Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Todd! I found some survivors..! Damn... they're stuck under this bar... Hey, help me out!"
"One.. two.. three..!"
"...Alright, one at a time, lets make this quick!... run towards 5th street, there's a squad of officers waiting for any survivors--"
"Shit! Todd, they found us! We gotta get outta here--"
"No! Not until everyone is out! Come one, keep climbing... go go go!"


"Todd, there's too many! We have to leave!"
"Just one more... come on, cutiepie, everything will be alrig--"

Todd Reynolds woke up to the imaginary sound of an explosion. His heart was racing, his breath was heavy, and he was in a cold sweat. He hated that dream. Because it wasn't just a dream. It was reality. A living nightmare that he constantly endured with every single moment. He flinches when people yell, freezes when New York is mentioned, and cant help but scream when he hears explosions. He sat up and looked over at the clock on the nightstand. It was 6:30. It was time to wake up anyways. Today was a special one. It was the first day back to classes. The new "school" year at Tony Stark Academy was beginning. He opened his blinds to show the sunrise on beautiful Malibu Beach. Stark made the large Academy right across from Malibu, and close to his house just in case.

Many people went back home during this break. But not Todd. He felt like being alone will help him. The peace and quiet at the beach early in the morning, and late at night helped him... He was a veteran here as well. He felt at home here. He climbed out of bed, his naked torso covered in scars from his military days shined in the sunlight as he went to the bathroom. He then walked out after his shower in the TSA uniform shirt, some jeans, and sneakers. His hair was messy, yet looked perfect. His dark green eyes held a strong sense of reassurance. He grabbed the watch on the counter as well as his wallet and backpack. As soon as he put it on, the touchscreen of the watch turned to life. "Goodmorning Mr. Reynolds. It is 6:50. The temperature is 60 degrees Fahrenheit, the high will be 89." The voice of his own personal Jarvis spoke, showing him the weather for today on the screen.

"Sounds like a nice, sunny day." Todd said, as he saw a hologram of the school pop up. "Sir, please don't forget to download your schedule down at the Dormitory Lobby." It also stated. Todd swung his backpack around his shoulder, and walked out of his room, eager to see what class he had today.

The school had a very slick and nice modern style to it. Most of the buildings were made of marble and stainless steel, with many windows. The sidewalks were were also made of a smooth, white concrete. The lawn was a dark green, fresh, and neatly cut with small plants near the sides. Each building had a large letters engraved on the sides. Like "Technology Hall" and "Mechanics Building." And things of that nature. The main gate was also made of steel, and the sidewalk lead to the center of the Campus, where a large fountain stood, with the original Mark II ironman armor was frozen in power stance.

Todd walked down the halls, giving a smile and nod to people that remembered him. Todd was one of the icons here. He was one of the first, and had a very interesting back story. People always thought to be nice to him. He walked down the stairs to see new students already piling in. In the center of the room was a large, thin screen that glowed blue on both sides. Outside there were more people coming in either as new freshman, or returning ones coming back from vacation from luxury buses courtesy of Stark Industries. Todd made his way towards the crowd of people, making his way to touch the screen with his watch. Once he did, Jarvis' voice came through the air. "Downloading your schedule, student information, and team members." It spoke, showing a bar of the progress. As it downloaded, Todd was thinking about other things. He was excited to see old friends return, ready to meet new ones, but most importantly, wanted to see his suit again, Retro.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Penny sat a top a stool in her lab looking at the latest results of her work on energy deflection. She'd altered the nano tubes as much as she could and yet they showed no discernible increase in their ability to deflect any more energy than they did. She'd used silicone, carbon and exotic combinations and still nothing.
Most people would have given in to frustration and possibly rage but Penny wasn't wired that way. No to her all this meant was that she had discovered one more mystery of the subatomic world of physics. Mysteries were to be solved and the pursuit of solution was her drug and she was addicted.

Penny......Penny........Miss Penny, it is time to close this project and attend armor training says a soft feminine voice from the air around her.

