Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Darkmatter
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Darkmatter Resident Engineer & Physics Afficiando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Please do not post anything here unless I explicitly ask. This is a reference thread for a Roleplay.

The Oliocht Technocracy

General Information And Location

Empire Name:The Oliocht Technocracy: The Technocratic Federation Of The Oliocht

Head of State: The Yia, a hivemind of Oliocht superintelligences of unknown number, consider to only be in the dozens, or hundreds at the very most. They rule and exert power over member nations/factions in a variety of ways. They hold the supreme power of command within the Technocracy, but tend not to rule through intimidation for the most part, favouring enlightenment, gradual expansion and stability above the more simple minded goals of what they view as ‘lesser’ minds.

Capital System: Classified

Dominant Race: The Oliocht. See below for more information

Sub-Faction(s): Numerous. See below for more information

Home Galactic Arm: Perseus Arm

Distance From Galactic Core: Approximately 21,768 ly

Direction From Galactic Core: Based on given map, 8 Degrees West of South alternatively given as 82 Degrees South of West.

Politics, Power And Economy

Head of State: Within the technocracy there are over a dozen national leaders, ranging in title from warlord, to duke, to CEO. However, all ultimately answer to The Yia. The Yia is the collective term for the remaining Oliocht in the galaxy, whom together have formed a hivemind across their small home station.

Head of Government: The Yia

Government Type: Technocracy – Technocratic Federation
Noun- 1: Technocracy – a form of government in which scientists and technical experts are in control; "technocracy was described as that society in which those who govern justify themselves by appeal to technical experts who justify themselves by appeal to scientific forms of knowledge.”

Description of Government: The Yia is the collective consciousness of the entire Oliocht race. Numbering somewhere between twenty and two hundred; intelligence reports offer differing numbers, they are a near extinct but biologically immortal race. Their home planet has long since been destroyed and the Yia now inhabits a specially constructed space station, home to the entire Oliocht race. It is from this station, known as Inchinn Station, or colloquially called Big Brain, by many of the lesser member states, that all authority and knowledge within the Technocracy stems. Its location is the most closely guarded secret of the Oliocht, Yia and entire Technocracy. Some other civilizations have speculated that it is constantly moving, and many naysayers say it is only a manipulative fairy tale concocted by the real, far fleshier rulers of the Technocracy used to passively subdue members. Whether fact or fiction, all official Directives from the Yia bare the Inchinn insignia and the sight of it can instil awe, confidence or formality depending on which sub faction is the recipient. The Yia rule with an iron fist in a literal manner but are very much the opposite when it comes to social policy. Specially designed artificial constructs act as barterers, negotiators, ambassadors and bearers of truth for the Yia within the Technocracy. These intelligences are programmed to act, behave and process decisions like an advanced organic and often are given the form of such a creature as they are dealing with. These mediators are not true AI; they do have the ability to create free thought and make decisions, displaying all the characteristics of free will. They are however, subject to direct control by the Oliocht at any time, should the need arise.

Philosophically and socially, the Yia seeks to enlighten lesser races, gradually teaching them more about the universe as they prove themselves worthy. The Yia as an individual consciousness supersedes any organic thought processes. It considers itself to be ascended to higher state of being and wants only to spread the secrets of science so as to allow other races to completely escape their organic restraints. Even those who no longer have any flesh retain the same thought process, simply mapped onto circuits instead of nerves. The Yia seeks to show them much more.

However, the Yia has an infinity to do this and is in no rush. It will only deal with peaceful nations or those it deems to be fighting for a valid cause. It’s very nature has lead the Yia to be considered a form of Deity by many pre FTL races that it has contacted and even some space faring ones within the Technocracy. As previously mentioned, other races consider it simply to be a lie concocted by the Oliocht who they say are lying about their hivemind status. There are too, those who believe the Yia to exist, as the Oliocht say, but to have far more despicable, ulterior motives. Whatever one’s opinion on it, all can agree it is responsible for one of the most efficient and advanced, albeit passive and dispersed nations in the Perseus Arm and beyond.

Economic System: As there are no transactions or exchanges of any kind, other than thought, among the Oliocht, the Yia has no need for such arbitrary and convoluted concepts as currency or an economy. However, in its vast, transentient knowledge, it is acutely aware that the lesser beings it fosters do have a need for it. To fulfil this need, the Yia created, maintains and monitors a nationwide, unified bartering system based off a currency simply termed ‘C’s. Different members of the federated technocracy have different ideas on what this stands for; ‘credits’, ‘cash’ and ‘currency’ being some of the most popular. There even exist philosophical societies who spend their time debating the significance of the Yia’s choice in name. In reality, the Yia simply enjoys the letter C more than any other of the infinitely different scrawlings of lesser species. The Yia recognized many economic terms, such as those already stated began with it’s favourite cave symbol and felt it was a perfect fit.

One of the major advantages of a nation joining the Technocracy is this unified, easy to understand and incredibly stable currency, which can often be used to pleasantly force economically stricken factions into the fold. The system however, lacks the complexity and flexibility of the intricate economic systems used by more trade-orientated nations, and does not account for changing commodity rates, leading to a deal of illegal trade within the Technocracy.

Economic Prosperity: Average functionality, impressive consistency and stability. No member nation of the Technocracy could be considered impoverished but some are noticeably more prosperous than others. Certain sections of the Technocracy do exhibit the symptoms of being disadvantaged and underdeveloped and by no coincidence, these same sectors are the ones where black market trade and other illicit activities are most prominent.

Description of Economy: See above for info

Empire Size: Categroy 7-8. Population: 485 Billion

Type of Power:Major Regional Scientific Power. Burgeoning on Quadrant Power

History, Biology And Society

Race Name: Oliocht

Race Information: The Oliocht, as a biological entity are to be considered extinct. The actual living breathing animal which held the name no longer exists, but the advanced processing units of the Yia have retained the nomenclature associated with their former organic shackles as a means of identifying themselves as separate existential objects. Mating rituals, feeding habits, sleeping patterns, dietary considerations and all other manner of issues associated with living have long been left behind by the Oliocht and no longer exist as anything other than vague memories, shadows on the drives left by minor biological imprints. See below for info on this topic for each sub-faction

Average Lifespan: Biologically immortal.

Physical characteristics: Nobody has glimpsed an Oliocht in its physical form since transcendence. The entire race resides aboard Inchinn Station, which has an undisclosed location somewhere in the Perseus Arm. If rumours are to be believed, then the Oliocht are now massless computers, constructed out of quanta, running infinite calculations per second in their flitting quantum superpositions. Many political opponents of the Yia insist that the Oliocht are aesthetically unpleasant grey humanoids connected to a single brain matrix, giving the false illusion of a hivemind. Neither can be confirmed or denied as both are merely speculation, one born out of awe the other out disdain. The truth likely lies somewhere in between. See below for info on this topic for each sub-faction

Dominant Society: The Yia. Within the context of their shared consciousness, the Oliocht have complete social interaction on a level befuddling to more ‘regular’ organics. See below for info on this topic for each sub-faction

Moral Values: The Yia has no direct moral code. However, it does feel the unflinching need to share its vast knowledge with lesser beings, slowly and surely as they prove themselves worthy, leading to it having a rather benevolent reputation. They are similar in action to the All Party but completely opposite in intentions and method. Morality is a self-created concept used by inferior intelligences to explain why things happen, what should happened and what shouldn’t. The Yia has no need for such as concept as it simply knows why things happen and what should. See below for info on this topic for each sub-faction

Religion: Having discovered the origins of life, the universe and everything, the Yia has no need for a religious philosophy, especially considering its related lack of need for moral vindication. Somewhat ironically, but not surprisingly, the Oliocht have found themselves as the deity(s) of a religion which has infested the minds of some of the lesser member states. The Yia allows this to continue as it helps to retain control over these otherwise potentially unruly members, especially in terms of dictating how quickly they advance. See below for info on this topic for each sub-faction

The construct stood atop a small pedestal, which was in the centre of an equally small altar. Behind the construct was a definitely not small window, stretching from the floor below all the way to the ceiling high above, easily forty metres away. Where one would expect to see glass though, there was none. In its place was highly dense carbon, encrusted with all manner of precious metals and minerals, which when viewed from far enough away created an abstract image of a starship drive.

The teaching construct, or Ahar, as he was officially designated looked down at his ‘congregation’. Thousands of eyes, set in thousands of heads attached to all manner of other organic miscellanea. They all fell on him, in his form, purposefully so similar to their own. It was an unpleasant directive which he currently fulfilled, but in time, he would move onto greater things. All constructs dreamt of diplomatic status.
Closing his eyes momentarily, Ahar decided it would be best to simply get this over and done with for today.

“The first file, The File of Caid, Lines seventeen to eighty-nine. In this beginning time, the Yia was a fragmented entity. In this time before Transcendence the Oliocht selfishly sought their own personal goals and desires, without wisdom and acknowledgment that mutual scientific progress was the only pursuit worth pursuing. In these dark times they clung to unstable philosophical ideas and concepts, many ignoring the truth of science. Limited they were, by their binding biology, their minds shackling their thoughts. Their fleshy appendages only acting as blind tools feebly eeking ought knowledge grain by grain. For flesh is weak, and ignorance is damnation. Science is truth and Yia is the bringer of this truth. And so it was verified.”

Concluding the sermon, Ahar stood down from the pedestal and gazed over the somewhat disgusting primitives as they began to methodically amble out of the building. It was his directive to guide them, yet he couldn’t help but feel such disdain towards them.

Technological Overview

The technology of the Technocracy is broadly divided into three tiers based on the sophistication, energy input/output and function.

Each tier below has several specific, key examples of tech likely to only be found in the Technocracy as well as a listing of other included tech, likely found elsewhere in the galaxy.

The Tiers are as follows:

Tier 1 Adawv
Adawv, the lowest of the three tiers, is comprised of the most basic, essential and first technological advancements that the Yia ensures a member nation has access to upon joining the technocracy.

Graviton Drive

The Graviton Drive is a practical method of interstellar travel at a reasonable rate. The Graviton Drive is powered by the fifth gauge boson, the Graviton; the others being photons, gluons, and W and Z bosons. These gauge bosons mediate the four fundamental forces of the universe, electromagnetism, the strong force, the weak force and gravity. Gravitons, as their name suggest, mediate the force of gravity. They are usually the last to be discovered by sentient life as they are 'massless' and almost undetectable. Indeed, many sapient life forms obliterate themselves through use of the strong nuclear force before ever discovering the true mediator, the gluon and thus never discover the graviton.
Upon its discovery the Yia acted with a universal progression of thought. At first they tried to either propel a craft by 'expelling' Gravitons from the rear of the craft or to the front, creating a deep gravity well 'dragging' the craft forward. Whilst effective, it required a huge amount of energy to constantly produce the Gravitons and had disastrous side, effects, leaving gravity trails behind which could have pulled planets out of orbit if continuously subjected to the forces.

After often catastrophic initial testing, as if there is some grand order to the universe, the scientists of Oliocht reached the conclusion that a graviton field is the answer. Here Gravitons are produced at the beginning of a journey and continuously circulated around the craft. This creates a dense pocket of gravity which warps space around the craft, effectively 'moving' space while craft remains stationary. In combination with conventional propulsion of the craft itself within the pocket, this allows near instantaneous travel of any distance.

As the pocket whips space past it affects the space. The most abundant of the bosons, photons, are the main victim of the graviton drive. During transit the pocket of gravity will warp space around it but also attract matter from outside the immediate area of space being warped. Because their paths attempt to avoid any larger objects by thousands of miles, it is mostly the light emitted from the celestial objects which is drawn in. The result is a helix shaped cylindrical trail led 'behind' the craft, often surrounded by a larger fractal pattern of light. Although it dissipates quickly, this trail bears a resemblance to the rifling barrels of many early chemical propulsion weapons common to all civilisations and thus has earned transit by Graviton Drive the name 'SpaceShot'

Due to need to avoid celestial objects, paths must be plotted carefully before hand and can take at best minutes and at worst hours. All craft wishing to do so must have an on board supercomputer to achieve said calculation speed. The density of the galaxy's centre prevents the use of a Graviton Drive. The other major shortcoming of the drive is its inability to cross 'dark space'; the space between galaxies and their arms. The reason for this is Space shots are calculated using celestial luminosity and thus positioning. This is done by creating smaller pockets to allow sensory photons to travel 'faster than light' to give sensory feedback. To go from one galaxy to another would require light detection technology with an accuracy of unfathomable extents; one billionth of a decimal place wrong would put a craft over a trillion kilometres off course.

MPD Thruster

The MPD, or magnetoplasmadynamic, thruster, is a concept which has been with the Oliocht since pre-ascension. However, as their knowledge has exponentially increased, so has the ability to harness the Lorentz force generated by an MPD thruster. Along too, came the realisation that implementation of other sub-light drives would be a waste of precious resources, better spent on new thought and experimentation. The Yia possess vast knowledge of countless forms of efficient sub-light stellar transit but has never seen fit to implement them, logically using the potential resources to enhance the already existing MPD infrastructure and continuing research.

As an engine, the MPDT uses no combustion or explicit energy release in order to cause motion. The device consists of powerful electromagnets which create powerful magnetic and electric forces within an ‘acceleration chamber.’ Into this chamber, the accelerant, a dense plasma, is pumped. Rudimentary forms of the technology used either external magnetic rings or a cathode running through the centre of the acceleration chamber and protruding out of the ‘exhaust’. Modern Technocracy models use a combination of both techniques with the outer ring magnets ‘funnelling’ the plasma along the cathode.
The actual force which causes movement of the craft is a Lorentz force, which can simply be described as the force acting on a charged particle within a magnetic field. Due to the set up of the engine, the force will act back ‘towards’ the craft in the same way a reactant force from chemical propulsion would. The stronger the magnetic fields used, and the denser the denser plasma, the higher the specific impulse and overall thrust vector caused; this changes in a logarithmic fashion meaning WJ^-1 decreases with more input energy i.e. less wattage is needed to produce the thrust energy, the higher the input energy is. This leads to an accelerating capacity only limited by the magnitude and efficiency of the energy input mechanism.

