Teresa of the Faint Smile said
True fact. Thank you.
You and David started, and then came Blitz, and then Sven and Dark. I came on during RPG. Yay! I know the succession!
Teresa of the Faint Smile said
True fact. Thank you.
Teresa of the Faint Smile said
All of us. David, even if it comes down to You Dark and I alone, the RP will last as long as we do.
Etcetera said
But you and Dark are going to be gone most to all of the time! I'm willing to go forever, but I can't be the only one with that mindset!
Teresa of the Faint Smile said
My point was if that worst was to come to worst, we would still have the roleplay. We would lose nothing, effectively.
Etcetera said
Exactly. This is my only creative outlet.
Teresa of the Faint Smile said
My point was if that worst was to come to worst, we would still have the roleplay. We would lose nothing, effectively.
whizzball1 said
We all relate with each other. It's what keeps this going, I'd say. We're all good friends, even if over the internet.
Etcetera said
Right. It's a team effort though.
whizzball1 said
"We would lose nothing, effectively." Seriously? If we were to lose all the players in this RP except for one, that player would be utterly alone. We'd have basically lost it all.
Teresa of the Faint Smile said
Everything we've done thus far and will continue to do would still exist. It would be refreshed at a slower pace, true, but it will be refreshed nonetheless. You're missing my point, anywho. I'm saying the worst possible outcome still involves existence and continuation of our roleplay, nay, community that we have here.
whizzball1 said
That's kind of what I was implying.
Etcetera said
We would lose everyone and it would become irrelevant. And are you staying or leaving? Because I can't tell.
Etcetera said
I know, I was reiterating the point.
Teresa of the Faint Smile said
I'm here, aren't I?
whizzball1 said
You said though, however, which implies you were saying something new that hadn't been implied.
Legend said
Oh my gosh, thank you.
Teresa of the Faint Smile said
It's not an issue. Honestly.
Legend said
Oh, and Isis is a Myth co. Not in our location. But seriously, thank you so much for being here.