Legend said
Don's dead.
Oh... That's a shame. I never evengot to meet him.
Legend said
Don's dead.
Revolutionary said
Oh... That's a shame. I never evengot to meet him.
Legend said
Well he was a great guy, and one of my oldest friends. I knew him before I met PD, at around 40. Until Luke decided that it'd be a good idea to end him...
Revolutionary said
What in the name of Pete made him think that was a good idea?
Legend said
Because Don was the Rook.
Revolutionary said
And?*Waits for you to say something more*
Legend said
And his pawn legion killed him.
Revolutionary said
That's inexcusable.
Legend said
You're telling me...
Revolutionary said
He has officially lost any respect I may have had for him.
Legend said
Good. Because he didn't feel like killing me, since we're related, but he's a ruthless sack of crap when it comes to others.
Revolutionary said
I mean, all's fair in love and war, but what kind of war is that? That was a game. A game to determine the winner of a bet.
Legend said
I know. Tell him that.
Revolutionary said
It'd be pointless. He'd probably make up a smart-aleck retort.
Legend said
If he'd be willing to listen at all.
Revolutionary said
Legend said
*Sighs*I don't know what to do. I've known Don since I was forty.
Revolutionary said
I honestly don't know what I'd do in your shoes either. Never lost a friend.
Legend said
Really? You're lucky.
Revolutionary said
Yeah, for now.