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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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DarkwolfX37 said
*I don't react* David... *I appear an inch away from your face* No matter what you gain, no matter how powerful you may become, one thing in this world is certain...*I place my hand on your chest* A heart filled with hatred can never defeat me. *I hit you with enough energy to wipe out half of Existence concentrated in a 1 foot^2 radius*

*As soon as everything settles, I stand, grabbing your arm*
Let me explain a little something to you
*Grins widely, in sheer joy*
That was Z. But I don't hate you; there's not a person that exists that I hate. Yeah, your actions are wrong, but you can change it! My heart is filled with love, but if it means that you have to leave for others to be safe, well, who am I to put you over them?
*Grins wider*
Oh, by the way, I'm a total Myth!
*Flashes back and forth faster than time itself, cutting you while using the force and momentum to shove every ounce of force into you*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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LegendBegins said
*As soon as everything settles, I stand, grabbing your arm*Let me explain a little something to you*Grins widely, in sheer joy*That was Z. But I don't hate you; there's not a person that exists that I hate. Yeah, your actions are wrong, but you can change it! My heart is filled with love, but if it means that you have to leave for others to be safe, well, who am I to put you over them?*Grins wider*Oh, by the way, I'm a total Myth!*Flashes back and forth faster than time itself, cutting you while using the force and momentum to shove every ounce of force into you*

*I move slightly from each impact* Something you should know. *I begin to flicker and static seems to follow me* My conviction is stronger than yours is. *I move before you appear and grab you when you do* And I'm currently using 47 percent. *I open my hand and a blast at three times the power of the previous hits you point blank*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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DarkwolfX37 said
*I move slightly from each impact* Something you should know. *I begin to flicker and static seems to follow me* My conviction is stronger than yours is. *I move before you appear and grab you when you do* And I'm currently using 47 percent. *I open my hand and a blast at three times the power of the previous hits you point blank*

*Is behind you after you shoot*
Awww, am I too fast? That's a problem then.
*Smiles and then shoves the artifact into your heart, which then turns into dust and starts circulating through your bloodstream*
No need for weapons now, are there?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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LegendBegins said
*Is behind you after you shoot*Awww, am I too fast? That's a problem then.*Smiles and then shoves the artifact into your heart, which then turns into dust and starts circulating through your bloodstream*No need for weapons now, are there?

*I flicker around it like a candle flame* You have no chance to hit me. Even if I were still in the same level as you, you can't outrun my eyes. *I send the same blast at where you are about to appear*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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DarkwolfX37 said
*I flicker around it like a candle flame* You have no chance to hit me. Even if I were still in the same level as you, you can't outrun my eyes. *I send the same blast at where you are about to appear*

Ohhhhh, but that's the problem Darko! I'm everywhere!
*My face appears on every inch of the void until a full me is standing in front of you*
A gift from me, a gift to you, for all the trouble I've put you through. But there is so much I wish to do, and you deserve the same wish too!
*Hugs you*
I love you, man, I've known you for so long, but this has to stop, and one of us has to stop it! Sorry.
*The dust of the Artifact coats the entire void, loosely*
It's almost over though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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LegendBegins said
Ohhhhh, but that's the problem Darko! I'm everywhere!*My face appears on every inch of the void until a full me is standing in front of you*A gift from me, a gift to you, for all the trouble I've put you through. But there is so much, I wish to do, and you deserve the same wish too!*Hugs you*I love you, man, I've known you for so long, but this has to stop, and one of us has to stop it! Sorry.*The dust of the Artifact coats the entire void, loosely*It's almost over though.

Don't worry, I have a parting gift too. *A sword appears, impaling us both* A bit of help for the future. Gotta make the time that's left interesting. *I slide off of the sword*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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DarkwolfX37 said
Don't worry, I have a parting gift too. *A sword appears, impaling us both* A bit of help for the future. Gotta make the time that's left interesting. *I slide off of the sword*

*Looks down*
Oh, that's not good. But with the Artifact dust, I can track and trace your movements at all times! It's cool! Now can I shift my control to another aspect...? No, too bad, so sad. But I can do something like it!
*The Artifact reappears in my hand, as another one of the two others disappear*
The difference between me and you is that after you die, you'll be known as the bad guy, and will slowly fade into a Myth. But I'm going to stick around after I'm gone! I'm going to be an eternal Legend!
*The artifact in my hand changes until it flickers between between me holding a war hammer in my hand and a Nokia on a stick*
Cranial Smash!
*Spins, appearing wherever you do, knocking you a trillion miles across the void each time with the total extent of my energy and force*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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LegendBegins said
*Looks down*Oh, that's not good. But with the Artifact dust, I can track and trace your movements at all times! It's cool! Now can I shift my control to another aspect...? No, too bad, so sad. But I can do something like it!*The Artifact reappears in my hand, as another one of the two others disappear*The difference between me and you is that after you die, you'll be known as the bad guy, and will slowly fade into a Myth. But I'm going to stick around after I'm gone! I'm going to be an eternal Legend!*The artifact in my hand changes until it flickers between between me holding a war hammer in my hand and a Nokia on a stick*Cranial Smash!*Spins, appearing wherever you do, knocking you a trillion miles across the void each time with the total extent of my energy and force*

