food cart. And that was that, he was put in an Asylum. Or so they thought. A couple days later, new of Pete popped again. Pete had the sudden ability of telekenises. The government kept this hush hush and swept it under the rug, but they did research it. Scientists said that ol Pete McVries had gotten this newfound ability because when he went insane, a certain DNA molecule snapped. But somehow that Molecule connected to a different DNA strand, and this gave him his newfound ability.

Fast forward to 2042. Insane people all over are being given these powers which have been coined, "magic," even though it's pure science. Insanes have developed an unwritten language in which they communicate to eachother with. Three large asylums have popped up to contain these "magically insane" people, as people were scared: what are insane people going to do with epic powers? These three asylums are: The Brookes Foundation Asylum, Smile Asylum, and Majikku Asylum. These asylums were respectively based in Dubai, India, San Francisco, California, and Tokyo, Japan. These asylums are not really asylums, but more of prisons, and they are well equipped to contain these prisoners. People wanted to just flat out kill all the insanes, which is what they are being called now (insanes), but congress passed the bill that said they were to contain them on the grounds that they were insane. These asylums have towering walls that are impossible to scale, and are five meters of pure cinder block to keep in the insanes. Snipers man four towers that are on the outside of the walls that look in on prisoners, and guards on the walls use M16s are looking at all times. No guards are inside the prison itself, as that would be rather dangerous, and everything is done by machine; serving food, cleaning and hygeine, etc. Video Cameras are everywhere, shielded by two layers of unbreakable and bullet-proof glass, and if tampered with will lead to your execution. Insanes have found ways to cover these cameras and get away with it, because if they don't see anyone do it, they can't punish anyone.

Now, our roleplay will take place in the Smile Asylum. Theres been talk among the insanes of rebellion, of breaking out of the prison. And once they're out? They'll do exactly what humanity feared: try to take over the world. Okay, to clear some things up: we insanes can understand each other through the language we have created. This will bypass some hiccups about how insane people can talk to eachother. Enter le CS:

Name: Firstname "Nickname, which you should probably have since it's kind of a prison" Last Name
Appearance: Anime\Cartoon\Drawing preferred, but real picture is okay as well. I don't really want descriptions.
Anything different from picture above?: Tattoos, Scars, Birthmarks, etc.
Magic Power: What power does your character posess? Is he a pyrokinetic? Can he control electricity? Nothing to OP, I will trust your judgement, but reserve the right to refuse a character if his power is overpowered.
How he/she became insane: How did your character become insane? This should have some correlation with your power, for instance, a pyromancer might have had his family burned down in a house.
Insanity Traits: What does insanity entail for your character? Does he have an alter ego? Does he have an obsession with a certain object? Things like that.
Country of origin: We all speak the self-made insane language, but where does your character come from? You can be as specific as city or as vague as country.
Backstory/History: Any specific events that have happened in your character's life? This doesn't have to be too long, just brief things about your character, and don't have to include how he became insane.
Personality: IC speaks louder than CSes, so just a couple of quick words are all we need.
How long has your character been in Smile Asylum?: Are you fresh meat, or have you been in the asylum since it all began?
Trinkets: Smile Asylum allows for your character to bring one trinket with them as long as it's not toxic or a weapon. What did your character bring, if anything? A locket, a chain, a picture?

Points of Interest: These are notable locations in the Smile Asylum that are open to exploration.

Important NPCs: None yet

  • General stuff: No godmodding, meta RPing, ghosting, all that jazz. It doesn't make sense for your character who's never used a gun, pick up a handheld pistol and snipe 5 professional guards, all headshots, from 2 miles away, without trouble. So, always think, does it make sense for my character to do this? Basic stuff, but still want to put it out there.

  • You can only have one character. I know strict, but I've had a few problems in the past with it. One character, bottom line.

  • When choosing your power keep in mind this. Firstly, making something out of nothing is a big no-no. You cannot conjure up some food out of nowhere The only time I could think of it being okay for your power to allow you to conjure something out of nothing is fire (exciting particles in the air), and ice.

  • These powers are forbidden: regeneration, mind controlling/mind reading, intangibility, teleportation, predicting the future, any power that gives you the ability to influence another character's deciscion, any kind of power that allow for you to make an ultramega powerful attack that can blast through five meters or more of pure cinderblock with ease, or any power that allows for you to block such an attack. This is an order to make it so our characters aren't OP assholes.

