Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crya


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Still Accepting Characters

The Alessian Resurgence: An Elder Scrolls RP

Tamriel is about to fall into total war. As the Alessian Empire grows in strength and the extermination of Altmer, Dunmer and Bosmer continue, the Imperial Empire will weaken and the Thalmor will grow more desperate. No province will be able to avoid this conflict.

You are emergency volunteers in this war. Currently, there is no payment for this except the loot from fallen enemies. Some Elf friendly groups are independently paying mercenaries to join up, though. There also might be some Legion soldiers, or soldiers from other provinces, even Thalmor agents, loaned to the cause. You, or your employer, recognize the harsh reality sooner than most: To avoid a war that destroys your continent, the Alessian Empire has to be stopped. Titus Mede II has organized several squads of such volunteers - the Legion is stretched thin, with deserters, other conflicts and the large garrison massacre in Skyrim.

Your particular squad, officially named Dragon's Eye, has been tasked with one goal: the gathering of information. The Imperials are currently launching a counter-offense against Falkreath. Jarl Siddegeir is dead, and his uncle Jarl Dengeir has assumed office again and sword loyalty to this new Empire. Squad Dragon's Eye is to infiltrate the city and learn more about the Alessians, General Sidonis, and the nature of the Elven genocide. It is already being called the Severance by Alessian loyalists.
The State of Tamriel


This roleplay will be centered around exploration, character development, combat, plot, and shaping the future of Tamriel. It'll also have a psychological backdrop. It will be player driven, but I will guide you towards the necessary plot points. You'll have a mission and it'll be up to you to complete it however you can. Along the way, you'll be making decisions that could affect the world around you.

The rules are standard, and I don't think that I need to post them here. Try and post quality over quantity, and try and stay active. We'll be starting the game on our way to Falkreath. Depending on the builds of your characters, I may make my own to even out the squad's abilities.

Above all, enjoy yourself, and try to make an interesting character who has the ability to evolve over time. That's what makes any good story. I'm going to say one character only unless you have an idea for two people who really tie into each other's stories (husband-wife, necromancer-reanimated corpse, that sort of jazz), or a character and a pet.

Appearance: (Provide a description, realistic picture or in-game TES character of any game. No anime please.)
Equipment: Keep it lore-friendly.
Weaknesses: Everyone has them.
Personality (optional): This can be revealed in-story. Think of it as a few brief words to sum up the character.
Background: Include why you joined up with Dragon's Eye.
Dragon's Eye

Ormoneric, played by Terminal
Syndelius Odin-Ahhe, played by TaliPaendrag
Numtvee Caynes, AKA Followed by Night, played by Hexaflexagon
Alana Cahan, played by Rock Killjoy
Finnen, played by Leidenschaft
Kiania, played by GreivousKhan
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zadkiel


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Appearance: (Provide a description, realistic picture or in-game TES character. No anime please.)
Equipment: Keep it lore-friendly.
Weaknesses: Everyone has them.
Personality (optional): This can be revealed in-story. Think of it as a few brief words to sum up the character.
Background: Include why you joined up with Dragon's Eye.

(Place holder for my application. I'll edit in as I do the final touches.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 29 days ago

Ormoneric said "Hello me! Have we died again yet, or are we still waiting for the nonsense with the horker tusk and the chair with the broken leg? or wait, am I in Quagmire again? This is not the place for us to complete the circuit, that was done here two years ahead! You dolt, obviously I'm supposed to stand still until you walk behind me and then I fall down de- What are you doing? You got it mixed up again! Stop dying! Everyone, get ready, I messed up again and we need to try again. I promise you'll get it right this time. Just remember to not be me."

Name: His name is on record at the Arcane University as Warlock Ormoneric, but he does not remember. There is much that he does not remember.
Age: He has trouble telling the time, let only how old he is. He is clearly the age of an Elder of at least 60 summers.
Race: Breton
Class: Mage
Birthsign: The Tower
Equipment: Simple clothing (as pictured here), a Malachite Mace, a rusty dagger, Soul Gem Fragments, a copy of Liminal Bridges by Camilonwe, and a copy of Limenflux Transcience by Ormoneric.

