I cast morally ambiguous Argonian!

Blackmarsh Name: Numtvee "Tiv" Caynes
Cyrodiliac Name: Followed By Night
Age: 37
Race: Argonian
Class: Scout
Birthsign: The Steed
Equipment: A simple set of leather armor, a steel longsword, a iron wakizashi.
Swift Like The Forest: Due to Her Birthsign as well as spending her early years being trained in Argonian guerrilla tactics Tiv has became efficient in acrobatic endeavors being able to run and jump better then most.
Blessing of the Hist: Due to the nature of their environment, Argonian's such as Tiv are resistant to most poisons and diseases. Living in a swamp that harbors all kinds of dreadful things trying to murder you sometimes has its advantages.
Seasoned Warrior: Having spent most of her Formative years in Argonia's military as they tried to retake the rest of Morrowind. Tiv is no stranger to combat and has learned the ins and outs of combat.
Yer A Lizard Harry!: Being the Lizard Folk that she is Tiv can breath underwater and is as deadly in the water as she is on land.
Mistrust of the Beastfolk: Due to her Beastfolk nature, Tiv is looked down upon by the more "civilized" types of Men and Mer. Also being a "backstabbing dirty scale" most find it hard to trust her.
Magic? What Magic?: Having never found any real use for the magical arts the very idea of them being perplexing to her. Tiv is not just a bad mage. She is a terrible one.
The Guilt of War: Murdering innocents: Men, Women, Children, babies all in the name of the resurgence of the homeland.... It finally catches back up to you and not that she likes to admit it but the ghosts of those she has killed haunt her dreams.
Stab first, talk later: In the adorable Argonian fashion Tiv prefers to treat every problem as if it was a nail and she was the hammer. This of course can sometimes lead to more problems then if one just sat down and talked.
In short Tiv is an individual hardened by the atrocities and devastation that she witnessed in the campaigns of Morrowind is not to say the most trusting or kind individual. Not a hero by any mark of the imagination doing only good things when the pay is better then the evil option. Willing to kill and injure without a instance of self-doubt or second guessing. Doing anything and everything to survive no matter how unscrupulous or morally wrong.
Numtvee Caynes or as most would know her now Followed By Night or just Night for short was born in Blackrose during a very auspicious time for Argonia. For the first time in hundreds of years the tribes of Blackmarsh were united into one unified force. Thanks to the cataclysmic event that was the Red Year and the subsequent destruction of Vvardenfell left the Dunmer weak and open to threats. Night Remembered hearing the tales of the brave forces of Argonia that marched from their homes to back the ancestral lend thst the Dunmer hag taken from them long ago. To repay the elves for every Argonian put in chains an elf would fall. But due to the actions of House Redoran, the Conquest was not yet complete. With Argonia only holding claim of the southern lands of Morrowind.
It is in this time that Numtvee Caynes was born or hatched as it may be and would carve her own mark in history. Like all those of able body she was conscripted into Argonia's Military to combat the Dunmer at age 13. By the time she was born, her people were on the offensive once again having been able to solidify their hold on the south and began to push northward. Night was one of many soldiers that participated in the reclaiming of her people's land. The Argonian soldiers felt little love towards their former slavers and massacred any that would not submit to their rule.
Though the defining moment of her military career might of been what was simply called The Rape of Kragenmoor or The Battle For The West. The Argonia Expeditionary Force had been quelling villages and smaller cities throughout the southern portion of the continent. Killing small pockets of resistance that still lingered about. Though one Dunmer stronghold in the East still stood. Kragenmoor Morrowind's border to Cyrodiil and one the cities that would need to be taken. What happened their is considered a tragedy and horror incomprehensible by historians.
After a month of heavy fighting Argonian Sappers were finally able to bring down the gates of the city and break through the Dunmer lines. Due to the heavy casualties suffered to take the city Argonian soldiers were more bloodthirsty then usual And when they sacked the city none were spared. Night bore witness to the events that transpired and would even admit taking part, but years down the line she would be haunted by images of the events that transpired.
An account by esteemed Breton Scholar Fenris Auctellus who was in Kragenmoor to recover books from the old school of the Tribunal during the siege. Goes as following.
""They swept through the city like hungry falcons attacking a flight of doves, or like raging wolves attacking sheep, with loose reins and shameless faces, murdering and spreading terror...beds and cushions made of gold and encrusted with jewels were cut to pieces with knives and torn to shreds. Those hiding were dragged...through the streets and alleys, each of them becoming a plaything...as the population died at the hands of the invaders. One could walk down the highroad leading from the gate across the entire length of the city and never touch the ground once do to the overwhelming amount of bodies, the blood ran up to one's ankles and the fat from Mer Flesh burned long through the night."
Fenris Auctellus,
The Conquest of Morrowind, 1st edition Night ended up staying on till the end of the campaign, when the Dunmer had officially taken Blacklight from the Dunmer and sent the Elven Queen Fleeing to Slotheism. This was twenty odd or so years ago. With Argonia now dealing with crushing the Children of Morrowind and cementing their control throughout the land. While this was occurring off in her homeland Night had spent the last twenty years as a mercenary. Finding no honor in killing b the remnants of fallen kingdom she retired from the military and not wanting to settle down to become a farmer she picked a job that seemed like the natural course of action for her.
Her travels took her far and wide: Being a bodyguard for a prince in Hammerfell, defending a moon sugar trading route in Elsweyr, taking secrets from Alinor and even helping route a warlord in the Wrothgarin moutains. Wherever she needed to go, she would go, and what ever was needed for her to be done, was done as long as the pay was right. No matter the morally right or wrong thing to do.
This was how she would end up join the Dragon's Eye. The Thalmor hired the Argonian Mercenary with a track record leaning heavily on results to join the fight against the Alessians. To destroy them by any means necessary. And since the wealth of the Thalmor treasury was providing her a hefty some of coin. She had no problem with stabbing a few bumbling idiots for the greater good.