Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 5 days ago

As more and more people arrived in the lobby, some of them started to exchange some basic introductions and small talk, but overall, they were mostly not very talkative. A few minutes passed before something else finally happened. A male tempu in formal, civilian clothing entered the room and started looking over each member of the group, comparing each of them to their profiles on his personal computer. After a few moments, he put his device away, then stepped into the middle of the room to get everyone's attention.

"Well, this makes it easy. Welcome, everyone. From what I see in this file, it appears you are all here for the same purpose, so if you could follow me, I can take you to where you need to go. It appears not everyone has arrived yet, but we can get you all started nonetheless." The Tempu explained. He waited for everyone to get up and gather whatever belongings they had, then trotted off with the others in tow. Once they were away from the more public areas of the building, he spoke up once more. "As I am sure you all know, your meeting with the Assembly will take place in two days. If you choose to accept it, we have arranged for complimentary lodging near the top floors of this building, in the executive suites. For your group, we have three rooms. I am afraid we could not spare one for each of you, but all suites and there should be enough bedrooms for each of you to have your own. The representatives in charge of your group have told me to encourage you to get to know one another, and inform you that you are likely to work together for the foreseeable future."

The Tempu led the group into the elevators and up near to the top floor of the building. They exited into a sort of common area for the suites, which had an abundance of furniture of all sizes, several large, currently unused holographic screens, and a few hovering mechanical servants of Rothian design. Unlike the lobby below, there were a few strangers in the common area, though from their business attire and the fact that they focused on their own personal devices, Rareth guessed they were diplomats who would be none too interested in a conversation.

"Here we are. Your rooms are the last three down that corridor." The Tempu said, pointing down one of the halls on the right. "They are all identical, so there is no need to worry that. If you have no other questions, I will leave you all alone. We will make sure to send your other teammates up here as well as soon as they arrive."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

While the Tempu lead them all through the elevator s and upstairs apon being asked if he had any questions he only really had one. "I've been assuming that there are no weapons allowed in the building, and can we surrender weapons to the guards to hold onto for when we do leave the building?" Shuo said asking a question he was sure that most everyone else here already knew the answer to.

"Yes, you would be correct in your assumption. Though I have to suggest not bringing weapons period onto the premises even if it is to surrender them." The Tempu answered back immediately. "Are there any further questions?"

Shuo shook his head no and walked pasted the Tempu towards the doors. He chose the one on the left and saw a pad next to the door. He put his palm on it which then opened the door. He was glad that most places used palm recognition, DNA sampling was a bit annoying. The door opened unto a large central room with 4 doors opposite the one he was at. He walked in to see more of the horrendous architecture. Too his direct left apon entering the door there was a kitchen which for the most part was a bunch of flat surfaces. Though every piece seemed to made of a different type of metal. He was able to decide that the cutting stations were some odd mix of all 3 but the sink was human, the fridge was Sovereign and what he guessed was something to heat food was Rothian.

Too his right was a living room type area which had several varying size couches facing the window where he guessed the display for the house was. He then walked over to one of the four doors he had seen earlier and again saw a palm reader. He touched his palm to this one and this time it said something. It said "Welcome Master Yuyun, this room is now coded too your palm! It will only open to your palm unless you decide to all someone else to open it! Have a great stay!" The voice was obviously Masulu but it still had the robotic nature to it. He guessed that it changed depending on the owner. The door suddenly opened into a rather large room which had a massive bed facing a window. There was also a table with a rather comfy looking chair at it off to the right. While he didn't enter the room quite yet he hung onto the sides of the door and looked around the room. He supposed it was time to get his stuff.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

While it would appear that the Dirophyd was still obliviously staring out the window, he had been paying careful attention to the others as they had entered, making sure to have his comm feeds open to allow for their conversations to be heard. Rothians, Masulu, humans... This was going to make for a very interesting operation indeed. Although Opus' orders from the mysterious individual were still standing, he felt it would be best to not straight up introduce himself, and 'keep his cards close to his chest', as a human once said long, long ago. For the time being, he simply feigned ignorance, and carefully analyzed their conversations.

After some time, a Tempu entered the room, and began to address the entirety of their rag tag assortment. The agent turned slowly to look at him, and listened to his words, learning that they were going to be forced even longer to wait for their briefing. Two whole days, to be precise. Sighing in annoyance a little too loudly, Opus stood up, and joined the group, hanging back so as not to draw attention. Once they arrived to where they would be staying, was when Opus finally spoke up, raspy voice and all. "I require a small tool set and doctor's kit, Tempu. Can I get these delivered to my quarters, sooner rather than later?"

