Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Being a brand-new member to this particular forum, since I stumbled upon it just today by sheer chance and found it quite interesting, I think this interests discussion struck me the most. I love how it has so much potential to grow into pretty much anything. You could add so many races to this, and the amount of potential a Medieval fantasy has is just...wow. Off the charts.
Unfortunately, I've never played WoW before. And if it does end up becoming like that, well, someone's going to have to explain the dynamics at some point. I'm looking forward to that.

Some races could be:

And you could actually have many animal crosses instead of just werewolves, if you're looking into that.
Personally, the undead seems to be taking it a tiny bit far, in my opinion. I mean...hopefully it doesn't turn into another Twilight-esque RP.
And well, these animal crosses could have mixed parents and so be able to shapeshift, and maybe possess some permanent features. Most prominent ears and tails, maybe? I don't know, but the people who would like these could decide.

Looking forward to this.
Please, don't take an idea like this and have it open to solely one liners. Would break my heart.
Apologies, barging in here, making such long posts, etc.
And I'll eagerly wait for the next post by OP or otherwise.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

woops, wrong thread, terribly sorry xD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Warlord


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


I'm glad you like it so far. Let me answer or comment your post:
- NO TWILIGHT, with undead I mean't skeletons, necromancers, zombies, liches etc. Vampires are just a subrace to the 'Orc kingdom'. I'll make limits to how many people can make a character of each race. (So it won't end up 10 vampires and 1 orc - king.)
- On animal crosses... I have nothing against it, we'll have them. But I don't want to see nekos and stuff walking everywhere, so the same rule will apply to that - limit.

- I put the idea here as I don't really know what qualifies in the casual rp section. Thanks for reminding me tho. No one liners, or it gets boring quickly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ah, thank goodness! I was worried it would be Twilight all over, ugh. Thaaaat would be sad.
And limits sound pretty good at this stage. So no over neko-ing it, or over vampiring it. I know I have the race for my character in mind.
And ah! Thank you. No one liners. Officially really great OP.

Looking forward to this, then. ^^ Quite much.

Also, I do apologise for coming off so cold. A certain somebody told me...ahaha.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I am intrigued. ^^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rainmaker


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'll just go ahead and signal interest as well. Don't really have any character in mind yet, but i'll come up with something soon!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheObsidianWolf


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

deadpixel101 said
Sorry master...I have never been privileged enough to be a lumberjack

So... I'm scanning through this quick reading when I see this conversation about lumberjacks. When all of the sudden I see the above comment. Scrolling back up I reread the conversation and for some reason it was totally and completely hilarious and I literally had to close my computer and make myself breath.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Warlord


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alright, so let me continue towards shaping the RP.

The land was in harmony for many generations, with only slight conflicts between the two largest powers. These were the Kingdom of Armania and Razgar's Clan. Humans and Orcs never liked each other to begin with. The reason being was, that long ago, Orc ancestors invaded these lands and Humans kept them at bay. When the blood hungry old Orc Warchiefs passed away, the new ones tried to wage peace in exchange for land, for them to settle peacefully. The great king of that time agreed on such a request as the war has taken up a lot of resources and eventually lives of great men and women. Eventually, there was peace and harmony for ages to come. Until the Humans felt hungry for land and power. Not only that, but with the new king, there was a lot of racism propaganda going on. Orcs saw the same thing going on in their cities. They did, however, not lust for land. They knew that their past Warchiefs made mistakes on great scales, but Humans were blinded by their hatred, which developed through all these years. Recently small groups of rebels were ambushing the Human caravans, leading Humans to think that their Warchief is responsible. That was exactly what these rebels wanted the Humans to think. That went to far ... King Arman IV has made an Armanian Union, gathering forth the races who oppose or despise Orcs as well. Orcs had no other chances and they had enough of Human arrogance, forming Razgar's Tribes together, gathering forth the races who would love to see Humans dead, or bound to their will. Both sides will fight for land, honor and glory.

And so ... The Great War has begun.