Oh...is it that time already Matilda? asks Penny as she moves her hands through the holodynamic control board and puts her research to bed

Yes Penny it is that time once more answers Matilda with a soft chuckle

Okay then please prep Maiden to the required specs of today's lesson plan.....oh and did you replace the catheter with the one designed yet? The standard one made me itch after insertion asks Penny as she hangs her lab coat on it's hook

Of course Miss Penny, we can't have you itching after class....the urge to scratch is unlady like adds Matilda as she confirms that she's altered Maiden to Penny's request

Matilda is like all the other aids at Stark and an extension of the Jarvis AI but Penny had customized her partitioned aid / companion. Her voice was sampled from Mary Poppins and Angela Jolie's Laura Croft and sense of humor.
It wasn't that Penny didn't want a male voice so intimately connect with her but that she had no female friends
When Penny exited her lab she's already changed into her academy uniform her hair pulled back into a flaming red ponytail as her tailored shirt molded to her curves with jaw dropping effect as did her slacks.
Penny knew why she had the affect she did on the opposite sex as well as a few of her own but the lack of self control was still a mystery. She herself found several of those around her arousing but she managed to control her physical urges and not stare.
She had come to a conclusion that trilled her surrogate parents and that was that she was most assuredly bisexual. She'd discovered this during unarmed combat training and she'd felt her body heat up in response to the contact more from desire for the person than friction.
One day soon she was going to have to take a chance and enter the relationship game and try her luck her Uncle Fred had told her. He'd even suggested she take on multiple partners for comparison and fun. Most people would have been shocked by. Her and her surrogate Uncle's conversations but Penny adored them.
She didn't need to check in like the other students because she'd already committed the lesson plan to memory and knew that if there'd been another revision that she'd have been informed by Matilda. She instead went to the assembly point and using her pad began a check on everyone's suits and their position in the maintenance schedule.
That's when she received a text from Mr. Stark asking about her project and how her assessment of the Armor training was coming along. She sent him her finding thus far hoping his wonderful ability to see solutions could help and added that she was sure she'd receive a gold star for her attendance.
Tony for his part asked when he'd authorized the wasteful use of gold and that he'd never got one when he was training in his armor.
When Penny signed off after trading a few light jokes with her employer she sighed. She was quite sure if he'd not been involved with Pepper that she'd have wanted to be among his conquests. His charm and skill as a lover was renowned and who better to begin to explore herself with than someone like him?
"Oh well she sighed as she resumed her eariler work with a bright smile
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A luxury bus had taken Bo for a long, long ride across the country. He had to come all the way from Massachusetts for crying out loud! The seats of the bus were very nice and only about six people got on the bus throughout the entire trip. Bo knew none of them and slept almost the whole way there. The seat had left an imprint on the side of his face and he had a drool stain on his old dirty shirt,=. It was hard to notice the new stain as the other ones overpowered it.
He had finally awoke by rolling off of the seat he slept on as the bus came to a stop, smacking his face and arm on the floor. "hn mmm" he moaned as he forced himself up. He stroked his stubble that he forgot to shave before he left and grabbed his bag. With one arm through the strap he slowly walked out, eyes half closed.
There it was. The main hall, with technology that Bo only dreamed of seeing sitting on display as if it were common. His eyes widened and he hurried inside, gliding through the crowd, cutting almost everyone in line without being noticed. He almost reached into a few pockets on his way out of habit, but forced himself to awkwardly hold his hands upward so he wouldn't. He had to be a good guy for now, and the rest of time. Not that he wasn't a good guy.
The robotic voice greeted him as he moved to the front of the line, cutting at least 7 or eight people who were eagerly waiting their turns. "Bo, glad to see you are joining us. Downloading your schedule, student information, and team members." Just like it did for the other student who was there. He looked at him, gave a weak smile while looking him up and down and then opened his mouth for the first time in the school. "Where do I get one of those fancy shirts, pal?" He asked the man in possibly the most lazy and full of 'I just woke up'-ness as one could speak. He scratched his stubble once more and yawned.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Katerina was honestly surprised when they let her in threw customs without a second bat of an eye(the first being how she was dressed...she was hanging out with some of her cousins in a gypsy clan in England and had come from a wedding when she realized just how close she was to missing her plane so no time to change from gypsy wedding clothes to regular clothes and she absolutely detested changing in those small bathrooms on the planes...it was only something she did if it was absolutely necessary and she didn't deem it necessary, the second being the fact that last time she tried to fly commercially she wasn't exactly allowed). She carried threw customs and out of Laguardia International Airport. She always spent her summers backpacking around Europe or with a cousin Gypsy clan in England or Russia or Bulgaria. She went into the nearest bathroom on the outside of customs and put on some jeans and a short sleeve shirt and walked back out, blending in like anybody else in the crowd. She wasn't flying the rest of the way...she had her baby to take her back to the Academy.
Katerina pulled her GTO into a parking spot and rolled up the windows. She had been driving for about four days straight almost(stopping to sleep and eat) but she was finally in Malibu and at the Academy. She really didn't mind it but traveling alone could become tiresome. But she was back to the place she had been calling home for the last two years and smiled. She grabbed her watch and turned it on, and it took a second to boot up but then she was rewarded with the voice of Alexandra...her version of Jarvis.
"Good morning Katerina...you need to get your schedule from the Dormitory Lobby. You also have twenty missed messages on your cell phone...would you like to listen to them them?" Alexandra asked and Katerina sighed. She had turned the damned thing off when her mother was calling her repeatedly after realizing she had been in the Continent and hand't come to visit her. She didn't want to deal with her mother but of course the wristwatch was synced with her phone...she sighed and nodded.
"No, delete them...and block my mothers number please. At least until tonight, and remind me to call her tonight but if the call goes on for more then five minutes, run interference." Katerina said and she walked into the Dormitory Lobby. She muted her watch and snuck up on Todd. He was one of her closest friends here so she felt no remorse as she jumped on his back.
"Todd!" She smiled, getting a few odd glances but she was always weird and most everybody knew that. She looked down at his schedule that was downloading.
"Think we have any classes together this year?" She asked him, smiling like a maniac. As much as she hated being cooped up in one place... she sure did miss this place...well more so the people here like Todd.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Several heads that still remained in front of the gate turned as a S.H.I.E.L.D. VTOL craft approached, it's propellers filling the air with beating noise.Setting down on the lawn in front of the academy, it deposited a lanky girl with a backpack and black metal suitcase. As the engines roared and the craft went away, Jane turned around and took in the sight. Oh, this image she wouldn't mind keeping for all eternity. Taking a breath, she started making her way to her new home.

