Legend said
Good day.
So I thought substitution was the best way to solve equations ever and no ways were superior and then my book showed me things like xy = y^x and said "lolno"
Legend said
Good day.
LegendBegins said
Because the scene. And I'll be here for ten minutes, but after that, I'll be back in an hour
whizzball1 said
So I thought substitution was the best way to solve equations ever and no ways were superior and then my book showed me things like xy = y^x and said "lolno"
Spiritblitz said
I'm basically showing what happens to Spirit after he dies.
Legend said
Graphing > Elimination > SubstitutionBut it's so sad!!!!
whizzball1 said
Substitution almost always works, though. And you have to estimate with graphing. It's hardly ever perfect once you get to more complex linear equations. Elimination is the least reliable method.
LegendBegins said
Because the scene. And I'll be here for ten minutes, but after that, I'll be back in an hour
Spiritblitz said
It's basically just what happens after Spirit's deaths. Though it was extremely sped up and he is not slowly losing the ability to forcefully revive.
LegendBegins said
It's so, so sad though.
Spiritblitz said
LegendBegins said
Uh... you know that all of these methods give you exact results if you actually do them correctly, right?
whizzball1 said
I never said they didn't. When I said least reliable I meant that a lot of the time it's a lot more complicated than the other methods. With graphing, obviously the answer is exact, but you have to estimate exactly what point the graph is on. What if the answer is (5.89264, 8.9999826)? Estimation would be incredibly hard with that, and the trial and error time required would be rather annoying if you weren't able to use your calculator really fast. I find substitution the fastest method.
LegendBegins said
Graphing, as in, the method of solving that requires a graphing calculator where you use the intercection command. That's the best method. On my Systems of Equations test, I don't believe I used substitution once, even on the non-calculator portion, and made a 96.
whizzball1 said
Oh. Graphing calculator. never mind then. Even still, each to his own. I'd rather use substitution, but you'd rather use the other two. That's perfectly fine.
LegendBegins said
Spiritblitz said
I'm just waiting for a someone to call Serenity and and pursue her about her necklace.
whizzball1 said
[i]ya rite, but ur stupi and thats a sciencely proovun fact liek teh world are flat and teh sun gos arond teh world so obvsly all ur opunon is rong!![/iii]
LegendBegins said
But like, only Techi knows. Yur rong cuz evolushun saiz so
LegendBegins said
But like, only Techi knows. Yur rong cuz evolushun saiz so
Spiritblitz said
Hm...kinda forgot that...uhhh...
whizzball1 said
evolushon are rong becuz teh world r flat!