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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

1. I think jumping/movement is fine, especially with higher levels and this is a video game still. With castles in the sky, cat people, evil creatures ready to eat your face, etc. I honestly plan to add another skill after a couple levels where Prince lands on his feet in a few instances. (Nothing like falling forty fear or falling off a floating kingdom... He's screwed then haaaah)

2. Mounts- final, I think land mounts should be near the start, but flying mounts should be later on and earned. Or we get butt ugly mounts at first then have to quest for better ones.

3. As for health bar, I had a rp that kept a system and put it in each post so everyone knows


HP: 100%
MP: 100%
Status Effects: Paralyzed, Attack Up
Level: 4

Gold: 100
Wooden Harp: 1
Cinnamon Cookies: 10

Wolf 1 Level 2: 50%
Goblin 1 Level 5: 75%

And yeah xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

^ k ignore my previous post and go for silver's example !

Also, if there will be mounts, can we make one ourselves? Of course, there will be no added bonuses except for speed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hibiki No Echo

Hibiki No Echo Yo.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I have to be a bit adamant on the screw gravity side, mainly due to my class bias. I think, certain classes should have different heights of jumping, we are inhuman after all. So for things like a Warrior about 3.5 feet maximum? But for the more agile and aerodynamic classes, I think it should be at most 7 feet with each jump? Due to it being rather annoying if it he just gained damage for jumping even though it's a class characteristic. Example being Chrys jumping to the top of a tower using his Double Jump. He wouldn't gain damage due to the tower surface being just beneath his legs, getting rid of the recoil. However, if he was pushed down a cliff of the same height, he'd get damage due to the impact of the fall. Things like that should affect jumping and falling.

Can we also have an indicator of when we should stop using our active skills? Similar to an MP bar or even just implement an MP bar for the sake of magic. However, I think MP bars can easily be averted via the use of exhaustion and fatigue. Constantly using your magical energy until you exhaust it all out. I also think there should be a physical exhaustion skill limit too so classes like the Warriors and others don't have to worry to much. Also will things like Fireballs and Energy Bullets decrease damage over a longer distance? Also is there like a mock battle-esque thing so we can train with each other with no ill effects?

Also about weapons, will there be any passive skills and attributes on them? Things like extra Attack and Crit. Chance are obvious but what about things like "30% chance of embuing an attack with elemental hit.". If there are elements in this game that is, I'd like to see something like that, since while most RPGs don't have them games like Dynasty Warriors do. Also is there a minimum level usage? Like a rare item being only being equipped by some Level 76 or over.

All I need to ask right now. O3o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyrant from the West
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Tyrant from the West Antagonist Punk

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

To be honest I just don't wanna deal with weapon durability and such :l nor healthbars. We haven't discussed numbers for any of our attacks nor healthbars for anyone's characters. If we were to start dealing with healthbars we'd need also to start going over armor and how much of it will help you take a hit and how much damage your sword will do both when you are and aren't using a skill. Then we'd have to bring in resistances to elements, weaknesses, how much armor an enemy has, have to go over these for every monster we fight, ect. ect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

And that would mean way too much effort...sigh. Even for a good RP, it would be difficult keeping track of all that. Especially with so many players it's gonna be hard to keep track of who's doing what ALREADY. <<
My marriage system still stands though mkay?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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Well my char the Titan Emperor some skills use hp, so I wouldnt need mp. And I am a tank aoe class so most games with that class dont use mp. I might need a healer with me at all times xD, if use up to much hp. And we could use that system here, it worked in the last one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

DragonBeastMode said
Well my char the Titan Emperor some skills use hp, so I wouldnt need mp. And I am a tank aoe class so most games with that class dont use mp. I might need a healer with me at all times xD, if use up to much hp. And we could use that system here, it worked in the last one.

Well Tanks instead would use stamina in which could replace MP. Similar to Dragon Age.

Fighters: Fuck I'm tired!

Mages: Nooo out of magiiiic spells imma screwed!!

So yeah xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


Member Offline since relaunch

xD Yeah melee classes use up stamina and magic base classes use up mana. that would simplify it more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yuuji


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Y-Yuuji with Tyrant-san.

Except she believes basics should be applied.

There are also two words that are really important in Yuuji's eyes.

Player Intuition.