Jane realized quickly just how big the place was. It took some time for her just to get to the dorms without having to talk to somebody about it. The mass of people also didn't please her all that much. From the description she got back on the helicarrier, she expected the students won't be that numerous. And even her skills didn't help her here, as trying to move discretely when wearing a giant bag and hauling a suitcase was quite impossible.

The racket around the lobby terminal was a dead giveaway, and so Jane headed that way first. Been given the personal Ai servant just a few minutes ago, she quite struggled with getting it to do what she wanted, silently cursing at it. The infernal machine wasn't necessary. Were the students here unable to perform even such things such as downloading a schedule without it's help? Oh boy, this is going to be fun. Jane hope she didn't break it already, although she very much wanted to introduce the watch to the business end of a repulsor. Frustrated, she turned to some other students: "Could you please help me get this... thing.. to work?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GrandDM2


Member Offline since relaunch

While everyone else was sleeping, Jack West was up. Not just in the sense of being awake and moving around, but also literally up, because he was on the roof. Every morning he would get up at four o'clock and ascend to the top of the building to train. He chose this spot for three reasons: the quiet, the views and the fact that the sun rose directly behind him, silhouetting him as he went through complicated martial-arts moves. He just loved the looks on people's faces as they went around below, looking up to see him on the roof.

Of course, nobody really had that look any more. He'd been around since the Academy's foundation, and he was pretty well-known. The new students were always fun, at least for a week or so while they were still gawping at everything, but it all settled back down too quickly for Jack's liking. He preferred things crazy and hectic. This was why his workshop was a complete mess of machine parts, technical equipment, bits of suit and various other odd things. Despite the slapdash appearance of it, he knew where everything was, and everything was arranged for optimum efficiency. Just... densely.

His morning practice consisted of three hours in total. Half an hour each of karate, jujutsu, kung-fu and Eagle Claw, then an hour of Iron Strike. That morning, he was absorbed in developing some new moves for Iron Strike, and failed to notice the time. Thankfully, he was alerted by the arriving crowds, heading back inside to shower and breakfast. The hot water ran over his muscular frame, cleaning him from the exertion of his daily training routine and readying him for the upcoming day. Quickly putting on his favourite pair of shorts, he tucked the school shirt into their waistband and headed out to the main hall. He habitually went bare-chested and barefoot. Going shoeless was an excellent way to toughen up the feet, but the lack of a shirt was more a personal thing than for any particular reason. He just worked better without one.