*I regenerate entirely between each hit* Ow. That actually hurt. But the thing is... *I catch the hammer by the hilt and stop your spinning* I don't care how I'm remembered. As long as I achieve my dream. *I place my other hand in front of your chest* Shin Kamiken Kurasshā. *No energy can be felt or seen from the blast, and your very Code gets broken into all of it's pieces*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

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* this whole time, alcucard and kaine had fought, alucard with the upperhand*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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DarkwolfX37 said
*I regenerate entirely between each hit* Ow. That actually hurt. But the thing is... *I catch the hammer by the hilt and stop your spinning* I don't care how I'm remembered. As long as I achieve my dream. *I place my other hand in front of your chest* Shin Kamiken Kurasshā. *No energy can be felt or seen from the blast, and you're very Code gets broken into all of it's pieces*

*The three Artifacts join together and project my body*
So this is it, huh? Well, at least that's what I would say, but this is just every bit of "me" that was influenced on the Artifacts. These aren't to be thought of as weapons, since they're tools, and that's why nobody can wield them, because they have wrong intents. Too confusing, but the point being, even though I'm gone, you're still the loser. Everyone hates your evil, and most of them hate you. I never did, but that's irrelevant now. I'll just party with God now, since I know I was doing right in his eyes, and really, that was my only goal in the end. Even though you hate me, if someone could relay this message to the others, it'd mean a lot.
*Smiles confidently*
Don't worry about me, I'm happy. And "Don't be anxious about tomorrow, for each day has enough trouble of its own." You can do it, I believe in you.
Now this is for you specifically, Dark. Even if I've lost, I've won. You're still struggling, but I'm free. I know I'll be remembered for the good I did, and not for the evil that nobody desires but myself. If you're the only one with that ideal, then maybe it isn't as good as you think it is. And I'll just leave you with this:


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank the holy God I see,
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

And with that, this is David Richards Dynamo the Third, or at least his influence on these great devices, signing out. And I'll see you all... tomorrow.
*Smiles warmly and disappears*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legend
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All hope is lost...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

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Legend said
All hope is lost...

*alucard appears*
what do you mean?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legend
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souleaterfan320 said
*alucard appears*what do you mean?

David's gone... he lost...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 2 days ago

Legend said
David's gone... he lost...

alucard:*his eyes widen, he closes them,and clenches his fist*
hope is not lost, its been with us this whole time,he may have lost and passed away, but it was his time.
*looks up to the sky, thinking* as a bringer of justice, its my duty to rid existence of the unjust.
*he looks at you* i have an idea, but ill need help.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legend
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souleaterfan320 said
alucard:*his eyes widen, he closes them,and clenches his fist*hope is not lost, its been with us this whole time,he may have lost and passed away, but it was his time. *looks up to the sky, thinking* as a bringer of justice, its my duty to rid existence of the unjust.*he looks at you* i have an idea, but ill need help.

I don't know... If he couldn't do it, then I don't know if anyone can...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 2 days ago

Legend said
I don't know... If he couldn't do it, then I don't know if anyone can...

i know we can, for example,
back in the days of the ottoman rule, when i controlled wallachia, the ottomans were the powerfullest country in all of the world. and they came knocking on wallachias front door. they wanted full control, and threatened war. we were outnumbered, outranked, and they had the better technology. but, we had things they didnt, and that is good leadership, great morale, and above all, hope. now we face a much greater enemy, but we cant give up, and i will ffight until my last breath.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legend
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souleaterfan320 said
i know we can, for example,back in the days of the ottoman rule, when i controlled wallachia, the ottomans were the powerfullest country in all of the world. and they came knocking on wallachias front door. they wanted full control, and threatened war. we were outnumbered, outranked, and they had the better technology. but, we had things they didnt, and that is good leadership, great morale, and above all, hope. now we face a much greater enemy, but we cant give up, and i will ffight until my last breath.

This is so much different though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 2 days ago

Legend said
This is so much different though.

hope can do some amazing things, you know.
*extends his hand* all i ask, is for your cooperation, and trust.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legend
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souleaterfan320 said
hope can do some amazing things, you know. *extends his hand* all i ask, is for your cooperation, and trust.

*Sighs and shakes your hand*
You do realize that that was our hope, right? And now I've lost two of my greatest friends in less than a week.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 2 days ago

Legend said
*Sighs and shakes your hand*You do realize that that our hope, right? And now I've lost two of my greatest friends in less than a week.

then lets do our best not to lose anymore. and i know that was our hope, but know we are that hope. now, to beat dark, its obvious that with only one of us we couldnt possibly even get close to ending him, but if we can get a group together, we stand a far better chance. who do you know that would be willing to help?
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