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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zran
Avatar of Zran

Zran Ancient and Forever

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

My nation is nearly done full of stinky forest dwelling elves just need some time to write up their history and allocate monsters, air force and navy.

I gotta say Kad this is one of your easier system to navigate. Think you've finally found a balance.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Sini; Accepted.

On another note:

Unless you're one of my regulars (you know who you are :p) recruiting is now closed.

Those of you who have expressed interest in the intchk thread, here, by PM or are still working on your sheets may continue no problem. But if you haven't expressed interest already or are one of my regulars I'm afraid we're now closed to newcomers. 12 player nations (not counting mine) accepted so far, more on the way, the map only has so much room and I want to leave plenty of it to explore.


AND, to anyone who missed it, if your sheet is ready and hasn't been accepted yet, please PM me a permalink for review.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sini
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Goodie! One point: It's Namare, not Navare. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

That's what it says. *Hides the edit button*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I have added to my National History and actually outlined what you can expect from adopting my awesome religon, plus ive started on characters. Well, mainly names and pictures but it counts...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vakte


Member Offline since relaunch

I'm reposting my Sheet on the Last Page due to vast amounts of trying to work this out at work and I can't seem to work this tablet easily, so I'm just wiping this post and I'll get it posted up the now :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

Status: Work in Progress.

Nation Name: -Pending-

Races of the Nation: Dragons, Men, Arachnid.

Nation History: -Pending-

Important Characters: -Pending- (FN: CF, CM, K. DRAKE, IR 1, IR 2.)

Traits: 60 + 2 flaws.
National Traits: 6
Agents Everywhere: “We’re honourable, not stupid. We know people will take our lands bristling with food and beauty if we do not keep an eye out for spies and assassins.”
For the People: “We live for the Greater Good, we die for the Greater Good.”
Honourable: "It's what got us this far... Without it we would be no better than the thieves and assassins who pillage from the world recklessly for their own short term gains."
Nature's Ally: “The Roots protect us, and we protect them.”
Chosen of God: “If we were not, the Roots would have rid of us like a pestilence long ago.”
Unsoiled Reputation: “Never have the Roots demanded imperial ambitions, and never have we striven for empire. Never have those crying out for help gone unanswered, and never have we turned away refugees.”

Population Traits: 10
Loyal: “Without loyalty there is no honour.”
Brave: “Without bravery there is no purpose.”
Religious: “The Roots of the world guide us, and we guide the Roots. We depend on them for food and housing and resources, and they depend on us to care for them, heal them, and save them from malicious intent... They are our Gods of love and tolerance.”
Jackrabbits: “...Gods of love and tolerance...”
We stand as one!: “We live together or die together.”
Foresting Instincts: “We are born and die here. It only makes sense.”
Game Trails: “We know our way and the way knows us.”
Public Baths: “No sense being unclean. It makes us healthier and happier, and great places of... Appreciation of... The physical form... Cleansed of all of nature’s decay... Well... They’re popular places.”
Law and Order: “The Greater Good requires us to work as one. That is not possible if we are slitting each other’s throats.”
Small Town Talk: “To every town a brothel, to every brothel hearts of courage, to all hearts of courage the loyalty to speak out against injustice... Full circle travels the arrow of justice.”

Academic Traits: 6
Medicine: “To mend the wounded and heal the sick is something the Roots would task us of if they had voices with which to speak.”
Schools: “If you cannot read, you cannot learn. If you cannot learn, you cannot teach. If you cannot teach, you cannot help the next generation achieve greater things.”
Agricultural Institute: “We live in an eternal, stretching forest. If we cannot learn to farm within it, we are doomed.”[/i]
Tradesman Academy: “It does not hurt to provide a valuable service to the outside world.”
Hunger for Knowledge: “The more we learn about the world the Roots live within, the more the Roots can be protected, cultivated, and made useful for all.”
Natural Cultivation: “Did we mention that we breed a lot and do not want to cut down our forests for endless rows of cabbages and turnips?”