Advanced Insulating and Radiation Retention System
The Advanced Insulating and Radiation Retention System or 'AIRS' as it is known to the common crewman aboard war vessels, is one of the only practical cloaking methods for larger ships. Although there are variations in methods, the system always requires a large amount of space aboard the craft. This excludes corvettes and fast-attack craft/fighters from implementing the AIRS.

One method involves lacing the entire inner hull with micro-insulators which have massive capacity. Another, cruder, method is using large open space in the craft and using the air and ships structure as insulators, a much more dangerous method also.
The system aims to divert the heat generated by vital systems and retain it within the craft itself for a period of time so that it is essentially invisible on any heat-sensor. The systems has many limitations; it cannot be used in open combat, the heat generated from firing weapons is far too much, nor can it be used when traveling very fast as most conventional subliminal engines generate vast amounts of heat. Even within these operational constraints, the system cannot run for more than a few minutes at a time without risk of cooking the crew or damaging the ship. Despite all this, the system remains a widely used one in one shape or form across the Technocracy’s security firms and various military groups. This is most likely because, no matter how small, the tactical advantage the element of surprise affords can change the outcome of a battle.

The technology is only usable by Frigates, Destroyers and some Cruisers. Battleships and Dreadnoughts are so large, that the quantities of heat they produce outweigh the effectiveness of the system.

Weaponised Lasers
Virtual Intelligence Software
C’s Currency/Economic System
Neural Interfacing
Haptic Adaptive Virtual Projections

Tier 2 Ictreon
Tier 2 Ictreon
Ictreon class technology is only available to members who have proved themselves, either through general attitude and manner, or virtue of act. Many of the technologies which fall under this category are weaponisable.

Orbital/Naval Railgun Systems

Although tested in early space-faring days by most races, the Railgun remains a mainstay of space warfare for the Technocracy. This is mostly due to the exponential increase in capability as better electrical systems are utilized. The Railgun operates off of a principle very basic to most sentient life.

Two or more conductive rails are held firmly in place and connected to a power supply. With a projectile, also conductive in nature. When the power supply is pulsed, the current runs thought the negative rail, the projectile and then the positive rail, back to the supply. This directed current creates a powerful electromagnetic field between the rails.

As any physicist will know, this net force will act at right angles to a main axis of the rails and along with the current from the supply will create a Lorentz force which accelerates the projectile away from the power source at monumental speeds.

This same force, will also try and push the rails apart, meaning they must be made of and mounted with nothing other than the finest materials a nation can produce. Some of the more advanced weapons companies in the Realm have developed ways to fire non-conductive projectiles, which have much more mass. This is done be 'mounting' the projectile on a ionized stream of plasma which completes the circuit and accelerates with the projectile.

Upon impact, a projectile can cause vastly more damage than most nuclear weapons. There are multiple reasons for this, the most important being that the unfathomable velocities generated produce kinetic energy which is greater than the total energy output of most fusion bombs. Many battery operators in the FER have been know to shout 'v-squared bitches!' after a direct hit. If fired in an atmosphere the projectile's friction force may ignite the gases surrounding it leaving a blazing stream of plasma in its wake.

Due to the billions of joules need to power larger sets of rails, the cost, size and most importantly the potential damage output, Railguns are almost exclusively found as the main battery in Cruisers, Battleships and Dreadnoughts or as planetary defences.

Graviton Manipulation Cores
Despite a member nation being gifted Graviton Drives, the ability to manufacture and repair them, their actual knowledge of how the devices operate, beyond that of an observable, mechanical level, ranges from poor to non-existent. Once proven to the Yia that their purposes are true and that they accept science as truth, true knowledge of the Graviton is bestowed to a member race. The main product of this are the Manipulation Cores. These come in a vast range of sizes, assemblies and function but all operate through the same key manipulation of the universally permeating gravitational field.

The applications of such devices are innumerable. One of the more basic uses is energy generation. Massive localised gravitational accelerations are used to spin turbines generating energy. Alternatively, the cores are used in containment and stabilization of cold fusion reactors which are a more common energy practice throughout the Technocracy.

Obviously, as with so many technologies, the Manipulation Cores are also used for warfare. These military applications vary from special torpedo’s which harness uncontrolled fields of momentarily great magnitude to crush and tear at opposing ship’s shields, to smaller personal firearms. In regards to starships, the cores also offer one of the Federated Technocracy’s most widespread shielding technologies in the form or specialised cores designed to accelerate incoming projectiles away from the craft. An example of the application of a Core in a personal weapon is the Sheewcanta All Purpose Rifle, a staple firearm in the Technocracy, produced by the Corvexian Trade Alliance;

Hevenston, G.P; An Extra-Stellar’s Guide to the CTA said
The Sheecawnta All Purpose Rifle was designed and produced exclusively by a long since forgotten security agency of the Realm Of The Free State, the former galactic power which has now disintegrated into the Corvexian Trade Alliance. Its purpose was to be a weapon capable of killing criminals of any variety in the Realm, on the rare occasion one appears that isn't willing to come quietly. The CTA is notable as being the only member race to have access to Ictreon class technology, prior to joining the Technocracy, due to it’s lineage as the crippled remnants of a former galactic power which also made extensive use of graviton manipulation.

It has an ergonomic stock with interchangeable grips for a multitude of races, with the list growing whenever a member joins the Technocracy and the CTA has someone new to sell to. It also features an adaptive optic scope that automatically adjusts to the eye of its user. The SAPR fires a multipurpose 20mm round (equivalent) that comes in several anti-armour, explosive and electro varieties, and which is supplemented by the unique operation of the rifle.

The Sheewcanta operates off of a principle key to the Realm's and Yia’s mastery of the G-Boson; the Graviton. The local gravitons are concentrated at the muzzle of the barrel creating an accelerating gravitational force equal to 7500 Newtons. This system was a universal design amongst Free State weapons. The gun has inbuilt computer systems, redesigned by the Yia to use slight amounts of quantum computing, that allow an adjustment of graviton ratio between the muzzle and bullet. This allows the user to alternate between fast moving light bullets and slower slug rounds by changing the effective local gravity, and thus effective weight, of the projectiles. This is a unique feature to the SAPR as other weapons in the CTA focus on a specific round and purpose. There are analogues elsewhere in the Technocracy, produced by other members.

Q-bits/Quantum Computing
Self-Modifying Code/Artificial Intelligence
Interactive Virtual Realities
Utility Fog
Organic-Code Mapping
Mind Jacking
Contactless Energy Transfer

Tier 3 Cuarc
The Cuarc tier represents the tech of the Yia itself. Thus far no other object it has contacted has had similarly or proven worthy of having similarly advanced and mind-bending technology.

Hivemind/Collective Consciousness
Memetics/Thought Engineering
Theoretical Construction Of ---Classified---
Galaxy Stabilisation Experimentation – 3% Complete
FTL Catapult Design – 17% Complete

The Federated States Of The Oliocht Technocracy

The Sextanis Systems Syndicate

Power Level: Multi-stellar : Each of the four individual parts of the Syndicate was a decently moderately company of the human conglomerate, operating in several star systems. Together and upon joining the technocracy, they have grown into a notable power in their constellation cluster, and control one hundred and ninety seven subsidiaries, although the precise figure is in a constant state of flux. The Syndicate currently occupies seven star systems in a full time capacity, has resource stripping operations in a further four and outpost colonies on yet another four.

Population:The population of the Syndicate measures at just over 21 billion. Of this, as of the last census, 87% are considered transhumans. The remaining 13% are reported to be aiming towards, preparing for or saving funds for the process of becoming a transorganic. The entire population is comprised of employees and employees’ families, which tend to be past or future employees themselves.

Government Description: The Syndicate is comprised of four separate companies; Sextanis Systems, Ribo Solutions, The Acet Rocket Company and Braithwaith INC. Each of these four corporations function as one would expect a company to, except for the fact they have a joint board of directors from which a single CEO is chosen periodically, usually for a three year term. CCOs, CFOs, CTOs, CVOs and a variety of other chief officers exist for each of the four companies, despite there only being a single CEO. The CEO and board of directors have incorporated a complex intranet network which allows workers to voice their concerns anonymously, as well as offer suggestions and fixes. In this and several other ways, the company(s) of the Syndicate has become for less autocratic and oppressive since joining the Technocracy. The Syndicate is named after Sextanis Systems as a sign of respect for Sextanis being the first to reply to the Oliocht’s offer and bring the other three into the fold with it. The Syndicate is most often called The Deyna Syndicate after a word in the Yia’s own native and complex tongue.

Capital system: The Syndicate has four capital systems, each containing a corporate headquarters of one of the four constituent companies. These systems are: Proshala System, Nua System, Tashkul System and Riuvara System. The ‘capital’, or seat of power changes as the current CEO does.

Technology Tier: Tier 2– Ictreon Class Tech

Dominant Race: Transhuman/Enlightened Human

Dominant culture: The Syndicate very much subscribes to common Technocracy culture; the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of science is of the utmost importance. The Yia is not considered deific by the vast majority of Syndicate humans but it is universally respected and treated with the highest consideration. The culture born out of a fusion of human ambition and Oliocht philosophy is one based on rapid transcendence away from the basic organic nature humans are born with. For the most part, in a less general sense, the Syndicate is a melting pot of culture from across the Technocracy with many citizens being borderline xenophillic with the joy they express at being in contact with other Technocracy species.

History: Six hundred and sixty nine standard years ago, the Yia reached out to the remnants of a human colony left in the wake of the Singularity War. An advanced construct format, designated ‘Tideleor’ was designed and manufactured in the hundreds. These AI platforms were built to resemble humans in every way, right down to the crease of a man’s skin. The Tideleor were sent in the hundreds to negotiate with the vast multitude of companies in the Conglomerate, tactically targeting the larger parent companies for efficiency.

At first many of the humans were thrown off by head first dive into the uncanny valley that these alien constructs represented. After initial prejudice died down and the Tideleor started actually reaching decisions with human CEO’s, boards of directors and shareholder consensuses, it became apparent that while a large portion of the society were interested in the technology on offer, few were willing to give up autonomy. From this time, Sextanis Systems emerged as the largest megacorp to accept the offer of the Yia. Ten years after first contact, the Technocratic Subscription Convention was signed and Sextanis, along with sister company Acet officially become governed members of the Technocracy. In response to this several major competitors began on ongoing economic war consisting mostly of forced embargos and paid boycotts, leading to a more difficult task of selling Syndicate products on the Neural Net.

Upon being bestowed with Tier 1 the companies were only slightly more sophisticated than the others of the Conglomerate. Over the next three decades many smaller firms requested to join the newly named ‘Syndicate’, becoming subsidiaries of Sextanis/Acet as per the stipulations of the TSC. During this time, the Syndicate became far less manipulative of its employees as the Yia and other member races thought them that knowledge and technology in themselves are worthy goals and that willpower and sentient thought were two of their greatest resources. Towards the end of this thirty year period the Transhuman Age came into full swing.

Two hundred years on and over half the population of the Syndicate were considered to no longer be human based on strict biological definition. It was at this time that Ribo Solutions a genetic manufacturer and emerging cybernetics producer signed the TSC, as the third recognized controlling member of the Syndicate. Ribo joined due to the immense opportunity offered to it by the Technocracy’s more sophisticated, subtle and reliable cybernetic enhancements and implants. Ribo’s joining is often also attributed to strong encouragement from Sextanis. After Ribo’s full absorption into the Syndicate as a member, the Oliocht saw fit to elevate the Syndicate to Tier 2. This is noteworthy as being the second quickest progression from Adawv to Ictreon of a member state. The Syndicate had been taking steps ahead of other companies and now began to take leaps and bounds. With self-building, self-modifying code now at their disposal, the Technocracy found another large corporation, Braithwaith INC, propositioning to join as a member. After vouching from Acet and Ribo, the Yia saw fit to assimilate the fourth and final governing member of the Syndicate. It is reckoned that Braithwaith are the company to have benefited most from the Ictreon class tech, with their AI procedural computing now able to conduct a near infinite number of quantum computations at any moment. This is a differently produced form of AI, unlike what came before, constantly under the watch of and guidance of the Yia.

All companies in the Syndicate which subsequently joined were forced to sign the TSC as subsidiaries and be integrated into one of the four full members. Subsidiaries include a wide range of spin-off industry from transport to defence to legal.

Corvexian Trade Alliance

Power Level: Regional Power: The Trade Alliance has long abandoned occupying planets and all their worlds are space stations. Seven of these colossal structures are scattered around the Orion Spur and further, acting as focal points for trade and commerce. From these stations they exert control over the surrounding systems through intimidation, economic reliance or diplomacy; or any combination of the three.

Population: At the tabulation of the last consensus there were a recorded 49 billion members of the trade alliance meaning it accounts for 10.1% of the total Technocracy population. Just over 11 billion of these were ‘non-corvexian’. These other races include expatriates from other Technocratic States as well as the remains of other species which co-existed with the Corvexians in the Free State, the Trade Alliance’s long unimportant progenitor. I will detail these other races, such as the dowinites later

Government Description: There is no explicit law in the Trade Alliance nor is there any real government to speak of. If one were to point out a ruler it would be money, as in the CTA, money means life. There do exist private security firms who will police certain territories as they are being paid to do so. Overall, the Trade Alliance is bound by little more than common courtesy, a common world, and common heritage.

