Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(Collab by me and datadogie)
The cold morning winds bit at Cassius’ fur relentlessly, this was an unnatural cold, either way he had to get both himself and his sister out of the frigid air. How was he going to find shelter though, he couldn't take an inhale of breath without the freezing air sapping it all away.
Cassius had been carrying his little sister on his back, having her walk would create more problems for them. The large wolf turned to look at her, a worried look in his eyes. “Are you okay sister?”

“I-It’s so cold.” Zariana whimpers. “Like, freezing cold.” She looks at his face, lines of worry crossing her own face. “Isn't there a cave nearby, or some kind of shelter?” She raises her head a little, and looks around, shivering a little.

Cassius looked at the pup with worry as he heard her whimper in reaction to the cold. This wasn't good weather for her and he needed to find some kind of shelter for her. “I know it’s cold, I’ll find a place for us to stay and be warm..” He said as if he meant to promise her that he’d get her to safety, in a way he did. The snow didn't give him much visibility, reducing his eyesight to a squint, he could barely make out anything. The more he started to focus he began to see a single figure, a large figure headed toward them, it was even bigger than him. If it was a bear then maybe there was a shelter near or maybe it was searching for one, either way, he’d figure it out. “Zariana, get behind me, now…” He said in a commanding manner, staring down the large bear.

Zariana did not know that there was a bear ahead until Cassius told her to get behind him. She stared ahead, and saw the figure approaching them. She began to whimper, and quickly get off of his back, getting behind him as the bear came closer. She shook in fear, and began to back away, her paws padding little pawprints in the snow.

Cassius underwent a dramatic change once he felt his sister was threatened, he could sense her fear. He never liked her being afraid of anything, she didn't have to be as long as he was there with her. The wolf tilted his head in confusion when he saw smaller figures near the larger bear, it was a mother. Cassius held back a growl as the two began to circle one another, Cassius made sure his sister was with him the whole time. Without hesitation, Cassius grabbed Zariana by the next and bolted away. Now that they were on the side the bear was one originally, he could run without worry. The faster he ran, the more he started to see a hole within something. It just looked like blackness but he was sure it was a cave. He began to slow down once he felt safe enough to, walking slowly to the mouth of the cave and cautiously stepping in. He shivered in reaction to the sudden warmth, it wasn't home but it’d have to do for now.

Zariana looked around the cave, shaking. “I-It’s warmer in here. C-Can you let go of me?” She whispers. When she was put down, she nervously strolled along the walls of the cave, summoning lights to light up the dark corners of it. “Won’t the bear be chasing us?” She asks, sitting at the entrance of the cave and staring out. She wasn't looking for the bear or any other danger. She was just staring at the beautiful white snow. She put her head between her paws, sighing.

Cassius nudged her gently, smiling softly, at least they were a little safe. He kept the thought about the bear in the back of his mind. "We won't have to worry about that bear, she won't bother us." He said to her, thinking back to when he saw the cubs. "Are you hungry Zariana? I can find us something. " He said to her as he started curling up to his sister to warm her up.

“Yeah. I’m really hungry.” Zariana thought it was a bit babyish to be curled against, even at her young age, but allowed it, especially because she was freezing. “Please find me something. Maybe a deer. A deer would be great.” She drools slightly, thinking about the taste of deer meat.

Cassius nodded in reaction to her agreement, he chuckled a little when his sister brought up the idea of a deer. “I’ll see if I can do that…” He said, standing up and putting his nose into the air, sniffing the air in search of any food. Once he found something he took off, running so fast he caused a blowback of snow and icy winds toward the cave. Cassius now was in search for food, hopefully nothing would be there to take it from him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlazingxLynx
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'There it is...the scent had led me to a young doe. It should be able to fill me for now.'

The young doe was searching around in the snow for something to eat, unaware of a hungry she-wolf watching. The doe started pushing some of the snow away, until she found some blades of grass. Fuchsia colored eyes were narrowed, and the white she-wolf started slowly making her way towards her prey. She wasn't making a sound, using the snow to muffle any sound she would be making. After all, she was one with the snow. Nature's Blizzard in the form of a wolf. Once she was close enough, Snowflake the Arctic wolf, made her move by jumping towards a now startled doe.

Before the creature could do anything, a pair of jaws were clamped around her neck then it was all over with a snap. Snowflake grabbed her kill, dragging it towards a little spot she found. Once there, she began to eat her fill while thinking about her sister and the kind of pack she would join. "I wonder if I can find either..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Standing atop Wolf Peak was a powerful wolf that watched the sky before he made a small pray to Zeus in the heaven before he began to go down the peak, he did not eat but he did need sleep and water from time to time though he kept his tail high as he sniffed the ground as he could feel something was very wrong in the air and he was worried about what he should do next. So he began to follow the scent towards two wolves before one scent vanished suddenly and he growled before he began to run at Lightning speed leaving a trail of fire behind him which was quickly washed away by rain.

