<Snipped quote by Host>
Sven: Or at least they think they do...
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
*The blast makes contact, but has no visual effects on Graveny*
You're stupid if you think you can restrain me.
*You're suddenly drawn toward him at an insane speed, and he kciks you square in the gut with strength far beyond what anyone in the room has demonstrated before*
And even more so if you think I can die.
*it's flung back by the force, and slowly gets up*
Heh...heheh...if I can kill a noble witha five person team at my weakest.. I can kill you singlehandedly at my strongest.
*the metal bends and crack beneath me from my energy, as the energy around my arms glows a bright champagne gold*
I will stop you, here and now.
*you are hit from an unknown force and blasted through the ship's hull, plummeting towards the planet, I follow, and as we exit the ship's shields, Mordecai summons beside me, and swims into my hand, becoming pure energy, and begins spinning at an unprecedented rate*
Mordecai: huh, twice in one week, eh?
Shinji: least we know the drill now.
Mordecai: agreed.
Shinji: up the power this time, this guy isn't as weak a drake.
Mordecai: *the energy spins at a near impossible speed before both reach the destroyed rubble of waternaux, I shove my hand into your chest*
Grand Orbital Drop!
*a large explosion can be seen from ES's ship*