I'm... not.... bloody.... worthless!
LegendBegins said
I'm... not.... bloody....
whizzball1 said
*lets go* So, where is your friend?
Legend said
I dunno, I'll go look. Thanks for bringing me here!
LegendBegins said
Galaxy Raider said
... What? Did I say something wrong?
whizzball1 said
You're welcome. Do you have a phone?
LegendBegins said
I'm... not.... bloody....
LegendBegins said
I solved a problem. Are you all happy now? Now do you think I'm more than some sort of
whizzball1 said
-Ruby- *appears* Hiiii!! Of course you aren't worthless, silly!! Don't let that old demon get to you!! It's never fun. Do you need cheering up?
Legend said
Nope! But I have no reason to have one.
LegendBegins said
Galaxy Raider said
Glue? What happened with glue? Why is glue bad? I'm confused.
whizzball1 said
*disappears and reappears with a phone* If you ever want to come back to Waternaux, just call me. It's a solar powered phone, too, so it should charge on its own. Goodbye, Neko.
LegendBegins said
Because I'm than someone here solely to keep this group together!
Galaxy Raider said
I wasn't aware that that was any one person's job.
Legend said
*Pushes your hand back slightly*Thanks, but I don't need it. I promise I'll be fine.
LegendBegins said
LegendBegins said
It's not mine! I am a being to be respected! Not one to walk over!!!