A pure black wolf was trying to find something and he came across the scent of death in the snow before he came across a trail of blood, he followed it and came across a she-wolf eating a doe (Snowflake), "Erm Excuse me mrs. Would you mind if I had some of your doe? I'm really hungry and I don't really have the energy to hunt myself"" He asked her sounding a little scared as he had always had a pack of some sort.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlazingxLynx
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The snow white fae looked up from her kill, seeing a pure black male asking if she could share some of her food. "Of course, please come and take some. It's enough for both of us", she smiled. She couldn't let a wolf go around without having anything in their stomach..especially if they don't have the energy to hunt. Besides, it's harder to hunt now since it's the winder season with snow everywhere. Though, coming from the mountains, Snowflake is used to this kind of thing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The smell of blood hit Cassius' nose at an instant, awakening every instinct he had, the wolf ran toward the scent. It was deer, he knew the smell, he also knew Zariana wanted one badly. It didn't matter to him who it belonged to, he would be sure to take it, no one was more important than his sister. He slowed down once he saw two other wolves over a deer, he snarled to grab their attention before stepping forward. The massive six foot wolf stepped into the clearing, his piercing red eyes stared down the wolves, he wanted the deer and he would make sure he'd have it.
Another equally large wolf was prowling through the snow, though he hadn't been searching for food, he was far from hungry. His claws were retracted, an unnatural trait for wolves, this was needed to be sure his claws didn't cut through anything around him by mistake. Every moment or so, small bolts of electricity crackled around him, like an aura of some kind. A small snap of a brach caused the wolf to reveal his hidden ability, as his claws unsheathed, they were revealed to be impossibly sharp, as well as metal, the rest of his body was covered in the same metal. his tail spiking up and becoming a deadly weapon, his teeth now sharper than razor blades. His bright glowing yellow eyes stared in the direction of the noise. "Who is here with me?" (There you go Mina)
A strange looking wolf stood atop a mountain peak, the winds brushed past his blue fur, his large mane blowing lightly against the cold breeze. His mane seemed to spiral, trailing down his face was gold spiral that straightened out to the tip of his nose. His eyes were a glowing light blue, the gold spiral markings were plastered along his sides and the rest of his body, his ears as well on both sides, just under his eyes and even his legs. His paws had a blue blaze erupting off of them, like an unnatural fire, it didn't seem to burn through the snow at all. The wolf had five tails, his outward appearance made it clear he was no natural wolf, he was something very different. The blue and gold wolf easily made his way down the cliffside, jumping down fearlessly and landing with a thud. Standing up to his full height, he was a large wolf, standing at extreme height of seven feet, a stocky and muscular frame supported his body, the wolf growled quietly as he prowled through a noticeably darker area of the forest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kira Chan
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Kira Chan Dorkasorus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kimaria Smelled the scent of a deer and its blood her eyes grew alight with envy not hunger she had a rabbit not to long ago, it wasn't much but she was full. She became more and more dependent on herself, although many have came through for her she was alone also tired of being lonely, if only she could run with a pack again. She was at the edge of a cliff and saw a few wolves at the kill of a deer. "Hmm, a pack maybe?" she questioned herself and decided to go look for herself. her body started to change rapidly, wings formed at her stomach and her legs became small. she took the form of an eagle, she swooped down and landed on a tall branch above where the wolves were. she just wathed and listened
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The pure black wolf growled at Cassius when he made his presence known, all he wanted to eat so he tapped the floor with his paw and darkness came from the ground surrounding the pure black wolf and the Fae, the dark mist would prevent anyone from entering. Though it was weaker then normal because of how hungry he was, Snowflake would see him winch badly using his powers. He needed to eat and this wolf had threatened him by snarling so now he was in protective mode. "Back off please, I need to eat and this is getting very close to having to use my own life force to hold" He said to the male wolf.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A quiet growl escaped the large wolf as the wolf before him shrouded itself in darkness. He didn't care about their situation at the moment, all that was important to him is was whether his sister ate or not. "I haven't even tried attacking you yet..." He said, taking steps toward the barrier, growling deeply as he circled it. "I wasn't planning on it either..." He said, facing the barrier, he began sniffing the air, easily locking on a scent. "I guess this is farewell..." He spoke as he took his leave, quickly running into the forest, sprinting for miles before he caught up to a buck, easily he took it down, carrying the struggling male between his teeth before clamping down and crushing its throat. He started making his way back to his sister, he stayed on watch, something might smell what he killed and possibly want it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Night sighed when the other male left. He was unhappy he had made a bad impression on the new wolf but hunger always hit hard. The barrier drop and he began to eat his fill on the Doe Snowflake had caught. Once he had finished, he burped happily and said Pardon before he looked at Snowflake and said "Thank you very much for that Ms, I feel a lot better now. I promise I'll find a way to repay you for this. Let me introduce myself to you, My name is Nightblade or Midnight if you prefer that. May I ask you name please?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kira Chan
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Kira Chan Dorkasorus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kimaria swooped down in the forest a swiftly transformed into a large white wolf and trotted up to Night and snowflake and gave a wolfy grin "Is there a pack close by?" she said beginning to circle the two with a smile. Kimaria wasn't hungry but hat deer looked good she hadn't had a decent meal in a while but she was fully reliant on herself to go out hunting on her own. She hated that the cold was so cold, she just wanted someone else to cuddle with her and keep her warm
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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Zariana was laying in the cave, sighing to herself, the pup bored and hungry. Her stomach growling, she steps outside of the cave, looking around a bit, leaving tiny paw prints in her wake that compacted the snow beneath her paws. Walking under the branch of a tree, she squealed as snow plummeted from the tree and landed on her. She quickly gets out of the snow, and looks around. She spots a figure in the distance, and prepares to dart back into the cave before noticing that it was Cassius returning with a buck in his jaws. "Cassius!" She says happily, running up to her brother through the snow, tail wagging.