The concierge, slightly annoyed, typed into his data pad, and looked up, trying his best to not let those remarks get to him. "Of course, your requested items should be here within the hour."

"Then I will take this room, if you do not mind." The Dirophyd casually strode into the middle suite, unlocking the door, and took a seat on the communal living room couch, approached by a servant drone. "Hello, may I assi-"

"No." Was all he remarked, before waving the drone away with a flick of his wrist. "Very well sir, enjoy your stay." It hovered off, and Opus was left in peace, for the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

It was with hidden awe that Shiva looked upon their accommodation. She had never so much as been in a hotel room before, let alone a diplomat's suite. She didn't even wait for the Tempu handler to finish answering Shuo's question before she apprehensively stepped forward, marvelling at inconsequential things, like how clean the architraves were. And she would be living in it. Nice!

Shiva picked a room door different form her CO, seeing as she was given the choice. Just like Shuo's door, the robotic voice addressed her, "Welcome Ms Tasthagk, this room is now coded too your palm! It will only open to your palm unless you decide to allocate someone else to open it! Have a great stay!" For the first time today, Shiva let out a laugh. She was half expecting it to call her 'mistress', which would have provided no end to her amusement, but mizz was more than she usually got in anything other than a bureaucratic letter. Well, it was better than 'traitor'.

She took a peek inside the room and again marvelled at the architraves, but quickly found the four doors to the separate bedrooms and the kitchen. They even had climate control, thank goodness. After a quick glance around, she emerged from her room and addressed the rest of the group. "So, which one of you needs a roommate doesn't mind the cold?" Shiva asked, trying to be casual about it. It appeared as if most of the people in the team were mostly laid back, so it wasn't really worth going full military posture for them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 5 days ago

Rareth spent some time asking the Tempu about the members of this team that had not yet arrived. Of course, he knew little more than their names. In addition to Coin, the Humans on the team were Ashley Munroy, who Rareth recommended, Jayrin Augustin, whose name sounded somewhat familiar, and his bodyguard Dante Newell. It seemed like everyone else was present.

Just after Rareth finished questioning the Tempu, the Masulu soldier Shiva emerged from the suite and addressed them in a far friendlier, more casual tone than she was used to from Sovereignty military personnel. Most of the interactions she had with their military, even after the war, were strictly about business and held a very serious tone. Any sort of levity from Sovereignty soldiers was completely foreign to her, though perhaps that was why these soldiers in particular had been chosen. Hopefully, the other Masulu would be just as friendly.

"Being cold-blooded, I am afraid that would not be good for my health. Perhaps we can talk elsewhere, though. If we are all going to be working together, it would perhaps be best for us all to become properly acquainted. My name is Rareth'Jharn, I am an Agent of the Rahn'Masser. Your name is Shiva, correct?" Rareth responded, giving a polite nod.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lightbox
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Lightbox Box of lights

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

August and Dante approached the meeting building, it had a rather 'interesting' look to it on the outside being a vast mix of different races architecture although it didn't seem to blend too well but August hoped the inside would be a little less... strange. As they entered the building Augusts hopes were crushed as the inside looked even more insane like some sort of nightmarish construction project, he half expected the walls to start coming alive like some horror film or something. Though as they entered the security guard took one look at their very obvious weaponry and approached them "No weapons are to be used in the premesis, hand them over please", August then reluctantly took off his holster and sheath "As you wish" he then said and quickly added "I assume we can collect them from reception when we leave?" the security guard then confirmed this. Dante on the other hand was a lot more reluctant to turn over his firearms until August shot him a quick glare, being technically his employer August had a small amount of sway over him but only very little.

