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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dynamics
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Dynamics Magic Steve

Member Seen 3 days ago

Isis, he's still after me. I can feel it. Isis: But he was incarcerated. There's no way he could even still be functioning normally. -You don't understand. He won't stop. He didn't when he killed my mom, he didn't when he killed my uncle. Isis: Look, if he's still out there, we'll take him down. Together. -Do you really think we can fend him off? The two of us? Isis: I know so. I know enough about my own dad to figure him out. -*Smiles* I wish I could help more. I don't have any supernatural abilities like yours, though. Isis: Scientific, not supernatural. But that's a topic for another day. I can loan you Black Lotus for a while if you want, but I know you have plenty of tricks up your sleeves. You've managed to make it this far. -That's true, but extra assurance can't hurt. Are you sure it's okay if I use Black Lotus? Isis: I have a backup; don't worry about it. -Thanks, Isis. It means a lot. Isis: We're in this together. This is ours to take.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

*on a sovereign class spaceship called "Arcadia", some millions of light years way*
Harlock: The preparations have been made. The GNYSYS03 type has been fully constructed. Here soon, we can take the Unarys system back from the Galactic Initiative Armada.

???: Good, the last of the Chiropteran DNA infused humans have been converted back to a stable rate. If we can use this program, as you have designed it, we may be able to completely eradicate the Chiropteran DNA Sequences and prevent another Vietnam Incident. Alucard, see if you can contact your friends at the base. We will need all of the help we can get. These GIA operatives are top notch. Some say there is even a mythical being with them. His codename is Serpent. You job will be to find him and eradicate him. Understood?
Alucard:*bows, with one arm crossed across his chest* as you wish, my dearest Saya.

Saya: also, where is my, I mean, our daughter...?

Alucard: she is adding the final touches to her Mjölnir class DeitySuit.

Saya: She is definitely our daughter, she has to make sure everything is right. *laughs slightly*

Alucard: *smirks* and to think she is nearly finished with such a wondrous object, something that rivals even you, I, and my son,Shinji, in power, is incredible. Although Shinji was the one who provided the technology, being the most tech advanced being out of the entirety of us.

Shniji: thank you, father. I appreciate your gratitude.

Alucard: you and your sister make a great team.

Shinji: I made sure to train her well.

Alucard: *smirks* I was just remembering something, does Ruby still have a strong dislike of you? Hmhm.

Shinji: I don't blame her. She will never forgive me. Otherwise she might have been standing with us at this meeting. * clicks in the air, as a screen for twitter pops up, as he checks something*
Hmm, apparently her page for hating me is still trending, not as much, but still.

Alucard: give it some more time. They were quite busy with something else when we last saw them, and that incident didn't help matters. I'm sure she will forgive you.

Shinji: It's possible, but highly unlikely. Nina should be here by now, it doesn't take that long to fix a few minor bugs in he Anti-Energy Fields....

Nina: *comes down a hallway, with a grin on her face*

Preparations are finished? Were a year ahead of schedule. That's good.

Saya: of course. Your father does have his way with power.

Alucard:*grins at the mention of this, and stands beside her, his hand around her waist, and her right hand against his left cheek*
We have built this great Galactic Democracy, and we shall continue to see it grow.

Shinji: *scoffs* as long as we don't end up like america, by butting our heads into other galaxies' problems, then we should be fine.

All: agreed.

Shinji: *leaves to his quarters*

Harlock: I am going to see how the new captain is adjusting to the ship's crew.
*heads toward the main hall*

*Alucard and Saya exit the meeting room as well*

Nina: This isn't going to go as planned, something feels wrong, but I'll dismiss it for now, there are more pressing matters,....
*leaves to her quarters*

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dynamics
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Dynamics Magic Steve

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Isis: It's almost time.
*Performs another test*
It's worked every time. Perhaps the risk isn't large enough to prevent this solution.
And how many would have thought that I would be the one to figure this out? Well
*Picks up documents and files*
Better report my results.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

*Shinji and Kirina appear,hand in hand, at the base*
Shinji:*looks around not seeing much of anyone* is anyone here?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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*Shinji and Kirina appear,hand in hand, at the base*
Shinji:*looks around not seeing much of anyone* is anyone here?

Isis: Me. That's all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
Isis: Me. That's all.