To avoid this being turned into a number/stat/power grinding role play (which isn't really what Ike-san wanted, Ike-san wanted something that revolved more around character development and context growth wise), Yuuji believes flat numbers should be left out completely. Player intuition is important. It dictates maturity, oversight, and a general willingness to put aside petty things such as personal pride for a greater cause. Yuuji feels with numbers involved, focus shifts away from role playing and players get their creativity gimped, not to mention lazy with their words.

By basics, Yuuji means this:

Fire is weak against water, so if your character is a Fire Mage that gets hit by water magic, you should obviously receive a greater amount of damage than your average Joe. Role play it out. Numbers don't have to be there necessarily. Elemental weaknesses and their general rule of thumb should be kept in mind and considered without them having to be forced down your throats with numbers.

If a target is wearing armor they obviously take less damage. Y-Yuuji is sure the capable role players here all know that. Again, numbers aren't necessary. Be mature about it. Basic physics, chemistry, knowledge. Fighting against armored knights and you're a(n) Thief/Assassin?

-Fall back and gracefully call for the aid of party members.
-If you're alone you can just run. They'll get exhausted chasing you.
-Go for the spots between the armor, trip them, do some basic actions. You don't need to be over dependent on skills.
-Hinder their movements and act as annoying disruptions for your capable front/back line mages or warriors.
OR if applicable
-Surround them with fire and smoke them out of their thick and heavy armor. Players still feel pain/heat. NPC as well. Unless they're possessed armor mobs/undead/some other heat/pain resistant creature.

This is role playing and Ike-san has given us a vast variety of freedoms. We get to be creative~

Even characters with high levels can't fight the terrors of gravity. While this is a video game like Silver-san mentioned, this isn't any regular video game, it's a VRMMORPG. All players are able to jump a set distance, for a set height. Players with armor obviously can't jump as high. Players with class distinctions should obviously be able to jump higher. If you fall off a ledge, you'll take damage. Unless an ability or a circumstance arises, natural instances of damage should be applied.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyrant from the West
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Tyrant from the West Antagonist Punk

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Yuuji, you said that more gracefully then i ever would be able too Im so proud of you. Also I didn't even think of half of those things! Way to go 8D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

So with what Yuuji just said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yuuji


Member Seen 11 mos ago

*places both hands on face shyly*

A-Arigato Tyrant-san...Coyote-san...


Yuuji was just speaking her mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

How Ryu's day just started (I swear this is exactly how it started in my head):
*Wakes up at 9:30*
"Huh, woke up soon for going to sleep late, better check RPGuild"
*Goes through this OOC*

Okay! Let's start!

Huh, looking at these appearances make me really want to edit my small excuse for an appearance, good work on that!

Okay, scanning through the class, you have a great idea of what a Thief is, and looking at what your character wants to be, if those are your actual plans for that character, then good job. Your character realizes her disadvantages - which is that Lovissa lacks ranged - and want to turn that disadvantage into an advantage whilst also putting her current advantages to better use. While I wouldn't really think of that as the next advancement in the Thief class line, does it really matter?


So good job on the character.

This is perfectly fine for a passive as far as I can see, not overpowered, but certainly not weak as well and it fits the class, good job on that.

Active One
One problem I have with this one is that it seems like it's more of a passive than anything else, what does this ability do? There's not much detail, does it give you heightened accuracy and ensures that most attacks land successfully without fail in a time zone? Like say five seconds? Or is this another passive?

If it is the former, then I would also recommend adding in a small critical chance or a small damage boost, give it a five - ten second time zone, and then let it have a bit of a cool down. Now, if it is the latter, I can understand if it is a passive, but I don't think OP wants us to have two passives.

While there are more than one passives in an MMO, I think OP wants us to start with one and gradually have more as the game progresses like that of a real game.

Unless we can have two passives at the disadvantage of two actives, which would make a fair trade off in my eyes, but we have to ask OP about this.
Active Two
Welp, time to take a blind shot at this since "Trigger % x 0.5 of skill"
But I think I got it, I think my feeble mind processed it after reading skill three and doing that first!

Okay, so the rate of activation for this skill is a set number with a rate of 50% of the current level of the skill, so for example, let's say 30% is the base rate and the skill is level 10. So 5%. 35%.
All right, I think I got it right!

But, of course, this one suffers from the same problem as skill number one. Is this a passive, or is this an active? Because right now, this looks more like a passive in my head, and while that's fine and dandy in the long run, I think you should convert this into an active and then, when your character becomes stronger, turn this into both.

What I mean is, when your character becomes stronger, turn this ability into an active with a passive.