They then both continued into the building heading into a large lobby area, August was pretty sure this was their meeting point but there was nobody around, he did a quick glance around the room not seeing anyone who looked like they were there for the same purpose but when he glanced at the entrance corridoor he noticed a blonde human women walking in "Ahh hi there" he said smiling and giving a little wave "Are you here for the team?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ashley left the Hummingbird in a hurry practically shunting the dock security guard out of the way as she handed him the bottle of masalu whiskey for delivery to Andy before continuing on her way. Ashley had no desire to loiter in the docks or any corridor of ISS 7 for any longer than she had to occupied by scum and villainy as the place was and she quickly found her way to ISS 7s "highstreet". The street was chaotic, perhaps more so than any other location aboard this wretched vessel. The jangle of slot machines and the deep thrum of basey club music filled the air alongside the hubbub of a thousand languages being spoken, sung and shouted by the stations revellers. Here lay the remnants of ISS 7s once strong tourist industry, a selection of successful casinos and clubs ready to steal the paycheck of any soul gullible enough to get drunk within and more than a few fronts for criminal business. It was one such front Ashley had come for today. Sylar's.

Sylar's club was arguably the premier location on ISS 7 if one wanted a good time, drink, drugs, alcohol and women practically flowed from the place on a tap and the bouncers on the door ensured only the elite party animal got in uninvited. Ashley was shot a cursory glance by a one of the grizzled Rothian bouncers before a call through his earpiece prompted him to wave Ashley inside and return to business as usual. The inside of the club never ceased to take Ashley's breath away, not in the least due to the numerous smoke machines and the pounding baseline of the music inside of which each thrum felt like a physical punch to the chest. Ashley pressed through the packed mass of people on the dance floor as the dazzling lightshow seemed to take a personal preference for her. A number of intense red laser dots suddenly appeared on her person and tracked her path through the club letting Ashley know she was being watched, likely targeted, by a number of hidden gunmen. Sylar's club was not unprepared for intruders it seemed. Ashley however had no time for the marksmen and proceeded up to the most exquisite booth, one hidden by a partition of pole dancers. Inside the booth was a single man in a white suit sat with two buxom bimbos one of who possessed a third breast that the man was obviously ogling even with his slatted shades on. Ashley stepped between the pole dancers with a serious expression on her face, nonetheless taking the chance to stroke the ass of one of the four chrome painted women as she passed before lifting her aviators from her face and stonily saying "Sylar, call off your dogs. Let's do business."

Sylar looked startled for the briefest of moments before waving his hand at the dancers and discarding his shades onto the glowing coffee table before him. The red laser lights targeting Ashley shut off immediately and each and every one of the women besides Ashley left the booth without hesitation or complaint. The partition became a solid force field that omitted sound or objects from entering or exiting and Sylar leant forwards with absolute calm and confidence before replying. "...Ashley... I've been hoping to see you for a while now." he purred "Please forgive the security's... eagerness to target you. A bounty your size is hard to ignore even for guards as well paid as mine as is your figure... That offer still stands you know." he continued with a cocky grin.

Ashley blushed, immediately disarmed of her tough girl attitude and Sylar laughed. He had offered, with some sincerity, an opportunity to discard her life as a mercenary in exchange for a position as one of his pole dancers and doubtless a temporary position as his favourite exotic female. On instinct Ashley had turned down the position, the mercenary life offered her a great freedom she doubted she would possess anywhere else and she'd put her life on the line to defend it besides which many of the women in Sylar's bar were paid to dance on more than just the clubs own poles. Ashley had no plans to indulge in such a life and so returned to her business here albeit with a more relaxed attitude than before.. "I'm looking for work more to my usual specs actually." She said whilst pouring herself a drink of something blue. Sylar looked disappointed but not surprised at this response and replied swiftly whilst taking a swig of his own drink.

"Well as I've said I've been hoping to see you for a while now. I got a visit from some really officious people a while back, the kind that usually stay the hell away from here if they know what's good for 'em. Turns out they're looking to recruit you specifically for some task force of theirs. Thought it sounded worth mentioning to you." Sylar told Ashley to a strongly negative reaction.

"Forget it." Ashley said. "You know the drill. I do one job maybe two. I get paid. I move on. I'm not about to take on permanent employment anywhere. Especially not some spooky government business."

"Hang on just one moment." Sylar responded, cool as a cucumber. "It's worth considering right? They said there's a briefing on in Concord, Pax. Might as well listen then see what's going on. If they are paying you anywhere near what they gave me just to get this message across it'll be worth your time and, not gunna lie, the commission they're offering me if I get you on board will put you waaaayyy into my good books. At least listen to what they have to say."

"No." Ashley responded firmly, hesitating a moment beforehand following the mention of money. The stuff had a hold on the woman like little else had ever done placing just behind the Hummingbird on her most valued list. Sylar sighed, rubbing his forehead with the butt of his hand before speaking once more.