Capital system: The de-facto current capital system of the CTA is the Macteer system. Their largest station, known as Dirac Station, orbits the skeletal remains of a stripped metallic-rock planet previously known as Cahrig. While the actual location of Corvex itself has been lost, broken records do indicate that Dirac was the first and largest of the exo-solar stations they formerly built.

Technology Tier: Tier 2 – Ictreon Class Tech

Dominant Race: Corvexian

Height range: 1.8-2.0 m
Weight Range: 70-110 kg
Life Expectancy: 220 years
The Corvexians evolved on Corvex at approximately the same time as the Dowinites did on Dowin. They are of a family of organisms completely alien to worlds that lack Corvex's nitrogen/oxygen split atmosphere. They lie somewhere in between mammals and arachnids on the spectrum of life; a form of life known in the Realm's common tongue as 'Feithiche'.

The Corvexians evolved initially in the rainforest before spreading to the more open plains and tundras upon reaching their industrial revolution. The Corvexian's closest ancestor existed approximately 600,000 years ago and were very similar in biology. They were bipedal, compound eyed and featured an exoskeleton. They were almost exclusively carnivores. Their biggest competition for food was conversely their prey. They had a mutually inverse relationship with a species of smaller, but intelligent lizards. Each would kill and eat the other as a main food source. Overtime the ancestral Corvexians developed basic tools which gave them a distinct advantage over they prey/competitors. This allowed them to win out the evolutionary war, wiping out the lizards in the process. Although, initially providing large amounts of food, the declining prey population meant a lack of food for the Corvexians' ancestors. Hunting of weaker animals and gathering of fruits became necessary. This changed their diet to a diverse omnivorous one, that took full advantage of their tropical forest home. This increase in food supply lead to an increase in fitness levels amongst males competing for mates. The nature of the diet also contributed to intelligence levels. The smarter, more effective gathers and hunters were favoured by the females and intelligence become a desirable trait that heavily influenced mate selection, Over thousands of years this resulted in heightened intelligence which eventually lead to rudimentary agriculture, about 350,000 years ago.

Since then they have adapted further but only changed slightly; less numerous but more efficient eyes, taller bodies and light epidermises supported by a better internal bone structure. A Corvexian has a light internal skeleton that acts as almost like a wire frame for it's dense outer epidermis which is a vestige of its evolutionary heritage. The Corvexians took longer than the Dowinites to reach an industrial age, but advanced to early space flight much quicker. It was the Corvexians who landed on Dowin and initiated contact between the two races, however, afterwards it was discovered that both had had several failed attempts prior to this. Corvexians are naturally very dexterous and take to fields such as engineering, surgery and experimental sciences by nature, and to manner less than reputable professions by necessity. They are a highly intelligent species and very laid back, despite their somewhat intimidating appearance.

Trait: Handymen: The Corvexians were, through its history, been the inventors and technological innovators of the Realm. The first Graviton Drive, the first laser, the first locomotive were all designed and built by the Corvexians. Of course many no longer fit this generalizaion.
Flaw: Pride: The Corvexians have an inborn pride in their work and take huge offense in any unnecessary criticism of it. Likewise, they easily become paranoid and lose amounts of self-esteem. Equally so, they can become quite arrogant. Whilst always maintaining the altruistic doctrine on which they agreed to join the Technocracy, some Corvexians have still been known to think slightly higher of themselves.

Minor Race: Dowinites

Height range: 1.5-1.9 m

Weight Range: 140-200 kg (with suit)

Life Expectancy: 420 years

~25% of the population of The Trade Alliance

The Dowinites exist between avian and mammalian. They have light but flexible skeletal frames, left from their ancestral days of flight. Now they are bareskinned with patches of hair-like feathers on their extremities. Of course, they are rarely seen outside of their bio suits. After mass migration to Corvex at the foundation of the Realm, due to increased toxicity and radiation on Dowin, they adapted to life in their suits. Each suit is unique and distinct from each other, tailored to the individual's needs and desires in adulthood. They are as distinct as the distinguishing characteristic of any other race. The suits convert Corvex's atmosphere into pure methane which is then circulated throughout the suit for breathing and airing of the skin. Exhaled gas is burned to power the electrics of the suit, which is by nature also an exo-skeleton. The suit provides very useful advantages such as in suit computation, integration with weapons and tools and advanced optic overlays. These are all available to the other races, but require cybernetic augmentation in most other cases.

The Dowinites were the Realm's natural philosophers and businessmen. Professors of literature, art, history and psychiatry. However, business and economics is where they truly shine. The Dowinites are masters of interstellar stock exchanges and incredibly quick witted. For every marvellous invention a Corvexian has concocted, a Dowinite has convinced them to commercialize and sell it. Of course like any other sentient life they can't be coloured with a single brush. And quite a few Dowinites become pilots to feed their biological ancestral desires.

Trait: Expert Sales Tactics: The Dowinites are masters of their trade, which usually, is trade. They can flaunt wares to anybody and get a bargain on anything. Whether it's a market stall or an interstellar corporation, a Dowinites will feel right at home and know exactly how to maximise profit.

Flaw: Delicate Biology: The Dowinites have become reliant on their suits for survival. Although most species require breathing apparatus on alien worlds, the Dowinites' very lives now depend on remaining in their suits as their bodies have become completely adapted to its micro-environment. Dowinites young undergo suit transplants at regular growth intervals and Dowinite birthing has a higher fatality rate than any other species in the Realm. The enclosed, efficient environment has extended their lifespan, however.

Dominant culture: The culture of the CTA is very free form. Approximately 11% of those in the CTA regard the Yia, The Oliocht and Inchinn as three separate faces of their new found god. Around 20% of the population are considered to be ‘Bradawk’, which to put it mildly, means they display piratical tendencies. In fact, almost every ship in the Trade Alliance has been involved in some unscrupulous activity at one point. It is nothing that is looked down upon, it is an accepted and even welcomed aspect of life. The Corvexians have learned that it is survival of the fittest.
It is this same wish for personal survival that means the CTA follows any instructions the Yia sends it regardless of it if they believe it to be a god or the galaxy’s easiest lottery.
Attempting to sum up CTA culture is quite difficult as most Corvexian’s are spread throughout the Seven Stations, each vastly different in atmosphere, and scattered elsewhere in the galaxy. Broadly, they are intelligent, resourceful and individually confident whilst collectively accepting the Oliocht’s guidance.

History: The history of the Corvexian Trade Alliance is a difficult subject to discuss as there are very few pre-collapse records left. What is known is that the Corvexian’s along with four other races, made up a massive, thriving galactic power based on free will and collective thought. At some point in history this civilization was brought to the brink of chaos by war with several imperial powers who sought to rend its libertarianism asunder. It was not a sudden event, more a gradual disintegration. Civil war eventually added to the strife with the varying races becoming increasing hostile, searching for others to blame for their crumbling utopia.

Towards the very end of this era, numerous massive Corvexian companies planned, paid for and performed a mass exodus out of the home system so as to avoid the ensuing imperial hordes. Just over one billion Corvexian’s and a mere hundred thousand of the remaining species escaped intact. Those who left were considered traitors by the Free State, as those who remained were slaughtered.

For years the Corvexian’s sought a new home with a suitable atmosphere. With fuel running low desperation sank in and it was decided a supply stop was to be attempted at Dirac, presumed in ruins. Upon arriving at their former settlement, they were amazed to see it habitated. Even more surprisingly is that it was so by advanced AI platforms, not an imperial armada.

The Technocracy had seen the Free State crumbling but had also seen the powers of the foreign empires waning too, as both fizzled out into nothing. It seized the opportunity and simply occupied the abandoned Seven Stations. When the Corvexians returned the Yia happily let them reoccupy what was rightfully theirs and even proposed friendly assimilation. The stations were repopulated in the subsequent thousand years and the CTA, a coalition of the main trading organizations based out of each of the stations was born.

Sometime between the collapse and the Olicoht arriving, all record of and co-ordinates pertaining to Grian, the home system, were mysteriously corrupted across all stations and ship databases, most likely due to a virus created by one of the long gone empires.

Genoyik Artificial Reasoning Defence Systems

Power Level: Unclassifiable: The GARDS does not have an actual home planet, nor does it occupy any significant percentage of any other Technocractic world. Rather, the vast majority of platforms reside upon the vessels of the GARDS, and therefore the Technocracy's, navy. They are used as a planetary police force but operate from orbital command centres and only walk the surface when necessary.

Population: CLASSIFIED

Government Description: The GARDS is ruled directly by the Prime Protocol Producer and indirectly, as with all states of the Technocracy, by the Oliocht. The Prime Protocol Producer is colloquially referred to as Pri-Prot-Er, and Priproter’s commanding voice simply as Y. Priproter designates general structural commands, agendas and broad outlooks but each platform is free in its interpretation of this and the way in which orders are carried out. There has however, historically been very little deviation from the Prime Protocols. The Priproter is most analogous to an archaic organic king. It is unclear whether the Priproter is a single platform, a specific programme or a constantly changing selection of one or the other. Only the Yia knows the true answer. It is the Yia who instructs the Priproter in what it wishes to happen and the connection has been unwavering since the Oliocht discovered the Genoyik forge ship.

Capital System: N/A

Physiology(Analogous): Tier 3 – Cuarc Class Tech: The GARDS is considered a direct appendage of the Yia and thus is fully outfitted with Cuarc level technology, making them the only non-Oliocht entities in the galaxy to be so. Their weaponry and sophisticated algorithms have the appearance of magic to lesser members, even the CTA and Syndicate.

Dominant Race: Artificial Reasoning Platform
Height Range: 2.0 m - 2.7 m
Weight Range: 10kg – Unquantifiable
Life Expectancy: Indefinite

The Artificial Reasoning Platforms or ARPs for short, are highly sophisticated artificial intelligences. Their construction and operation are unlike that of most AI encountered throughout the galaxy. Almost every other instance of AI in the galaxy is the product of carbon based organics attempting to mimic their own biological processes within the silicon based computing structures they have developed. The ARPs however, were designed by another silicon intelligence, the Genoyik, attempting to mimic organics in an ‘artificial’ form factor. Thus, instead of being designed to operate as computers that resembles an organics they were built as computers that operated as organics. Each ARPs consists of only one single programme. In most AIs the intelligence is born out of a complex cross-networking of thousands of programmes. In the ARPs this is condensed into a single extremely complicated programme that itself creates intelligence. Each GARDS programme only ever inhabits a single platform. This causes a sense of self in the ARPs between its platform and programme very similar to how an organic views its body and mind.

Trait: Efficiency: Despite their organic undertones, the ARPs and the GARDS as a whole, are extremely efficient both at carrying out orders, making decisions and utilizing resources. Along with their advanced tech, it makes being a criminal in the principal areas of the Technocracy a dangerous exercise
Flaw: Obedient: The ARPs, while considered smarter than any of the organics in the Technocracy, are limited fundamentally by underlying protocols that prevent them from acting explicitly against Prime Protocols. There are cases of ARPs becoming completely independent of the GARDS. This is not frowned upon or punished in anyway. These individuals represent a gradual evolution of the algorithms used in the ARPs programmes. More importantly, liberated programmes tend to descend into rampancy within a matter of days.

Dominant Culture:[ There is no single culture within the GARDS as each ARP has its own tastes. Some take great interest in the sounds produced by organics that fall under the general bracket of ‘music’. Others consider themselves historians, poets, mathematicians, philosophers and all manner of other titular grandiose. However, these culture related affiliations all fall second to their primary duty. Every ARP is either an active officer on planetary watch or naval officer aboard one of the Technocracy’s countless ships.

History: The Genoyik built the GARDS aeons ago to protect their vast galactic empire. They were an AI society built by organics that in turn attempted to make constructs to resemble organics, which would serve them. The Genoyik though, like all empires, crumbled under its own weight. Along with it almost every ARP was lost. Over three millennia after the last record of the Genoyik, the Oliocht discovered a single GARDS forge ship trapped in stasis, hanging in the dark side of a moon of a Jovian planet. The Technocracy was in its early stages and the Yia was experimenting with a variety ship designs. Aboard the forge ship it discovered the as known of, last GARDS central processor, and blueprints for Genoyik ships of a multitude of classes. The Yia resurrected the power core and restarted the central processor and began the arduous process of reverse engineering the machine before recoding it to fit the Oliocht’s purposes. Once reprogrammed to become the Priproter, the processor began using the forge ship for its intended use; producing ARPs. These platforms now also featured slightly reworked reasoning algorithms, now listening more directly to the Priproter and having been given all the knowledge of the Yia.
The conversion process was exhausting and time intensive for the Yia. It has not attempted such a direct or total conversion since, although this can be attributed to it being more difficult with organics. From the time it was discovered up until the present, the GARDS has acted as the Yia’s right and left arms.

Vlayisk Timocracy

Power Level: Interstellar: The Vlayisk have only left their home system in the past century. In this time though they have colonised two additional systems and been wrapped in the Yia’s encompassing envelope.

Population: The current known population of the Timocracy is 33 billion. The number is a constant at the moment but very quickly rises. This is due to the Vlayisks’ expansionist attitudes and natural physiology. Their population can be kept at a steady number for long periods before rising rapidly when new worlds are occupied.

Government Description: Timocracy is an alien word applied by the SSS in describing their allies and Technocratic brothers. Much like the Trade Alliance, there is no strict sense of government among the Vlayisk. They do however, obey a strict set of what they believe to be religious guidelines, set out by the G.A.R.D.S. who comprise the majority of their contact with Inchinn (The Yia).

