Wolves are seen as strong, wise, and great leaders, the gods of many religions took notice of the status of wolves and began to take them, bestowing them great gifts of power. After this however, the wolf is put back into the world of man to either be feared or accepted. Many wolves retreat into the shadows and become lone wolves, others become powerful alphas, often meeting other gifted wolves like themselves and uniting as a powerful pack. Then there are others that may have been gifted by malevolent gods or goddesses and have been put back into man's world for the sole purpose of destroying it; ever heard of Ragnarok?
1. No god-modding, no saying you hit someone without their consent, cause no one likes getting hit
2. No auto-killing of other players
3. Romance is allowed, anything further than PG-13 take it to PMs
4. No meta-gaming(using the knowledge from the OOC in the IC
5. I can change the rules however I see fit
6. No heated arguments in OOC, PM me and ask for help
7. The CO-GM is datadogie
8. Have fun and enjoy the RP ^.^
Pack ranks
Alpha male (Has to be earned)
Alpha female: (Has to be earned)
Warriors (They protect the pups with their lives)
Omegas: (peons of the pack, not sure why anyone would want to be one, maybe for character development)
Lone Wolves: (Wolves that struck out on their own. If you don't want to be a Loner, coordinate with friends and try making a pack, keep in mind though, Alpha rank still has to be properly decided upon and earned.)
CS Format
Name: (Get creative)
Powers: (You are allowed two of any kind)
History: (What god were they picked by? What was their life like before they were gifted?)
Personality: (How do they act around other wolves? Has their god affected their personality?)
Rank you wish for: (What rank does your wolf strive for? If nothing then leave it blank)
Rank you have: (If you're a lone wolf leave it blank of course)
Appearance: (Picture or description is good)
Name: Cassius, God of War
Age 21(four human years essentially)
Powers Granted with the abilities of Ares he has the physiology of the god, his body and mind far greater than any other, allowing him to perform great feats of strength, speed, and other feats that would be perceived as unnatural by others.
History: Born to a pack of wolves led by an alpha of great power, Cassius followed his father’s footsteps as much as he could. While his father was no alpha, he was a great warrior, respected by the peers of his pack, often rallied behind when it came to battle. Something that greatly unsettled their alpha, A fear of mutiny was rising, he ordered the other wolves to destroy the male warrior and all of his immediate kin. Cassius fought for his life just as his father would, severely wounding his attackers and fleeing with his little sister, Zariana. Eventually after a long time of what seemed like days of running nonstop, the wolf collapsed from exhaustion, just as death’s doors opened up on him, they were halted as the two siblings were greeted by their saviors, gods that took a special interest in them both. The wolf was commended for his bravery and actions of valor by the one who came to him, the greek god, Ares. Once he was bestowed a great gift by the god of war, he was given the simple task to find others gifted with power. That was all he was told to do, he’d know what he had to do next when the time came he assumed.
Personality: Cassius is a very nice and caring wolf if he feels reason to be. But he isn’t afraid to pick a fight. He his a dominant, assertive, and respective leader when put into the role. Fearless and cunning, as well as dangerous.
Rank you wish for:
Rank you have: Lone Wolf
Name: Katan, God of Lightning and Swords
Age: 201
Powers: As per his atonement to blades his claws are sharper than normal, able to cut through rock and metal with ease. He can generate, manipulate, and absorb electricity, allowing him to perform feats of lightning speed and even shift himself into a lightning wolf.
History: Katan was a wolf who was treated like dirt his entire life, an omega of his pack. He ate last and they made sure he was reminded why in every waking moment, constantly beating down on the wolf. The more they disrespected him though, the more pent up aggression he held inside of himself, making himself a ticking time-bomb. One day he had enough of what they were doing when the alpha thought it was a great idea to attempt to 'mark' Katan as territory. The wolf snapped, within seconds plunging his fangs into the alpha's neck and decapitating him. As the rest of the pack tried to run, he just chased them down, pouncing his fleeing prey and disemboweling them. As he had finally gained retribution, Katan let out a loud and thunderous howl of pain. Unknowingly he gained the attention of the shinto god Futsunushi, his lust for vengeance was commended by the god. As a reward he was given great power to destroy anyone who crossed him, he now searches for wolves to ally with.