Ormoneric said "Why am I here? That's a stupid question! I'm here to ask an old senile hermit why he's joined the Dragon's Eye, and very soon I will walk backwards to the barracks. I still have my lucky septim, the one with the two-headed Akatosh, and so I need to go back to yesterday and remember to forget it.

"You don't need to tell me I'm mad, you already knew that, boy. You aren't mad, you just don't have the senses to see where you are in the cosmological sense! It's been so long since they've been able to truly see whenwhere they are. Thankfully, everything I do is always nearby. Relatively speaking.

"I'm not sure why I'm here nowthere though. All I know is that's therewhen I'm supposed to be. It's the way of things. I have spied it with the finest arguments against that position, and all the data we contributed to the wanderer directed him whenwhere we were supposed to have been will be. You were the outcome boy, and you are the answer that tells me that here is where and when and why and what and who. Not how though. Everyone I've met has agreed that the how wasn't all that important. Which is good. I'm tired of how.

"Does that answer my question? No. I still have that stupid look on his face.

"I am HERE because I traversed the skein of Nirn. I am NOW because from my perspective I have walked forward. I am NEEDED because for what I will see, and what you will do, he must travel forward relatively to see backwards to what they are looking for.

"I am your Mystic, you gibbering old madman, and he shall hold the hated Dragon's Eye safe against the sharpness of our blades and the ferocity of our spellcraft. He is no madman, he is the watcher who stands on every path to guard against our manifold dooms.

"Also because the Cyrodiilic countryside is was and will be boring within that really weirdly shaped window. Where you are going, I will not need eyes to see something new that we will have looked upon with fondness. Also because we couldn't say no to the stupid old man. I needed everyone I could get."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Syndelius Odin-Ahhe
Age: 32
Race: Dark Elf
Class: Battlemage
Birthsign: The Atronach
Equipment: A set of traditional mage robes, enchanted to increase the rate of magicka regeneration, a satchel for carrying potion ingredients, a steel dagger, and his Staff of Healing
Talents/Spells/Strengths: Excels in Destruction and Conjuration magic, but dabbles with the other schools of magic as well, especially Alteration and Restoration. He's also skilled in the use of a staff for melee combat, though he obviously prefers to stay out of those situations. His reservoir of magicka is also noticeably larger than normal due to the blessing of his birthsign.

Weaknesses: Syndelius doesn't have a lot of stamina or strength due to his focus on magic. Also, using Conjuration to create a sword or some such weapon is really a last resort, as he is a novice swordsman at best. Due to his birthsign, he also doesn't recharge magicka naturally. He has to either absorb the magic from other spells or use enchanted gear to recharge it for him. This has the potential to pose a serious problem in combat where there are few mages around.

Personality (optional): Syndelius's blunt mannerisms have a tendency to make him come across as an arrogant individual, but he really isn't arrogant. Confident, sure, but not overly prideful. He actually quite enjoys teaching, and can admit when he is wrong about something. It's only when he knows that he isn't that his bluntness really shines.

Background: Born into a poor farmer's family, it seemed that Syndelius was destined to be just another commoner in the history of the world, but he had an inquisitive mind a knack for understanding magical theories that intrigued one of the wizards of a high family in Morrowind, which allowed him to become a wizard's apprentice.
He learned a lot while an apprentice, but sadly, his master died while he was still learning apprentice-level Destruction spells in a politically motivated attack by a rival family. Deciding that returning home would be admitting to failure, Syndelius worked odd jobs for a few months until he gathered up enough money to travel to Cyrodii to see about joining the College of Whispers, where he would be able to continue learning and perfecting the art of magic.

Once he reached the heart of the Empire, he sought out the first guildhall he could find and applied, demonstrating his ability in a test of sorts to determine if he was able to join. Despite his young age, the Head of the Hall determined that he showed potential and allowed him entrance into the guild so that he could learn the arts of magic.
The next several years were spent just learning. And he learned a little of everything, from the nature of the planes to the history of the Empire to the specifics of the different schools of magic. Though a lot of it was tedious and hard work, he didn't mind. In fact, he thrived on the learning and couldn't wait to begin some of his own research projects. Unfortunately, however, unrest spread from the rebellion of the Nords in Skyrim to the heartland of the Empire, and he was required to go out on missions of sorts to help ensure that nothing spread.