Military Basic Traits: 6
Ambush Predators: “Silent, deadly, efficient.”
Strategists: “We think and we hunt, together these things make us efficient either alone or in groups at devising the best possible method of taking on a situation.”
Superior Training: “Without the ability, the weapon will not move correctly. If it does not move correctly, all hope is lost.”
War Paint: “To hide within the forest, you must blend in with the forest... To inspire courage in your brothers and sisters, you must all unite under the same colour... The same banner.”
Youngbloods: “We are born competent as the Roots have required of us.”
Nightmares in the Trees: “The forests are to us what the cities are to factories and the farmlands are to farmers... Only unlike those places, the farmers and factory workers do not understand our lands.”

Archery Traits: 8
Block out the Sun: “The further it flies, the further from harm one is.”
Monster-Hunters: “To protect the Roots one must be willing and able to slay even the greatest of adversaries.”
Apple Shots: “One shot, one kill. Clean and efficient.”
Bushes Are Your Friend: “You cannot hit back that which disappears.”
Archery Range: “All the finest archers started here.”
Perfect Fletching: “Each Root sacrificed for a potential blow must be cherished, and thus their works must last as long as possible.”
Composite Bows: “Sometimes, bigger is better.”
Dragon Bows: “...Bigger still for anyone stupid enough to cross us.”

Infantry Traits: 3
Hold the Line: “To hold the front line is an honourable duty.”
Warrior-Monks: “Even the academics of the east are deadly.”
Weapon Academy: “Thousands of metal swords are hard to come by in endless forests. Spears, or arrows, however...”

Cavalry Traits: 0
"Why would we ever take the beasts of the forest to such humiliating servitude?! Besides, swathes of horses in a forest are not practical."

Navy Traits: 0
"Parting with some of our Roots is acceptable sacrifice for peace, prosperity, and tolerance, as they would preach unto us to give unto others... But to construct entire fleets of war ships, requiring the loss of thousands of Roots?... We cannot justify such an atrocity."

Airborne Traits: 3
Control the Skies: “To fly sky high and avoid the ocean, preferable. To fall down from elerium and wipe away those who would threaten the forest?... Better still.”
Gryphon: “A mighty and noble beast that will always have a home amongst the honourable.”
Liondrake: “Beautiful, fast, dangerous. Just the thing our insane navigators would ask for...”

Tradesman Traits: 7
Farmhands: “To produce excess and share with neighbours is always appreciable... That, or in especially boring summers with all the wonders of love and tolerance in every Root, and every flower, and every bee...”
Master Carpenters: “If we are to sacrifice the Roots for our own gain, we should at least have the respect to make masterful works out of their loss.”
Trackers: “You cannot hide in the forest of the Root’s chosen.”
Buy only the best: “Only the finest will do, to mass produce is to lose the identity of each item and article that came from the Roots.”
Bang for your Buck: “Waste. Nothing.”
Elemental Weapons: (Nature) “To bind one in roots for pleasure or pain, or simply to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.”
Inspiring Edifice: “All the oldest forests are our relics, but every city has one Root it is built around, one Root of great respect and endurance.”

Merchant Traits: 3
Welcome Sight: “Why push away the world’s masters of wood craft?”
Trade Tongues: “To give tolerance, one must first learn to speak the tongue of the ignorant...”
Diplomatic Savants: “...Of course, you would never say that, to the ignorant’s face...”

Magecraft Traits: 6
Elemental Earths: “To shape the earth as one wills, to break the ground beneath the feet of an approaching army or heal the dirt of poison and pain so that the Roots may spread once more...”
Henges of Power: “There are places none shall enter that the Roots do not themselves will.”
Nature Magic: “Earth to mold the dirt, Nature to grow the Heartlands.”
Rune Magic: “To bless our master crafts with magic is a sign of true adoration of the work, and a blessing of an item with a soul.”
Holy Magic: “To heal those living, or to banish those evil... Often employed by brothels...”
Scholars of Power: “Our thirst for knowledge shall never end at what merely can be seen, for one day, we wish to join the Gods who live beyond the Roots... In the world unseen. Within the Elerium.”

Monster Traits: 1
Basilisk: “To petrify the unsavoury, or to service yet another one of the brothel’s many, many varying services... Often used by our agents to easily take a suspect in without struggle.”

Mechanist Traits: 1
Zepplins: “... We need some method of travelling the great empty vast waters without suffering from pure terror. Though, to see the great expanse of the Heartlands from the air is... Incredible.”