  • If you're going to be gone for more than a week please notify me, and if it's more than 2 weeks I will take control of your character for minor actions. Big idea here is if you're gone for an extended period of time, do tell.

  • YOUR POWERS HAVE LIMITS; using your power is exerting. IF you have thermo manipulation, if you crank up the heat to 1000 Celcius youre probably going to damn near kill yourself.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vulpes


Member Offline since relaunch

Is changing appearance allowed? Because of the "not making anything out of nothing" -rule, it would only be an illusion.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ispep


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

In addition to his question, would creation / manipulation of darkness be acceptable? It isn't a tangible object, more of a perception of lack of light, so it wouldn't be actually creating anything physical. I'll change my stuff if you say no, don't worry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ispep


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Jack "the Ripper" Gantz

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Magic Power: Jack is able to create and manipulate darkness. Thanks to three years of practice, he is able to project darkness up to 25 meters, and is able to control the shape, area, and intensity of the darkness.

Cause of Insanity: Photophobia, heliophobia, eosophobia, you name anything that has to do with an aversion to light, Jack had it. He would stay in his home all day, with all the curtains drawn and no door being opened before another one was closed, so that no light could get through. The most light he could stand without starting a fit of rage and violence was that of a candle, and even then he would rather be in the dark. Eventually, his family hated being forced to live like this, and they tried to force jack out of the house and into the sunlight. They removed all the curtains and opened all the doors, letting in all the light they could. Having nowhere to escape to, Jack's mind snapped. His family and pushed him into the dark embrace of insanity, and he was about to push them into a dark embrace of their own. The first use of his powers was through instinct rather than any actual kind of attempt, so Jack didn't know how to use his new gift, but he knew he had it, and he was about to take advantage of it.

Insanity Traits: Under normal circumstances (or at least, normal for Jack), Jack can be as level headed as any rational human being. When he is subjected to light however, he is thrown into a fit of hysteria and becomes extremely volatile, and will do anything in his power to return to the safety of the darkness.

Country of origin: Solingen, Germany

Backstory/History: Nobody alive knows anything about Jack's past, and every time someone tries to broach the subject, Jack just shuts down and doesn't respond to anything. Some people theorize that he doesn't even remember life outside Smile Asylum, while some think he was severely traumatized by events in his past, and so he just doesn't speak of it. All anyone knows is that they won't know anything about his past anytime soon. The only thing that is actually known for sure is the fact that Jack murdered his family with great ease, which earned him his nickname, much to Jack's discontent.

Personality: Jack is fairly reserved and doesn't talk much, though he's usually a friendly guy and can be quite the romantic to whatever man or woman catches his interest. He is intelligent, calm, and polite, but cross him and he can become vengeful and ruthless.

Time spent at Smile Asylum: Three years

Trinket: An old hand carved mahogany chess piece, the black king to be precise.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 4 mos ago

(I initially attempted to make the "How she got her Powers" thing a bit worse, but the one I ended up with was much more easier and sensible to me. I think.)

Name: Erica "Lightning" McDaniel


Anything different from picture above?: Forced to wear gloves whenever outside of her cell.

Magic Power: Absorption and Manipulation of Electricity and infusion of electricity into non-living objects. Her skin must make physical cobtact with an object that holds or has access to electricity in order to drain it. Likewise, in order to infuse electricity into a non-living object, Erica's skin must also make physical contact with the object she wishes to infuse electricity into.

How she became insane: One day Erica and her brother Joseph (she called him Joey by the way) were on vacation on a cruise. A large group of Pirates attacked the ship, boarded it, and terrorized the passengers. Both of them, along with some other people, were kidnapped from the cruise and taken to an island that served as the pirates' base. For a month, they were all tortured with random tools and machines that the pirates managed to get their hands on or shoddily craft themselves. Sometimes people even died. Erica was unfortunate enough to be raped and tortured everyday, in front of her brother, who was forced to watch. At the end of the month, the more wicked of the pirates strapped Joey to a makeshift electric chair, powered by a portable generator. Erica had to watch her brother die of electrocution, while she was humiliated and hurt by wicked men. She was saved eventually, but when they found her, every pirate in the room she was in was found dead of electrocution, the generator was found to be overused to the point where it could not be of use anymore, and several objects in the room were found to be electrified, shocking anyone touching the objects. Erica was found embracing the corpse of her brother, talking to him as if he was alive.

