Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yay Prince and Elly are in!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hibiki No Echo

Hibiki No Echo Yo.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I wonder, based on what we have so far, who'd be the fastest character now? I doubt we all start equally, similar but not equal.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Hibiki No Echo said
I wonder, based on what we have so far, who'd be the fastest character now? I doubt we all start equally, similar but not equal.silverfoxyouforgotwhoiamdidntyou;A;

I dunno that is a good question xD

...your name seems familiar but my memory fIails <~<
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hibiki No Echo

Hibiki No Echo Yo.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

We used to RP waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the old guild in Myth Academy. The one where Alex was like werewolf and I used witch Kurina. Something like that, and we became roommates or something. Memory failing... <.<
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Hibiki No Echo said
We used to RP waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the old guild in Myth Academy. The one where Alex was like werewolf and I used witch Kurina. Something like that, and we became roommates or something. Memory failing... <.<

Oh your right :D ah yes fun times ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hibiki No Echo

Hibiki No Echo Yo.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Should I get Chrys to call Prince "Princess" as way to show how bitchy he really is on the inside? ("=w=)>

Also this redesign of Chrys makes him look helluva much more older, not sure if I should use it instead of this one here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Hibiki No Echo said
Should I get Chrys to call Prince "Princess" as way to show how bitchy he really is on the inside? ("=w=)>Also this redesign of Chrys makes him look helluva much more older, not sure if I should use it instead of this one here.

....that won't work for several different reasons but Chrys can sure try xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PureThoughts
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PureThoughts The Dreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Guys. I didn't know Sword Art Online had a season two. Oh my god. I'm fangirling. I need to watch it!!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hibiki No Echo

Hibiki No Echo Yo.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ah okay. Chrys prolly won't do it unless he wants to provoke him. Then again, it's Chrys....

Dis redesign is annoying me. One face shape makes him look like a girl while another makes him look thirty years old. Dammit all.

Oh yeah, it has a season two. I'm not watching until the English Dub comes out though. I prefer it in Dub than Sub.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PureThoughts
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PureThoughts The Dreamer

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Pyromania99 said -character stuff snip

Your character based off Leona at all from the game League of Legends? Cause it reminds me of her. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ike
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Ike The Deft

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deadpixel101 said
Well.I was honestly expecting him have a few problems (I AM JUST BRIMMING WITH CONFIDENCE) Not that the GM has said anything yet... Thanks for the input though guys.Also question to Ike.Multiple characters, Y/N?

Later on possibly, but for now we are going to make the "Founding Members" of the guild.

Hibiki No Echo said
I'm doing some revisions on my CS. Also can I have customized skill names? Like instead of say... "Final Shot" we have things like "Mami's Heart Pounding Tiro Finale!". I know it sounds stupid but I like this idea... We can also show certain characters personalities and to differentiate certain moves like counters and buff spells,

You can name it whatever, if you've noticed I've been extremely lax on the character creation. I don't want to feel like this is MY rp and you are making characters that only I want, I'd rather you make a character you want. I expect others may follow in your suit and began fully customizing characters and beginning to craft their identities in game. Just know if you change a lot of things you should notify me :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Hibiki No Echo said
Ah okay. Chrys prolly won't do it unless he wants to provoke him. Then again, it's Chrys....Dis redesign is annoying me. One face shape makes him look like a girl while another makes him look thirty years old. Dammit all.Oh yeah, it has a season two. I'm not watching until the English Dub comes out though. I prefer it in Dub than Sub.

I still haven't watched SAO... I'm eagerly awaiting Log Horizon season 2 in fall.

And haaaah he may want to with how Prince acts. Basically the opposite of Alex.

Ike said
Later on possibly, but for now we are going to make the "Founding Members" of the guild.You can name it whatever, if you've noticed I've been extremely lax on the character creation. I don't want to feel like this is MY rp and you are making characters that only I want, I'd rather you make a character you want. I expect others may follow in your suit and began fully customizing characters and beginning to craft their identities in game. Just know if you change a lot of things you should notify me :)

Imma just tweak the equipment so it fits with what he's actually wearing xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I think I'm happy as is with my character, but later in the game a mount would sure be nice. << Thieves/Snipers need horses for speedy getaways, right? Nothing too unlike the class. I couldn't imagine having Lovissa on a pegasus going "Hi ho, Silver!" and flying off into the sunset, plain in sight of every noble and dandy who she'd stolen from.
That doubles as a question. How are mounts/pets going to work, anyway? Do we have any stable ideas?
Because I'm curious if I'm allowed a horse. If not, perhaps something you can train for your art. Like a thieving little ferret, or a white rat. Or even a German Shepherd that one can ride into battle, yaah! Or a cat? So many decisions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by G3njii
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Ill work on finishing that before i get into anything else today :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ike
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Ike The Deft

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Van said
So yes, I was going to join, but uh. Looking at characters, lack of pictures. Makes me sad, pure-text RP's in character bios make me go EHHH. But maybe another time tho :v

Oh I'm sorry, I would hope you didn't feel so strongly about something small but its only a game. Good fortune on other ventures :P

Elayne said
So I assume this is still accepting new characters right?