Flaws: (Only need 2)
Afraid of Water: "We can't grow trees here and it stretches on for ages!... Though small ponds and our public baths certainly don't bother us, the thought of being nowhere near a forest and in an area incapable of growing any is certainly unnerving! THE SHIP ROCKS TOO MUCH!"
Code of Honour: "Without it we are vagrants and mongrels."

Custom Traits
Roots of the Gods:
The Power of Brothels:
Custom Flaw 1 <- Wat?

Territory: (100 pts) (0) (Total Provinces: 32?)

Heartland: The Heartland territory, the very core, sprawling in each direction for miles on end with some of the thickest and tallest trees and most magnificent cathedrals it looks almost like a series of interconnected towns all tied together by small roads and bustling markets, with public baths seemingly at each and every interconnection and nearly always in use. At its core is the capital building, which contains nearly every single public facility available for private use by the most important of the society. During the night there are plenty of establishments, however, such as brothels to celebrate the matters of the flesh, and night time churches for matters of the soul.
Numbers: Capital City (F), Forest (2).
Total Cost: 2.

Norai: The Norai territory, northernmost significant position of the Heartland, thickly populated and akin to the capital in its surreal placement of town-bath-town, though the outlying forests were only recently grown to try and expand the reach of the forest. As well, the core is simply a better developed town with a centralized cathedral. Most of the forests here are dominated by pines.

The surrounding forest territories are each known to their local populations as Norai. Officially, they're Norai plus a general direction, such as Norai North, or Norai South.
Numbers: Large City (10), Forest (2).
Surrounding Area: Forest (2x6) (12).
Total Cost: 24.

Sorai: As with Norai, but to the south, and dominated primarily by Oaks. Here is where most of the flying creatures are raised and cared for when sick or wounded. As such the most talented arial flyers come from here. A great deal of the recruits here also service as a sort of beacon of hope for one day achieving travel across the vast, empty places of water in a quicker manner than the zepplins.
Numbers: Large City (10), Forest (2).
Surrounding Area: Forest (2x6) (12).
Total Cost: 24.

Earai: As with Norai and Sorai, but with a variety of trees. This location is often known informally as "The Thinker's Place", this is where the most prestigious students and teachers tend to congregate regardless of their birthplace for simple practicality... There is also a notable lack of “dirty brothels”, the ones here are sophisticated and often serve just as much as confessionals and ritualistic social practice circles as they do anything else. As such, a great deal of talented diplomats also come from this place.
Numbers: Large City (10), Forest (2).
Surrounding Area: Forest (2x6) (12).
Total Cost: 24.

Worai: A recent addition to the territories stretching out west, it wasn’t until an understanding was met with the arachnids here before they could really and truly begin the expansion process. There are several Sakura groves that exist here, they often provide places of great comfort and meditation and thus many of the overtly religious come here to contemplate, pray, and give to the Gods of love and tolerance.

The arachnid population is also highest here, though rarely seen, and often preferring seclusion. A select few live amongst the people however, to sell the highest quality silk and act as liaisons and voices for all of their kind. They live quite amicable with the people here, whom are just as content with leaving them alone and in peace.
Numbers: Small City (4), Forest (2).
Surrounding Area: Forest (2x4) (8).
Total Cost: 14.

Saotep: The name of the dragon hero this town is named after. Whilst most legends depict dragons are fiery destroyers of life, this town was instead saved by one whom used his great wings to put out the flames of a fire threatening to destroy the forest. Whilst healing and mending is still underway, the dragon was allowed to stay and quite content to, often bemused with travelling the lands, and teasing its people.

Other dragons like Saotep occasionally visit from time to time, but due to the only recent addition of Saotep the rest are too tentative to stay and form any kind of military force or civilian population... Whether that would even be practical is up in the air.
Numbers: Small Town (4). (Not covered by forest--most of the forest was lost and is still being healed. Treated as open plains.)
Surrounding Area: Forest (2x4) (8).
Total Cost: 12.




Air Force:

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zran said I gotta say Kad this is one of your easier system to navigate. Think you've finally found a balance.