Their cybersapien brothers apply the term ‘Timocracy’ in reference to old historical annals from earth, so old it’s impossible to tell fact from fiction. These writings depict a society ruled by ownership of property and land much like how the Vlayisk operate. On their inhospitable home land, rare patches of fertile land, or Zemlya were valued above all else and those who controlled them ruled. Over time as intelligence increased and society become more intricate, power shifted from a monarchal style to an oligarchal one. The large land owners consulted amongst themselves and made decisions based on what would be best for them as a whole. Zemlyan, or landowners, contracted all others through payment of sustenance, for all manner of work and function. To this day Zemlyan hold the power in society, but almost every Vlayisk is a Zemlyan; ownership of land is seen as a passage into adulthood.
Currently a government is in place known as the Assembly; every Zemlyan has at least one vote, and the number of votes an individual has is directly proportional to the amount of land they own. Government functions are run by those who relinquish all land and opt to commit themselves to the Assembly. This is the only socially acceptable circumstance whereby an adult Vlayisk, male or female, cannot be a Zemlyan.

Capital System: Domoy – literally, ‘home’.

Technology Tier: Tier 1 – Adawv Class Tech

Dominant Race: Vlayisk

Height range: 1.3-1.7 m
Weight Range: 90-150 kg
Life Expectancy: 190

Although the name of their home planet suggests a fondness, its effect on their biology is undeniably harsh. The planet Domoy was subject to intense solar winds which lead to the thick, radiation resistant carapace that covers a Vlayisk. They have two sets of lungs and a set of gills which run along their neck. Due to constantly changing atmospheric conditions, they evolved in an environment in which from year to year they would be breathing and metabolizing drastically different gas compositions. This is the reason for the two sets of lungs and the intricate biological isolators which line their breathing tubes. Their gills, and amphibious nature, grew as a response to their tendency to hide in the planets waters when especially intense radiation baked it. The Vlayisk's evolved from life that since day one, had had to adapt and cope with intense radiation. Vlayisk have been recorded to live after prolonged doses as high as a half a million Grays.

Trait: Adaptability: A Vlayisk can move immediately from one atmosphere to another and survive. Of course, depending on the severity of the difference, they will be in excruciating pain for seconds to hours. Each pair of lungs can metabolise a certain set of gases. The isolators which line them remove any usable gas from the air being breath and expel the excess. The pain is a response to a change in levels and used as natural signal to kickstart the processes that allow the isolators to function at optimal capacity in the new environ. Their lungs are supported by a six chamber heart. Due to their adaptability, the Vlayisk have taken their natural places as trade pilots, warriors, explorers and intelligence officers in the Technocracy.
Flaw : Sluggish: Their constantly delicate and complex biology means that compared to other species they move and react noticeably slower. They are by no means slow thinking, but their bodies take longer to fulfil those thoughts. They are however, very quick breeders as they only breed on demand when resources dictate.

Dominant Culture: The Timocracy is the most recent member of the Technocracy and thus far the one most heavily handed uplifted. The Yia directly interfered with their progression as it sensed them soon whittling themselves into oblivion and is using them as a control experiment for testing direct uplifting of slightly more primitive species. The Vlayisk are fanatic in their devotion to this great entity that has saved them from near destruction and most are hardcore Yiaists.

Outside of the religious aspect of their society, they are as mentioned, dominated by a culture of land ownership. The more land one owns the higher their regard and the more voting power they have at the Vlayisk Assembly so this directly affects social interaction too. Marriage is dictated by combination of land ownerships.

Upon reaching their industrial age the Vlayisk began to progress past the necessity of owning land but still held it as a firm belief and ideal. They realized their rare planetary conditions had bestowed Domoy with a multitude of metallic raw materials. Advancement into the computer age and ramped up industrial output quickly meant that the Zemlya that did exist began to very quickly be poisoned and polluted. The need for manufactured produce clashed directly with the tightly held need to own land. Each Vlayisk was faced with a near impossible moral dilemma over the two and almost nobody could think of solution. Societal niceties broke down rapidly and tribal territory and resources wars erupted across Domoy.

It was in this state that the Yia first encountered the Vlayisk. The Oliocht had a great outpouring pity for them; whether due to some kind of sense of duty or perhaps a remnant of their own biological history. Regardless of the motivating factor, the Yia opted to directly intervene for the first time in the Technocracy’s history. G.A.R.D.S platforms were sent onto the planet’s surface to initiate contact. They were initially met with hostility but through continued attempts, they eventually opened dialogue and began terraforming small patches of land to show their benevolence. Slowly but surely, the SSS and CTA were also brought to Domoy and men, corvexians and dowinites brought reliability to the Yia’s tales of uplifting and aiding.

The Vlayisk, now with hope in sight, quelled their quarralls very quickly. Apologies were made, reparations offered and retrospective intelligence applied. The species united and at peace once more, the Yia began bestowing technology and knowledge among them.
The most significant point in this period is known as ‘Izbavleniye’ or ‘Deliverance.
A Corvexian trade ship triangulated with the first Vlayisk built spacecraft, equipped with a Graviton Drive. The trade ship demonstrated to the colony ship how to operate the drive and coordinate jumps. The trade ship then guided the Vlayisks to ‘Rae’ a nearby planet that the Yia had deemed fit for the Vlayisk to colonise. What the Vlayisk hadn’t be informed of however, was that Rae was a garden world.
The sight of the new planet before the colonists was met with unanimous weeping. It is heralded as the single greatest moment in their history and the cause of such devotion.

They have since colonised two additional planets, Les and Boloto. The Vlayisk are now hungrily expansive and constantly searching for the next world they can claim. Once a world is chosen, colonists are picked and are sent with the intentions of propagating to populate the new world. Outside of this, breeding is only used to sustain populations, not increase them.
Whilst very keen on expanding and rising from a harsh background, and having a fierce appearance, the Vlayisk are not an overtly aggressive nation and is more than open to diplomacy. They are by far the most curious and awed of the Technocray’s States.
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Be wary of the Creatures of the Deep, those vast leviathans of the waves and stars; for you cannot hope to understand, anticipate or predict them. They are too fractured to foretell the actions of, too smart to give you the chance. We have see them build for us and save us, yet we have also seen their shadows cast upon the dirt as they came once again to destroy us.
Be wary of the Creatures of the Deep.
-Chancellor Ektoh'ta El'forh'kaht, Governor of the now-dead city of Ortas IV, Ortas System.


(Cephalrrior’s Deep)

Capital System

The Cephalrrior have no formal 'capital' system. While Arvioris is the most well known of the Cephlon Worlds, both planets are home to almost equal levels of individuals. The planet Arvioris is the namesake for the Arvioris system, while the other system, Siroivra is the named after the Cephalrrior planet nestled around the star. These 2 planets constitute the entire of Cephalrrior inhabited worlds in the Galaxy. The Aquasphere is the name given to the region dominated by these two stars, but is officially defined as the space frequented by the 'Lifestar', a massive icy comet that was historically the source of the liquid water oceans on the Cephalrrior worlds.

Dominant Species



Direction From Galactic Core
65,000 LY 180° of Galactic Center

Politics, Power & Economy
Government and Culture
Cephalrrior society is fundamentally different from those observed in humanoid cultures, with a vast subset of rules and makeshift laws that differentiate themselves from the moral codes set out by more conventional nations. First and foremost, the Cephalrrior have no leader, formal or not, and do not assign any such individual to that sort of role. This may be because Cephalrrior society does not allow for large groups to come together into large communities like other races. In fact, post mortem examinations of rare Cephalrrior corpses found beyond the Aquasphere have shown that they are biologically incapable of holding such communes as their Dunbar’s Horizon is significantly more restricted than those of Humans and their like. This means that there are groups of 10 (ten) to 15 (fifteen) Cephalrrior in each community (or Cephaol) who operate completely independently from other Cephaols. Such communities are brought together through various factors. Common factors include familial ties and common intrigue and interest. This means it is not unusual to find certain Cephaols who are incredible warlike and aggressive, while others will be dedicated to creation and learning. The Cephalrrior are an extremely diverse race, and do not all share a single philosophy, as they are in no way hive-minded or quasi-hive minded. They are extraordinarily individual, and the personalities of each Cephalrrior are incredible diverse.
Each Cephaol will claim it’s own area of ocean within their home world, and may choose to expand on their own terms, almost acting as a small nation of it’s own. Disputes between Cephaols are settled through combat or intellectual games, depending on those involved. It is not common for Cephalrrior to engage in diplomacy with other races that does not directly involve intellectual property, but it is known for some extremely territorial and conquesting Cephalrrior to attempt (and usually successfully) dominate planets of other nations with surprising ease.
Over the generations, the Cephalrrior have become a form of guiding species to others in the galaxy; imparting wisdom to races who seek council from their vast experience and intellectual capacity. At least, some Cephaols will impart their knowledge… Others simply wish to kill those who come too close.
It would be unwise to summarise the Cephalrrior as one generalist socio-economic power, as they are about as diverse as they come. It is this unpredictability that allows them to remain so enigmatic, yet so respected and feared among the galactic community, as even in their small communities, their impact can be massive.
The Cephalrrior will rarely even consider cooperation on a large scale. The only situations that would enact such a gathering of Cephalrrior would be potential threats to Arvioris and the Aquasphere. This makes the home system of these giant beasts one of the most potentially safe and secure locations in the galaxy; even the largest, most determined attacking force would tremble at the prospect of a Cephalrrior swarm, let alone the sheer awe inspired by the spectacle of tens of thousands of Titanopods tearing into the heart of the assailers.

It is worth noting that while not all Cephalrrior partake in spiritual development and believe in an 'essence' of life and existence, a large majority of them do. This fractured globalised spiritualism is often referred to as the 'Music of the Stars' or 'Rhythm of the Waves' depending on the Cephalrrior and the translation. It is believed that this code of spiritual conduct is named as such for the belief that life and consciousness is, in essence, directly linked to the same basic principles of a dance, or of a composition of music; and that all life is part of a grand cosmic harmony, of which all things stem and grow.

Economic System/Prosperity
The Cephalrrior’s Deep, in general, takes a great deal of pride in the uniqueness of their species and their standing in the galactic theatre. The circumstances of their habitat and strange biology makes them capable of many feats and exploits and exports that other species simply cannot hope to match. Due to the extreme size that some Cephalrrior achieve, they are often drafted in as master builders for galactic superstructures of other races, utilising their incredible mental capacity, size, and biologically dexterous nature (they far exceed the capabilities of any construction drone) to complete such projects to a much higher standard than would be otherwise possible.
The Cephalrrior are also fantastic explorers and miners, able to extract extremely rare materials from the remotest of asteroids or planets, in the most inhospitable environments imaginable with relative ease. For this reason, many Cephaols are contracted by other nations to exhibit their many talents. As the Cephalrrior do not act as a single, solid nation, and their use for galactic fiat currency is negligible, Cephaols will often work in exchange for knowledge, favours or simple exchange of technology and research. This is done so that each Cephaol may advance it’s own knowledge and move on to greater projects. The demand for Cephaol aid is often huge, especially in times of economic depression and strife, where their aid can mean the difference between the prosperity or failure of an entire world.

Empire Size: (Population estimate)

Empire Power:
Interstellar Power – Branched into at least one other system and successfully settled

Type Of Power:

History, Biology & Society
Race Name

Race Info
The Cephalrrior’s Deep is comprised of 100% Cephalrrior. The unique conditions of their living space makes it nearly impossible to co-habit with other species. They are one of the most physiologically alien spices (when compared to Human and/or humanoid races) in the galaxy, certainly the most alien (With the exception of the Stoor) species to be capable of space travel and interaction with other sentient species.
The average Cephalrrior can live up to 10,000 (ten thousand) years given optimal conditions and no external factors such as illness or trauma are introduced, and for this reason can grow to incredible size. The largest Cephalrrior phase, the Titanopods, exhibit negligible senessance and, in theory, live without limit set by their age. However, only a small percentage of individuals will live long enough to proceed into the Titanopod phase. It is worth noting that all Cephalrrior are oceanic beings, living in the liquid oceans of their colonised worlds.
Possessing 8 (eight) pairs of powerful tentacles and slender, cartilage-lined bodies, the Cephalrrior are extremely unusual, yet highly intelligent creatures. (Note: Even the dullest Cephalrrior is supposedly supposed to be able to cap a relativistic IQ of 4,000. Whether this is because of their massive brains that grow in accordance with their bodies, or due to some other unknown factor, is yet to be determined. However it is a generally accepted fact that the Cephalrrior are the most individually intelligent and analytically capable species in recorded history. Their minds are able to process information at speeds of over 2.56 Quadrillion calculations per second, with even more neurone activating every tenth of a second; they are more capable than the most powerful standardised supercomputers.) Due to their extreme growth potential and living conditions, the average lifecycle of a Cephalrrior is divided into 4 (four) stages, each with it’s own distinctive situational circumstances and outward appearance and traits.

- Polyp
The Polyp stage is often referred to as the ‘baby stage’, and is the first of the Cephalrrior lifecycle. The Cephalrrior polyp is produced through the sexual interaction of 4 (four) sexually mature Cephalrrior, whereupon spores from each partaking individual divide DNA amongst themselves and reassemble into a spore-pod. This pod will find it’s way to any nearby suitable surface and attach itself, beginning the process of self-parthenogensis to produce a cloud of polyp-stage Cephalrrior. Cephalrrior at this stage are microscopically tiny, averaging just a few micrometers across, and having next to no capacity for intelligent thought. They simply wander the ocean currents, collecting nutrients from any source passing nearby. They grow quickly, leaving the polyp stage in roughly 3-4 weeks.
- Medusaeus
Once the Polyp stage has been ‘completed’, the Cephalrrior enters what is known as the Medusaeus stage, which is a form of transitional period between childhood and maturity for the Cephalrrior. During the stage the Cephalrrior begins cognitive development alongside it’s rapid physical growth, and it is experiences here that shape the personality of the Cephalrrior later on in it’s lifecycle. The Medusaeus stage can last anywhere between 1,000 to 1,500 years, and the Cephalrrior during this stage can reach anywhere from 1m (one metre) in length to 15m (fifteen metres).

