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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 2 days ago

Drake: *sighs* fine, just trying to help her avoid getting killed while 'reasearching' us. But she doesn't scare easily, so it looks like I failed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PentagonWhite
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PentagonWhite No Fun Allowed

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Oh no, please, don't stop him on my account! Threats make for great theater, if nothing else. I'm sure the inhabitants of the Hierophany would appreciate a few sharp threats and dangerous implications. And I have all the time in the world, for a story about... deiphagy? And I'm sorry for not being more fearful: I probably should be, but my abilities have given me quite the sense of invincibility. The hubris will no doubt bite me in the ass at some point or another, and then I'll be properly terrified.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legend
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Member Seen 15 days ago

Drake: *sighs* fine, just trying to help her avoid getting killed while 'reasearching' us. But she doesn't scare easily, so it looks like I failed.

If you rely on fear, you will never make a good first impression.


Oh no, please, don't stop him on my account! Threats make for great theater, if nothing else. I'm sure the inhabitants of the Hierophany would appreciate a few sharp threats and dangerous implications. And I have all the time in the world, for a story about... deiphagy? And I'm sorry for not being more fearful: I probably should be, but my abilities have given me quite the sense of invincibility. The hubris will no doubt bite me in the ass at some point or another, and then I'll be properly terrified.

Very well. I apologize.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 2 days ago

Drake: well, I tried. Welcome aboard, for now. Try not to get killed, these guys go up against some intense threats.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Grace

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Zero: *thousands of nanites flow from my body, hunting down the pressence*

You've done enough, techi. You should rest, as well.

*Hovers over Kirina*
I'm ending this, and I'll kill you too in the process, if I have to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 2 days ago


Drake: I'm a leviathan, I've no worry of first impressions.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legend
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Member Seen 15 days ago


Drake: I'm a leviathan, I've no worry of first impressions.

I worry on your behalf.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 2 days ago

At this rate, You'll die, too. And, I'm not going to fight you. Im taking her to heal. You need to go help the others, kirina had a few things in store for you all, should she die.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PentagonWhite
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PentagonWhite No Fun Allowed

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


I'll do my best to stay alive, if it means that much to you.

*I snap a sharp wink across to the leviathan, in playful fashion.*

I have eaten gods to hear about, after all: a story like that may very well pull me from the lip of the grave, who knows?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Grace

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

At this rate, You'll die, too. And, I'm not going to fight you. Im taking her to heal. You need to go help the others, kirina had a few things in store for you all, should she die.

*Hovers up and down slowly*
I'm not going through that crap again. I'll take whatever it is she has as a surprise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 2 days ago

You won't have to, but it must not be you that kills her. It has to be shinji, he needs to be ready for whats to come, if he hopes to stand a chance against me, well, the current me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Grace

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

You won't have to, but it must not be you that kills her. It has to be shinji, he needs to be ready for whats to come, if he hopes to stand a chance against me, well, the current me.

I'll kill you myself. I'll kill her too. I'm not going to play around here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 2 days ago


Well, mine was rather boring. It all started with a rebellion. A species against their gods. A tale nearly as old as time. They enlisted my help, and in return, I was freed from that universes purgatory, and was granted those gods' powers. From there, I grew greedy. Once universal travel was available, I continued on, slaying several other gods, taking their place. Soon enough, I had a multiverse, completely under my control. From there, my subjects and I created the GIA. We were a force to be reckoned with... until Shinji came along...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PentagonWhite
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PentagonWhite No Fun Allowed

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


This Shinji must be worth noticing, if he managed to inconvenience you after all of that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 2 days ago

Zero: im afraid you wont be able to, should kirina die now. There is a failsafe in this time's version of me that should kirina die, he would inherit her power. That is not something you want to happen. If shinji does it, the way he plans to, the failsafe will fail, and will grant you more time. I understand that you are angry, and have every right to be, but techi, please. Dont do this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Grace

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Zero: im afraid you wont be able to, should kirina die now. There is a failsafe in this time's version of me that should kirina die, he would inherit her power. That is not something you want to happen. If shinji does it, the way he plans to, the failsafe will fail, and will grant you more time. I understand that you are angry, and have every right to be, but techi, please. Dont do this.

*Points a finger gun at her*
You're not sounding very convincing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 2 days ago

Zero: I'm doing my best for a machine being with no real way to feel true emotion. Im doing the best I can. Please, you have no reason to believe me, in all honesty, you could very well kill us both right now, but that would only cause you even more problems, all that I am asking you to do, is believe me.

*looks to be what one might consider scared*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 2 days ago

Drake: he is the ultimate 'good guy', well, in his eyes, at least.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Grace

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Zero: I'm doing my best for a machine being with no real way to feel true emotion. Im doing the best I can. Please, you have no reason to believe me, in all honesty, you could very well kill us both right now, but that would only cause you even more problems, all that I am asking you to do, is believe me.

*looks to be what one might consider scared*

*Takes out my cell phone and dials Shinji's number*
Hey Shinjo?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 2 days ago

Shinji: *picks up*

Hey,I take it you beat Kirina? Thats amazing!
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