@Bravo, you need Steam Engines for any Mechanist trait. (Also as a side note, Composite bows were first created because they could be smaller then larger bows but pack just as much punch, hence made them ideal for horse archers. So more "smaller is better" :P)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zran
Avatar of Zran

Zran Ancient and Forever

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nation Name:
Eduum Forests Alliance

Races of the Nation: 17
Dryads 3
Treemen 6
Eldar 3
Dark Elves 3
Wild Elves 3
Nation History: The Forests of Eduum were first claimed by the Treemen along with the Dryads. Although the Wild Elves slowly crept in and claimed some parts of the forest it was large enough that the Treemen and Dryads could keep hidden.

The Eldar fleeing a now unknown enemy came to the forest and quickly carved out a city much to the anger of the forest-kind. A war broke out among the two the Eldar employing fire magic to tame the forests. Golodiloth led his people to war learning magics never before utilized by the Treemen.

Arkamina’al’dalid a Dryad of the Willow went to the Wild elves and asked for their help in the war, many refused feeling a loyalty to the kin, but some few volunteered to fight and they taught their archery skills to Arkamina who became the first Dryad to fight in the war.

The Eldar seeking allies of their own went to the Wild elves too but they were refused, the wild elves remaining were the ones who had not wished to spill the blood of the Eldar. They definitely did not wish to fight their own kind. The Eldar High Lord Asildar Lasril sought help in a unlikely place, he had heard of a Dark Elf clan living deep beneath the forests. He sent his best diplomats and warriors knowing the Dark Elves would respect strength first and words second.

Meanwhile the war raged on and the Treemen and Wild elves learnt to fight together and the Eldar began failing being unable to field the numbers they needed to keep up the fight. Asildar held on to the hopes that his diplomats would return with the Dark elves aid. He and the few remaining Eldar had no where left to run these forests were suppose to be a safe haven but they brought nothing but more fighting and death which the Eldar couldn't afford.
They retreated to their city and the Treemen and allies besieged the city kept back by the Eldar magics. Unable to get closer due to the Eldar's fire magic and catapults on the walls.
The eldest treeman known as Falenghorn the First Tree stepped forth into the no man's land between the city and offered the city peace if they promised to keep only the land they had taken and no more.

Lord Asildar and his council after long deliberation took the offer and a treaty was drawn and the war ended. The Wild elves went back to their settlements and told their people what had occurred. They too asked the Treemen for permisson to live in the forests and were given much more freedom than the Eldar, due to their aid in the war and the fact of they had little impact on the forest and respected it.

And so the Eduum Alliance was formed and they enjoyed peace for a few years. Things were looking up for the Alliance as the forest recovered and the races settled into life together.

Until the diplomats and warriors Asildar had sent returned with a Dark elven army at their backs. The Treemen saw this and at first thought they had been betrayed by the Eldar and prepared for war again. Asildar met with Falenghorn and told him how he had sent his people beneath the forests for help and how he had thought them to be dead.
The Alliance prepared to meet the Dark Elves outside the city standing together where before their was only blood and fire. Treemen standing above everything, arms ladened with rocks, Eldar with blades and magic at hand, Wild elves armed with bows and quivers bristling with arrows, the Dryad forces armed with clubs of spiked wood.

Having called on them the Dark Elves were unlikely to go back under quietly. When the diplomats were told what had occurred since their absence they tried to explain what had happened to the Dark Elves but were met with anger and were all killed. The Dark Elves emerged from the forest around the city many astride spiders armed with swords and bows. Their leaders first asked to speak with the Eldar lord who had called them. Asildar refused only wishing to speak as part of the Alliance. A war council was formed a member from each race. Arkamina’al’dalid the Dryad, Golodiloth the Treemage (as he now styled himself having learnt much from the Eldar Archmages), Armendrel Akinoth a leader of the Wild elves.

The council met with the Dark Elves a guard at their back weapons at the ready. They offered single combat to the one who would step forth as the champion of the Dark Elves. None did. The disparate Dark elves had no clear leader and no idea whom the Alliance would pick to fight. Arkamina’al’dalid speaking for the war council said "that is our strength, we have many people with many strengths and with wise leadership know how to fight any foe."
"Will you join us", the council asked hands still tense on their weapons ready for the truce to end. The dark elves conversed with each other sizing up the army gathered against them. They decided they hadn't a chance never before had they fought so many different races at once.