Personality: Katan is a stubborn and tough wolf, he'd never accept defeat at the hands of any wolf. He is always ready to battle, he is fearless, daring, and vicious when fighting.
Rank you wish for: Warrior
Rank you have: Lone Wolf
1. No god-modding, no saying you hit someone without their consent, cause no one likes getting hit
2. No auto-killing of other players
3. Romance is allowed, anything further than PG-13 take it to PMs
4. No meta-gaming(using the knowledge from the OOC in the IC
5. I can change the rules however I see fit
6. No heated arguments in OOC, PM me and ask for help
7. The CO-GM is datadogie
8. Have fun and enjoy the RP ^.^
Pack ranks
Alpha male (Has to be earned)
Alpha female: (Has to be earned)
Warriors (They protect the pups with their lives)
Omegas: (peons of the pack, not sure why anyone would want to be one, maybe for character development)
Lone Wolves: (Wolves that struck out on their own. If you don't want to be a Loner, coordinate with friends and try making a pack, keep in mind though, Alpha rank still has to be properly decided upon and earned.)
CS Format
Name: (Get creative)
Powers: (You are allowed two of any kind)
History: (What god were they picked by? What was their life like before they were gifted?)
Personality: (How do they act around other wolves? Has their god affected their personality?)
Rank you wish for: (What rank does your wolf strive for? If nothing then leave it blank)
Rank you have: (If you're a lone wolf leave it blank of course)
Appearance: (Picture or description is good)
Name: Cassius, God of War
Age 21(four human years essentially)
Powers Granted with the abilities of Ares he has the physiology of the god, his body and mind far greater than any other, allowing him to perform great feats of strength, speed, and other feats that would be perceived as unnatural by others.
History: Born to a pack of wolves led by an alpha of great power, Cassius followed his father’s footsteps as much as he could. While his father was no alpha, he was a great warrior, respected by the peers of his pack, often rallied behind when it came to battle. Something that greatly unsettled their alpha, A fear of mutiny was rising, he ordered the other wolves to destroy the male warrior and all of his immediate kin. Cassius fought for his life just as his father would, severely wounding his attackers and fleeing with his little sister, Zariana. Eventually after a long time of what seemed like days of running nonstop, the wolf collapsed from exhaustion, just as death’s doors opened up on him, they were halted as the two siblings were greeted by their saviors, gods that took a special interest in them both. The wolf was commended for his bravery and actions of valor by the one who came to him, the greek god, Ares. Once he was bestowed a great gift by the god of war, he was given the simple task to find others gifted with power. That was all he was told to do, he’d know what he had to do next when the time came he assumed.
Personality: Cassius is a very nice and caring wolf if he feels reason to be. But he isn’t afraid to pick a fight. He his a dominant, assertive, and respective leader when put into the role. Fearless and cunning, as well as dangerous.
Rank you wish for:
Rank you have: Lone Wolf
Name: Katan, God of Lightning and Swords
Age: 201
Powers: As per his atonement to blades his claws are sharper than normal, able to cut through rock and metal with ease. He can generate, manipulate, and absorb electricity, allowing him to perform feats of lightning speed and even shift himself into a lightning wolf.
History: Katan was a wolf who was treated like dirt his entire life, an omega of his pack. He ate last and they made sure he was reminded why in every waking moment, constantly beating down on the wolf. The more they disrespected him though, the more pent up aggression he held inside of himself, making himself a ticking time-bomb. One day he had enough of what they were doing when the alpha thought it was a great idea to attempt to 'mark' Katan as territory. The wolf snapped, within seconds plunging his fangs into the alpha's neck and decapitating him. As the rest of the pack tried to run, he just chased them down, pouncing his fleeing prey and disemboweling them. As he had finally gained retribution, Katan let out a loud and thunderous howl of pain. Unknowingly he gained the attention of the shinto god Futsunushi, his lust for vengeance was commended by the god. As a reward he was given great power to destroy anyone who crossed him, he now searches for wolves to ally with.
Personality: Katan is a stubborn and tough wolf, he'd never accept defeat at the hands of any wolf. He is always ready to battle, he is fearless, daring, and vicious when fighting.

Rank you wish for: Warrior
Rank you have: Lone Wolf