By the time peace had returned, albeit a tentative one, he was approaching his thirtieth winter, and it was only another two years until strife rose again as the prominent General Sidonis led a raid that resulted in the deaths of Elenwen, Elisif, and Ulfric and began the rebellion anew. Due to the threat posed to his people, he was more than willing to sign up for a position on the Dragon's Eye squad, and was readily accepted for his magical talents.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rpg101


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm definitely interested in this. I'm trying to decide between an Orcish warrior, or someone who is more 'balanced' out (someone who's more like an officer rather than just a soldier).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crya


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Terminal: Accepted, but please provide/describe an appearance for him.

Talipaendrag: Also accepted, but the Mages Guild doesn't exist by the time of Skyrim, so please change his guild to either the College of Whispers or the Synod.

rpg: Por que no los dos? An Orc chieftain could see that Orsimer aren't far down on the Elven hit list. It isn't unprecedented; the Orc in the Dawnguard was a chieftain as well.

Also, I'm risking totally spoiling a big part of the story, but I have a penchant for deep psychological questions and mind bending existential theories. I currently have like 15 tabs open on CHIM and the hidden Elder Scrolls meta-world. It's very complicated and I'm trying to learn. Maybe some people in Tamriel have also taken interest...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

I cast morally ambiguous Argonian!

Blackmarsh Name: Numtvee "Tiv" Caynes
Cyrodiliac Name: Followed By Night
Age: 37
Race: Argonian
Class: Scout
Birthsign: The Steed
Equipment: A simple set of leather armor, a steel longsword, a iron wakizashi.

Swift Like The Forest: Due to Her Birthsign as well as spending her early years being trained in Argonian guerrilla tactics Tiv has became efficient in acrobatic endeavors being able to run and jump better then most.
Blessing of the Hist: Due to the nature of their environment, Argonian's such as Tiv are resistant to most poisons and diseases. Living in a swamp that harbors all kinds of dreadful things trying to murder you sometimes has its advantages.
Seasoned Warrior: Having spent most of her Formative years in Argonia's military as they tried to retake the rest of Morrowind. Tiv is no stranger to combat and has learned the ins and outs of combat.
Yer A Lizard Harry!: Being the Lizard Folk that she is Tiv can breath underwater and is as deadly in the water as she is on land.

Mistrust of the Beastfolk: Due to her Beastfolk nature, Tiv is looked down upon by the more "civilized" types of Men and Mer. Also being a "backstabbing dirty scale" most find it hard to trust her.
Magic? What Magic?: Having never found any real use for the magical arts the very idea of them being perplexing to her. Tiv is not just a bad mage. She is a terrible one.
The Guilt of War: Murdering innocents: Men, Women, Children, babies all in the name of the resurgence of the homeland.... It finally catches back up to you and not that she likes to admit it but the ghosts of those she has killed haunt her dreams.
Stab first, talk later: In the adorable Argonian fashion Tiv prefers to treat every problem as if it was a nail and she was the hammer. This of course can sometimes lead to more problems then if one just sat down and talked.

In short Tiv is an individual hardened by the atrocities and devastation that she witnessed in the campaigns of Morrowind is not to say the most trusting or kind individual. Not a hero by any mark of the imagination doing only good things when the pay is better then the evil option. Willing to kill and injure without a instance of self-doubt or second guessing. Doing anything and everything to survive no matter how unscrupulous or morally wrong.

Numtvee Caynes or as most would know her now Followed By Night or just Night for short was born in Blackrose during a very auspicious time for Argonia. For the first time in hundreds of years the tribes of Blackmarsh were united into one unified force. Thanks to the cataclysmic event that was the Red Year and the subsequent destruction of Vvardenfell left the Dunmer weak and open to threats. Night Remembered hearing the tales of the brave forces of Argonia that marched from their homes to back the ancestral lend thst the Dunmer hag taken from them long ago. To repay the elves for every Argonian put in chains an elf would fall. But due to the actions of House Redoran, the Conquest was not yet complete. With Argonia only holding claim of the southern lands of Morrowind.