Breezing through the crowd, sharing the occasional fist-bump with people he knew, he waved his Jarvis watch at the screen to download his timetable. His custom chassis was almost complete; the time would soon come when the watch would be obsolete for him. It was a masterpiece if he said so himself - ultralight alloys that were still strong, systems to emulate every facet of human existence, a synthetic covering that perfectly copied the look and feel of real skin, hair and so on. All that remained was to plug in some of the internal systems, do some fine-tuning, get around to customizing his Jarvis (something he still hadn't bothered to do after two years) and upload it into the chassis.

That would be fun, especially since he'd asked Tony for his Jarvis to be given a martial-arts package. It would be nice to have someone to spar with properly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Penny seemed oblivious as the others filed in as she went trough all the armor checks she had to verify before she'd be satisfied. Penny a perfectionist and researcher loved the details in everything; her personal maxim "Dabbles in minimal"

"Hello Doc, Hi Doc" and other greetings flew at her like rain towards a duck and rolled off her with as much notice from those returning team members. Many first meeting her might think her as cold as Ice and perhaps a bit arrogant but those that took the trouble to found her be actually funny and a warm person though a bit oblivious to personal relations.

Her fingers danced trough the holo controls of her pad as one after the other notation or suggestion was registered or sent to the student in question's pad.
Mr. Stark himself loved her intensity but often teased her about having a silicon heart and worrying about all work an no play.
He'd even sent her away this break and removed her access to company systems in an effort to get her to live life as he put it. She'd flown in the company jet to the bungalow at the Atlantis Casino and taken the 10,000 in comp chips he'd extended her and testing probability theory at the roulette table quickly been banned after five hours and soaking the casino for 150,000.
Free of her required time at the gaming tables Penny had explored the island and found an expedition from Wood's hole Institute having trouble with their ROVs and pitched in and repaired as well as improved their functions.
The Oceanographers had invited her to set out with them which she'd eagerly done spending 5 days at sea.

It was on this little side trip in her life that she'd met a marine biologist Dr. Kamala Veranu who'd been the first person to ever kiss her passionately.
She had been on deck with her as the moon hung low and filled the horizon appearing three times it's normal size and reflecting of a calm sea. Penny had been observing that she enjoyed the way the re fraction qualities and proximity to the equator cased it to look so when Kamala had swept her into her arms and Kissed her.

Penny paused as a smile filled her lips and couldn't help but reach up and touch them as she remembered that moment.

That was when she realized she was surrounded by the others as they exchanged greetings and stories of their breaks or in the case of the Noobs stood an looked nervous. She also looked down at her pad and realized why she'd remembered Kamala, it seemed that while she'd been running her checks that Dr. Veranu had sent her and Email.

Seeing this reminder of that brief moment Penny sighed deeply then sent the Email to her private box to read later when time permitted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 22 days ago

The road droned on by under his wheels as Bruce roared over it. Stark had offered to fly him across the country in style, but he had opted instead to ride the distance. He'd been accompanied by random bikers for part of the trip, but this last leg he was alone, just him, the wind, and the AI speaking through the Bluetooth in his helmet. Dickinson, as he had dubbed the disembodied voice that had downloaded itself to his cell phone, was reading aloud the same research materials that Stark had sent for him to study. Bruce had read much of it in the string of hotels he had stayed at. Now he was listening to the specs on the Mark 40 armor that he was being gifted.

"Kinda clunky for a racing machine," he spoke aloud into his helmet. "I'll strip it down some, I think. Get it chopped."
"I can do the honors right now, sir," Dickinson said in his ear.
"Really? Alright, strip all the weapons off. Have it disassembled for my arrival."
"At once, sir." At that moment, in the Hall of Armors the machines started moving, taking the Mark 40 from its place and beginning work.
"Oh," Bruce began as an after thought, "And paint it blue. BMW blue, I think."