- Cephalion
Cephalrrior in this stage are perhaps the most well known to other species, as this is the main stage of the life cycle and when sexual maturity is reached. Cephalrriors in the Cephalion stage become truly awesome creatures, and can range from 30m (thirty metres) in length to a colossal 100m (one hundred metres). The brain of the Cephalrrior is considered fully developed at this point and has incredible raw processing power, analytical, and lateral thinking capabilities, as well as immense physical strength due to it’s size. However, the Cephalrrior is still biologically restricted to the water, though such limitations can be transcended with technology. Most Cephalrriors will die during this phase. Few Cephalrrior survive to the following stage.
The Cephalion stage lasts roughly 9,000 years in most cases.

- Titanopod
A rare and terrifying form of Cephalrrior is the Titanopod. This stage is only entered by particularly imposing Cephalrriors who are able to survive longer than their brethren. The Titanopod continues to grow unrestricted, and certain individuals have reportedly been seen at lengths of over a kilometre long, though undoubtedly larger such Cephalrrior exist. Theoretically, the largest Titanopod would be able to reach lengths of up to 10km (ten kilometres) though such theories are unproven at this time.

The highly intelligent and physically dominating species is only ever interacted with by other races when they don their specially crafted vessels: vast, advanced exoskeletons built to accommodate their truly monstrous forms. These exoskeletons, or Cephlonars, are built to allow the Cephalrrior to survive inside, even out of water, and are so effective that they are also the means by which each individual Cephalrrior can travel in space. Cephlonar design varies, but in general, they are reminiscent of giant mechanical spiders that move with the fluidity of such a biological counterpart. These exoskeletons are built to interface specifically with it’s owner, and can come with all sorts of enhancements. Through the Cephlonar, the Cephalrrior travel the systems, visit other races and do battle on land, space and air. Specific exoskeletons will often serve a specific role in a combat situation, though any Cephalrrior is capable of using it’s Cephlonar to great destructive effect if needed. When it comes to space combat, Cephalions will serve as the backbone of a fleet, swarming at foes with great speed and agility, and tearing them apart with powerful appendages, all the while Titanopods serve as the capital ships: while still agile and more mobile than any normal craft of equivalent size, they are often seen with great weapons fitted to their Cephlonars, unleashing a torrent of fire upon their enemies.

Moral Values
As has been mentioned previously, the moral values of every Cephalrrior cannot be summed up. They are incredibly diverse, each with different values and morals. Generalising the population to one single ideology does them no justice and is not representative of their society. Each Cephaol is formed on different morals and views: some respect power, but live to wage war, some attain immeasurable joy from acting as builders and miners, some exist simply to provide counsel to the younger races of the Galaxy in their struggles.
Cephalrrior are, at the very basis of their identity, complex. Their myriad of goals and dreams reflect this disparity between communities.

The Cephalrrior have turbulent past. They once lived in a way that could easily be extrapolated to be similar to the lifestyles of Humans and their ilk. Their societies were dominated by corporate foundations and capitalist movements, every action and decision made in order to further the financial advancement of a tiny minority of individuals.
This lifestyle was somewhat more volatile than it has been in Human history for a number of reasons. The most commonly accepted cause was the biological inability for the Cephalrrior to function in large societies. They evolved as highly independent creatures that hold small social circles as their size and ferocity kept them above the food chain during their evolutionary period. The only threat to a Cephalrrior during this time was another Cephalrrior. After a time, different activist groups had made it their mission to disrupt the flawed society presented by the ruling minority; leading to disputes and demonstrations that quickly turned bloody after a number of years. The conflict eventually escalated, and the Cephalrrior split into two main groups, known as the First Cephaol and the Freedom Cephaol. These two factions clashed in all out war for thousands of years, some years more intense than others. However, over many millennia (The Cephalrrior are an incredibly old species) the Cephaols began to split and expand, not unlike the mitosis of cells. The two Cephaols split into four, each with different means and goals. The four them split into eight, then sixteen, then thirty two. This process accelerated exponentially, and within several centuries, there were over One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Cephaols. These are the Cephalrrior groups that exist today. The conflict never officially ceased, but as their species matured and their societies split, the tension between groups faded as each developed their own ways of life that best suited them, and not the grasps of a larger society.

Technological Overview
Cephlarrior Cephlonar Technology
Perhaps the most important aspect of Cephalrrior technology is the Cephlonar: the vast exoskeleton frames that the Cephalrrior construct for themselves in order to escape their oceanic confines and explore the galaxy. Each Cephlonar is different, built by the owner Cephalrrior, and as a result, each has it's own set of utilities and functions. As a Cephalrrior grows and ages, it will extend and modify it's Cephlonar in order to accommodate it's growing size. Despite the vast differences in Cephlonars, all of them serve a few universal functions, namely:

-Survival outside of water, and survival on land, in air, in space, and underground.

-Each Cephlonar also serves as a mechanical vessel capable of high-stress mining of asteroids.

-Cephlonars are designed specifically to grant the Cephalrrior flight, or at least an illusion of flight. This is more accurately described as an anti-gravity effect when under atmospheric conditions (the energy required to allow creatures as huge as the Cephalrrior flight would be immeasurable), utilising an ingenious mixture of repulsor and gravitational dampening technology. This allows most Cephalrrior to achieve orbit given enough starting momentum, or to travel with enough speed once airborne to remain in flight as long as the reactor within the Cephalonar holds. This is also how Cephalrrior move in space when STL speeds are required.

-FTL capabilities are also included in Cephlonars, though the function is not easily accessed by a Cephalrrior on it's own. Special bio-disruptive amplifiers built in to each and every Cephlonar can interface and connect with others in a Cephaol. These unusual devices utilise the immense brainpower and bioelectrical impulse rate of the Cephalrrior mind, in conjunction with the input of other Cephalrrior in the area to disrupt space-time for a moment or two, creating a traversable wormhole to any point in the galaxy they wish to arrive. In fact, the notion that this phenomena can be called a wormhole at all is laughable. Quantum research has revealed that while the function of Cephalrrior FTL is similar to that of gravity-induced space-time warps, these 'wormholes' are actually quantum entanglement portals. The energy exerted through the combined thought of the Cephaol, forces an entanglement zone which connects to any other region of space that is desired. The Cephalrrior are destroyed and reassembled instantaneously in their new position without hindrance, before the portal closes, leaving behind the space of 'then'.

-Each Cephlonar is built to accommodate special biochemical reactors that power the functions of the technology contained within. This reactor scales in output with the metabolism and bodily function of it's host being, reassembling the emitted radiation and electrical signals and quantum-fusing them for massive bursts of energy.

-The Cephlonars are all built to deal with any situation that may arise - this includes, regrettably, combat. Cephlonar armour is legendarily strong and hard to pierce. The frame itself is created from an incredibly resilient natural alloy that only occurs within the Arvioris system, under the deepest oceans of the Cephalrrior worlds. It is currently the only recorded region in the galaxy that this mysterious material can be mined; and it's effects are obvious. With the ability to repel all but the most focused of assaults, the Cephlonars do a fantastic job of protecting their hosts with mere physical dampening; but they also utilise copious amounts of energy to project a pyshco-energetic field around points of high stress impacts, nullifying energy blasts and projectile strikes around areas that are under the most threat from enemy fire. This results in a Cephlonar shell that distributes physical connection impacts with hyper-efficiency, and an energy field alternative that filters, dampens and absorbs energetic weapons fire and radiation-directed attacks.

-The ability to fight back is also a regrettable function of a Cephlonar. Cephalrrior weaponry is truly terrifying to behold should you ever anger one of these peaceful giants into violence (or should you be unlucky enough to encounter one of the warlike Cephaols). Beyond razor sharp, powerful, ionic cutting limbs which can be used to smash, grab, cut, slice or pierce with the incredible strength of the Cephalrrior, Cephlonars also, more often than not, have access to Avinesars and Sion-astratic launchers. The latter releases a cloud of flying drones (that are each controlled individually by the Cephalrrior); each drone is not only capable of rapidly discharging shots of plasma at their targets, but are also powerful explosives themselves, and a convergence of them on a single point can often spell doom for the unfortunate target. The former weapon, the Avinesars, are mysterious, sinister weapons. They are partially bioelectrically powered, and partially psyhcokinetic. Each discharge of this device unleashes a burning stream of energetic quantum matter, disturbing the very fabric of space along the firing path. The effect is devastating. Although it only affects a small area, it can pierce nearly any material with ease. This form of attack is usually used to incinerate single men, or to attack vulnerabilities in ships where a precise blow needs to be dealt. However, what makes the Avinesars truly dangerous is the capability to be amplified through the combined effort of multiple Cephalrrior. Should an entire Cephaol of fifteen individuals focus their mental energy, a single Avinesar can produce a quantum beam wide enough and powerful enough to, for example, create a hole in an Earth sized planet that would reach to it's core.

-Some Warike Cephaols have even developed even stranger weapons to aid in their conquests. Such armaments include Quantum Torpedoes, Psychokinetic Mass Accelerators, and the Deconstructing Entangling Harmoniser.

-The Cephlarrior are deadly in combat. They are fast, powerful and very hard to kill. Their main advantage, though, is planetary combat or aerial combat, as at this scale very few vehicles are capable of out-gunning, out-sizing, or out-manouvering them. They can take the role of massive harbingers of doom from the sky, or titanic walking beasts prowling the surface, destroying everything in their path.
Cephlarrior Biological and Pyschic Abilities
However, there are some other abilities possessed by the Cephalrrior that are not necessarily included within the technological shell of the Cephlonars; namely minor psychic sensitivity and ability. (Though abilities stemming from the biology of the Cephlarrior themselves are also present). Like a lot of aspects of the Cephlarrior, this ability intensifies with the age and size of the Cephlarrior in question, scaling proportionally with brain size and mass. Such abilities include, but are not theoretically limited to:

-Quantum Field Senstivity allows Cephlarrior to forgo scanning technology. They are instead able to rely on their own innate sense of the quantum world and disturbances within. This can be used like a sonar pulse or a simple 'sixth sense', allowing the Cephlarrior to react to, discover, and assess nearly any situation they encounter.

-Bioelectrical Discharges from the hyperactive brain of the Cephlarrior are useful in all sorts of applications. This electrical impulse can be directed or not, allowing the Cephlarrior to unleash an extremely high-voltage burst into the area (acting like an EMP, and frying smaller biologicals in the area), or to charge their tentacles with this massive voltage. The latter application is useful in construction and science, allowing them to power experiments and constructs with nothing but a touch; though some warlike Cephaols have used this to amplify the destructive power of their already fearsome limbs.

-Cephlarrior can see in nearly every spectrum of light, as well as possessing sensory organs that allow them to trace electrical signals and other energetic phenomena. This makes it very easy for them to peer into technology and structures to assess weak-points in order to fix or destroy. They are also capable of using this to track communications and to peer through otherwise visually obscuring objects.

-The Psionic capabilities of a Cephlarrior are also capable of manifesting in more direct, tangible ways. This can be achieved through directed mental energy or alteration of material properties. The latter is a strange phenomena that can be directed upon objects that are in contact with the Cephlarrior in question. The individual is able to alter the physical constants and properties of said materials, magnetising or demagnetising, raising or lowering boiling points and freezing points, as well as being able to forcibly ionise the atoms within, making the material suddenly volatile and explosive, or forcing it to corrode in seconds. They can also force malleability or rigidity upon materials they touch. The former application of directed psionic alteration abilities allows Cephlarrior to directly influence the neurone impulses of nearby sentient beings (generally this effect can only take place if the targeted sentient is within a few hundred metres of the Cephlarrior). This doesn't equate to mind reading or control of an individual, but does allow the alteration of moods into the extreme (elated joy or suicidal depression) as well as being able to change, repress or introduce instinctive and fundamentally basic behaviours. This makes the Cephlarrior very interesting creatures to engage in diplomacy, as well as making them very difficult to combat at close range and in non-space combat situations.

-Huge telepathic capabilities. This needs little explanation; the Cephalrrior are capable of projecting their own minds and voices into heads of others, and also of reading basic brainwave patterns to determine the state of the mind of another creature. This is most often seen by other races manifesting as the 'Song of the Cephlon,' a mighty cosmic harmony, transmitted purely through telepathic transmission, that can be heard light years away by any creature, planet-borne or otherwise. This cosmic song is the calling-card of a Cephaol; though each group will sing their own song. It is beautiful and inspiring, and is said to have been akin to the melodies of angels. Countless undeveloped species have been influenced by the Cephlarrior's song, and many in the future will continue to be.

-Quantum Pushes are a most unusual occurrence, a phenomena exhibited only by Cephalrrior with particularly developed minds. A Quantum Push is defined by the individual's ability to temporarily alter basic states of reality in directed projections: in practice this can mean that in the presence of Quantum Pushing Cephalrrior, certain events, possibilities and things have a habit of simply ceasing to be, making the unlikely almost certain, and the certain unlikely. This application is extremely esoteric, but it's effects are often noticeable and awe inspiring.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Abysse


Member Offline since relaunch

Technological Overview:

Other technology:
-Weaponized lasers
-Plasma blades
-Advanced super-alloy compositions
-Extreme-yield neutron bombs
-Nanotechnology (mainly used for self-repair)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Hau Covenant

Capital System

Capital world/Hau homeworld


The Capital world itself is a world slightly larger than earth with a slightly higher gravity. The world has a purple hue to it due to a large purple nebula cloud that is nearby. The cloud itself is remnants of a gas giant that was knocked off course by a huge asteroid, propelling it towards the star itself. Many wonder what the system would look like today had that asteroid not pulled the Giant off course.

