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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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<Snipped quote by LegendBegins>

Shinji:Thank you, I apologize if I seem forceful, just been uneasy recently..

Isis: It's fine. Where do I need to go?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Isis: It's fine. Where do I need to go?

Kirina and I will take you there.
*looks over to Kiruna, with a warm hearted smile*
Kirina: *sees his smile, and blushes*
O-of c-course we will.

Shinji:* chuckles, seeing her blush, and kisses her lightly on the lips, then presses a button. All current people in the area are teleported to the Sovereign class ship "Arcadia"*

Shinji: ah, were here. Follow me, I'll take you to the laboratory. Kiruna, please check on my sister's progress on ODIN-5 please, she should have it fully calibrated by now.

Kirina: of course, my love.
*walks away down a separate corridor*

Shinji: let's be on our way, I wouldn't want to keep you long from your project.
*walks down the hallway to their left*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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<Snipped quote by LegendBegins>

Kirina and I will take you there.
*looks over to Kiruna, with a warm hearted smile*
Kirina: *sees his smile, and blushes*
O-of c-course we will.

Shinji:* chuckles, seeing her blush, and kisses her lightly on the lips, then presses a button. All current people in the area are teleported to the Sovereign class ship "Arcadia"*

Shinji: ah, were here. Follow me, I'll take you to the laboratory. Kiruna, please check on my sister's progress on ODIN-5 please, she should have it fully calibrated by now.

Kirina: of course, my love.
*walks away down a separate corridor*

Shinji: let's be on our way, I wouldn't want to keep you long from your project.
*walks down the hallway to their left*

Isis: *Follows*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Isis: *Follows*

Shinji: *speaks as I walk* its been a while, since I've seen the group, my father tells of the things that the great David Dynamo has done for existence,and how he has "made it his duty" to ensure tranquility and peace throughout the galaxy. He how to one day be on "the same level as him". His ramblings get boring after a while.

*a moment of silence passes, as I speak again*

Hey, do you think the others would be upset that... Kirina.. Is a noble...?
*says this camly, as an attempt to not upset her, if what he said were to upset her in the first place*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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<Snipped quote by LegendBegins>

Shinji: *speaks as I walk* its been a while, since I've seen the group, my father tells of the things that the great David Dynamo has done for existence,and how he has "made it his duty" to ensure tranquility and peace throughout the galaxy. He how to one day be on "the same level as him". His ramblings get boring after a while.

*a moment of silence passes, as I speak again*

Hey, do you think the others would be upset that... Kirina.. Is a noble...?
*says this camly, as an attempt to not upset her, if what he said were to upset her in the first place*

Isis: Maybe. It wouldn't bother my dad, but some of them, yeah. But while he would appreciate the praise, he would say that he doesn't deserve it anymore
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Isis: Maybe. It wouldn't bother my dad, but some of them, yeah. But while he would appreciate the praise, he would say that he doesn't deserve it anymore

Shinji: that's a relief. I was worried that if someone tried to kill her that I would be the only one protect her. Also, why does David believe he doesn't deserve praise? From what I've seen or know of him, he seems like a saviour of sorts. A protector of all. Unless something bad happened, of course. That's how I became the target of hatred for miss ruby jean. Mistakes aren't something I am accustomed to, and I regret that particular one quite a bit. If I had been stronger, I could've restrained the vampirism within me. Luckily I removed it before anyone else got hurt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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<Snipped quote by LegendBegins>

Shinji: that's a relief. I was worried that if someone tried to kill her that I would be the only one protect her. Also, why does David believe he doesn't deserve praise? From what I've seen or know of him, he seems like a saviour of sorts. A protector of all. Unless something bad happened, of course. That's how I became the target of hatred for miss ruby jean. Mistakes aren't something I am accustomed to, and I regret that particular one quite a bit. If I had been stronger, I could've restrained the vampirism within me. Luckily I removed it before anyone else got hurt.

Isis: Yes... something very bad happened. The Artifacts stopped responding to his will.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Isis: Yes... something very bad happened. The Artifacts stopped responding to his will.

*stops dead in his tracks*

*stands there,in awe*

... I think that I know what my next research project will be then. After all of this Chiropteran business is taken care of, of course...
*continues walking, and ponders this thought*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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<Snipped quote by LegendBegins>

*stops dead in his tracks*

*stands there,in awe*

... I think that I know what my next research project will be then. After all of this Chiropteran business is taken care of, of course...
*continues walking, and ponders this thought*

Isis: Who knows? He and mom may have already figured it out. They've been kind of secretive lately, moreso than usual.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Isis: Who knows? He and mom may have already figured it out. They've been kind of secretive lately, moreso than usual.

Shinji: *chuckles slightly, and sighs*
Oh well, it would have been an intriguing issue to work with and fix..
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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<Snipped quote by LegendBegins>

Shinji: *chuckles slightly, and sighs*
Oh well, it would have been an intriguing issue to work with and fix..