Insanity Traits:
-Fixations, ranging from mild to obsessed, on random objects
-Obsession over Toy Sword Key Chain.
-Paranoid Delusions
-Random Laughing Fits
-Hallucinations of her little brother
-Phobia and Hatred of Pirates and people who reminds her of pirates

Country of origin: United Kingdom

Backstory/History: Erica comes from a somewhat wealthy family that has a belief that wealth should be earned, not immediately inherited. By the time she entered college, her little brother had been born. She graduated from college and started with a desk job in some company. She took a week off for vacation with her brother, which led to the events that gave her powers.
Her memories of her brother are mostly nice ones. From sharing hilarious moments to the day she watched him die. It's what makes her paranoid, delusional, and basically makes up her symptoms

Personality: Polite, rude, prone to laughing fits, upbeat, hostile toward anyone who touches her trinket.

How long has your character been in Smile Asylum?: New Inmate (Fresh Meat)

Trinkets: Her little brother's key chain (some sort of miniature toy sword)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nonsequitur


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Sebastian "Scars" Penrose

Age: 19

Anything different from picture above?: Arms and lower legs covered in scars, mostly thin white lines but there are also small round burn marks in various stages of healing and broader faded lines.

Magic Power: Pyrokinesis. While his range is not that great (around 15 metres, with uninterrupted line-of-sight required beyond a two-metre radius), his flames can reach temperatures up to 3000 degrees Celsius and he has exceptional control over them, being able to determine their precise temperature, shape and size.

Cause of Insanity: In high school he began to realise that he wasn't attracted to girls. He tried to confide in a friend, but word spread to the rest of the school. After a prolonged bullying campaign, three of the main ringleaders cornered him after school, taunting him about his scars. Two of them pinned his arms to the wall while the third pulled out a lighter and threatened to give him some real scars. As they were burning him, he struggled at first until his best friend walked out, saw Sebastian and continued walking. After that he went limp and started laughing, unnerving the bullies enough to let him go. That night his powers surfaced. The next day at school he waited until the bullies started up again and sent a wall of fire exploding outwards. The result was several extensive third degree burns, three amputations and Sebastian getting sent to Smile Asylum.

Insanity Traits: Hyper-vigilance, anxiety, an obsession with fire, homicidal ideation associated with delusions of being an instrument of God tasked with scourging hypocrisy and sin from the world.

Country of origin: Portland, Oregon (USA)

Backstory/History: Sebastian grew up in a fundamentalist Christian family and the fear of hell was already deeply ingrained by the time he was six. When he was outed in high school his parents made it clear that he would be on his own as soon as he turned eighteen. As luck would have it, that happened a year earlier when he became insane. His parents sent him to the asylum to get rid of him. He doesn't miss them.

Personality: Normally shy, anxious and eager to please, he becomes cold and somewhat sadistic when he uses his pyrokinesis.

How long has your character been in Smile Asylum?: Two years.

Trinkets: A tattered bible, signed by his sixth grade Sunday School class. His best friend's name is just below his own.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ispep


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ispep said

Je vais rire
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ispep


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Tch, er dich fΓΌr mich verbrennen wΓΌrde.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ich will lachen und brennen
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ispep


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ich freue mich auf diese~

Ahem, that's enough of that...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vulpes


Member Offline since relaunch

Ich freue mich auf auch. Ich hoffe dass ich kann meine Form snart fertig machen. (Ich entschuldige ΓΌber meine schrekcliches Deutsch.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 4 mos ago

*sets self on fire* HYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I always follow up on things I say! Now where's that antifreeze?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nonsequitur


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Thanks for making me use google translate, guys.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WatermelonTango


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Baryl (AKA Barry) "Changling" O'Connor


Anything different from picture above?: The skin under his heavy clothing is scarred, as his power has the price of leaving scars behind.

Magic Power: By making physical contact with physical matter, Barry can mimic it's properties. For example, he could touch metal with his hand and have his hand become steel, stone, wood, rubber, ice, pillows, etc. Changing generally increases his strength depending on the durability of the substance, but he can gain whole new abilities depending on what he has copied. For example, copying rubber would give him the ability to stretch. Since the facility is mostly made of steel and concrete, Barry needs to get creative if he wants to use anything else.