Snowflake, who was still trying to recover herself from the encounter with the other wolf, turned to the male one she had been helping, who revealed his name, Nightblade, and then asked for her name. "My name is Snowflake." She replies to him after a few seconds, then turns to the new, large white wolf who started to circle them. Snowflake looks at Nightblade nervously, not knowing what to answer to the white wolf's question.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kira Chan
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Kira Chan Dorkasorus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kimaria got bored after a while of waiting for an answer so she decided to leave thme be and find the other wolves that came over here she started with the scent of a pup, her search lead her to where Zariana and cassius was. She wasnt hungery but there meal looked good to her, she approached slowly. "Hello..." she said quietly but loud enough to hear, She lowers and even tucks her tail showing submission
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cassius was happy to see his sister unharmed and happy herself, as she ran up to him he pushed the buck's nose to hers and went into the cave. "Enjoy it sister.." He smiled, when he caught another scent he quickly spun around toward the entrance, a defensive snarl escaping him. He noticed it was another wolf, a noticeably large one, he saw the submissive gesture and got out of his defensive posture. "Is there something you want?" Cassius asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kira Chan
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Kira Chan Dorkasorus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

his growl sent chills up my spine, she wasn't scared but she wasn't ready to risk her life for one question. she shyly paws at ear and looks at him. " I'm sorry for intruding sir, I just want to know if there's a pack" she glances at the floor abd peears into you eyes
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Zariana looked at the new wolf, shaking a little, her tail between her legs. She was a bit scared in case the wolf would suddenly attack her brother, but then she considered she might just be over thinking it a little. She goes back to looking at the buck. She then begins to delve into the meat stored within the buck, her tail raising up to wag a little as she eats. This tastes amazing! she thinks to herself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kira Chan
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Kira Chan Dorkasorus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She sighed and layed down tierdly, watching the little one digging into the dear meat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kira Chan said
Kimaria got bored after a while of waiting for an answer so she decided to leave thme be and find the other wolves that came over here she started with the scent of a pup, her search lead her to where Zariana and cassius was. She wasnt hungery but there meal looked good to her, she approached slowly. "Hello..." she said quietly but loud enough to hear, She lowers and even tucks her tail showing submission

(erm you were responded to. Datadog responded to you)
Nightblade watched the other wolf leave and said "Man, what a rude person. She get a reponse and then just walks off without saying things". He then smiled at Snowflake when she answered him and said "wow, Snowflake. It matches with your wonderful white coat you know". He tapped the remains of the deer before a white mist came from it which soon vanished into the ground as his eyes went black briefly before they returned to their normal colour.

The white and blue wolf stop when he scented three wolves in the same place and he then became invisible and stealthy came up to where all three wolves were. he sat there to watch them in silence. After his death and resurrection, Stealth no longer ate as he was never hungry nor needed food as he often used planets and herbs to do things. He watched Kira who look Bored out of her mind suspecting that this was not a formed pack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kira Chan
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Kira Chan Dorkasorus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(no he/she really diddnt i read it all you are confused)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(Are you going to respond to Stealth at all? Who's around Kira right now?)
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