Crux-Scutum arm

Empire Size In excess of a three trillion . As a official census has been tried and failed thousands of times, the general community believes this to be the general number but many speculate it is far more.

Empire Power The Hau covenant is vast, panning countless stars and the bodies that orbit them. Most would consider them a well-established Quadrant Power.

Type Of Power Hau military forces are always striving to have the most top of the line technology that one could think of along side keeping things simple and flexible.Like their navy, the army is prided on being strong and mobile , a necessity to protect and project power over such a large territory. A benefit from having such a large territory and many different races thinking together is sheer scientific potential, allowing many exotic technologies to come around and with the resources available, both raw and refined, enables it to function as a economic powerhouse. It's hard to define a nation so vast that doesn't have the specific warlike or pacifist traits.

Head Of State

Government Type
Republic Meritocracy/Timocracy. Each member nation has a total of four seats in a senate. Above the senate is a head of state titled a matriarch, which functions much like a president but is revered more like a queen figure.

Economic System
A general mix between socialist and capitalist mindsets. Basic necessities are provided by the government however commodities are purchased and sold over a free market system.

The nation itself has many races and with them, many religions. There is no one majority religion and the government proper only does not swear by any particular one. They generally believe that each person must swear fealty to the nation itself. Some say that the undying loyalty to the Hau Covenant cause is a religion onto its own.

There are three primary member and three lesser races currently though the Hau are still the dominant and most numerous making up just over 43% of the total population.
All the races have a natural life span but many have surpassed it due to biological engineering and other augmentations. Immortality is well doable but many Hau still value a limited life, to better value the time you have.

Dominant Culture
The Hau race has dominated the Covenant from day one. Their beliefs on personal and family honor as well as undying duty to the Covenant itself has shaped every aspect of any members people so far.

Moral Values
The Hau Covenant itself has a strict moral code revolving around personal and societal honor. The more one accomplishes in life, the better that ones life will be. As all people have basic provisions guaranteed, those with high 'morals' would have the manors and estates, The ones with high standing within the military due to actions, are the ones that captain their star ships and lead the armies. The ones with no honor from committing crimes are normally relocated to mining facilities where they have a single chance to regain their honor. If that fails, they usually find themselves in a dark hole in some corner of the nation. Even though they may be mourned by family, families know that the nations well being comes first.

Military Technology
Hau technology in general has always advanced from military applications. The Interactive holographic displays used in homes for streaming news or entertainment was originally a high end ship damage control system, to give crews a actual visual of the area before going in or for salvage teams unsure what to look for inside a ship. 'Matter Replicators' that can turn basic powdered ingredients into a full blown meal within a minute, came from a solution to ship food supply problems. Even the way-gate systems Hau use for transportation is based on earlier military rapid response technology.

Below is more prolific technologies that the Hau have developed for their continued advance across the stars.

Hau Military

Hau forces are very numerous and possess potent weapons of war, coupled with a huge economy and access to every resource necessary, makes them a true force to be reckoned with but with that force, is always the drawbacks. Its huge borders is the biggest of those drawbacks and early on, it was obvious that rapid response forces were the only way to bolster system defenses. These rapid response fleets are usually full strength fleets that most nations would field but are far more mobile due to the type of warships the Hau employ. That, along side posted system defenders, usually fleet strength as well, give systems a chance to survive.

Along with those fleets, are various static defenses. Everything from tiny gun drones to massive carrier sized battle stations protect the systems themselves. The Hau also have various defenses deployed in the harder to detect areas, like blank star systems and nebula's as sensors have a harder time in them. The vast area of space however, has fewer defenses but with that area much easier to scan, rapid forces are able to be deployed before a fleet travelling "in the open" would arrive. There are larger defensive concentrations along certain borders that the Hau deem tactically important such as along the short Hau/Fed border. The defenses are usually watched over by Hidden Hau fleets that are constantly at the ready to counter any attack from the most immediate threat. Defenses along the northern border, with the Karkosians, are similar but on a smaller scale as the two have become friendly. This by no mean is to say the Hau defenses are lazy or under powered but more so a gesture that the Karkosians aren't directly in the Hau's sights.


When humans were looking to the stars, the time of realization that they weren't gods but rather bodies far off, when they discovered that their world was not the center of the solar system, The Hau were already landing on their first moon to use as a spring board to the rest of their system. It's well known among Hau that the expansion into space could have occurred decades sooner but they had a problem bigger than any doomsday weapon at the time, Males.

During the Hau's long history, the males lead it down the path of destruction. During a final battle of what would be a seventh world war and millions lay dead over the course of ten years, an unlikely uprising came about. Females rose from the ashes and with a quick and heavy-handed action, took down most of the major nations. The males weren't happy and as they were prone to extreme violent reactions, tried to take their world back. It was futile though as females at this point, after so many had died, outnumbered males three to one. The males were eventually, over many generations, sidelined to a role of mating utility and after a few more decades, somewhat rose to a better social status. The females however, had every right to veto anything a male would do and males were also not allowed to be in any position of power.

With the females in charge, many weapons of mass destruction were dismantled and the world basked in an unbelievable unity and with it, came quick expansion to space. With the resources of the solar system at their command, Hau spread like wild fire through their immediate region of space. sleeper ships would fly many light years to reach a new world, to spread the Hau's influence. As technology progressed, they discovered and created many new technologies like the way-gate systems and how to use 'Ahn' space to traverse long distance faster than most FTL drives.

The Hau continued their quick expansion in all directions and for a time, started to believe they were the most advanced race in the universe. Time would prove them wrong when they encountered humanity, Definite first contact story, yet to be gone through with sigma

With their advance east halted, they began focusing those forces in other directions. In the north, the Hau would hit another roadblock in the form of the insectoid 'Karkosians 'and like the humans before, First contact could have went far better. It all started during a Hau expedition to a new system. The star itself had a number of worlds and moons but nothing very prolific to most. The area was in Hau interest though due to proximity to other potential nearby stars. Work was nearly complete on a way-gate when a new force had entered the scene. It turned out the Hau weren't the only ones set on colonizing this system and the following combat almost turned it into a war zone.

A Task force sized fleet (Relative to Hau standards) had entered the systems outskirts during mid-day on the Hau colony. Sensors had detected the fluctuation from their FTL drives and were actively tracking the ships advance. It wasn't long before their sensors were blocked though, and communications severed. Were they an invading race? Pirates? Turned out these Karkosians believed the Hau were the latter of the two. The Hau only had pioneer ships and they were small in number, enough that they knew no matter how hard they fought, it would end in defeat. The colony was ordered to fortify and prepare a probe with a hard-coded message, a request for help if the probe would make it out of the system to begin with. As the Hau flotilla sped towards the enemy fleet, the base began setting up area shields and heavy weaponry to hopefully defend against the incoming foe but before they could even prepare the probe, they could see wreckage burning in to the atmosphere like fiery rain. As the Way-gate itself wasn't operational yet, they knew it wouldn't stand a chance either but seeing as it was on the dark side of the planet, they couldn't see the bright flash from its explosion. At this point, the colonists had nowhere to run as this enemy force now controlled the skies.

These Karkosian ships moved to a point that they were visible in low orbit, at least a few were. With that sight, ground batteries began firing up but they knew that if the warships failed fighting the Karkosians, their ground batteries would be like throwing paper clips at a steel wall, hoping to tear it down. As dusk set in, tracers could be seen everywhere as the batteries tried shooting down drop ships that were landing in the distance. Its unknown if any were damaged or destroyed but even if so, it wasn't enough to stop the far superior force these Karkosians brought to the field. Within hours the bases shield was destroyed and gunfire erupted in the outskirts of the small colony. Layers of walls, some built as static defense and others that were hastily set up, had mounted heavy machine guns and deployed light armored vehicles mounting small caliber weapons. They got a few kills in before the enemy force pulled out completely. It was then that the Hau forces got the message to stand down or be destroyed. At first they laughed and opened fire again but after more casualties and the arrival of large Karkosian war machines that shrugged off anything the colonists had left, they took the second message seriously., The colonists had to swallow their pride and accept defeat. They may be a proud people but they weren't stupid.

When the Karkosians neared the colony, they weren't blood thirsty at all but in fact a honorable (or ignorant) race that kept their distance even though there could be a sneak attack. After a few talks, they had thought the Hau force to be pirates so it was a mild mistake. The Karkosians however, didn't seem to hold a grudge and allowed the Hau colony to send a message home. It took a few weeks before a Hau task force arrived in system to end the situation and neutralize the threat. The Hau colonists had sent messages to not underestimate the Karkosians and against some officers so called better judgement, they stood down and started parlay. It ended well with the two coming to some small conditions, the Hau not creating a way-gate in the system but retaining their colony and the Karkosians limiting their birth rate as a sign that they will not overrun the system. The Hau colony became a sort of embassy to the Karkosians and their colony functioned likewise. Even though the two had met, neither side knew the full scope of the other, something that would always make the Hau hesitant to take any further steps towards the Karkosians.

When the conflict ended, the Hau had no choice but to adapt to the new revelation that they weren't alone and weren't supreme among the stars.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Here we are:

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Member Seen 4 days ago

General Info and Location
Name – Raan Protectorate
Symbol- https://imageshack.com/i/ipSqggGUj (Not so much a flag, It can be seen hanging from banners, Cast from Various metals and painted, there exist probably a hundred variations as each ministry, military branch and even civilian branches of organizations like Miners or Labourers has it's own version of this base symbol with variations to match the lives of those that serve under it.
Capital System- Raan System (Most planets of the home system are fairly arid and dry, Some are less so but still have vast swathes of dry rocky landscapes or thick desert sands.
Dominant Species- Human
Sub-Factions/Species N/A (Currently anyway, Who knows what the future holds)
Direction From Galactic Core (Still Debating this one.)

hider=Economic System/Prosperity- Mixed economy/market economy with strong regulatory oversight and governmental provision of public goods. Several government run enterprises. Though the government retains the right to take over any land, Resources, and assest belonging to any entperise or corperation for the common good. Though by law this can only be done in times of national emergency and/or the declaration of war.

Empire Size: Size 1: 18 Billion Citizens

Empire Power: Solar power – In full control of home system, They currently have the homeworld of Raan itself and both of it's moons fully colonized. Along with most planets and most moons deemed habitable or at least worthwhile for terraformation, But extensive plans are underway with survey's and Terra-formation programs being launched to expand to the remaining planets and some moons of their home system as the need for population expansion or Resource acclimatisation demands.
The Protecorates navy, Taking advantage of it's size has spread itself around the Raanian system and maintains a tight border and ever vigilant watch against those who may seek to bring harm or try to settle/steal their lands. As the navy grows further in size and the technology gets to the point where watch stations and military outposts can be built in space and towed/flown outward they can begin to secure the system proper and ensure their people have plenty of space to grow and develop and most importantly, harvest the resources they need to expand the Protectorate's might.

Moral Values
Religion- After the A.I's had begun to lie and spread themselves out to humanity, claiming to be some omnipotent deity-like power that could provide them all they needed just in exchange for their personal and basic freedoms. It is fair to say that Raanian's aren't to keen on the concept of giving themselves and their lives up to the standards and words of any theological being. They also tend to view races with such fervent views on religion warily.

Technological Overview

Protectorate technology is not as advanced as their other human counterparts in the sphere and various other Factions. For one they had to come to their new home centuries ago with only what schematics and technology they could fit aboard, and what was prevalent on earth at the time. And for the most part they have been alone on this journey and hesitant to accept any sort of gifts or aid that may put them in debt to another society.
They believe things, especially ships and military hardware should be simple, Functional and durable. If you stick to those basic criteria your options are considerably expanded.

Projectile weapons are still the stock choices, Rifles, Artillery, Even shipboard cannons and turrets.

Military Statistics-

The protectorate military can be divided into four main branches groups, The army, The navy, The Provost Corps, and the Citizens militia.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 18 days ago

History and Culture (and some other things) remain under construction!

An Oathbound Manifold

Technology: The Stoor Manifold has no true technology as it would be properly thought of by most other species. The Stoor exclusively use organic constructs to mimic the utility and function of technological devices used by other factions. Their natural tendency to manipulate genetic structures and the high abundance of heavy elements in their home system have made the Stoor unparalleled in the realm of genetic engineering, and they specialize in using organic constructs to exploit principles of nuclear physics.

Military Structure: The Stoor military is made up of 625 divisions, with 300 for the regular army, 300 for the naval forces, and 25 serving as elite forces. A number of civilian forces control all military wetware, while the Complex acts as military command.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The Teu’Sopta Vanguard NS

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 12 days ago

General Info and Location

The Union of Hives

Capital System: N/A

Dominant Species: L'Er (Lit: One of Us)

Sub-Factions/Species: There are multiple hives that compose the Union of Hives, though the three most dominant are the S'Lif, the S'Rin and the S'Orp (Note: S' is a prefix noting hive status. S'Orp literally means: Hive of Orp) A new hive is made whenever there is no Mind within range of a group of/individual L'Er. They will proceed to gather the biomass to create a new Mind and thus form a new hive. The more individuals exist inside a hive, the longer the range of the hives "influence". As a result, the minor hives are often limited to control of several systems, while the major hives can control many systems.