Isis: It was honestly terrifying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Isis: It was honestly terrifying.

Shinji: Hmm, I would say I could relate to terrifying things happening, but every one perceives things differently....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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<Snipped quote by LegendBegins>

Shinji: Hmm, I would say I could relate to terrifying things happening, but every one perceives things differently....

Isis: True, true.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Isis: True, true.

*continues walking*

Shinji: you seem to be quite the agreeable person, Im surprised we haven't talked much before this, but I digress. Were almost to the room containing the device. Another five minutes approximately and we should be there, if my calculations are correct.

*keeps walking*

Shinji: Also, one more thing you should know, the woman I refer to as my stepsister, she is really my half sister. My step sister passed away fighting the Chiropterans. It was tragic, but unfortunately, I rarely spoke to her. The main point is, Alucard does in fact have a daughter, and no one else is to know for certain reasons.

*breathes quietly*

Also, no one else is to know of this either, but I have a daughter. She has yet to be born, as Kirina is currently pregnant with her.

*keeps walking, keeping a close watch of you for any sudden movements indicating danger out of the corner of my eye*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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<Snipped quote by LegendBegins>

*continues walking*

Shinji: you seem to be quite the agreeable person, Im surprised we haven't talked much before this, but I digress. Were almost to the room containing the device. Another five minutes approximately and we should be there, if my calculations are correct.

*keeps walking*

Shinji: Also, one more thing you should know, the woman I refer to as my stepsister, she is really my half sister. My step sister passed away fighting the Chiropterans. It was tragic, but unfortunately, I rarely spoke to her. The main point is, Alucard does in fact have a daughter, and no one else is to know for certain reasons.

*breathes quietly*

Also, no one else is to know of this either, but I have a daughter. She has yet to be born, as Kirina is currently pregnant with her.

*keeps walking, keeping a close watch of you for any sudden movements indicating danger out of the corner of my eye*

Isis: Okay... you do just want me to fix a machine, right? Or at least analyze data. I'm not doing any birthing or anything, right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Isis: Okay... you do just want me to fix a machine, right? Or at least analyze data. I'm not doing any birthing or anything, right?

Shinji:* chuckles to myself at my comment,and speaks*
Not at all, your just analyzing the devices data, no birthing will be happening here, I just felt I could trust you with sensitive information.

*keeps walking, and stops in front of the door*


*looks closely at the access panel, seeing that there was a thin plastic layer over it that shouldn't be there*
..we'll then. It would seem my sister is at it again. She love tinkering with my tools and devices. She's probably looking for a tool to help her precisely calibrate the geo-navigation systems in the GNYSYS03, I think that it is fine, but she is really picky..

*peels the plastic off the access panel, scans his hand, enters a several hundred digit long code, as the door slides up, and I enter the large room*

Welcome, Isis, to my magnificent Laboratory.

*waives to all of the devices, and several other things*

There is plenty of tools at your disposal. I've gathered nearly every tool from every universe.

*abover them, soft clanking metal sounds can be heard, as my sister works on the GNYSYS03*

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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<Snipped quote by LegendBegins>

Shinji:* chuckles to myself at my comment,and speaks*
Not at all, your just analyzing the devices data, no birthing will be happening here, I just felt I could trust you with sensitive information.

*keeps walking, and stops in front of the door*


*looks closely at the access panel, seeing that there was a thin plastic layer over it that shouldn't be there*
..we'll then. It would seem my sister is at it again. She love tinkering with my tools and devices. She's probably looking for a tool to help her precisely calibrate the geo-navigation systems in the GNYSYS03, I think that it is fine, but she is really picky..

*peels the plastic off the access panel, scans his hand, enters a several hundred digit long code, as the door slides up, and I enter the large room*

Welcome, Isis, to my magnificent Laboratory.

*waives to all of the devices, and several other things*

There is plenty of tools at your disposal. I've gathered nearly every tool from every universe.

*abover them, soft clanking metal sounds can be heard, as my sister works on the GNYSYS03*

Isis: Okay. Where's your data?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Isis: Okay. Where's your data?

Shinji: *opens a panel of info in midair with holographis, clicks a few things here and there, and a small orb appears in front of you*

Any and all information, updated every .0000000001 milliseconds, is within that sphere. To put it in an access port, you simply click the top of it, and it will insert itself into whichever device you would like.
Some say that it can even be compatible with Windows 97, can you believe that?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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<Snipped quote by LegendBegins>
Shinji: *opens a panel of info in midair with holographis, clicks a few things here and there, and a small orb appears in front of you*

Any and all information, updated every .0000000001 milliseconds, is within that sphere. To put it in an access port, you simply click the top of it, and it will insert itself into whichever device you would like.
Some say that it can even be compatible with Windows 97, can you believe that?

Isis: ...Can I... can I use that?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Isis: ...Can I... can I use that?


*raises an eyebrow*

windows 97? You'd be programming for days just to get the system check to boot, but yeah.
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