How it would go like this

Quick Fingers
Description: The next attack Lovissa lands is quickly followed up with one or two more attacks, depending on the difference between her speed and the enemy's speed. The attacks do slightly more damage than the ones before it.

This ability also has a chance to go off whenever Lovissa lands a normal attack.

So obviously I didn't list the rates, but that's what I think you should do to Quick Fingers. Turn it into an active then turn it into both, and we'll all be happy.
Active Three
This is actually a good ability/skill, I like it and it's for assisting your team mate, which will net Lovissa some praise in the end by her team mates, but we will need some clarification. What is the base damage of the ability? I mean, with the way the description is described as, it seems like one attack that followed up a team mate's ability, so would the damage be higher or lower in this case?

If you need some ideas, I would have to say go with higher, maybe give it - since we are just two days started in the RP - 20% more base damage than the swing with a dagger.
There we go, basically, a lot of confusion with skill number one and two, skill three could use some work in clarification, and I like the general idea of the character and her aspirations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyrant from the West
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Tyrant from the West Antagonist Punk

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Psst Ryu give my character a once over 8D. Although heads up I probably won't wanna change my stuff and kinda ignore you for the most part; but I want to see what you have to say about it anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lel ryu is the charrie look over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ryu quick let me make a bunch of characters for you to look over!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Tyrant from the West said
Psst Ryu give my character a once over 8D. Although heads up I probably won't wanna change my stuff and kinda ignore you for the most part; but I want to see what you have to say about it anyway.

It's fun doing these things, and I'm PRETTY sure you guys do this already to me, so sure!
Okay, good job on the appearance, better than mine.
Gold star for you, buddy.

Okay, the class. I like the idea and how it is hindered on the environment, and taking from the class, I'm guessing this is a DPS Mage kind of class, correct? Seeing as how it has no armor, it trades that off for high damage. So with that mindset now implanted in my head, let's start.

What I see is that the skills and abilities have a lacking of numbers, and numbers are key in any MMO, so I will add in some examples of numbers for the skills to let you have a "gist" or "idea" of how strong the skill should be, SO THUS I'M NOT MAKING YOU CHANGE ANYTHING HUGE AND THIS IS BASICALLY A COMPROMISE.

... Although there are a few things I found fit to be changed in my eyes.

Skill One.
Okay. How strong is it? Is it able to summon two birds? Or five birds? Is it able to call for the help of three birds? Or six birds?

This is important, we need to set some numbers aside for your characters. I think having your character be able to summon two birds at first and then gradually increase it over levels, with the maximum number of birds being summoned should be around seven of eight.

The number of birds called shouldn't be a problem, although it is good to put a cap on that as well, maybe fifteen?

Skill Two.
Clarification is key, and with that, I think you should add in "claw" after "bird's" to make it look like "The user's hand is partially transformed into that of a bird's claw".
Now, how much damage will it do on hit? Will it do more than the basic attack? It shouldn't, because that's overpowered.
Will it do less than the basic attack? It should.

So since there are two types of damage being added along with the basic attack, an example of this would be say 100 for the base damage and 20 for the dark and air types of damage, which would make for a grand total of 140 damage in total per hit, and this isn't all that bad if it is like this. Before we start this RP, I want you to have a gist of how strong this ability should be, which is the example I just told you.

Of course, in every MMO, damage varies per hit for basic attacks as it is not all that consistent (example: 98 on one hit, 87 on second hit, 92 on third hit, etc) but this should be the kind of damage it should be doing, and with every added level of the skill, it should be doing a bit more than before, like for level one of the skill, twenty for both air and dark. For level two, maybe twenty-two for both air and dark and so on.

Skill Three.
More than a passive of an active, and in my opinion, I think you should turn this into your passive than anything else, I don't have much to say on this except for that.

It's a good passive, I'm not going to lie. Of course, how strong it is an issue more than anything else, but I think this passive would be better if you introduced this at a later level and instead moved your "skill" three to the passive and put in an active for skill three.
Alright, so let's be real.
Drugs, how much for in game?

It's a good character, I like it, but there are some problems with it here and there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryu babyyyy ;; You're fabulous. Thank you so much! <3 I was really confused with the skills and stuff and since Lovissa isn't really a FIGHTING class it's just been "hurr durr let's throw in some things here and there, shall we!"
Will work on your suggestions. Thank you berry much!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryu is going to end up looking over every character xD
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