He's not late. Again, read 2 Peter 3:9. He's trying to give everyone a chance, but the signs are ALL there simultaneously, which has ever happened at once like it has in the modern day. We aren't there yet, but we are at the threshold. Jesus described persecution of His followers. Christians are dying all over the world today because of their faith; they are one of two kinds of sworn enemies of the Muslims alongside Jews; and the only form of hate acceptable left in the U.S. is Christian-bashing. Seriously. In Colorado, there was a baker that a homosexual couple walked in his bakery and asked for a wedding cake. He declined, as he was a Christian and homosexuality was not something he particularly agreed with. This homosexual couple goes to court and files a lawsuit against him saying that he was trying to force his beliefs off on them, despite the fact that this couple chose this specific bakery over MANY in the area. Long story short, the guy is forced into "sensitivity training" because he refused to make a cake for a homosexual couple, despite same-sex marriage not even being legal in that area. See anything wrong there? It's like if one of you were to go to the mods and say I was trying to force my beliefs on you. Would you not agree that it was your choice to view this thread? I can't force anyone to look at this thread, as what do I have to gain by essentially holding someone at gunpoint and forcing them to read this? Would I not be a hypocrite? But I digress.

Then there's the falling away of the church described in 2 Thessalonians. Are more and more Christians not falling away from the church today? Are more and more denominations not accepting doctrines that discredit the Bible? Gorgenmast said himself that prophecy was coming true when he talked about the Catholics and Lutherans believing in evolution. Though he didn't realize it, he strengthened my cause and my resolve by saying that. The falling away is happening, which is one of the signs. Jesus said that once the signs become evident, that not even a full generation shall pass before the end comes. Well, we've hit the threshold. I hear it all the time on Christian radio the words "this generation," referring to the younger generation of people. I am among that younger generation of people. I'm nineteen going on twenty. That is telling me that my age group will not pass away before the end comes. I can't say that it will be on a certain day or month or even year. That's not my job. After all, Jesus says many times that no one knows the day or the hour that the end of this world and the beginning of another will come except the Father. Jesus knew some details, but not the precise when. However, based on details given in Daniel, it can be guessed, depending on the calendar you use, that the end of time will come between the years of 2021 and 2035. I know, big difference there, but I'm not going to pin down anything specific. I know that God works in sevens and according to the Bible our earth has been here for around 6000 years and Jesus has a 1000 year reign. That means that, if God is still working in sevens, then we are right on the threshold.

And that bit about Darwin is a shame. May God have mercy on his soul.

BTW, if you think Christians are dull, you don't know the right people. Just sayin'. :) There are ways to have fun apart from swearing, tobacco, alcohol, pornography, murder, etc. You managed to have fun without all that corruption when you were a little kid, right? And why would God call us boring if He commanded us to be this way. He's not playing the Devil's advocate or anything like that, or He'd have lied, which is impossible for Him by nature. This isn't me pulling some holier-than-thou card or anything. This is me saying that I know what sin is, and boy, did I used to have more than my share of it. Thank God there's an easier way to heaven than following the commandments perfectly. That's why Jesus came.

For the record, I'm sick of arguing about things that are called "theories," as the word itself states that it is an uncertainty. If you don't agree, you don't have to watch this thread. But the book of Job actually speaks of people who think they've studied everything and know everything. He was dealing with doctors who thought they were something really wise. I'm dealing with scientists who think they're really smart, and 2 vs. 1 is just plain annoying. I've given my case. Whether or not you trust me and believe what I'm saying is up to you, but as Job told his friends, if only you could hold your peace and let that be your wisdom. (Job 13:5)

Really, I may not be the smartest guy in the universe, but there's too much here that suggests a creator. If a paint factory explodes, do you get a piece of artwork? No. So why believe that the piece of art that is nature (and to argue nature being not artistic is fruitless, as nature is the inspiration for a great deal of art) came about by chance? It doesn't make sense. Need more? Look at the stars and the galaxies. Look at the pictures that the Hubble Space Telescope has taken. They're like paintings and sculptures beyond what humans can create. THAT is why I choose to believe in God. He has created the most beautiful piece of art that has ever existed, and most of us fail to see it.

Guys, I don't want to argue with you, but I will pray for you, that you will come to the understanding that this universe is created by someone more that ourselves. After all, don't we all worship something? You'll probably say no, but what about technology or money? Theories of science? Are they not held in the same regards as gods by some? Everyone has something they worship, but I pray that you will turn to the only One who is worthy. After all, Christianity isn't complicated. You don't even have to do anything religious. Understand what sinning is, understand you have sinned, ask God for forgiveness and turn away from your sin, desiring not the things of the flesh but the things of the Spirit, and believe with all your heart that Jesus is Lord. Need a more in-depth summary? Read the first chapter of John. I hate the fact that you are trapped by your attempts to understand everything, and furthermore, I hate the sin that has trapped you. Yet I want to set you free from the prison you have formed around yourself.