Each turn equals 3 months
Each nation can do 2 military and 1 diplomatic action per turn
Military actions are doing things such as starting a battle or invading another country
Diplomatic Actions are things such as convincing a neutral country to join your alliance or negotiating a peace treaty
Turns will be posted by the countries player in 1 post
Turns will be IC
Winners of Battles/Invasions will be chosen by me based on quality of RP
No Godmodding
Stay with your alliance unless they piss of your nation IC for example Germany cant defect to the Allies for no reason (Neutral Countries such as the US are an exception)
No Arguing
Follow all RpG rules
United Kingdom: ulsterwarrior
France: Vacant
Russia: Sovi3t
Belgium: Trivoliium
Serbia: Vacant
Germany: Trillovinum
Austria-Hungary: marioman
Ottoman Empire: Vacant
United States of America: Shoopthewoop
Spain: The Great Nahman Jayden
Sweden: Shoopthewoop