All at once the Dark elves lay down their weapons all except one small clan, named Eleros whom were the best warriors. Their mage used his magic to set alight Golodiloth not fathoming Golodiloth was also a mage he did not run unlike his brothers he directed the fire upon the mage disintegrating him and leaving only smoking bones and a scorchmark.
The allied forces quickly dispatched most of the Eleros. The remaining dark elf army did not pick up their weapons but accepted the treaty like the other races before them respecting the strength of the Alliance and seeing a chance in it for themselves.

Since the war and subsequent encounter with the dark elves the Forest has grown, both itself and its peoples. They have developed a new culture entirely a mix of magic and love for nature. Tempered with a dislike of outsiders, all having been witness to what happened when others moved in. They built fortresses and castles to guard from outsiders and trained their armies ceasely learning to work together like few other nations could.

Dates are referred to as AT (After Treaty), (Pre-Eldar) and FY (Fire Years) as established by the Eldar, as Treemen have no need for time. Date is currently 233 AT.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SpartanDoesAcid


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Okay Kad, am I accepted? Am I not accepted? Is my NS so horrifically bad that its not even worth mentioning? Did you even get my PM in the first place? I must admit, the anticipation is killing me.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Its not the anticipation, its the nano-virus Kad left behind...

... I mean what? ...obviously its the anticipation...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hey Kad, I read on someones NS that they got some extra air points for not having any beast or monster traits at all. Am I hallucinating and if im not can I have that?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SpartanDoesAcid


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm curious about that as well. I think it would be a fair exchange to trade both navies and monsters for additional air points.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Uskglass


Member Offline since relaunch

Iarumas said
Hey Kad, I read on someones NS that they got some extra air points for not having any beast or monster traits at all. Am I hallucinating and if im not can I have that?

Ohhey wait is this a thing? Can I get bonus points for not having any navy?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarzu


Member Offline since relaunch

Iarumas said
Hey Kad, I read on someones NS that they got some extra air points for not having any beast or monster traits at all. Am I hallucinating and if im not can I have that?

SpartanDoesAcid said
I'm curious about that as well. I think it would be a fair exchange to trade both navies and monsters for additional air points.

Uskglass said
Ohhey wait is this a thing? Can I get bonus points for not having any navy?

You can only add airforce to monster.

In my situation I have no navy and no airforce, only monsters.

So I was allowed to add the points that would be reserved for Air Force to add them to monsters, double the Monster Points.

To be fair I also have 2 Unique Flaws.

The money for Navy is useless to me and I can't trade that for anything else, but to those others who don't have a navy have, like me, the benefit that they won't be able to be invaded from the Sea, due to being landlocked as it were (or in my case a pure underground nation).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sarzu said
You can only add airforce to monster.EG:In my situation I have no navy and no airforce, only monsters.So I was allowed to add the points that would be reserved for Air Force to add them to monsters, double the Monster Points.To be fair I also have 2 Unique Flaws.NOTE:The money for Navy is useless to me and I can't trade that for anything else, but to those others who don't have a navy have, like me, the benefit that they won't be able to be invaded from the Sea, due to being landlocked as it were (or in my case a pure underground nation).

ohhhhhhhhhhhh....So thats what happened. Ok, nevermind. Nothing to see here.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WittyReference

WittyReference the Living Dead

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Would the alternative be true? Using points allocated to Monster for Airforce as long as the airforce only uses monsters? Still handling and training costs, just with wings :p
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

SpartanDoesAcid said
Okay Kad, am I accepted? Am I not accepted? Is my NS so horrifically bad that its not even worth mentioning? Did you even get my PM in the first place? I must admit, the anticipation is killing me.

I didn't get the PM.

Iarumas said
Hey Kad, I read on someones NS that they got some extra air points for not having any beast or monster traits at all. Am I hallucinating and if im not can I have that?

@This whole line of discussion; This was allowed of Sarz due to his unique situation, it came at the cost of he had to take another unique, and very specific flaw. Even so I would only allow air force to monster points and not vice versa, air force unit types are largely immune to easy attack by most infantry after all.

Zran said
Also WIP

But Military is done, anyone feel free to go over my numbers and see if I have made a mistake.

Your formatting appears broken :p
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

@SpartanDoesAcid: Accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
Avatar of Flooby Badoop

Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Is there no more room for this? I created a nation, but only just read that recruiting for this is closed.
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