How he/she became insane: Isolation. Barry has spent long amounts of time alone in the wilderness of Canada. He had parents who once lived with him, but at the age of 10 they had left to scavenge for food they did not return. Barry hunted, scavenged, and otherwise depended on himself and himself alone since his parents had vanished. In the absence of human interaction Baryl had turned to creating sculptures. He would collect many different minerals from the earth to create with. He paid attention to all the unique qualities; he could basically taste the difference between slate and granite. Barry had practically mastered the art of sculpting by dedicating so much time to it. He was discovered alone in his shack 15 years since his parents had died, and at that point Barry couldn't properly socialize with human beings and didn't properly comprehend the english language.

Insanity Traits: Baryl doesn't have many violent tendencies, but he's dependent on routine. Without it he gets impatient and fidgety, which can lead to more if he's separated from it for too long. He has a certain thing he enjoys doing at certain times, and he gets cagey if someone interferes with that. He enjoys quiet and can't stand noisy individuals. If you want to make Barry angry at you, the best way to do it is to invade his personal space or his cell without his permission. Invasions of Barry's privacy often ends badly.

Backstory/History: Baryl was born in the thick of Canadian wilderness to a small family living a good distance away from civilization. He lived a simple life as a child. He was to take care of himself and to thrive in the wilderness. However, his parents had intended to move away from the wild and to condition Barry to live in society when he became older. They vanished just days before they were scheduled to leave for America, so Barry spent the next 15 years of his life living on his lonesome until he was discovered by hikers and forcefully removed from his peaceful existence in his home to the chaos of an insane asylum.

Personality: Calm, quiet, attentive, patient, stubborn, antisocial ,easily annoyed,

How long has your character been in Smile Asylum?: 10 years

Trinkets: A small set of stone sculptures Barry had created while he was in the wilderness. Whenever he encountered anything new (such as a fox, a wold, coyotes, bears, birds, etc.) he would immediately turn to sculpting it before he had forgotten about it. All of his sculptures represent a memory he's had of living alone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 4 mos ago

nonsequitur said
Thanks for making me use google translate, guys.

Sorry. It was too much fun not to! XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ispep


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"He heard us..."

Jack shrouded himself in darkness and retreated into a corner.
Also, is there a way our characters could like, buy gum? Like chewing gum. I want Jack to be a really big gum fiend.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ispep said
"He heard us..."

Hear THIS!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha π™«π™žπ™‘π™‘π™–π™žπ™£

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Vulpes said
Is changing appearance allowed? Because of the "not making anything out of nothing" -rule, it would only be an illusion.

Yeahhhhhhh, sure. Although there should be some limitations to it, maybe a time limit or like a "cool down" period.
Also, I will be getting around to approving all the CSes, I want to read them well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha π™«π™žπ™‘π™‘π™–π™žπ™£

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sometimes people even died.

Yeah, everything looks good. Approved~

@Ispep: I will approve this on the grounds that you don't godmod your ability to create darkness too much. For instance, if you're outside you wouldn't be able to make the sky dark, maybe just making a medium-sized room dark is your maximum. Also what does "manipulating the dark" entail? Does that mean you can turn darkness into a physical object (like making a sword of darkness?) or you can fade into darkness? As long as you answer me those questions you will be approved. Also, I really like the trinket you chose, creative.

@nonsequiter: Everything looks good, aside from the way he became insane. It doesn't really have anything to do with his power (it doesn't have to, but it should be loosely irelated), and I dont think him getting lightly bullied is enough to drive him insane. Kids get bullied all the time in school and none turn in to blood thirsty maniacs. Yeh, that's all you really need to fix. Also you said he's a staunch believer in God? Does that mean he's going to be obsessed with god, cause that'd be pretty cool.

@Watermelon Tango: I love it. CS looks great, and I would approve it... you just have to go a little more detail in his characteristics of insanity. I just want to know what he'll do if his routine gets interrupted. Sure it maybe basic as a violent fit, but I still would like some formal confirmation.

All the CSes looked good, just some minor minor things, nothing major to worry about. I will get mine up soon.
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