Bruce roared into the parking lot at the Academy. His bike turned a few heads, and he smiled at the attention, unseen under his helmet. He kicked the stand out and killed the engine, pulling the helmet off and leaving it on the handlebars. His ass was killing him, and he was glad to be off bike, as much as he loved it. Bruce mad his way with the crowd, heading toward the center, where people seemed to be heading. He didn't have the uniform that everyone else was wearing, and also lacked the watch that they were using.
His phone started ringing, but he ignored it as he passed a particularly stunning young woman. Bruce's head turned and he decided that finding an authority could wait a second.
"Hey there," he said, extending a hand to shake, "You look like you know what's what. Care to help a freshman out? I don't really know where to go."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MisterButtons


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"Thank you!" Alexis shouted, waving madly at the cabbie as he drove away. He adjusted his kit bag on his lap and spun his chair around to get a view of the school. 'Jesus, this place is huge!' He thought, pushing himself forward and onto the campus. He smiled at the kids as he rolled passed them, noting that a good portion of the students were just barely half his age. He chuckled, rolling haphazardly around and through groups of students. There were quite a few close calls as he made his way towards the dorm building, as per the instructions he received. Unfortunately, with the package describing what to do once he got here as well as the plane ticket, first class woohoo, was a certain watch that had proved to be nothing but annoying. Probably millions of dollars spent making a super advanced AI, and they couldn't make the damn thing actually helpful? Hell, Alexis didn't see why everyone needed one; it'd be easier to just-

"I hate to be a bother, but we've almost arrived at our destination."

"SHIT!" Alexis shouted, skidding to a stop just a few feet shy of slamming into another group of students.

"Alright, I guess you're not entirely useless."

"I aim to plea-."

"Shhhhhh. That's enough. Sorry about that guys." Alexis greets the group he almost hit, then wheels around to a wall with a large holographic display. He whistles, waving his wrist across the wall. His schedule and various other helpful information begins downloading to his watch as he looks around at the other students, still finding himself to be the oldest among them by at least a decade. 'Well, might as well start getting social.' He thinks, wheeling back through the crowd and looking for someone interesting. It doesn't take him long; as he rolls by a woman seemingly having trouble with her smart watch, she poses a question to nobody specific. He stops, turning towards the woman.

"I might be able to help. I can't stand the things, but I've messed with mine enough to get a pretty good idea of how they work." Alexis offers a hand towards her smart watch with a smile. "Although to be honest I was really just trying to get it to shut up."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Penny To Bruce Bailey)

Penny Hears the new student ask her a question and turns to examine him a moment as her agile mind matches him with a profile in her head.
Mr. Bruce Bailey 23 years old, suit assignment M40, hyper sonic type, experimental snaps into focus as she smiles.

"Of course Mr. Bailey" she answers sounding a bit mechanical while her mind is engaged in data retrieval.
Her fingers drift through a complex dance as she verifies what she already knows as a robotic arm unfolds from the display console with a pad gripped delicately between it's fingers and holds it up before him.

"Please take the Pad Mr. Bailey it is yours while you attend Stark Academy or are relieved of your obligations to Stark International.
I have downloaded your primary schedule and orientation data as well as a help map of the different departments you'll need to visit before we can get you started.
I am Dr. Baker call sign Iron Maiden but most people call me either Penny or Doc."
she says rattling off the information with all the charm of an ATM.

It's only when she smiles dose she reveal that she's not as mechanical as she sounds. Her eyes are opaline green and sparkle brighter than her smile.
Her hair though pulled back aggressively into a pony tail is a rich deep red and her skin like white alabaster. Her uniform clings to her curves from neck to just above her knees reminding anyone who looks that Penny is a woman.

She flips an engaged symbol to Todd and the other instrustors as she as she says softly to Bruce "Please follow me and I get you started by showing you to Uniform assignment

Then without waiting for his answer turns smoothly and walks towards the housing wing of the academy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, OW! Quit playing with it, your going to ruin- *THUNK!* ...it. Now you have to go try to bring that heavy thing all the way back up here."
"Oh stop it you big baby. Its not that big."
"Now what you said las-OW."
David chuckled as the girl slipped over the railing of his bunk bed to go looking for a missing arm. Having a mental remote relay was really cool and he planned to make much use of it all year long. Her, not so much. All the same it was entertaining to play hide and go seek with her as he slunked over to the first drawer and pulled out a hospital waterless cleanser to take a dry bath with her in the room looking for a lost limb.

She was a new student who had arrived last night and was at a hotel for the weekend waiting for the school to open. Being a two year senior, he had his own room to come and go as he liked so he brought her over for the weekend to help her keep a little spending money. It was the only good natured thing to do in starks name.

