Extra said
Time to find an apple farm.
There's no time!
Extra said
Time to find an apple farm.
Host said
There's no time!
Extra said
Um...uhh...*runs off extremely fast*
Host said
Get back here. I'll see what I can do.*Translucent apples begin to fall from the sky into a pit that looks like a hologram*
Extra said
*is gone for ten seconds and comes back fast hobbling with a large barrel, and a giant robot comes running behind me carrying a barrel larger than me*Aaaagh!!!
Host said
That'll work better.*Mine disappear*Now I'll do this part.*Stomps, creating a fissure that opens up*Dump them in there.
Extra said
*Begins hopping towards the hole with one leg whilst opening the top and then pouring it into the hole and the giant robot breaks one side of it's barrel and dumps the apples into the hole*
Host said
*My hand forms a large hammer and crushes them*Last thing. I need you to charge it.
Extra said
I'd be my pleasure!*red and black electricity flows around my body and I shoot a large beam of electricity*
Host said
Perfect. Now Techi, I need you to jump in it.
Legend said
O-okay...*Jumps in*
Host said
Last thing. I need Cationic polymers of vinylpyrrolidone, methacrylamide, and N-vinylimidazole.
Extra said
*sighs*I knew this seemed too easy....
Host said
Trust me, it's not hard. Those are the main ingredients in many hair gels. I just need one jar of those. Hurry! She has ten minutes left!
Extra said
*runs to the same direction I was but I break the sound barrier*Robot: huh...he really wants to save her...
Host said
So do I.
Extra said
*I come running back, dust flying up behind me and I'm carrying a gallon jar of hair gel*Here....
Host said
*Grabs it, dumps it in her hair and starts mixing it*Come on... do something...
Extra said
*sits and waits*