"Fine... if you're one-hundred percent sure you aren't going for it don't worry... If it makes any difference they said you were recommended by some woman named Ra'reth."

Two days later:

Ashley at her destination in Concord still smelling slightly of lowtown, the fumes and damp of that place were impossible to shake without a shower or some mighty strong deodorant but the parking was cheap and the law enforcement minimal by Pax standards so she had gone there nonetheless. She had hoped to swing by Old Dalan's warehouse for some more equipment but having practically no time between arriving on Pax and the briefing she had had to go directly to the meeting instead. Once inside the building Ashley was greeted by an attractive, slender, gender ambiguous person accompanied by an obvious and intimidating looking cyborg. Ashley's initial reaction had been to ignore the light-hearted greeting in favour of arriving on time but a double take persuaded her otherwise. Ashley's eyebrows raised in surprise as she recognised August and she was doubly surprised to find herself a little star-struck. Floundering on her words for a moment Ashley finally managed to stutter "I-I'm just here for the briefing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lightbox
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Lightbox Box of lights

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

August walked up to the blonde woman offering her a handshake as Dante stood back watching and looking intimidating enough to make a child (or even a grown man) cry. "Same here. I'm not sure where everyone is though, perhaps we might be early? My names August by the way"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ignoring the cyborg as best she could Ashley did her best to respond without squeeling like a teenage girl having met her favourite boyband. Not many mercenaries or bounty hunters made it into magazines for anything but their failiures so Ashley made a point of reading positive materials on mercenaries whenever she could hoping to learn the secrets for her own marketing purposes. It appeared Augusts positive publicity had worn off on her more than she'd realised. Ashley returned August's handshake with her gloved hand, the fingerless fighting gloves gripping firmly until she released August's hand moments later.

"My names Ashley." She replied. "I have no idea if we're on time but I prefer to maintain that I'm late until I know... I dunno if theres going to be anywhere for me to change into my suit either so the aviator jacket and combat trousers will just have to do... I like your work by the way. That thing with starclaw... Amazing and I can't believe you had a fling with the lunar ministers nephew."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lightbox
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Lightbox Box of lights

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Ahah" August chuckled a bit nervously "I do forget how many rumors I have about me heh. But uhh thank you, the Starclaw mission was a bit tricky but thankfully I'm still alive and unhar..." August was then cut off by a tempu entering through a door on the other side of the lobby "Ahh Mr Augustin, I'll assume since you're here that you three are here for the team. This way please" He said beckoning them over

"Guess we'd better go then, nice to meet you though Ashley and I look forward to working with you" August said smiling as he then proceeded to where the Tempu was, Dante following.

The Tempu then proceeded to lead them up an elevator to the top floor of the building where they entered into a large sort of 'common room' with various suites connected to it "Here's where you and the others will be staying" the Tempu said "Your rooms are the last 3 down that corridor" he said pointing down one of the halls where a group seemed to be hanging around outside the doors "That should be the rest of your group, now if you don't mind i need to leave" the tempu said quickly leaving

August then headed down the corridor and approached a Rothian and Masulu talking outside one of the rooms "Hi there" he said smiling and doing a little wave "Are you guys here for the team meeting?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Right, pleased to meet you then," Shiva responded, extending one hand to greet the Rothian, and carefully reaching for the door controls with the other. The door slid shut, leaving them separated from the air flowing from the rapidly cooling suite. "Technically my name is Shkitliktuit, but no one outside of my hometown can remember that, let alone pronounce it, so I saw the name Shiva in a human book and thought that would work. Rareth'Jharn isn't that hard though. But, uh, anyway, I'm from the MedCorps, 1st eschelon." Shiva rubbed at her shoulder and looked around the room, "I can't remember what the Rahn'Masser is, my Rothian knowledge is a little rusty beyond physiology. Sounds important though."

It occurred to Shiva then that if this Rothian knew her nickname of all things, then it was likely that she already knew her rank and file. Oh well, serves me right for not thinking first, she thought. Perhaps Shiva just let her mouth run because she wasn't used to talking to Rothians in any capacity.

