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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Tyrant from the West said
Avissa? HMMMMMMM. I might give this some aggressive thinking time and thought. How could you have never played just cause 2? ITS THE BEST ACTION MOVIE SIMULATOR AROUND.

...I haven't played it either xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rainmaker


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

MyCatGinger wouldn't stop pestering me about it, so i'd like to make a character for this as well if I may. It'll come as soon as I figure out what exactly to do!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lel~! Nice to meet you
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyrant from the West
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Tyrant from the West Antagonist Punk

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Welcome aboard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

I think OP should put the cap on right now, we have a good amount of people who's already on board the RP who are still trying to make their CS/waiting for their CS to get accepted/reworking their CS.

But I'm not OP, so I dunno, but this seems like a good amount of people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hibiki No Echo

Hibiki No Echo Yo.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Coolies another person to scar for life Rp with~!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rainmaker


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Character Name: Pyotr

Real Name: Ivan Zakharov

Real Age: 27

Appearance: Pyotr is of rather waifish stature, standing at a height of 5 feet and 8 inches with a thin build, generally being rather unimpressive physically. He sports pale skin, so much so in fact that it might seem as if it had never seen the sun - though most people never see his skin in the first place, as most of it is covered in either clothes or paint. Fitting the rest of his body, his face is slim, with high cheekbones and a slender nose, and he doesn’t sport a single hair on his head - neither on top of it nor in the form of a beard of any kind.
Pyotr has taken to painting his face in various styles - usually featuring a white base and depicting either an exaggerated happy or sad face with red or black paint on his nose, eyebrows, lips and/or cheeks, or a more traditional clown’s facepaint.
He compliments this already odd appearance by wearing the most colourful attire he can find, covering his body in rich yellows, reds, greens and blues from his shoes to his long shirt and gloves, entirely made of soft fabrics and thrown together in a random patchwork pattern, with plenty of hidden pockets to help his occupation. While he seems unarmed and harmless, he does carry a long knife under the cotton trousers, and is smart enough to wear leather under the non-protective outfit.

Class: Harlequin - A class that focuses around distractions and the unexpected - while not all too different from a thief or rogue, the harlequin achieves his goals in a much different way. Similarly to them, none of the Harlequins physical stats are all too impressive except for the dexterity and speed that allows them to pull off things such as juggling, magic tricks and acrobatic displays, but while the Thief or Rogue enjoys the shadows, the Harlequin loves the spotlight - performing in front of crowds, fascinating allies and enemies alike with songs, jokes and various tricks, and taking advantage of the distracted with small quick hits if needed.

Job(s): 1. Street performer

Skill List:


  • Endless Delights! - Pyotr knows just what to pack in all of those pockets of his - and he has just the right trick up his sleeve to amaze everyone! He can, to a certain limit, pull whatever he pleases out of his pockets - as long as that thing is ordinary and cheap. So he could pull some powdered pepper, or a long twine, or a small rock and the such, but not a sturdy rope or a weapon of any kind. (Not sure what kinda limit specifically to impose, or if this is fine as long as ‘ordinary and cheap’ is fulfilled!)


  • Amaze! - When the maestro performs, people pay attention. He can designate a number of enemies that, if their willpower is weak enough or they are just unlucky, have to pay attention to what Pyotr is doing for a certain amount of time - this performance can be anything from a limerick to juggling to card tricks and so on.

  • Somersault! - Pyotr’s already impressive acrobatics and speed pick up a notch, leading to him being able to vault and somersault and flip and jump all over the place - in fact, for the short time (less than a minute) this lasts, he gets all jittery and can actually not stop moving around in some way. Good for evading blows and arrows, though he mainly uses it to excite people.

  • Inspiration! - The same kind of performance that can be used to drive people insane with annoyance and distract them is also a tool to elate them! By inspiring his allies, he can raise their spirits and some of their stats for the duration of his performance - mainly their willpower and their endurance, though making them stronger attack-wise might also be possible depending on the kind of performance.