It is in this time that Numtvee Caynes was born or hatched as it may be and would carve her own mark in history. Like all those of able body she was conscripted into Argonia's Military to combat the Dunmer at age 13. By the time she was born, her people were on the offensive once again having been able to solidify their hold on the south and began to push northward. Night was one of many soldiers that participated in the reclaiming of her people's land. The Argonian soldiers felt little love towards their former slavers and massacred any that would not submit to their rule.

Though the defining moment of her military career might of been what was simply called The Rape of Kragenmoor or The Battle For The West. The Argonia Expeditionary Force had been quelling villages and smaller cities throughout the southern portion of the continent. Killing small pockets of resistance that still lingered about. Though one Dunmer stronghold in the East still stood. Kragenmoor Morrowind's border to Cyrodiil and one the cities that would need to be taken. What happened their is considered a tragedy and horror incomprehensible by historians.

After a month of heavy fighting Argonian Sappers were finally able to bring down the gates of the city and break through the Dunmer lines. Due to the heavy casualties suffered to take the city Argonian soldiers were more bloodthirsty then usual And when they sacked the city none were spared. Night bore witness to the events that transpired and would even admit taking part, but years down the line she would be haunted by images of the events that transpired.

An account by esteemed Breton Scholar Fenris Auctellus who was in Kragenmoor to recover books from the old school of the Tribunal during the siege. Goes as following.

""They swept through the city like hungry falcons attacking a flight of doves, or like raging wolves attacking sheep, with loose reins and shameless faces, murdering and spreading terror...beds and cushions made of gold and encrusted with jewels were cut to pieces with knives and torn to shreds. Those hiding were dragged...through the streets and alleys, each of them becoming a plaything...as the population died at the hands of the invaders. One could walk down the highroad leading from the gate across the entire length of the city and never touch the ground once do to the overwhelming amount of bodies, the blood ran up to one's ankles and the fat from Mer Flesh burned long through the night."
Fenris Auctellus, The Conquest of Morrowind, 1st edition

Night ended up staying on till the end of the campaign, when the Dunmer had officially taken Blacklight from the Dunmer and sent the Elven Queen Fleeing to Slotheism. This was twenty odd or so years ago. With Argonia now dealing with crushing the Children of Morrowind and cementing their control throughout the land. While this was occurring off in her homeland Night had spent the last twenty years as a mercenary. Finding no honor in killing b the remnants of fallen kingdom she retired from the military and not wanting to settle down to become a farmer she picked a job that seemed like the natural course of action for her.

Her travels took her far and wide: Being a bodyguard for a prince in Hammerfell, defending a moon sugar trading route in Elsweyr, taking secrets from Alinor and even helping route a warlord in the Wrothgarin moutains. Wherever she needed to go, she would go, and what ever was needed for her to be done, was done as long as the pay was right. No matter the morally right or wrong thing to do.

This was how she would end up join the Dragon's Eye. The Thalmor hired the Argonian Mercenary with a track record leaning heavily on results to join the fight against the Alessians. To destroy them by any means necessary. And since the wealth of the Thalmor treasury was providing her a hefty some of coin. She had no problem with stabbing a few bumbling idiots for the greater good.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crya


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I accept the morally ambiguous Argonian! I've also given a brief biography of Emperor Sidonis in the OP, to add to that must needed enigma, mystery and tension. Enjoying my dive into CHIM (it's 3 Am, what else am I supposed to do than comprehend a fictional reality. But am I talking about the world of Elder Scrolls? Or our own?? What if both are the same? What if neither are either?)

Edit: Dude, this plot is going to get so meta.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Super interested. I'm thinking maybe a pugilist or a former dark brother hood member, probably a Nord or imperial woman. No forsworn deserter, my creativity cogs are cranking up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"We are part of this world too!"

Name: Alana Cahan

Age: 19


Stone sign: (None as she has only recently left her settlement.)


Appearance: http://wallpoper.com/images/00/23/96/36/women-skyrim_00239636.jpg


:Ancient Nordic Great-sword (inherited from her father.)

:Full Forsworn armor set (more covering then in the picture covering more of the upper chest and shoulders, but as in the game not heavy.)