It was moments later that Shiva was virtually ambushed. Three other humans, different from that Coin woman, came and joined in the conversation. "Yyyes, that is right. You can call me Shiva." Shiva responded, staring curiously at the black haired woman, wondering why exactly he held just enough masculine features to make her sex difficult to read from a glance. Shiva thought she had it down to an art with all the assembly races, especially humans. This one, however... nope, no idea. "Who might you three be?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lightbox
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Lightbox Box of lights

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Hi Shiva" August said still smiling "I'm August and these two are Dante and Ashley, we've all only just met pretty much" Although he wasn't used to Masulu and their eye features August was pretty sure this Shiva person was giving him a weird stare
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 5 days ago

As Rareth and Shiva were finishing their introductions, the three remaining members of their team approached down the hall. Rareth turned her head and looked at them, her expression clearly showing recognition. She smiled, took a few steps towards the trio, then...walked straight past August and extended her hand to Ashley.

"Ah, Ashley, it is good to see you again. I trust the past year has treated you well?" She said before turning to the other two and giving a slight nod. "Oh, greetings to you as well. My name is Rareth'Jharn. A pleasure to meet you."

Given that she did not know most of the people present, Rareth still approached most of them formally. It was more of a force of habit, really, but she supposed she did not know for sure how long they would be working together, or if all of them would be accepting their mission. Once they had spent enough time together, she was sure they would become more familiar, more casual.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shuo finished turning the cooling unit down to a nice temperature that would most likely freeze a Rothian to death. Almost immediately the temperature plummeted, it seemed that however it cooled the room was rather efficient. He also noticed one other setting which happened to window opacity. It was at 75 percent right now but he decided just for the moment to turn it off. He put his finger on data pad that seemed to control everything in the room and sudden the room began to light up. The suns white light bathed the ugly room in a large amount of light. As he waited for his eyes to adjust gradually he could see the city. The direction his room faced seemed to face towards only smaller buildings than the one he was in. He could see gardens on most of the roof tops of these utterly massive buildings which all seemed to adhere to one type of building style. For the most part it was a rather even ratio between the different races which despite their difference seemed to make more of a pattern than this building ever did.

He walked over to the edge of the still neatly put together bed and sat on the end. The skyline reminded him of the Righteous Conquest greatly, even the position of the sun was in the same place in the sky as it was in the dome when he had left the station. One thing that became quite apparent to him in that moment was the rather deafening silence. It appeared that the rooms were rather sound proofed. Even the mass of traffic outside made not a noise nor did the cooling unit which bugged him slightly. With a deep breath Shuo pushed himself off the bed and began walking towards the door. While silence had it's place in his head he did not wish it right now. He opened up the door and set the pad down on a table near the door. He walked out to see that noone had entered into the suite yet. He guessed that the other suites were atleast as big and by logic someone should have gone to a room other than him. Immediately apon exiting the suite however it appeared that a congregation had formed.

He noticed a few new humans which he assumed were also going to be joining them. It appeared they were all conversing already. Then he remembered who the Rothian with dark red eyes was. He had a bit of time to read up on a dossier or two on the voyage to Pax. He walked over to her and decided to introduce himself. With an outstretched hand Shuo said "I believe we weren't properly introduced earlier. I'am Shuo Yuyu."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Hmm, that's the same for us all as far as I know." Shiva said, slowly averting her eyes to get a quick look at the other two, Ashley and Dante before making it obvious that she caught herself being rude. Humans don't like to be stared at in her experience. Shiva's point was effectively refuted by Rareth'Jharn approaching Ashley and exchanging pleasantries. "Well, maybe not all of us then." Shiva remarked, turning her attention back towards August and Dante. "Are you humans from the UN? You are not in any uniforms that I recognise."

It was a question that was on Shiva's mind since she saw the first human of the team, actually. Even with Shuo nearby, she felt somewhat out of place in her military dress amongst all the casual clothing. Well, casual and somewhat functional in some cases, but nevertheless few uniforms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Srath exited the elevator with the others. After a quick explanation of the housing arrangements by the Tempu and several questions from the group, the two Masulu and the Dirophyd all entered separate dorms. When they began socializing Srath heard the Masulu and the Rothians conversing, when she mentioned she was an agent of the Rahn'Masser Srath was somewhat surprised. Granted he'd had very little in the way of interactions with agents of the Rahn'Masser but in those few meetings they'd been less than forthcoming with any information other than what they'd been ordered to give. Humans had a nickname for secretive military branches, spooks. A nickname Srath had found quite appropriate in all but this case, even more so with how sociable she was acting. Srath couldn't decide which was more off putting.