*Shinji looks over to Isis,smiling*
Hey, long time no see, anything interesting happen while I was gone?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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<Snipped quote by LegendBegins>

*Shinji looks over to Isis,smiling*
Hey, long time no see, anything interesting happen while I was gone?

Isis: *Looks at my watch*
Some interesting stuff right now. But away from here, at another place. Another land. Everyone will be back soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Isis: *Looks at my watch*
Some interesting stuff right now. But away from here, at another place. Another land. Everyone will be back soon.

Shinji: hmm, interesting. * pulls up a screen in in mid-air, looking at some info* well then. It would seem like the GIA is on the move again. I'm sure my Father will take care of that..

Kirina:*hugs him* I'm sure he will too.

Shinji:*smiles, placing his hand on her cheek, and kisses her softly on the lips*

Kirina:*kisses him passionately back*

Shinji:*looks back to Isis* my father, my now-step-mother,step sister, Kirina, and I, are currently trying to prevent an entire system of universes from collapsing due to a group called the Galactic Initiative Armada causing unrest in the planets containing life. They were using monsters called Chiropterans to wipe out every living race, and then they would suck the planets dry of their resources. They found a way to contain Chiropteran DNA into a pill form, which they would give the planets inhabitants after releasing a plague upon them, saying that the pills were a cure. Luckily, we found a way to reverse the process. Curing the plague was as simple as inserting the proper chemicals in their water supply. The Chiropteran DNA, however, that was a challenge. That's when we developed the GNYSYS02 type DNA separation device. Unfortunately, all it was cable of doing was returning the DNA to a stable, non-shifting form. The GNYSYS03 type that we just recently developed should completely wipe the Chiropteran DNA from their systems.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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<Snipped quote by LegendBegins>

Shinji: hmm, interesting. * pulls up a screen in in mid-air, looking at some info* well then. It would seem like the GIA is on the move again. I'm sure my Father will take care of that..

Kirina:*hugs him* I'm sure he will too.

Shinji:*smiles, placing his hand on her cheek, and kisses her softly on the lips*

Kirina:*kisses him passionately back*

Shinji:*looks back to Isis* my father, my now-step-mother,step sister, Kirina, and I, are currently trying to prevent an entire system of universes from collapsing due to a group called the Galactic Initiative Armada causing unrest in the planets containing life. They were using monsters called Chiropterans to wipe out every living race, and then they would suck the planets dry of their resources. They found a way to contain Chiropteran DNA into a pill form, which they would give the planets inhabitants after releasing a plague upon them, saying that the pills were a cure. Luckily, we found a way to reverse the process. Curing the plague was as simple as inserting the proper chemicals in their water supply. The Chiropteran DNA, however, that was a challenge. That's when we developed the GNYSYS02 type DNA separation device. Unfortunately, all it was cable of doing was returning the DNA to a stable, non-shifting form. The GNYSYS03 type that we just recently developed should completely wipe the Chiropteran DNA from their systems.

Isis: Interesting. I'm working on another project, but is there anything I can do to help?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Isis: Interesting. I'm working on another project, but is there anything I can do to help?

Shinji: hmm.... Perhaps we could use your help ensuring that the GNYSYS03 will work properly? Although we have it as far as we can get with our technology, perhaps with your intellect we could ensure that it will work exactly how it is supposed to. And we could use the extra person, as there is rumored to be a mythical being of untold proportions within their ranks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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<Snipped quote by LegendBegins>

Shinji: hmm.... Perhaps we could use your help ensuring that the GNYSYS03 will work properly? Although we have it as far as we can get with our technology, perhaps with your intellect we could ensure that it will work exactly how it is supposed to. And we could use the extra person, as there is rumored to be a mythical being of untold proportions within their ranks.

Isis: If you need someone long-term, I can put Artemis on the case instead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Isis: If you need someone long-term, I can put Artemis on the case instead.

Shinji: I would appreciate it if you'd just check over the GNYSYS03 type, make sure everything works properly, we'll provide you with some chiropteran test subjects to ensure its functionality.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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<Snipped quote by LegendBegins>

Shinji: I would appreciate it if you'd just check over the GNYSYS03 type, make sure everything works properly, we'll provide you with some chiropteran test subjects to ensure its functionality.

Isis: I can try. I mean, I really need as much time as possible, but I can take a crack at it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Isis: I can try. I mean, I really need as much time as possible, but I can take a crack at it.

Shinji:Thank you, I apologize if I seem forceful, just been uneasy recently..
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