:Crossbow (picked up off the corpse of a dead dawn guard solider, as well as the accompanying bolts.)


/Woman of the wild (As she spent the whole of her young life in the wilderness, she has a natural affinity to hunting, finding food, identifying tracks and navigating in dense forests.)

/Masochist (Not literal, but due to her style of battle and training in this style Alana is highly resistant to pain. She can easily shrug off all but the heaviest blows.)

/Wild healer (Alana has a decent amount of skill in alchemy, she is able to create the basic potions such as stamina, health and magika potions.)


~None Alana has had no personal experience with magic, only seeing briar hearts use it with in her settlement.


@Physical prowess (Alana is has large amounts of physical power, she can keep up full combat with her Greatsword for vast amounts of time.)

@Mighty Stamina (As she has massive physical power, her stamina is easily a match for it.)


&Magically challenged (Unable to cast even the most basic spell, which is probably for the best....)

&Headstrong (While this is a good trait at times Alana does tend to rush head first into her problems. Be they combat or an argument, her firey passion only stokes this attitude.)

&Forsworn scum (Obviously not many people trust or like Alana, because of her forsworn racial alinement.)

Personality (optional): Firey,Passionate,Excited,Curious, Stubborn, Confident


Alana was born in a forsworn settlement in the reach, high in the mountains. She was hidden from the Nords, and others that would see them wiped off the face of the earth. However Alana always wanted to see the rest of skyrim, and possibly even the whole of Tamriel. Her father a forsworn hunter and her mother a alchemist, she grew up like any forsworn child; learning how to survive in the harsh wilderness off the land. Learning her place in the settlement, how to fight and raid learning that the Nords were her enemies.

She believed that bit for most of her young years, as she grew older she began to branch out and think for herself. Alana didn't see why her people and the Nords had to fight, there was more then enough land for them to live in harmony. The whole time the civil war was occurring she stayed in the settlement, her parents forbidding her from leaving. She tried to stay up to date in news and when her 19th birthday came around she left the settlement. Searing about the thalmar she decided she couldn't sit by as a war raged on around her, no not like the rest of the forsworn who believed it wasn't their issue. Alana knew the Thalmar wouldn't stop, not until they crushed everyone with free will even her people would fall. She left the settlement with her fathers sword and blessing. Alana caught wind of a group of volunteers called the Dragons Eye from a wagon driver. This was exactly what she was looking for, thus she set out for falkreath. A scared and excited naive young girl, with a fire in her heart that raged hotter then the hottest forge.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 29 days ago

Crya said
Terminal: Accepted, but please provide/describe an appearance for him. Talipaendrag: Also accepted, but the Mages Guild doesn't exist by the time of Skyrim, so please change his guild to either the College of Whispers or the Synod. rpg: Por que no los dos? An Orc chieftain could see that Orsimer aren't far down on the Elven hit list. It isn't unprecedented; the Orc in the Dawnguard was a chieftain as well.Also, I'm risking totally spoiling a big part of the story, but I have a penchant for deep psychological questions and mind bending existential theories. I currently have like 15 tabs open on CHIM and the hidden Elder Scrolls meta-world. It's very complicated and I'm trying to learn. Maybe some people in Tamriel have also taken interest...

The dreaming godhead's name is Amaranth, incidentally. ;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

My bad. I wasn't aware that it had been disbanded before the events of Skyrim. But I got it all fixed now! :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crya


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@Rock Killjoy: Accepted. And Amaranth certainly has come up on the radar, along with lot of trippy stuff. Cyborgs? In MY TES? It's more likely than you think.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leidenschaft
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Leidenschaft Relax, only half-dead

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Crya said
I accept the morally ambiguous Argonian! I've also given a brief biography of Emperor Sidonis in the OP, to add to that must needed enigma, mystery and tension. Enjoying my dive into CHIM (it's 3 Am, what else am I supposed to do than comprehend a fictional reality. But am I talking about the world of Elder Scrolls? Or our own?? What if both are the same? What if neither are either?)Edit: Dude, this plot is going to get so meta.

Be careful, you might Zero-Sum.