Kingdom of Armania (King Arman IV) -> Alliance: Armanian Union -> Humans, elves, fairies, dryads etc. You can make your own race, as long as it's pure and it would be acceptable to be in great relationship with Humans.

Razgar's Clan (Warchief Razgar) -> Alliance: Razgar's Tribes -> Orcs, minotaurs, ogres, dark/evil elves etc. You can make your own race, as before. It has to be a race that humans would most likely disapprove of.

We're getting closer to an IC my friends. My character coming later today, but CS is here for you guys already.

Side: (Armanian Union or Razgar's Tribes)
Appearance: (Picture)
Personality: (Aggressive, friendly, flirty, loyal?)
Backstory: (No need to put an essay here.)
Weapon: (Your primary weapon. It can have special abilities.)
Magics: (If you're a magic user. If you're a Paladin for example, you can only use Holy magic. No fireballs and lightning strikes etc.)
Other: (If you wish to state something not listed, or expand on some other matter.
Strength: (One thing your character does well or possesses.)
Weakness: (Self explanatory.)

NOTE: If I, or anyone else thinks that a character is OP, or the user portrays him as Godlike and I can confirm that myself, I'll ask him/her to edit the character. (Also applies to characters doing Godlike or dodgy stuff during the RP.) If he/she doesn't comply, they will be removed from the RP. (Sick of all the demon/vampire crosses, super duper assassin's creed assassins ... I'm very picky about this, so I'll read every CS closely.)

Presenting the rules too:
- No godmodding,
- No metagaming,
- And other logical stuff. (Mostly respect towards other RPers OOC.)

One warning = OK. Two warnings = Removed from the RP. (If people complain about you too much and I find it justified.)
I am the only GM as of now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GodOfChaos
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Shall we put our CS's to the side or post them here?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Warlord


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Feel free to post them here.
(I still need to figure out about the Kings. It would be boring to play as them if they'd just sit on their thrones etc.)

Name: Keith
Race: Human
Age: 32
Side: Armanian Union
Personality: Courageous, loyal, values honour (He will refuse to kill enemies who yield or surrender, despite his hatred. IF they fought honourably, that is.), but friendly and protective of his HUMAN allies. However, he hates all the inhuman races due to his father's unfortunate fate years ago. Gaining trust as different race will be a long and painful task for anyone who wants to befriend him and get close to him. But it will be more than worth it, with his strength and courage beside you.

Weapon: The Deathbringer
An enormous, intimidating and brutal greatsword. It's sole purpose is for cutting anything to pieces with ease. It is a fearful sight on the battlefield for the enemies, while being a glorious sight for it's allies. It's special ability is passive: "It has a great cutting ability due to it's massive weight and size. But why this blade really stands out is because it can hurt and kill incorporeal beings. It does 'sense' invisible beings (Cloaked units) as well. If they're invisible and present (5 m around the blade) Keith 'sees' where they are." (Don't make abilities like: It gives me 1000% more speed and blink, while enraging me and making me gain immensive strength.)

Backstory: As a little child Keith lost his father to a bandit ambush, consisting of various races, not far from his home in the countryside. That event has built hatred in Keith towards all the other races. Even the ones friendly to and serving the Kingdom of Armania. Years of training and his inhuman strength have made him a tall and muscular man, which allowed him to pick up a greatsword, which is an impossible feat for a mere knight or even someone such as a paladin. The reason he chose to handle a greatsword, was his father's wish that he could one day wield the family heirloom as many generations of his family couldn't. It was The Deathbringer. To this day, he has granted his father's wish, but he has yet to have his vengeance...