Equipment List:

  • A long steel knife

  • Leather armor

  • His mottled, colourful clothes

  • Various ordinary clown things, such as facepaint, a bag of glitter, a set of cards, juggling balls etc. (I can elaborate on this if needed!)

There. Formatting's a pain...
Anyway, i'd like feedback on this - not sure if everything is fine the way it's written, so please tell me!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyrant from the West
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Tyrant from the West Antagonist Punk

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cool character m8 8D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PureThoughts
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PureThoughts The Dreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Can you guys check out my CS on page 10 and make sure it's all good? I haven't roleplayed in a bit, and you guys look like some veterans of the old server :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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PureThoughts said
Can you guys check out my CS on page 10 and make sure it's all good? I haven't roleplayed in a bit, and you guys look like some veterans of the old server :P

I like the description, the class is lovely, although there are some grammatical errors.

"that's skill are mainly focused helping allies"
Let's turn that into "with skills that are mainly focused for helping allies"

Other grammatical errors, but that's not really important.

For the skills, you should probably give them a proper name, and the first active seems a bit over powered, perhaps you should give that buff a timer, like the buff lasts for twenty seconds.

Second skill is the same thing, for just two days in the game world, I think the character - or any character - wouldn't know a skill that is that strong. Basically, 100% of damage done to him is converted to health for him, bit too OP, lower that down to 10% or 20% and we're fine. Five seconds seem a bit too long as well, maybe 2.5 seconds would be better.

The attack speed boost seems a tad bit too strong, maybe 15% or 20%. Just my opinion though. I like the ratio on the cool down, but perhaps you could increase that to 15%, I think that should be the max.

Third skill is fine, I like it, Braum, that you?

Passive doesn't seem to fit the character, I think you should change that to increase the endurance, not to increase the damage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I mostly agree with what Ryu had pointed out. Though I would change the passive to increase defense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PureThoughts
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PureThoughts The Dreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yeah, I know I have some grammar errors, and probably always will but I try my best :P and yes, some ideas may have been from Braum, maybe :3 It was a late night last night and I didn't want to think of names because I was too tired to XD

I'll edit it later on tonight, thanks for the insight you guys.

Edit: Changed it up! Check it out :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hibiki No Echo

Hibiki No Echo Yo.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Someone mind critqueing mine too? I'm afraid that Chrys is a little too OP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Hibiki No Echo said
Someone mind critqueing mine too? I'm afraid that Chrys is a little too OP.

My google chrome auto-refresh timer screwed up, it didn't refresh. If it worked properly, I'd have answered this a bit ago, lemme give you my response to Chrys.
Let's start with the class, no? (Imagine a french accent with that last bit, please)

I like it, nice idea! Give yourself a star, pal!
But that does not mean there are some issues with the classes. It can double jump, bounce off walls, maneuver through the skies, and jump really high. Yeah, that's PRETTY strong for a "I'm a two day" character, I think you should incorporate that sometime, but not now when we're barely just starting off, I think it's safe to have Chrys learn these skills later, and not from the start.

Skill One.
So, 10% of the time it can stun, and in the air it decreases to 5%
That's pretty balanced, actually, although I think adding a cap to the maximum stun chance would be good since you mean to increase the stun chance every level. Maybe 30% is good at level say 65 for an example and 15% is good in the air.

Another thing, how many lightning fast kicks? How much damage does it do? Will it 100% - 0% someone? I hope not, because dear god that would be OP, I think you should add some details to the skill saying that for the trade off of lightning fast kicks, the damage would be lowered.

Again, it would be pretty OP if the stun chance was shittingly high at higher levels if it is allowed to go over 50%, although, I think once it reaches the maximum stun chance (If you go with my idea) then it should from then on out increase the damage a bit more with every level.

Skill Two.
I like it, a certain time frame, so this skill - if it was in an MMO (Guild Wars 2 has a bit of these, actually) it would require some skill to use due to the time frame, so that's good, what you need to clarify on is the good distance away part. How good? Five feet? Ten feet? I think seven feet would be a good distance away.

And the damage is again another issue. How much damage will it do?