"Hey I wanted to ask, what is your tattoo?"
ʼyr wwʻt nyt mʼakn qyyn qʼaẕ ʼyn ʼyyʻr gwp p̄ʼar dy twyt ʼdʻr mʼakn qyyn tʼatw mʼarqs ʼwyp zyk: ʼyk byn dʻr hʼr.
( איר וועט ניט מאַכן קיין קאַץ אין אייער גוף פֿאַר די טויט אדער מאַכן קיין טאַטו מאַרקס אויף זיך: איך בין דער האר )

"Cool, is that Klingon?"
He winced visually in pain at that and looked over the edge of the bed to see what her hair color was. She was a pretty asian girl wearing his TSA shirt like a nightgown, her neon red hair was in a shifted A-cut turned 90 degrees so it was above the right ear but below the jaw on the left side, giving one eye the hidden look. As he explained, he began to slap on several sticky pads onto his body. Rechargeable EMS unit patches with a mild medical steroid to act as a conducting adhesive to enhance his exercise, he hated PT but loved looking like he didn't.

"...Leviticus 19:28. You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the LORD."
"So you got a tattoo, telling you not to get a tattoo... Why?"

"Tattoos are a sin, so if I'm going to sin, might as well make it a sarcastic sin. Come on, we gotta go. "

He came down the steps and reached behind the shelf to pull out his arm that waved to her on its own accord as he set it back into the socket before helping her with her suitcases to lead her out to the main quad. It took a few minutes to take in all the new people and sort out a familiar face, but as soon as he did he waves the huge prosthetic in their direction.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 22 days ago

His heart stopped when she smiled, it just added to the stunning display.

And then she started talking, and Bruce blinked back at her in surprise, taking the tablet wordlessly and looking down at it.

"Well yes ma'am," he said finally, following her. He had first took her to be a robot. In fact, a sexy thing like this was exactly the kind of robot that Stark would make, from what Bruce had heard about him. But he remembered the smile, and that gave away her humanity. Besides, robots can't get doctorates. Probably.

"Uh, do I seriously have to carry this pad around all the time? Seems inconvenient. And when do we start, I'm itching for some classes."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Penny stopped and turned looking at Bruce after hearing his comments and question

Then smiling she says "It's really quite simple to explain. The Padd gives yo complete access into Jarvis the Academy's AI who can be very helpful especially to new recruits.
And to answer your question; Your training will begin today so long as you feel able to. We wouldn't want you to attend to class if your journey and arrival haven't allowed you ample time to rest"

Again as she finishes she displays her humanity by reaching out and touching his shoulder.
"I'm sure that you can perform up to speed Mr. Bailey after all your track experience."

She turns and walks ahead of him towards the equipment requisition room as her fingers dance through the complex programs that will assure he's fitted before arrival and only need suit up in his uniform.
They come to a stop before a door that begins to slide open and she says
I have prepped your Uniform and shall prep your armor for today while you change clothes. I shall be waiting here when you are done Mr. Bailey.
Oh and let's not take too long or we'll both land in detention"
she finishes with a soft giggle
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Todd was caught off guard as Katerina jumped onto his back. At first he freaked out, thinking it was an alien again, but then when the voice came, he calmed down a bit, knowing who it was. All the eldest students all had a connection. It was very few of them, so they kinda helped each other out. "Hey, Kat!" He said with a laugh. "Well once you download your schedule, we can find out!" He looked down at the watch, waiting a bit. He heard a very groggy voice talk to him. He turned to see a new freshman. "Well, you get the shirt in your dorms... and you need the watch first to find that out... Hey! We need a watch over here!" Todd yelled out. One of the school teachers came rushing in, handing him a watch. He handed it to Bo. "It'll take a few seconds to start up, and a few more to figure out how to work it." He said with a smile. "I'm Todd Reynolds, by the way. If you have any more questions, let me know." He said with a smile, then looking at his watch when he heard it ding.

As he looked at his schedule he smiled. His first class was TSA 101... He wasn't taking it, of course. He was actually the guy who lead it. Every freshman had the class at the same time. It taught them what this place was, what it was about, how to operate the suit. No one will be a natural at it. It takes a few days to get used to it, and get connected to it. He was there to answer questions for the Freshman, show them the basics, and then send them off to their classes for next year.

He turned to Kat with a smile. "I'm teaching some Rookies bright and early in the morning." He said to her, looking at where Jarvis tells him to go for the class. It was out near the large fountain. Perfect. He looked at Kat again. "We're supposed to be announced in to our teams later tonight. I'll see you around?" He asked. He waved his way out of the crowded dorm lobby, and onto the campus. People with suitcases were walking to their rooms. Old friends were talking and laughing. Couples were sitting on the bench and laughing. Todd smiled, and looked at the watch. He had a bit more time before he had to be there.