Also, lurking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crya


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

1 + -1 = 1. I AM. Have a character in mind?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 29 days ago

Any chance of starting the IC soon? The original three are ready (so to speak) and there will be plenty of time before the action starts for the others to finish their sheets and introduce their characters.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crya


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I'll start it soon, but I'd like to give everyone who expressed interest a chance to post a character. I don't want to discourage anyone from joining because the RP has already started.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leidenschaft
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Leidenschaft Relax, only half-dead

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Crya said
1 + -1 = 1. I AM. Have a character in mind?

I do, a couple, really. I do need to know if this RP has any need of a nightblade master of disguise. If not, I can make something else.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crya


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

It certainly wouldn't hurt the RP.

EDIT: The roleplay will be starting tomorrow or Wednesday; character creation will not close anytime soon, but please at least express interest so I know how to handle the squad. With 4 characters (maybe 5-6 if other people come through) then it's a good sized infiltration squad, and we can go from there. Obviously this world is going to be massively scaled up from Elder Scrolls V, so an arrival of 5 people in Falkreath won't be the equivalent of doubling the town's numbers...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leidenschaft
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Leidenschaft Relax, only half-dead

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Name: Finnen

Age: 20

Race: Reachman (Breton, if asked)

Class: Nightblade

Birthsign: The Shadow

Appearance: Most Reachmen from the Northeastern Reach share more in common with the interbreeding of Elf and Breton. Tall and lithe, fair of hair, faint points on the ear and angular faces belong to this arm of Reachman culture. Finnen is no exception to these rules, except he finds himself at an unimposing 5’8”. He stays completely shaven but is able to grow a beard. Slightly effeminate features, lithe but muscled, no excess mass to slow him. Milky blonde hair of an altmer kept in a simple bun, blue eyes of the man-races.

Equipment: Green traveling cloak, leather breastplate, pauldrons and leg plates. Worn leather boots, black leggings, white blouse shirt. Steel dagger on hip, steel dagger on the small of his back, small push dagger in boot.

Rogue’s Do It Dirty: Being a nightblade, Finnen is a talented assassin, able to walk away from a knife-fight in close-quarters with another man’s blood on his shirt. He is a crafty fighter, major arteries and the groin are always his targets and he is apt to polish his blade with poison.
Are you a boy or a girl?: Looking like a ponce has actually benefitted Finnen in his life as a nightblade and he can go from a boy too young to shave, a hairy-cheeked man or a woman- though, that was always a dangerous business and is always reserved for targets that just can’t be taken any way else.
A Shadow Among Shadows: Due to his skills as a nightblade, he has learned how to climb and scale buildings and walls to get to those where less tact and more knife is needed. He is exceptional at sneaking and getting into hard-to-reach places.

Spells: Conjuration
-Reanimate Corpse, every Reachman has some skill in Necromancy.
-Bound Dagger, the weapon never seen is the deadliest.

-Detect Pulse
, he needs to know who’s on the other side of those walls.

Restoration: Healing, he likes his blood to stay in his insides.
Healing Hands, No one wants to die alone, but everyone wants a friend to make sure they don’t die at all.

Destruction: Burning Touch, He likes to stay in close, a target far away is a lot of coins lost.
Cold Touch
Curse of Weakness,
They can’t run from him if they don’t have the energy to.

Knife Fighter: He is not a swordsman, he is not a knight, he is not a strong man. Play to his strengths and you will not be disappointed. Make him into something he can’t be and you’ll be short a man.
I’m not a misanthrope, I hate everyone equally: He hates most of the men-races by default and is apt to distrust them due to the injustices done to his people in the past. He hates mer for the dirty looks they have given him for simply having different blood. Don’t expect him to play well.
Anti-Social: He holds his words close and one may never know him no matter how many words pass between them. He is quiet, sometimes sharp to be left alone and can be a team player if given an incentive. Can be.
Milk of the Poppy, Essence of the Moonsugar: Finnen has a taste for the drugs and vices of Tamriel and when he is not looking to put his knife between ribs he is looking to put himself under intoxication.