Skill Three.
A gap closer, this is good because every melee without a ranged attack should have a gap closer to get up close and personal, and it also has a chance to allow projectiles and people to follow with him, so this can be used for both allies and enemies, so this was a pretty well thought out skill. However, what is the range? If the range is too far, that's too powerful, and will it increase over the levels? If it does, it should increase say every five levels or so, which is a good number.

Okay, this passive is a bit confusing, but I think I get it. My question is, would the attribute increase the stun rate of your first skill. Even though I believe it does not, if it does, it really shouldn't since it negates the half stun chance in the air aspect.

This is my gripe with the CS. The dual Kodachis. I thought of the Aerial Speedster to fight with his fists and legs, not with swords, and that was what it seemed like to me until I saw this part, so I don't really think this is good for a character such as Chrys unless you have plans for that. In my opinion, if you want to advance Chrys down the road of being a full fledged fighter using just his hands and fists? Give him some gauntlets down the road to increase his punches.

Meh, everything is fine but the T-Shirt, Pants. Seeing as how this is a fantasy VRMMO with Steampunk aspects, I don't think this would be good seeing as how there's no armor rating associated with it and I don't think clothing in real life translate to the game.

There we go, that's everything I think on Chrys, again, that was my opinion and what I thought, you don't have to go with what I said since Chrys is already accepted, but this is just my thoughts, mixed in with one joke here and there.

Overall? He's not really OP for a "I just barely got in the game two days ago" character that we should ALL be started out on.
Anyone else?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ike
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Ike The Deft

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

More characters I see, don't worry guys we will probably be starting the IC tomorrow (considered today depending on where you live I think..) but that will have to wait until I figure out what I want my passive to be cause right now I'm slightly stuck but that's okay, not the point.

But I do have a point. I wanted to ask how all of you feel about your grasp on the game's reality. I fear some may not understand the leveling system or how your character is intended to grow. I also would like us all to discuss the physics in the game, mostly about how you would go about writing what you do. I do want the world to feel semi-real where you bleed, get broken bones, feel cold/hot/sick/sleepy and such but I also want to see game-themes enter the world such as item durability, friend notifications and messaging and other such things. I feel like for such a complex world a lot of things need to be addressed so people feel comfortable writing about it. So if those who feel unsure about any of this, please re-read the original post and then post any questions/confusions you may have otherwise I will assume we all totally understand 100% how everything is going to be forever and always until the end of reality. Basically, this is the last chance before we begin to hash out any issues we may have.

I'm also going to state now that tomorrow is the deadline for new applicants, for now. I'm getting off now and hope to be on later but I will be checking in from time to time from my phone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright, let's start.

Gap closers, jumping, basically anything related to distance.

How far can we jump in the game? How much gravity is there in the game world? Is it similar to our world where we can maybe jump two feet into the air at most? Is it okay to have an ability that causes someone to jump 12-20 meters backwards in the air?

In my opinion, no. That is not okay. If you jump 12-20 meters backwards, which is respectively 36 feet to 60 feet, you are going to have broken bones and your character will take fall damage, so I would like your input on that.

What, in your opinion, would make a logical gap closer or gap creator/run away ability?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ike
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Ike The Deft

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Since we all can be considered 'inhuman' in a way, being able to use magic and such we can do some inhuman feats like survive much higher levels of strain than compared to reality. Gravity would be normal, but our bodies are not as much. Can you be penalized for moving too far or landing too hard? Obviously there is a limit, you can't just plummet 40 feet into the ground and walk it off like spider-man but can your body survive being smacked by a bull and thrown 10 meters across the ground before being trampled? Yes most likely.

I think the easiest way to discuss this is breaking it down into sections. For basic mobility-based skills people should think "is my ability meant to disengage/escape so I can't be attacked or is this ability meant for me to engage with." Splitting it into those two different aspects matters because its much easier to run straight into an enemy than it is to simply run away from one, like Batman for example. He often is seen literally leaping into the enemy or coming out of nowhere with a surprise attack but when he decides to run away, he's required to use a smoke bomb or a distraction to conceal his escape. So when one is making their ability they should keep in mind the abilities MAIN purpose, but this is all subject to a lot of "ifs" and a player should be able to their abilities as they see fit.