He went to a small little coffee shop on campus, and got a coffee, muffin and a mint to get rid of the breakfast breath later. He walked on the sidewalk, happily sipping his drink, and taking a bite of his muffin. He made it to the fountain, no one else was here yet. He took a seat on the edge, and enjoyed his breakfast, eager to start the day and to get back in to Retro.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Bruce laughed aloud at her pun, "Up to speed, good one. Oh, but I've actually been talking to the AI on my phone. He called me, he's already prepping my armor. Just let me get in my uniform and I'm good to go." He walked into the room and found one of the simple shirts laid out already, the mechanical arms responsible now retracting as he watched.

"Wow," he said, as he took off his leather jacket and threw his shirt aside, paying no mind to the still open door and his own modesty. He took the T-shirt from where it was laid off and walked out of the door, pulling it over his head. "You've got a real knack for making everything ready ahead of time.


"In parvis diabolus" says Penny with a smile
The Devil is in the small parts or if you Like "The Devil's in the details"
It a motto I've always followed and to ignore it is to encounter that devil

She looks him over to see he has all those things he'll need
Well you appear ready to be run through the wringer so then "Shall we Go?" she says with a soft laugh


"I'm stoked to get to it, and you make it sound like it's going to be unpleasant. Yeah, let's go, show me the way."


Penny laughs softly her green eyes flashing with mischief
It is a tough training regime but you wouldn't be here if you couldn't physically take it. No the hard part will be when you encounter the experience wall and everything that you know will seem useless.
That's when you'll find many will crumble and some even resign.
But if a science Geek like myself can make it then it should be cake for a jock
She motions that he follow her and walks him back to assembly her long legs eating up ground with smooth a gliding strokes. Once they arrive back where they started she stops and looks at him saying
"Well Jarvis will act as your companion and aid from here on out but should you need any help that only flesh and blood understanding can help then feel free to call me. Well I have to do a few adjustments to Maiden before we suit up.
Oh and her's a hint at success "Never Rush or you'll only Rush into a Mistake"


"I don't believe in an afterlife, so I don't have to spend my whole life fearing hell, or fearing heaven even more. For whatever the tortures of hell, I think the boredom of heaven would be even worse. "


"I wouldn't call myself a jock," he said, looking down at his tablet again, "But thanks for the help. Be seeing you."

As she left him, he started tapping and sliding on the pad's screen, exploring its interface with the help of the AI's occasional directions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kat got down as he talked and looked at her watch as the schedule came up...first hour is free(so why the hell is she up right now, she doesn't know) but next she's in gym, or rather teaching it to a the freshies. Which today will basically just mean her getting to know them because she doesn't trust any of them in suits right now...they'd probably end up blowing up the school. She knew she almost did when she started out.

"Dinner, tonight. All the second years, spread the word. I will message you the details." She told him as he was walking away. She looked around at all the people and decided she was feeling a bit claustrophobic so she made her way through the crowds and up to her room...where her suit had been delivered. She squealed as she ran over to it and ran her fingers around it.

"Unmute." She said as she went and sat on the bed, looking at the suit. She bit her lip and then stood up and held her arms out and her suit, like all marks past like mark 20, flew towards her body and she suited up. She waited a second as it powered up and she got used to the controls again, making sure that everything was functioning correctly, which it was.

"Alexandra, send Pepper a message saying Thank you for not destroying my suit." Katerina said before she took the suit off again. Pepper hadn't used this suit since Katerina had gotten it but before it used to be a favorite of hers. It was a bit of an inside joke between the two since this was actually the third version of the suit...Pepper liked to destroy things apparently, and Katerina found it quite hilarious.

Katerina decided to go take a walk around campus, see who else she could find and then maybe sit in on Todd's classes...he was probably her closest friend here, as he wasn't all that abashed to talk to the weird gypsy girl who couldn't sit still for one second and didn't like people all that much. Obviously that had changed but she was still grateful for his friendship, otherwise she might not be here today. She smiled slightly as she went down to the cafe to get a smoothie, feeling a bit thirsty and she absolutely loved their food there, it was a small wonder why she didn't gain 30 pounds while staying at the school.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

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