Personality (optional): Finnen holds himself close. He is quiet and looks as delicate as his features, but he is sharp with it. He knows his strengths and will play them for his own gain. He seems distant at most times and whether his mind is clouded by the drugs or some memory of something, few will ever know. He doesn't like to be told to do something, but will have no problem doing something he thinks will do him some good. That very thing might also do the group good. He is an unapologetic, manipulative, dangerous individual with a temper as long as his memory. Everyone gets theirs sooner or later, just make sure you're not in the list.

Background: Finnen was born in the Northeastern Reach to the Crow-Wife clan of the Reachmen. From a young age he was taught the traditional talents of his people. Alchemy, hedge magicks and how to wield a weapon. He was exceptional at these skills and showed much promise through hard hours of work. It was drilled into his mind that many people will kill him simply because of who he is, so he might as well learn how to kill them for it. And he did. But his skills wouldn’t help against the dragon that burned his village and his family on that fateful night, too quiet before the loud beating of big wings. He was the first to see it and the only one to see it go.

He wandered ever after until he was found by men too rough to be called family but too tight to be called strangers. He ran with them for a while, robbing the road-travelers and hiding in caves and ruins. He honed his talents even more, able to practice what his father and mother taught him. His touch became ice or fire and the only mercy his fingers gave was that of a sleeping death. He lived with the bandits for many days, earning himself a name among them and earning the favor of their leader. They treated him well enough under their leader but every group has a pecking order. Finnen was not one to let himself be pecked to death and so struggled to stay as high as he could to at least be left alone to stay out of the way of the others.

It was only until the leader of their band was overthrown in a coup and he was thrown away after what they did to him. He wandered to the nearest town and took refuge in an inn, where he learned the skills of the women-of-the-night, how to walk, how to dress, dyes for the hair, learning how to concoct potions that would effect a person’s openness to suggestion or cloud the mind, or to create sensations bordering on ecstasy. It was also with this alchemical knowledge he began to make poisons. When his former bandit associates stopped by their town and made red slaughter of every man from fifteen to fifty and even cleaved a few wenches through, some being his friends, he clenched his teeth and made to intervene immediately. Something held him back, fear, maybe. But that something told him to play the long game. And so it began.

It was three years. Three years of asking every roadside innkeeper, every traveler, following every sign of bandit activity and he picked them off one by one, developing and experimenting with new ways to lure in his prey. Clothes with poorer fabrics in a style of a pauper, clothes with richer fabrics, a chin made of putty, a hat tucked low, a woman’s robes and a lilt in the voice, he used different techniques to kill each man. When he finally came to the man who had made him feel less than such on that night, who made him feel like the filth could never be scrubbed out, he took his time.

Small cuts here and there. He didn’t even know teeth cracked and shattered when a hot iron was pressed against them. It’s a very slow process in hammering nails through scalp and bone and he learned just how fragile men can be that one tiny piece of steel could make them lose something that made them human. Make them laugh one moment, cry the next or just go blank and start drooling. Flesh and blood, that’s all men are. Give Finnen a quiet moment, a dark room, bedchambers and he’ll show you. You won’t even remember your trespass, but he will.

The rumors of his deeds in the years following reached the ears of important men in High Rock and Skyrim and he managed to earn himself a pretty penny for spilling men’s blood. Flipping form one lord to another, serving one man then the next. High Rock had become a very opportunity-filled place after the Empire started to crumble into dust. Emperors come and go, so do Empires. He would let them kill each other, even help some kill others, as long as he had coin and a bed to sleep in.

It wasn’t long until the Penitus Oculatus heard of him, and it was one part lawkeeping and one part job offering they gave him. An ultimatum: they kill him or he earns their coin. He obviously chose the latter. It would be a few months of service before Lyvander Sidonis became the scourge no one expected. The Mede Emperor declared it fit for Lyvander to die by cloak and dagger but every assassin sent after him was either seen again at his side or seen again as a corpse. Finnen liked neither of those and so he deserted his duties as the time for him to try his hand at killing Lyvander came. The Penitus Oculatus found him again, unsurprisingly, and offered another ultimatum: We will kill you or you will do your duty to the Empire.

He chose the latter.

He now finds himself attached to a group named Dragon’s Eye, forcefully signed on by order of the Penitus Oculatus, something he is still sore about.
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