I agree that such a massive gap closer is unnecessary really, 20 meters would be considered 'out of the fight' to me unless you're a long range-based class like long bowman or sniper. I think people should drop defining the actual distance they move and focus more on HOW exactly they move. For instance a teleport spell by a mage should require a casting time, making it slower than actually moving at the start but being able to appear anywhere instantaneously would beat out most other classes' in a long distance whereas an assassin who would have some sort of flashstep/shadowstep spell would be able to instantly use it and disengage at that very moment but be forced to scale time with distance, going X amount of feet would take Z amount of time thus not being as instantaneous as a teleport. One should also take into account your character's physiology, a meaty knight in armor should barely be able to pull off a combat roll while a mage in cloth armor should be able to tumble, fumble, bumble and bump as they please.

tl;dr - A logical gap closer should be well, logical. You shouldn't be able to traverse an entire area in a single second and your ability should be clearly defined on its requirements and limits. Distance should be relative to your situation/level of skill.

Did that help?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryu, Frenchman, non? Darling. I would really love for you to be able to critique my character too, please. Actually, everyone who has an issue with Lovissa, speak now or forever hold your pieces peace. :3

Adding to game mechanics (Ooh, here's the fun technical stuff!):

  • Friend requests. A lot of real life aspects come into play in this game too, yes? Bleeding, the sense of touch, smell, taste, whatever. But then game mechanics are included too. I think friend requests should be in the form of little carrier-animal NPCs that are invincible, really. Like little owls or something carrying letters from the sender to the receiver, and you have to sign for it if you accept it or trash the letter if you reject it or crumple it up and keep it in something if you want to ignore it? Or just like, little winged envelopes popping up in front of the character, and so on and so forth.

  • Fitting the Sword Art Online theme, are we including "marriage"? Where two players, any gender, race, type, whatever, pool in their inventories and total game-money together, and you are able to access the others' inventory at any time. (In the words of Fire Emblem Awakening, kind of like when Chrom can use the convoy for whatever.) And also stat boosts for married couples in each others' proximity, of course! The AI registers the request and more signing of documents is to be done by either party.

  • Jumping and gravity. There were two parts of the world, weren't there? The floating island thingies and the dungeons below? I think gravity should vary ever so slightly with location, but to a more emphasised degree than in the real world. (gravity would be slightly less on mountains in the real world and the effects only noticed on tiny objects, etc)
    Perhaps in the sky kingdom, have it to be so the max one can jump without being weighed down too much is about 3 feet? Maybe 3.5? And down in the dungeons, the very max is 2, because it's closer to the 'planet' core. You feel me? An average jumping back distance should be about the likes. 3 feet for any normal individual. In the case of a more...uh. Floaty class, (yes I'm going with that word) perhaps it can be increased to 4, unless there's a specific ability, like Chrys I think, that boosts that to a good 7 feet. We all good?

  • Weapon durability. I think different weapons should have different durabilities based on what they are. Like I think basic wooden bow to basic iron sword usage ratio could be 45:35 because the bow itself does not take as much wear, though it IS made of just wood. You're not hitting people with it. But you ARE with the sword. A steel sword could go up to say, maybe 40,45 uses. And maybe a sword that is made of an even better material (do obsidian swords sound like a good idea?) can go up to 60. Bows can go up to 70 or so depending on what material they're made of. But then again, the drawback being, arrows need to be forged or purchased. Which lets us to-be bow-users customise what kind of arrows we'd like. If it's a steampunk era, I think I'd be pretty happy... purr being able to purchase arrows with explosive tips. However, they'll be SUPER EXPENSIVE AND SUPER RARE AND OUR SMITHIES DO NOT HAVE THE REQUIRED EXPERIENCE YET. It's only been two days after all, right?