Yes :P

MyCatGinger said
I think I'm happy as is with my character, but later in the game a mount would sure be nice. << Thieves/Snipers need horses for speedy getaways, right? Nothing too unlike the class. I couldn't imagine having Lovissa on a pegasus going "Hi ho, Silver!" and flying off into the sunset, plain in sight of every noble and dandy who she'd stolen from.That doubles as a question. How are mounts/pets going to work, anyway? Do we have any stable ideas?Because I'm curious if I'm allowed a horse. If not, perhaps something you can train for your art. Like a thieving little ferret, or a white rat. Or a cat? So many decisions.

Yes there WILL be mounts and I'll explain this in a post before the RP starts. I've been trying to think "What functions do I envision in this world and have I addressed it enough to give people a strong idea." One of those things I've missed is mounts, along with PVP, how the HUD would work, how realistic combat is (there will be visual effects and injuries that inhibit possibly even scar players), so if you have anything else you feel I'm missing please share it because I need to like have a concrete world we're all walking into.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PureThoughts
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PureThoughts The Dreamer

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I'm working on my CS right now :P I'm just tinkering with the last my of kit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hibiki No Echo

Hibiki No Echo Yo.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ike said
Oh I'm sorry, I would hope you didn't feel so strongly about something small but its only a game. Good fortune on other ventures :PYes :PYes there WILL be mounts and I'll explain this in a post before the RP starts. I've been trying to think "What functions to I envision in this world and have I addressed it enough to give people a strong idea." One of those things I've missed is mounts, along with PVP, how the HUD would work, how realistic combat is (there will be visual effects and injuries that inhibit possibly even scar players), so if you have anything else you feel I'm missing please share it because I need to like have a concrete world we're all walking into.
What about things like aging? Sure in SAO, no one aged but being trapped in there for a while and with the way the game is described as I think aging should come sooner or later. Things like changes in physical appearance like haircuts and gaining muscle too?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hm, nothing more I can think of, except...
such confus.
Also, what does DPS stand for, by the way? You mentioned it on that list of "so far we have..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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MyCatGinger said
Hm, nothing more I can think of, except...WHAT ABOUT THE REAL LIFE BODIES AND THEIR DECAY WHAT IF TIME RUNS OUT WITHOUT THE BODY FUNCTIONING AND NOBODY CAN PAY FOR MEDICAL BILLS WILL OUR CHARACTERS JUST DIE THEN.such confus.Also, what does DPS stand for, by the way? You mentioned it on that list of "so far we have..."

It basically means Damage Dealer.

And the people did say that they would no longer need their bodies. I guess in a way , everyone's mind was basically downloaded. So no more need for their real bodies or mind.

So I guess in a way, in the real world, they die eventually but their virtual selves remain intact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ike
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Ike The Deft

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hibiki No Echo said
What about things like aging? Sure in SAO, no one aged but being trapped in there for a while and with the way the game is described as I think aging should come sooner or later. Things like changes in physical appearance like haircuts and gaining muscle too?

For body size, weight, hairstyle and other things that could change but age probably not since the game doesn't reflect your real world appearance.

MyCatGinger said
Hm, nothing more I can think of, except...WHAT ABOUT THE REAL LIFE BODIES AND THEIR DECAY WHAT IF TIME RUNS OUT WITHOUT THE BODY FUNCTIONING AND NOBODY CAN PAY FOR MEDICAL BILLS WILL OUR CHARACTERS JUST DIE THEN.such confus.Also, what does DPS stand for, by the way? You mentioned it on that list of "so far we have..."

Nobody knows. We don't have contact with the real world so nothing about it matters to us anymore.

DPS - Damage per second, usually in games where you form a party there are the tanks, the supports/healers/etc and the people who do damage (usually mages/rangers/rogues) other classes do damage but never on the level of a true 'DPS'.
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