Strength: His immensive strength, meelee combat.
Weakness: Ranged and magic enemies, as well as not being too swift with the blade. Although the length and brute force make up for that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Olaf
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Olaf hmmmmm

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Prince Galdor Ancalímon of the high Elvin Kingdom
Age: 25
Race: Elvin
Side: (Armanian Union or Razgar's Tribes) Armanian Union
Personality: Wise, mysterious , loyal, trustworthy
Backstory: Galdor is an elf that comes from the high Elvin kingdom. He is the prince next in line to crowned but he has yet to see battle and for him to be a high elevn king he has to be in battle to gain knowledge so if in fact the elves need to go to war he can plan tacitly. But he is a master hunter can hunt anything int he forest. But little is known that he has a twin brother who is more likly to gain the chair of the kingdom which is not worry for Galdor.
Weapon: The bow that galdor always uses is the magic bow crafted by the paladin elves that lived once ago. The power poses the user to be able to be the best Archer anyone has ever seen.
Magics: Animal bonding and animal control
Other: Galdor is also have two blades and ithat is just two regular swords nothing special.
Strength: Master archer can hit a taret in between the eyes
Weakness: not burly so long ammounts of hand to hand combat weaken him
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Warlord


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sorry, I was at my grandparent were there was no internet. I'll start working on my character.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kilune
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Kilune Forever does she seek the unknown...

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Kilune

Age: 24 1/2

Race: Elven

Side: Armanian Union


Personality: Loyal, Flirty, Reserved

Backstory: Orphaned as a child, Kilune found her way throught the darkened lands of the dark elf lands as a theif at first. Over the years as she grew she became a master swordswoman for higher. She found a light elf that taught her kindness, and the way of the earth and from there on out she has served as bounty hunter and war woman in the fight for what she believed as right.


An elven blade blessed by Kilune's teacher, embeded with magic runes.

Magics: Kilune has the ability to control aspects of nature. She can control water flow, vines hanging from trees, even lifting roots from the ground. Though as she is young, her magics are still being harnessed.


Strength: Remains loyal, she is a fighter to the end, she is good with magic and with her sword.

Weakness: Kilune can be a bit rash, not thinking things through 100% before jumping into something head first. She tends to sometimes shut people out, even when she doesn't mean to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


~Stands at 4'8~


Looks14 but is actually 30 years old

Meliad- Nymph of Ash and Fruit Trees

Armanian Union

Very shy and timid. She hardly is very wary to strangers or people she does not know. However she is very protective over people she cares about and will protect them with her life. She puts others well-being before her own and rarely is concerned with her own safety, more so worrying about others. She is startled and embarrassed quiet easily and is able to become flustered and blush very quickly.

(working on)

A small dagger that she will never use unless there is no other option

- She can speak to others with her thoughts but she has to be touching their skin to be able to do so
- She can communicate with all plant and animal life

She is very good at climbing and is very nimble

Any damage done to her tree damages her as well. If her tree dies, she dies

- She is a Healer for the Union
- She is unable to speak out loud
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Warlord


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alright, looks great. Two Elves, so I am putting a limit on the race at this point.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Im going to join when i get my laptop out the shop
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by riprofsuls


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Roacoatl

Age: Unknown...spends many decades in hibernation and loses track of his own age, though his mentality is that of a young boy.

Race: Feathered Serpent Dragon

Side: Neutral


Personality: child-like, selfish at times, and curious.

Backstory: Has spent most of his time living in the comfort of his valley swamp, he had left his parents to go and claim his own territory. Everything was quite peaceful for him until he was captured my a large band of dark elves with power enough to shackle him and force him into his human form. Since the beginning of the war he has been the prisoner of the Razgar side.

Dragon Magic: Only the older dragons know how to control it, the hatchlings however are capable of using it to perform mighty deeds though the outcome of each time the magic is used is never a certain thing. This magic is older and more powerful than any other, for this matter many of the older dragons are hunted down and extinguished of life in fear of their mighty power. (if you have read the Eragon books then you will get what I am talking about).

Dragon Fire: the standard breath of any dragon.

Dragon hide, claw and tooth: self explanatory.

Berserker: Willing to fight till the end.

Magical Chains: when he was captured these were placed on his neck to prevent his changing into a dragon and to prevent him from both breathing fire and using dragon magic.

Immature: takes nothing seriously, likes to play around far too much no matter the danger that surrounds him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by armorless


Member Offline since relaunch

Is there still room, and would blood magic be to far off base.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Olaf
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Olaf hmmmmm

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

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