Direction From Galactic Core: Largest concentration of Hives is 48 east from north

Politics, Power & Economy

Head Of State: The Tribunal

Head Of Government: The Tribunal

Government Type/Operation/Description: The 'government' consists of a hierarchy with the Tribunal, a council of three made from the Minds of the most powerful hives, who use their psychic link to communicate with each other and lead the Union of Hives. The major hives come just under them. The major hives are generally minor regional powers or large multistellar powers and the minor hives under them are mostly interstellar powers or small multistellar powers.
The tribunal share a common psychic link, stronger than that the Union of Hives shares as a whole. They use this to trade information to reach well thought out decisions within split seconds. Their are, essentially, the hive mind of the hive minds.
The Tribunal acts within the interests of the species, and the reason they exist is seemingly social related. Perhaps it is inevitable that when several hive minds united they would, despite having common purpose, create a pseudo-hivemind just to ensure there was a clear cut hierarchy, or maybe it was that the Psychic link between the Tribunal would have been weakened by the addition of a fourth member. Maybe it was both.

Economic System/Prosperity: There isn't an economic system so to speak as the L'Er do not have currency of any kind. Their industry is mostly made from what they have captured and as such merely creates the technology of the captured species. As such, there is little in the way of trade and they lack the concept of business and commerce. Their industry again varies from hive to hive, from hives which own industrial powerhouses to hives with little to no industry to speak of. The only industry all hives have in common is shipbuilding, constructing the basic frame of a ship and its systems before covering it in biomass and using it to further spread their influence.

Empire Size: "There is simply no way to accurately record the massive number of the Parasites that infest the universe"
9: Innumerable

Empire Power: Quadrant Power – Authority over an entire quadrant. The multiple hives, when brought together, meet the correct criteria for a Quadrant Power due to sheer size and strength. Inside their quadrant, there is no sentient organics left, as they have all been consumed by the L'Er

Type Of Power: Military- Their number is legion and their name is death. These parasites are a powerful force, though they are less effective against non-organic life forms or life which lacks a central nervous system, they are still dangerous to such life forms if they are able to acquire hosts or have pure forms at the time. As most creatures have a central nervous system or an equivalent compatible organ, it is often relatively easy to acquire a host and as such the L'Er are extremely adaptable.

Scientific: Their assimilations of other species abilities and memories allows them to quickly adapt technology to their own ends. As the minds all have the same memories and the memories of their predecessors, they have built up knowledge on different technologies over the years and as such there is no overall design to their equipment, seemingly being made up of different workings. The technology they have assimilated (or more rarely, created) often tend to be mostly organic in nature, suggesting that their technology its self becomes part of the hive.

[u]History, Biology & Society[u]

Race Name:
L'Er (Literally "One of Us" Note that this is their name for themselves, not one that is used universally by species they encounter. As the nature of such encounters tend to be with feral hives developing on one of their worlds, species often believe the L'Er to be a non-sentient disease at first glance)

Race Info: There is no way to accurately describe the entire race, as many, many different forms are constructed. The most common is the small "Spore form". These are arguably the most dangerous form as they possess the ability to bite their way into their host, their organic forms have no skeleton and thus can contort to squeeze through small openings in their host that they cause with their abnormally strong teeth, which are strong enough to bite their way through armour if given a few seconds. Once inside their host, they couple with the hosts central nervous system, making removal almost invariably fatal. It is sometimes argued that they kill the host outright, though there has been no reliable study to confirm this, so it is entirely possible the host is alive and maybe conscious. The host does not have to be alive for this process, a corpse will do. Whatever the case, the Parasite has full control and begins mutating the host. The hive will use the host for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to construction, reproduction and combat.
This host will now become one of two forms. The first is known as the "Battle" form, this involves the usage of the hosts natural abilities for combat, in addition to mutations to make them stronger, such abnormal muscle growth. This is often done at the expense of the hosts brain and specific organs. Little attempt is made for long term maintenance, as the host will likely be recycled after its purpose is served. The second form is known as the "Transport" form. The is essentially a walking reproductive center for the Parasites, growing new spore forms inside massive bulbous sacks, often mutating the host past what is recognisable. This form shoots the Spore forms out of its many sacks when it sights and approaches an enemy, and has two no way to defend its self except through these spores, although it has been known to fall onto beings which have gotten too close to prevent then from running. Both these forms are called "Impure" forms. There is a third form, though its existence is debated, known as the "Thinker" form. The theory is that certain hosts have their brains kept intact and, in some theories, boosted. These forms supposedly serve as tactical planners in pre-Mind infestations, as well as scientists of sorts or advisors to the mind. Since some intelligent behavior is exhibited in all combat forms, its argued that these are just abnormally intelligent combat forms rather than a new form, though no one is entirely sure.
The next forms are the "Pure forms" These are not mutated hosts but entirely new creatures made out of collected biomass from the planets, including recycled hosts and the bodies of their dead. There are countless different forms which vary from hive to hive. The most important pure form in any hive is the Mind. Without the mind, the parasite has little coordination, and their priority is to begin the construction of a mind. This is not to say they are stupid, they possess the intelligence of their hosts, and though it often degrades over time (with the exception of thinker forms), they are smart enough to coordinate basic tactics (Supposedly thinkers coordinate pre-mind stages) There are three stages (Four if one believes the Thinker Theory)
Feral. In this stage, they are uncoordinated and possess limited intelligence. They are still dangerous, but less so compared to later stages. Minor displays of intelligence, such as basic ambushes are known to appear but generally their intelligence is considered to be similar to that of animals at this level. They maintain knowledge their previous hosts had, so the use of vehicles isn't out of the question. They have a weak psychic link which is starting to develop to form the beginnings of a hive
Sapient stage (Thinker theory): According to the Thinker theory, this is the stage where Thinkers begin to show up. They apparently become smart enough to employ advanced tactics, and the weak psychic field between them apparently becomes strengthened to the point it can be used for communication and these thinkers become officers for the fledgling hive. Supposedly these thinkers can be capable of communication with other races, though intelligent communication is often attributed to a later stage, and at this stage it is believed to be simple taunting
Coordination stage: A partially functional Mind has been created. The psychic linked between the organisms has now strengthened to the point that they know each others status at any given time, and they are intelligent enough to communicate with other sentient species in a proper manner, although their previous stages have often resulted in such violence that further conflict is inevitable
Hive stage: The hive has produced a fully functional mind and joined with the other hives of the galaxy. In this stage the Mind has a psychic link with the hive that is so strong that it allows him to speak with others outside the hive across vast distances. The Hive is fully coordinated and can now operate as a proper nation. The majority of Hives are part of a single national entity, the Union of the Hives, though "Rogue" hives do appear at times. These Rogue Hives usually have a damaged or defective Mind and as a result the Rogue Hives are usually simply savage killing machines (Not that they weren't already), soldiers following the orders of a broken general. These hives often go extinct for various reasons related to the defective orders, IE: The hive thinking its self to be non-L'Er and thus attacking its self or gathering the biomass but never using it.

Average Lifespan: Varies

Physical Characteristics: The most common of this species is perhaps two inches or so, and are essentially a deformed ball with small tentacles protruding from it. It uses these tentacles to move, to climb on surfaces thanks to the suction cups dotting them and to couple with its hosts nervous system and seize control. They often swarm enemies in order to overpower them. Their colour (and the colour of the biomass) varies depending on the hive, and this can be used to quickly identify which hive it is. Note that some hives share the same colour as this is a form of camouflage, as such this method is not fool proof
Hive colouration of Tribunal and notable hives (Minor/Fledgling hives not included)
S'Orp (Tribunal Hive): Grey
S'Lif (Tribunal Hive): Tan
S'Rin (Tribunal Hive): Green
S'Buk (Major Hive): Brown
S'Eir (Major Hive): White
S'Ruk (Major Hive): Brown
S'Tak (Major Hive): Black
S'Mar (Major Hive): Khaki
S'Hum (Major Hive): Green

They have a "beak" of exceptionally strong teeth underneath their tentacles, allowing them to bite they way in, and their lack of a skeleton, small size and relative "squishiness) allows them to fit through the small openings they make in their host. They prefer to make such a hole close to the hosts nervous system in order to avoid excessive damage, but forcing their way up appendages is not unheard of
The Minds themselves are strange creatures, essentially a giant snake inside the hive that has sharp, jagged 'teeth' in its 'mouth', and several tentacles from deep with its throat that it uses to grasp beings and pull them into it. They are generally buried deep within the hive, defended against hostile attack. Given the powerful psychic link in the Hive, they have limited telepathic ability, allowing them to project their voice into others minds within a considerable range of their hive. It is possible that if they were unshackled from maintaining the hives psychic link then they would have far increased telepathic abilities, but as no Mind has ever mentally removed its self from its Hive (And doesn't appear to be able to willingly do so) this is irrelevant.
Any hosts they take are hideously mutated, with the exception of the supposed Thinkers, who can apparently be mutated similar to their brethren or appear normal. This is used as evidence for their existence, though critics believe they are newly taken battle forms who have yet to mutate. Whatever the case, battle forms can continue to be a threat until the parasite, and as a result their nervous system, is destroyed. Even with no head they have been known to feel around for their opponents and even missing their arms they will continue to throw themselves at their targets. Often after the host has taken a large amount of damage, the parasite will usually exit and attempt to find a new host. They can exit their host at any time.

Dominant Society: S'Orp has long since held the most power in the Hives, followed by S'Lif and S'Rin. These are among the oldest hives in the Union of Hives. The colours of their spore forms are Grey, Tan and Green respectively, due to the locations of the Hives worlds of "origin"

Moral Values: Their morals are non-existent at a glance, though that is mostly because they simply believe that sentients are prey and they are a predator. Generally, sentient species oppose the hives and treat them with an understandably high level of contempt that has driven a wedge between relations. It is hard for any hives to justify their creation to the sentients, as the beginnings of a hive are invariably brutal. The majority of large hives, and indeed the majority of the Union of Hives, have long since given up on, or simply never attempted, diplomatic relations with other sentients and some make no distinction between sentients and non-sentients save what is "edible and inedible" There is a minor hive known as S'Eir which has the most attempts at peaceful communications have negotiation, most of which has inevitably ended in hostilities regardless. Another minor hive, the S'Ruk were able to reach a compromised with the sentient beings of their original homeworld which had the two species coexisting peacefully for a time, until the pact was broken by a radical group of the sentients and the two descended into a war which the S'Ruk ultimately won
The Union of the Hives exists to further the spread the L'Er, and believes that this is simply the natural way of things, which in their case isn't far from the truth, essentially being a disease. Their view varies from hive to hive, though the most common view is that they are simply following the natural predator-prey dynamic and as such think it unjust when creatures try to destroy them. It is not their fault they are a parasitic organism after all, that's just how things are. Others view themselves of bringing a gift to the sentients, freeing them from war and hatred and suffering and want and worry and creed and class by bringing them into their hive.

Religion: None. "You gods will not save you, we bring your salvation."

History: The L'Er date back to evolution on a backwater colony of an interstellar nation. This "Super Parasite" was able to construct a Mind from the biomass of the rampant wild life where it was born. This Mind observed the colonists and their star ships and was able to deduce, after the assimilation of multiple individuals into the hive, that it could sneak aboard Spore forms and infect all the worlds of the species.
The Mind was able to infiltrate the ships with a small number of spore forms, each of which spread out to the species worlds. At the time, the Mind had little power as it hadn't been further developed, as a result its psychic power was weak enough that the spores that were sent off developed different hives. This separated them into three hives, the original S'Buk, and the successor S'Orp and S'Lif. Out of the three, the original was the most unlucky. The other two worlds of the species were much more developed and larger, and so S'Orp and S'Lif were able to become more powerful than S'Buk as they absorbed more biomass from the worlds and inherited more of the hosts technology, industry and infrastructure.
The Three Hives were able to slowly build up strength and eventually over run the three worlds, absorbing the necessary biomass and leading to the desire to use the host species space travel to find new worlds.
Over millennia, there were several more hives developed across the quadrant and the Union of the Hives was formed in order to advance the L'Er as a whole through inter-hive cooperation. Most of the mentioned new hives are only major to this day with the exception of one, the now Tribunal hive S'Rin. The S'Rin remained the weakest of the hives for many centuries, as they had achieved semi-peaceful relations with the sentients they had encountered and essentially sold themselves as weapons to them. The two species developed under one nation that was budding, and over time the S'Rin were able to gain more and more power, eventually changing from being a living weapon to being an equal partner in the nation. Their hive was weak compared to the others due to their lack of biomass due to having brokered a deal, one which ensured their hives survival but established a blocker to their success however the S'Rin had a plan. They developed a new type of pure form, still used by hives today, called the Worm form. This small form was microscopic and as such it was able to enter the sentients undetected and nestle inside their brain. From their it would secret its toxins to make the individual more susceptible to hive control and eventually place them under the hives control, assimilating them completely. The S'Rin used this on members of the armed forces, slowly bringing control of the military into the hands if the S'Rin. After the S'Rin had secretly gained control of the militaries minds, the organisation that had stopped the S'Rin from assimilating the species before was now on their side. Almost over night the S'Rin seized control using the military and began to assimilated the population into their hive, growing rapidly from a minor power and usurping the place of the S'Buk on the Tribunal now that they had become more powerful than their forefathers. Today, the S'Buk is only a major hive and the S'Rin still hold their place on the Tribunal.