Just as he was about to comment on this he heard the elevator doors slide open again. The Tempu had returned with three humans in tow, one of whom Srath could swear he recognized. The Rothian from earlier continued with her odd behavior by greeting them, apparently having known one from earlier as she knew her by name.

Then srath felt a blast of cold air spread from the door as the second Masulu exited his dorm, apparently wasting no time in setting the environmental controls to something more comfortable for his species. He made his way to the Rothian who'd Srath had seen the Rahn'Masser agent, introducing himself.

Then Srath decided he'd better dive into the conversations building around him before his standing off to the side became too awkward. Srath made his way to towards the elevator where the Rahn'Masser agent was talking with the humans and Masulu.

"Are you sure you're an agent of the Rahn'Masser? Because I haven't heard you say the words 'classified' or 'undisclosed' once." Srath said, hoping a bit of levity would help smooth his entrance into the conversation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lightbox
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Lightbox Box of lights

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"haha Kinda.." August replied "I pretty much work almost exclusively with the UN but I'm not officially part of them, and Dante is a private contractor I hired for some protection y'know as a just in case sort of thing. I hope you're ok working with technically contractors, also I'll have to apologise in advance if i say or do anything culturally insensitive. The only masulu i've really dealt with in my time have always been bounties or henchman shooting at me haha" August then suddenly looked embarrassed "Oh shit I'm sorry that was rude of me to bring up fighting members of your race, I'm really sorry about that" he said apologetically
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Shiva glanced up at August's cybernetically altered bodyguard. He was either quiet or didn't seem to be getting any words in. So these were both mercenaries. Wow, the humans must either be keeping their trump cards within their forces or they don't want to be blamed if this team does something bad. Or maybe something else, either way it was politics that Shiva didn't want to get involved with. As long as these 'contractors,' as they called themselves, would pull their weight, there wasn't likely to be any problems.

"Don't worry about it," Shiva reassured August with a wave of her hand, "I understand. I've shot at more humans than I've talked to as well, but not so many these days. It's been a long time since the war." Shiva crossed her arms and leaned against the wall of the corridor, but held something near a sly smile for a masulu, "And seriously, you think it is rude to speak about fighting amongst my race? That's all half of everyone I know ever talks about. It isn't rude, it's boring. War stories, that is." Shiva angled her head to one side and looked at the ceiling, "Well, there are a few remarkable tales, but mostly old people prattling." She looked at August again, "Tell you what, young lady, you can be as culturally insensitive as you like, and I will tell you when you hit a nerve, because I have heard a lot." She glanced at Shuo and back to August, leaning in to mumble quietly, "Just don't mess with 5th eschelon Yuyun over there, I haven't got a handle on his prattling level yet." She leaned back to her original position, "So, what is it you contractors do? Do you have a specific skill set?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lightbox
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Lightbox Box of lights

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Aha I'm uhh not actually a Lady, I'm a guy" August said chuckling "But if its ok I'll try not to be too culturally insensitive, it kinda makes me feel like a dick haha" he then went to rest his hand on his pistol holster realised he didn't have his weapons which unnerved him a little. He wasn't used to being without his weapons and it made him feel a little unsafe. "So since we'll be working as a team i guess i should probably ask what your main combat strengths are and any other skillsets you have?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by baskets


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the Tempu led the group into the common area, Coin felt more and more uncomfortable. It felt like the first day of school: everybody had branched off into their own little groups, conversing, and there were a few left straggling around. Well, you aren't going to get anything done just standing around, woman. Get it together and pick someone to talk to, Coin reasoned in her head, beginning to scan the room.

The first person she laid her eyes on was the Dirophyd that had been in the first group she had met upon entering the building. Coin recalled that Dirophyds were known for their engineering talent; hopefully that stereotype remained true here. Engineering was something Coin knew well. She brushed a hand through her hair before walking up to the Dirophyd confidently. "Hi," Coin waved awkwardly as she moved into his line of sight. "My name's Coin, but you probably know that because I introduced myself earlier, huh... So yeah. I'm a, uh... I'm an engineer of sorts. I like guns," Coin offered weakly. You are so fucking bad at this, Coin. You're just as bad as when you started high school twenty years ago, Coin told herself, shaking her head internally. She glanced from side to side, trying to take the conversation somewhere else. "I'm actually a doctor. For guns. I'm pretty good with guns." Coin made a mental note to slap herself when she was alone. This was embarrassing.
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