Legend said
I've talked with him so many times, and my normal speaking voice is lower than his.
Maybe It's just his "radio voice effect" some people have that.
Legend said
I've talked with him so many times, and my normal speaking voice is lower than his.
Araby264 said
Maybe It's just his "radio voice effect" some people have that.
Heroic said
Well, it sounds lower to me. And Tox, apparently.
Heroic said
Woo! Three subs!
Araby264 said
Maybe It's just his "radio voice effect" some people have that.
Legend said
Well, Legend is literally at least five notes higher than my voice. One is me.
Heroic said
I know, but still. Woo! I don't know who that third guy is!
Legend said
You should have heard me this one time. I was on Skype with theretrogamer224, and was like "Yeah, so are we ready to start Portal 2 co-op?" And he was like "Yeah, sure." So I start the recording, and after the three second delay was up, I went straight from deep voice "Go" to "YO WHATS UP EVERYONE LEGENDBEGINS HERE"
Heroic said
That would be strangely awesome to hear.
Legend said
You will eventually.
Heroic said
Ya. And you'll also hear me do lots of things. I've been told, much to my amazement, that sometimes the way I act is reminiscent of Markiplier.
Legend said
He's a bit too insane sometimes.
Heroic said
Well, if too insane is bad, I'm assuming that you don't like Tobuscus? And I'm really not bad as he is, in my opinion.
Legend said
Not really, but he's so much better than Pewdiepie. At least I'm subbed to Mark.
Heroic said
Oh, that's awesome. I really don't like Pewdiepie.
Legend said
Ditto. But Game Grumps are the best.
Heroic said
I'm not as avid of a Youtuber as the guy I'm talking to. I've never watched them. I'm only subbed to Mark, my friend's two accounts, you, the primary Yogscast's channel, and Yogscast Sips's channel.
Legend said
Yay! But Game Grumps may be my second favorite account on YouTube. But man, that LegendBegins guy. He can sure hit a home run with videos. Dang, he's good. I even named this after him.
Heroic said
Legend said
Anyway, we totally need to co-op. And you missed the reveal that Lizbeth is a Noble.
Heroic said
I've been reading it. And not only that, but I called it.