  • Health. Something like an HP bar would be nice, but...how would one implicate that? Max HP is reduced in sickness and it can fluctuate in different weather conditions, whereas in Pokemon for example, if you're in a sandstorm you just end up losing HP which is pretty unrealistic. Say a character starts off, a base class mercenary. Max 18 HP without illness, not starving or parched and in pleasant weather conditions. Whereas a tank might have 25 in these conditions. But say there's a hailstorm. Max HP for the mercenary drops to 15. If they get SICK during a hailstorm, depending on how sick they are, Max HP can go down by 2 points max? Like if they're REALLY sick it'll go down to 13, but if not, it'll just go down to 14 until they're better again. Please tell me that made sense sob how do we imply this in-game?

  • Movement. I think each individual character can have a nice range they can cover. People on horses can obviously cover more. Tanks or guys with the big guns they need to lug around can cover less, but it doesn't have to hinder their speed. Perhaps just their...mobility? Am I even making sense?
    EDIT: Been discussed already. Pardon me!

I'm not being too technical, am I? Let me know your thoughts.
Okay, I wish I got notified before making new posts. :c
Still. Apart from the discussed movement, whaddya think?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yuuji


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ryu said
Is it okay to have an ability that causes someone to jump 12-20 meters backwards in the air?

In my opinion, no. That is not okay. If you jump 12-20 meters backwards, which is respectively 36 feet to 60 feet, you are going to have broken bones and your character will take fall damage, so I would like your (Ike) input on that.

While the question wasn't posed for Yuuji, Y-Yuuji believes that if it's an ability it should be fine. The ability to sustain the damage caused by a 36-60 feet jump should be included in the ability, otherwise it wouldn't be an ability. Whether the ability is a passive or not, the player has to describe in someway, in character, that makes it clear to the readers that the ability was used. Think of it as ability armor.


Y-Yuuji isn't the best at describing things without examples so...here's an example. The ability being used in the example is a standard fantasy «Shield Charge».

«Shield Charge»
The Knight brings the shield to his shoulder and rushes valiantly forward for several meters. Stuns the target(s) upon impact for several seconds. Damage received while «Shield Charge» is active is reduced by 70%.
Leroy said
Leroy cursed under his breath as the silent assailant trailed effortlessly behind him.

To think that he had the terrible luck of being placed on the hit list by someone from the White Rogue's Guild.

Weaving left and right, the knight observed his surroundings in a panic. There had to be a way. Some way to shake off this pesky hired hand.

A dagger flew past his ear, whistling a sharp tune of death, before lodging itself comfortably in the head of his noble steed.

Time seemed to slow down as the horse buckled underneath him. Soaring into the air, his large frame flew over various bushes and twisted branches before finally breaking out into a clearing.

Nothing but cold night air and pale moonlight surrounded him.

"R-Really now?!"

Just his luck to fall off a cliff. God damn RNGed forests.

Panic seized his voice as the distance between him and the ground rapidly shrunk.

It was a fifty meter fall...

Pushing his shield in front of him, Leroy felt his arm buckle slightly against the generated air resistance.

His shield glowed a brilliant yellow as a strong determination crossed his face.

"N-Not yet. Not before I see her!"

Her face flashed before his eyes as he came crashing towards the ground.

As the durability of his «Knight's Shield» quickly depleted upon receiving the damage dealt by the impact of the fall, large cracks became visible through the brilliant yellow glow that was now dulling.

He watched his health take a minor dip, changing from a darker green to a much weaker and lighter one.

Standing up, he threw his aching arm around.

There was definitely going to be a nasty bruise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

1. Ah, honestly I'm not a huge fan of the health bar thing. If we are going to try and directly implement it; I would suggest putting a 'number system' for our charries. *shrugs*
Strength: etc, etc.

If we're not going to directly implement it (as in using actual numbers), I would go for what Yuuji had described up there. "He watched his health take a minor dip, changing from a darker green to a much weaker and lighter one."

2. Mounts. I know we already discussed them before, but what's your final decision on them? Again, I would prefer out-of combat mounts for everyone, and non-attack pets for everyone.

Meh, I have to go now. but I'll have more questions later. Blegh, and sorry for the bad explanation up there, I'm tired.
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