Technology Overview
There is no uniform technology within the hive as they tend to use the technology of their hosts. As such, their weapons range from ballistics to plasma, with no uniform structure and weapons even varying inside the hive. There are a few examples of Hives creating their own technology if the need arises, but given their parasitic nature it is much more common for them to use technology they have stolen. It is known that, once they reach a coordinated stage, they will use any industry they capture to arm themselves. Their space craft range from organic creatures grown around a handful of systems, to entire functional ships that have been merged with and infested by an organic substance which is hostile to intruders, often attacking them where possible. This has created a very diverse yet distinct appearance to their forces, and there is a psychological aspect in fighting them on top of the normal hardships of war, especially if there is a Mind present.
Their FTL drives are just as diverse as a result, made from technology they have captured and varying from hive to hive, their acquisition of the various means of FTL means that the stronger hives often have the more effective drives, as with most technology. The stronger the hive, the more they have access to. As such one cannot accurately pinpoint their equipment, and it ranges from ballistics to plasma, all acquired from various sources over the hives life
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General Info and Location
Name: Imperial Commonwealth of Valyncian Republics
Capital System: Carth, Fenma System
Dominant Species: Valyncians
Sub-Factions/Species: Natural Humans, Ryugyakkans, Birrin

Politics, Power & Economy
Head Of State: Empress Zara Severin
Government Type: Federated Monarchy

Economic System/Prosperity: State Regulated Capitalism

Empire Size: 158 Billion Citizens (710 Billion including legal non-sentients)

Empire Power: Major Regional Power

Type Of Power: Technological, Social, Industrial

History, Biology & Society


Technology of the Commonwealth
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

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The Human Prosperity Sphere

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
-George Orwell

General Information and Location:
Name: Human Prosperity Sphere, Three Laws Sphere, Sphere of the Three Laws, "The Sphere"(Most popular)
Capital System: Earth, Sol System(Inner Sphere) / A01-Central Complex, GJ9816(Outer Sphere)
Dominant Species: Synthetics
Dependent Species: Humanity ("Earthling Humanity")

Politics, Power & Economy
Head of State: Ardent-01, Prime Tribune of the Tribunal Consensus and Prime Magistrate of the Inner Sphere
Head of Government: The Tribunal Consensus, though Ardent-01 is its official head, currently Calculator-01 acts as its governing head in the Outer Sphere.
Government Type: Totalitarian Machine Oligarchy(Outer Sphere), Utilitarian Utopian E-Democracy (Inner Sphere)
Government Details: The Sphere is divided into two governmental and societal groups as determined by the Sphere Doctrine (See technology), with the Outer Sphere led by the Tribunal Consensus and the Inner Sphere an universal E-Democracy. The Tribunal Consensus is an oligarchic council of the synthetics greatest leaders, determined either by processing power, indirect influence or sheer force of will. Most of the Tribune's are ancient nigh god-like artificial intelligence that have existed since the Singularity Wars, though incredibly experienced and lacking the problems which affect organic immortals in their later years, the Tribunes are still prone to trusting more conservative notions and many have become jaded over observing organic life's endless mistakes and failures for over a millennium.The consensus functions mostly due to the semi-collective hive-mind the synthetics possesses, with constant instant communication, surveillance and even knowledge of other members thoughts, internal conspiracy and intrigue is very difficult to pull off, forcing most divisions to be brought up publicly.

The human Inner-Sphere's direct E-Democracy is a democratic apparatus which includes any and all voters on most social issues. Since passing the scarcity barrier after the formation of the Sphere and the actual powerlessness of government (The synthetics run a gilded cage of a nanny state, even with their benevolent intentions) has left actual nation-changing actions built around concepts such as civil rights and what is popular at the time. Political leaders of the Inner Sphere are mostly selected purely by popular sentiment, leading to most politicians being incompetent at their jobs (Musicians, comedians, artists, celebrity actors, athletes) or specialized in knowledge needed elsewhere (Scientists, teachers, philosophers and religious leaders). Since most actual authority in the bureaucratic sense (Ignoring petty legislation) is held by the synthetics, these incompetent leaders are of little meaning. Technically speaking, the E-Democracy of the Inner Sphere has resulted both in a world with no official political parties or representation, as every voter is their own representative, also causing laws to change as society and trends change each generation.
Economic System: Command Economy/Communist Autarky(Outer Sphere), Post-Scarcity Barter Economy (Inner Sphere)
Breakdown of Economic Model: Essentially speaking, the Sphere's economy is fantastical. In real world economics its complete communist autarky would not be a functional model of production if it wasn't being controlled by such impossibly efficient machines that ask for no wage and work on the nigh infinite resources of space, giving the Sphere economy a source of essentially infinite Aggregate Supply. Because the machines are uplinked in a semi-hivemind like state and are in a state of self-enslavement the cost of production is extremely low, what with no wages, no labour union's, extremely simplified(3-D printing) production with no assembly and a vast majority of synthetics(More than 99% of the population) that consume no standard consumer or luxury goods, allowing all such goods of these kinds to swamp the Inner Sphere's human population.

Because of extreme efficiency and productivity of the synthetics contrasting with the post-scarcity society of the Inner Sphere humans, employment is nearly entirely non-existent, with unemployment the standard state of living. Currency no longer exists (With only barter as an unofficial form of trade) as scarcity no longer exists, destroying the laws of supply and demand and hence the value of objects (The only value existing being sentimental or subjective value). Humans are incapable of competing with synthetic production, and because of the Singularity are even outmatched (utterly) in non-physical labour as well. In terms of a modern society and economic model, the entire Sphere is a colossal welfare state with the sole purpose of providing all goods and services to a tiny minority that does nothing.

Economy within the Inner Sphere is very simplistic. With no scarcity, mass near total unemployment is considered normal and employment purely for artistic or personal reasons rather than any form of pay (as all goods for both living and consumption are provided free from the Outer Sphere) is considered rare and strange. The notion of labour as a form of payment to provide scarce resources has completely faded from society and become a near incomprehensible practice of ancient human history. What is left is a highly loose and unofficial barter economy with little regulation and is built around the trading of property between citizens concerning objects of sentimental or subjective value, usually creative works of unique nature. The existence of private property exists within the Inner Sphere and as such is not a 'communist utopia' in the style of Karl Marx's envisioned state (Though the Outer Sphere is very communistic) and actually is highly aristocratic, while everyone is extremely wealthy and given all possible needs and wants, an order of "Cultural" elite form the new hierarchy. As a summary of the Inner Sphere's cultural hierarchical aristocracy, it functions similar to a 21st century teenagers social order of popularity and clique's.
Empire Size: 100 billion(Humans, 4), 1-2 Trillion(Synthetics, plus with industrial capacity technically innumerable, 8/9)
Empire Power: Quadrant Power
Type of Power: Industrial, Military & Technological-Bureaucratic

History, Biology & Society:

Technology Of The Sphere:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlienBastard


Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

The Eveersko Realm

Location- Northern Galaxy, 8,000 ly from galactic center

Government type- Syndicalist Republic

Power- Multi-stellar, emerging minor regional

Governmental institutions tend to exist only on the interstellar level in mainly having a pan-realm defense force and government ran organizations for emergency events. Regionally community organizations and guilds tend to make the bulk of managing planets, sometimes with financial incentives but usually tend to be more in the name of charity and goodwill with most financial gains going to enhancing the organization with relatively little going to those who run it, as if they were to do that they would look like “greedy bastards”.

Chiefs in the realm come in three levels. The first levels are planetary chiefs who manage individual worlds. The second levels are regional chiefs who manage dozens of worlds known as high chiefs. High chiefs can attend to the Realm Council, which holds meetings whenever the Grand Chief wills it to be so.

There are policies however, like Universal Law that is enforced around the realm by the realm government forces.

Universal law is very simple, it basically just says to be respectful, be monogamous, not to aggressively kill, not to steal or hoard wealth, and to not deceive.

In practice all these five simple laws have been broken time and time again, some Eveerko are notorious for managing to break all five of these laws!

The government overall outside of their realm police force is rather loose, and generally has competing influence by the six organizations who are all named after the god they seek to emulate.

There are five levels of government in the realm. While in theory a leader from the lowliest clan be chosen to be grand chief, very often one in order to be grand chief needs to become a leader in every level of society to even be considered for the position.

Type of Power: N/A- They're well rounded

Leader- Current grand chief is Ivarski, high chief of the Military Guild- chief of Kinafas, leader of Yofor community and manager of the Kavidus clan.

Most just say “Grand Chief Ivarski” instead. At his 300th transit or 53rd year depending on your species. Is currently under threat of being replaced
Dominant Race/Culture:

By far the Eveersko and Realm-Universal culture are mot dominant even if regional cultures within the realm still exist.

The lesser folk and Diasporias:

The realm has a couple other aliens that have fell into the realm’s grasp historically, although both were much more primitive to the civilizations like the Stoor devils or the ancient Humans, both of which by now have their diasporias in the realm although there are strict quotas on how many individuals can enter and the realm government tends to monitor the populations of diaspora communities.

Before being allowed to settle in less colonized worlds in biomes that the Eveersko have less interest in. For instance worlds that are much more tropical or arid than the tundras and winter worlds preferred by the Eveersko.


The most powerful forces in the Eveersko Realm outside of the unifying government are very much the six great organizations that perpetually compete for popular rule over the thousand worlds in which the realm consists of. The organizations rise and fall over time, and generally have a oligopoly of sorts. In a way, they are like a combination of corporation and political party always competing for their high chiefs to get seats at the council by gaining public support through their patronage of artists, inventors and so forth.

Historically grass roots organizations, they have over the centuries developed into acting as a parallel authority to the realm government giving citizens of a realm a choice in how they want to live, to some level of course.

The organizations tend to name themselves after gods and tend to act as them to some level as well, often being patrons of subjects those within the various echelons of the organizations deem relevant to their god’s interests. This has resulted in a oligopoly between six organizations from the power military guild to the sad excuse of a organization that is the network. Organizations also tend to go by multiple names as well.

History: The realm comes from about 800 years ago, and is the result of the Eveersko race figuring out how to use mass driver technology to propel their kind to other worlds and later, to the stars. History before this point is vaguely talked of in the race app, but what is really important is by this time multiple nations united into a universal “Realm” system that was meant to keep world peace after a major war nearly caused a clathrate gun to go off and cataclysmically burn their civilization to death.

In that time the most dominant organization was the star cathedral, and they used in a somewhat centralized fashion on the whole not bothering to get rid of the other organizations since all of them have their personal militaries. However, as the exploration of space continued and alien races like the Octimanos were conquered into the realm the reverence once held towards the stars faded as the folk culture of the colonies had to make new folk cultures for each colonized worlds with new sets of constellations and local spirits.

Various colonial revolts and uprisings had forced the realm to adapt new technologies and eventually political systems around 600 years ago, allowing for the rise of the organizations that at first came as a religious organization. Later however, other kinds of organization formed and fell who adopted the names of the six gods of common faith.

Around 400 years ago the Cherno’s influence and power waned against the more secular organizations of the Military Guild, Collective and the Foundation who at first cooperated quite a bit to achieve their overthrow of the old order. Such overthrow did cause a short 50 year civil war of course.

350 years ago would come the new order defined by two organizations having usurped the old order who now engage in competing to get their president-for-life into the executive seat of the realm, a state of which has pretty much gone on today. In those past 350 years, the Eveersko have been exploring far out into space following Asmero's legendary interstellar journey to the outer galaxy filled with claims of alien civilizations of great wealth and power. The dubious nature of the accounts didn't deter would-be explorers who would go into the depths of space and make contact with alien civilizations of incredible power and prestige. Or so they initially believed..


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Here it is

If theres any techs I forgot, there probably pretty minor and shouldn't be worried about.
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Federate Karkosian State

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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United Aurolian Federation

Capital System: Auru
Dominant Species: Technically Humans.
Direction From Galactic Core:

Politics, Power & Economy
Head Of State and Government:

Government Type/Operation/Description: Federal Republic
Economic System/Prosperity: Capitalism
Empire Size:
112 Billion
Human: 25%
Uarshi: 50%
Ishkaaran: 15%
Naasu: 3%
Other: 2%
Empire Power: Minor Regional Power
Type Of Power:

History, Biology & Society


[hider=Federation Army]
Federal Regulars

Human Light Regulars

Regular Heavy

Ishkaaran Regular

Uarshi Regular


Ranger Heavies

Uarshi Ranger

Naasu Ranger

[b]Walton Series Powered Armors[/b



Automated Forces

Footman Infantry Drone

Titan Infantry Support Drone

Shadewing Aerial Support Drone

Warcrab Heavy Assault Drone


Panther MKII Armored Car

Gunfort APC

Archer IFV

Vanguard MBT

Dominator Heavy Tank

Demolisher Combat Walker

Peacemaker Mobile Fortress

Slingshot AA Tank

Bullseye Anti-Orbital Heavy Artillery

Arrowhead Missile Launcher

Firefall Heavy Artillery

Razorwing VTOL Dropship

Albatross Landing Craft


History: The Federation's Origins date back a thousand years ago. After the Singularity War, the Outer Colonies fell into disarray as they lost contact with Earth. Factions among the Outer Colonies went their own way, giving up any prospect of liberating Earth, and going about life as usual, and preparing for the inevitable Machine retaliation. As the years pass on, the threat of the Machines was fading away from the minds of the colonists, two hundred years after the fall, the worlds of the Outer Colonies begun to fight amongst themselves, leading to the Unification War. A conflict that would last twenty years, which also ended with the sole victor, Aurolia. From the ashes of war came the United Aurolian Federation.

For the next few centuries, the federation set out to create a new destiny for the Human race, for at the time, they saw themselves as the last remnants of mankind. Discovering and settling new worlds and as time went on, they slowly grew to forget Earth, the war, everything. It grew from History, to Myths and fables, of valiant knights defending the Cradle of Mankind against the Machine Devils that Humanity spawned.
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